
00003 /* This class was modified by Laurent Itti from the following.
00004    Modifications include:
00005    - timing to work on a 16MHz arduino
00006    - new bargraph graphics
00007    - fix code throughout so that when a width and height are used, they
00008      are the actual drawn width and height (as opposed to width-1 and
00009      height-1). So FillRect(0, 0, 128, 164, BLACK) fills the entire
00010      128x64 screen.
00011 */
00014 /*
00015   ks0108.h - Arduino library support for ks0108 and compatable graphic LCDs
00016   Copyright (c)2008 Michael Margolis All right reserved
00017   mailto:memargolis@hotmail.com?subject=KS0108_Library 
00019   This library is based on version 1.1 of the excellent ks0108 graphics routines written and
00020   copyright by Fabian Maximilian Thiele. His sitelink is  
00021   dead but you can obtain a copy of his original work here:
00022   http://www.scienceprog.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/07/glcd_ks0108.zip
00024   Code changes include conversion to an Arduino C++ library, adding more
00025   flexibility in port addressing and improvements in I/O speed. The interface 
00026   has been made more Arduino friendly and some convenience functions added. 
00028   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00029   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00032   Version:   1.0  - May 8 2008 - initial release
00033   Version:   1.0a - Sept 1 2008 - simplified command pin defines  
00034   Version:   1.0b - Sept 18 2008 - replaced <wiring.h> with boolean typedef for rel 0012  
00035 */
00037 #include <inttypes.h>
00038 //#include <wiring.h> // for boolean
00039 typedef uint8_t boolean;
00040 typedef uint8_t byte;
00041 #include <avr/pgmspace.h>
00043 #ifndef        KS0108ILAB_H
00044 #define KS0108ILAB_H
00046 /*********************************************************/
00047 /*  Configuration for assigning LCD bits to Arduino Pins */
00048 /*********************************************************/
00049 /* Arduino pins used for Commands
00050  * default assignment uses the first five analog pins
00051  */
00053 #define CSEL1 14  // CS1 Bit   // swap pin assignments with CSEL2 if left/right image is reversed
00054 #define CSEL2 15  // CS2 Bit
00055 #define R_W   16  // R/W Bit
00056 #define D_I   17  // D/I Bit 
00057 #define EN    18  // EN Bit
00059 /* Arduino pins used for LCD Data 
00060  * un-comment ONE of the following pin options that corresponds to the wiring of data bits 0-3 
00061  */
00062 #define dataPins8to11   // bits 0-3 assigned to arduino pins 8-11, bits 4-7 assigned to arduino pins 4-7
00063 //#define dataPins14to17 //bits 0-3 assigned to arduino pins 14-17, bits 4-7 assigned to arduino pins 4-7. (note command pins must be changed)
00064 //#define dataPins0to3  // bits 0-3 assigned to arduino pins 0-3 , bits 4-7 assigned to arduino pins 4-7, this is marginally  the fastest option but  its only available on runtime board without hardware rs232.
