
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*!@file Devices/BeoChip.H Interface to Brian Hudson's BeoChip interface device.*/
00003 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00004 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit - Copyright (C) 2001 by the //
00005 // University of Southern California (USC) and the iLab at USC.         //
00006 // See for information about this project.          //
00007 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00008 // Major portions of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit are protected //
00009 // under the U.S. patent ``Computation of Intrinsic Perceptual Saliency //
00010 // in Visual Environments, and Applications'' by Christof Koch and      //
00011 // Laurent Itti, California Institute of Technology, 2001 (patent       //
00012 // pending; application number 09/912,225 filed July 23, 2001; see      //
00013 // for current status).     //
00014 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00015 // This file is part of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit.       //
00016 //                                                                      //
00017 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is free software; you can   //
00018 // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General  //
00019 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either  //
00020 // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.     //
00021 //                                                                      //
00022 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is distributed in the hope  //
00023 // that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the   //
00024 // implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR      //
00025 // PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.       //
00026 //                                                                      //
00027 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    //
00028 // along with the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit; if not, write   //
00029 // to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,   //
00030 // Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.                                           //
00031 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00032 //
00033 // Primary maintainer for this file: Laurent Itti <>
00034 // $HeadURL: svn:// $
00035 // $Id: BeoChip.H 6990 2006-08-11 18:13:51Z rjpeters $
00036 //
00038 #ifndef BEOCHIP_H_DEFINED
00039 #define BEOCHIP_H_DEFINED
00041 #include "Component/ModelComponent.H"
00042 #include "Component/ModelParam.H"
00043 #include "Devices/Serial.H"
00044 #include "Util/Types.H"
00045 #include "rutz/shared_ptr.h"
00047 #include <pthread.h>
00048 #include <stdarg.h>
00050 //! BeoChip event types
00051 enum BeoChipEventType {
00052   NONE = 0, PWM0 = 1, PWM1 = 2, KBD = 3, ADC0 = 4, ADC1 = 5,
00053   RESET = 6, ECHOREP = 7,
00056 //! BeoChip event listener
00057 /*! The BeoChipListener gets called each time an event is received
00058   from the BeoChip. The BeoChipEventType is passed to the listener,
00059   allowing the user to determine the type of event received and to
00060   then interpret the event data also passed to the listener. By
00061   default, there is no listener, and users can just asynchronously
00062   query the BeoChip for its current internal state. If those queries
00063   come in too slowly, however, they may miss some events (e.g., a
00064   briefly pressed key). So, production code should define a derived
00065   class for BeoChipListener and register it with the BeoChip object,
00066   so that it will take action as soon as an event is received. */
00067 class BeoChipListener {
00068 public:
00069   //! Destructor
00070   virtual ~BeoChipListener();
00072   //! An event was received
00073   /*! This function will be called by the BeoChip once you have
00074     registered your BeoChipListener derivative with the BeoChip using
00075     BeoChip::setListener(). Beware that the call to event() will ve
00076     from a thread running in the BeoChip and thus will operate in
00077     parallel with your main thread and main loop. See test-BeoChip.C
00078     for an example of how to synchronize a main loop with these
00079     asynchronous event calls. The following data will be passed along
00080     with the event type:
00081     <PRE>
00083     Type            valint                        valfloat
00084     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00085     NONE         0                             0.0F
00086     PWM0         pulse 0 width, 1.6us units    calibrated width in [-1..1]
00087     PWM1         pulse 1 width, 1.6us units    calibrated width in [-1..1]
00088     KBD          5 LSB show the 5 keys         0.0F
00089     ADC0         A/D 0 value                   calibrated value in [-1..1]
00090     ADC1         A/D 0 value                   calibrated value in [-1..1]
00091     all others   0                             0.0F
00093     </PRE>
00094   */
00095   virtual void event(const BeoChipEventType t, const int valint,
00096                      const float valfloat) = 0;
00097 };
00099 //! BeoChip.H Interface to Brian Hudson's BeoChip device
00100 /*! Hardware interface Class. Contains interfaces to display to an
00101 LCD, read servo pulse values (2), set servo positions (8), get
00102 A/D conversion values (2), manipulate four digital outs,
00103 and finally, get some intput from 5 pushbuttons. */
00104 class BeoChip : public ModelComponent
00105 {
00106 public:
00107   // ############################################################
00108   /*! @name Constructors, destructors and debugging */
00109   //@{
00111   //! Default constructor. See ModelComponent.H
00112   BeoChip(OptionManager& mgr,
00113           const std::string& descrName = "BeoChip",
00114           const std::string& tagName = "BeoChip");
00116   //! Destructor
00117   ~BeoChip();
00119   //! Install a callback (listener) for BeoChip events
00120   /*! This callback will be called with the corresponding
00121     BeoChipEvenType each time an event is received from the BeoChip. */
00122   void setListener(rutz::shared_ptr<BeoChipListener>& listener);
00124   //! Send an echo request
00125   /*! The BeoChip should reply with an EchoReply event if it is alive */
00126   bool echoRequest();
00128   //! Turn debug mode on/off
00129   /*! When in debug mode, the BeoChip sends an EchoReply for each command
00130     it receives. */
00131   bool debugMode(const bool on);
00133   //! Reset the BeoChip
00134   bool resetChip();
00136   //@}
00138   // ############################################################
00139   /*! @name LCD functions */
00140   //@{
00142   //! Go to given cursor position
00143   bool lcdGotoXY(const int x = 0, const int y = 0);
00145   //! Go to given cursor position
00146   bool lcdGoto(const int i = 0);
00148   //! Print some text
00149   /*! syntax is the same as printf(). Returns true on success. */
00150   bool lcdPrintf(const char *fmt, ...)