00066 /* NOTE: all above options assume LCD data bits 4-7 are connected to arduino pins 4-7 */
00067 /*******************************************************/
00068 /*     end of Arduino pin configuration                */
00069 /*******************************************************/
00071 /* option: uncomment the next line if all command pins are on the same port for slight speed & code size improvement */
00072 //#define LCD_CMD_PORT                PORTC                // Command Output Register 
00074 //#define HD44102   // uncomment this to build a 44102 version
00076 #ifndef dataPins0to3                     // this is the only option on standard arduino where all data bits are on same port 
00077 #define LCD_DATA_NIBBLES                // if this is defined then data i/o is split into two operations
00078 #endif 
00080 // these macros  map pins to ports using the defines above
00081 // the following should not be changed unless you really know what your doing 
00082 #ifdef dataPins0to3
00083 #define LCD_DATA_LOW_NBL   D   // port for low nibble: D=pins 0-3  
00084 #endif
00085 #ifdef dataPins14to17 
00086 #define LCD_DATA_LOW_NBL   C   // port for low nibble: C=pins 14-17 (using this requires reasignment of command pins) 
00087 #endif
00088 #ifdef dataPins8to11            // the following is the defualt setting
00089 #define LCD_DATA_LOW_NBL   B   // port for low nibble, B=pins 8-11
00090 #endif
00092 #define LCD_DATA_HIGH_NBL  D   // port for high nibble: D=pins 4-7, B & C not available on std arduino  
00094 // macros for pasting port defines
00095 #define GLUE(a, b)     a##b 
00096 #define PORT(x)        GLUE(PORT, x)
00097 #define PIN(x)         GLUE(PIN, x)
00098 #define DDR(x)         GLUE(DDR, x)
00100 // paste together the port definitions if using nibbles
00101 #define LCD_DATA_IN_LOW                PIN(LCD_DATA_LOW_NBL)        // Data I/O Register, low nibble
00102 #define LCD_DATA_OUT_LOW        PORT(LCD_DATA_LOW_NBL)  // Data Output Register - low nibble
00103 #define LCD_DATA_DIR_LOW        DDR(LCD_DATA_LOW_NBL)        // Data Direction Register for Data Port, low nibble
00105 #define LCD_DATA_IN_HIGH        PIN(LCD_DATA_HIGH_NBL)        // Data Input Register  high nibble
00106 #define LCD_DATA_OUT_HIGH        PORT(LCD_DATA_HIGH_NBL)        // Data Output Register - high nibble
00107 #define LCD_DATA_DIR_HIGH        DDR(LCD_DATA_HIGH_NBL)        // Data Direction Register for Data Port, high nibble
00109 #define lcdDataOut(_val_) LCD_DATA_OUT(_val_) 
00110 #define lcdDataDir(_val_) LCD_DATA_DIR(_val_) 
00112 // macros to handle data output
00113 #ifdef LCD_DATA_NIBBLES  // data is split over two ports 
00114 #define LCD_DATA_OUT(_val_) \
00115     LCD_DATA_OUT_LOW =  (LCD_DATA_OUT_LOW & 0xF0)| (_val_ & 0x0F); LCD_DATA_OUT_HIGH = (LCD_DATA_OUT_HIGH & 0x0F)| (_val_ & 0xF0); 
00117 #define LCD_DATA_DIR(_val_)\
00118     LCD_DATA_DIR_LOW =  (LCD_DATA_DIR_LOW & 0xF0)| (_val_ & 0x0F); LCD_DATA_DIR_HIGH = (LCD_DATA_DIR_HIGH & 0x0F)| (_val_ & 0xF0);
00119 #else  // all data on same port (low equals high)
00120 #define LCD_DATA_OUT(_val_) LCD_DATA_OUT_LOW = (_val_);                
00121 #define LCD_DATA_DIR(_val_) LCD_DATA_DIR_LOW = (_val_);
00122 #endif
00125 // macros to fast write data to pins known at compile time, this is over 30 times faster than digitalWrite
00126 #define fastWriteHigh(_pin_) ( _pin_ < 8 ?  PORTD |= 1 << (_pin_ & 0x07) : ( _pin_ < 14 ?  PORTB |= 1 << ((_pin_ -8) & 0x07) : PORTC |= 1 << ((_pin_ -14) & 0x07)  ) ) 
00127 #define fastWriteLow(_pin_) ( _pin_ < 8 ?   PORTD &= ~(1 << (_pin_  & 0x07)) : ( _pin_ < 14 ?  PORTB &= ~(1 << ((_pin_ -8) & 0x07) )  :  PORTC &= ~(1 << ((_pin_ -14) & 0x07) )  ) )
00129 // Chips
00130 #define CHIP1                                0x00
00131 #define CHIP2                                0x01
00132 #ifdef HD44102 
00133 #define CHIP_WIDTH          50          // pixels per chip
00134 #else
00135 #define CHIP_WIDTH          64 
00136 #endif
00138 // Commands
00139 #ifdef HD44102 
00140 #define LCD_ON                                0x39
00141 #define LCD_OFF                                0x38
00142 #define LCD_DISP_START                0x3E   // Display start page 0
00143 #else
00144 #define LCD_ON                                0x3F
00145 #define LCD_OFF                                0x3E
00146 #define LCD_DISP_START                0xC0
00147 #endif
00149 #define LCD_SET_ADD                        0x40
00150 #define LCD_SET_PAGE                0xB8
00153 // Colors
00154 #define BLACK                                0xFF
00155 #define WHITE                                0x00
00157 // useful user contants
00158 #define NON_INVERTED false
00159 #define INVERTED     true
00161 // Font Indices
00162 #define FONT_LENGTH                        0
00163 #define FONT_FIXED_WIDTH        2
00164 #define FONT_HEIGHT                        3
00165 #define FONT_FIRST_CHAR                4
00166 #define FONT_CHAR_COUNT                5
00167 #define FONT_WIDTH_TABLE        6
00169 #ifdef HD44102 
00170 #define DISPLAY_WIDTH 100
00171 #define DISPLAY_HEIGHT 32
00172 #else
00173 #define DISPLAY_WIDTH 128
00174 #define DISPLAY_HEIGHT 64
00175 #endif
00177 // Uncomment for slow drawing
00178 // #define DEBUG
00180 typedef struct {
00181         uint8_t x;
00182         uint8_t y;
00183         uint8_t page;
00184 } lcdCoord;
00186 typedef uint8_t (*FontCallback)(const uint8_t*);
00188 uint8_t ReadFontData(const uint8_t* ptr);        //Standard Read Callback
00190 #define DrawVertLine(x, y, length, color) FillRect(x, y, 1, length, color)
00191 #define DrawHoriLine(x, y, length, color) FillRect(x, y, length, 1, color)
00192 #define DrawCircle(xCenter, yCenter, radius, color) DrawRoundRect(xCenter-radius, yCenter-radius, 2*radius, 2*radius, radius, color)
00193 #define ClearScreen() FillRect(0, 0, DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT, WHITE)
00195 class ks0108iLab  // shell class for ks0108iLab glcd code
00196 {
00197  public:
00198   ks0108iLab();
00199   // Control functions
00200   void Init(boolean invert);
00201   void GotoXY(uint8_t x, uint8_t y);
00202   // Graphic Functions
00203   void DrawLine(uint8_t x1, uint8_t y1, uint8_t x2, uint8_t y2, uint8_t color);
00204   void DrawRect(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t width, uint8_t height, uint8_t color);
00205   void DrawRoundRect(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t width, uint8_t height, uint8_t radius, uint8_t color);
00206   void FillRect(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t width, uint8_t height, uint8_t color);
00207   void InvertRect(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t width, uint8_t height);
00208   void SetInverted(boolean invert);
00209   void SetDot(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t color);
00210   void DrawBarGraph(uint8_t y, int8_t val);
00212   // Font Functions
00213   void SelectFont(const uint8_t* font, uint8_t color=BLACK, FontCallback callback=ReadFontData); // defualt arguments added, callback now last arg
00214   int PutChar(char c);
00215   void Puts(char* str);
00216   void PutsCentered(char* str, uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t width);
00217   void Puts_P(PGM_P str);
00218   void PrintNumber(long n);
00219   void PrintNumberCentered(long n, uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t width);
00221   uint8_t CharWidth(char c);
00222   uint16_t StringWidth(char* str);
00223   uint16_t StringWidth_P(PGM_P str);
00226  private:
00227   lcdCoord                        Coord;
00228   boolean                                Inverted;  // changed type to boolean
00229   FontCallback            FontRead;
00230   uint8_t                                FontColor;
00231   const uint8_t*                Font;
00232   uint8_t ReadData(void);  // TODO this was inline !!!
00233   uint8_t DoReadData(uint8_t first);
00234   void WriteData(uint8_t data);
00235   void WriteCommand(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t chip);
00236   inline void Enable(void);
00237 };
00239 extern ks0108iLab GLCDiLab;    
00240 #endif
Generated on Sun May 8 08:40:38 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3