00151     // NOTE: this __attribute__ tells gcc that it should issue
00152     // printf-style warnings when compiling calls to
00153     // BeoChip::lcdPrintf(), treating the 2nd argument (fmt) as the
00154     // format string, and the 3rd and subsequent arguments as the
00155     // printf-style parameters (SUBNOTE: because this is a member
00156     // function, there is a hidden 'this' parameter that counts as arg
00157     // 1, so the listed arguments are counted starting from 2)
00158     __attribute__((format(__printf__, 2, 3)));
00159     ;
00161   //! Print some text starting at given cursor position
00162   /*! syntax is the same as printf(), plus the x, y
00163     coordinates. Returns true on success. */
00164   bool lcdPrintf(const int x, const int y, const char *fmt, ...)
00165     // NOTE: this __attribute__ tells gcc that it should issue
00166     // printf-style warnings when compiling calls to
00167     // BeoChip::lcdPrintf(), treating the 3rd argument (fmt) as the
00168     // format string, and the 4th and subsequent arguments as the
00169     // printf-style parameters (SUBNOTE: because this is a member
00170     // function, there is a hidden 'this' parameter that counts as arg
00171     // 1, so the listed arguments are counted starting from 2)
00172     __attribute__((format(__printf__, 4, 5)));
00173     ;
00175   //! Clear LCD screen
00176   bool lcdClear();
00178   //! Scroll display left by i positions
00179   bool lcdScrollLeft(const int i = 1);
00181   //! Scroll display right by i positions
00182   bool lcdScrollRight(const int i = 1);
00184   //! Move cursor left by i positions
00185   bool lcdMoveCursorLeft(const int i = 1);
00187   //! Move cursor right by i positions
00188   bool lcdMoveCursorRight(const int i = 1);
00190   //! Make cursor a blinking block
00191   bool lcdCursorBlock();
00193   //! Make cursor a blinking underline
00194   bool lcdCursorUnderline();
00196   //! Make cursor invisible (not recommended)
00197   bool lcdCursorInvisible();
00199   //! Load one of the pre-programmed custom fonts
00200   /*! Valid font values are [0..7]. Font 0 is an all-blank font. */
00201   bool lcdLoadFont(const int font);
00203   //! Load a new font from an array of 64 bytes
00204   bool lcdLoadFont(const byte data[64]);
00206   //! Select an LCD animation and start it
00207   /*! Valid anim values are [0..7]. Anim 0 is no animation. */
00208   bool lcdSetAnimation(const int anim = 0);
00210   //! Send a raw byte to the LCD
00211   bool lcdSendRaw(const byte val, const bool RS, const bool uselock = true);
00213   //@}
00215   // ############################################################
00216   /*! @name Servo control functions */
00217   //@{
00219   //! Shim the BeoChip's servo pulses
00220   /*! Valid shim values are [0..7]. The default at bootup of the
00221     BeoChip is 4. Higher values will increase pulse length and lower
00222     values will decrease them. This may allow you to shim the pulses
00223     so as to maximally exploit the range of your servos. */
00224   bool shimServos(const byte shim);
00226   //! Calibrate a servo
00227   /*! Calibration will be made so that setServo(servo, 0.0F) will send the
00228     value 'neutralval' to the servo, setServo(servo, -1.0F) will send
00229     minval and setServo(servo, 1.0F) will send maxval. */
00230   void calibrateServo(const int servo, const byte neutralval,
00231                       const byte minval, const byte maxval);
00233   //! Moves servo # to given position in [-1.0 .. 1.0]
00234   /*! Returns true on success, false if some serial error occurred. */
00235   bool setServo(const int servo, const float position);
00237   //! Gets the current position of given servo
00238   float getServo(const int servo) const;
00240   //! Sets servo number servo to value val
00241   bool setServoRaw(const int servo, const byte val);
00243   //! Gets the current raw position of given servo
00244   byte getServoRaw(const int servo) const;
00246   //@}
00248   // ############################################################
00249   /*! @name Pulse acquisition functions */
00250   //@{
00252   //! Turn pulse captures on/off
00253   bool capturePulse(const int whichone, const bool on);
00255   //! Calibrate a pulse
00256   /*! Calibration will be made so that getPulse() returns 0.0F when
00257     raw pulse width is 'neutralval', returns -1.0F when the raw pulse
00258     value is minval and returns 1.0F when the raw pulse value is
00259     maxval. */
00260   void calibratePulse(const int whichone, const int neutralval,
00261                       const int minval, const int maxval);
00263   //! Get current pulse value, between [-1.0..1.0]
00264   float getPulse(const int whichone);
00266   //! Get current pulse value, raw uncalibrated
00267   short int getPulseRaw(const int whichone);
00269   //@}
00271   // ############################################################
00272   /*! @name Analog acquisition functions */
00273   //@{
00275   //! Turn A/D captures on/off
00276   bool captureAnalog(const int whichone, const bool on);
00278   //! Calibrate an A/D converter
00279   /*! Calibration will be made so that getAnalog() returns 0.0F when
00280     raw value width is 'neutralval', returns -1.0F when the raw value
00281     is minval and returns 1.0F when the raw value is maxval. */
00282   void calibrateAnalog(const int whichone, const int neutralval,
00283                        const int minval, const int maxval);
00285   //! Get current calibrated Analog value
00286   float getAnalog(const int whichone);
00288   //! Get current raw Analog value
00289   byte getAnalogRaw(const int whichone);
00291   //@}
00293   // ############################################################
00294   /*! @name Keyboard acquisition functions */
00295   //@{
00297   //! Turn keyboard capture on/off
00298   bool captureKeyboard(const bool on);
00300   //! Turn keyboard debouncing on/off
00301   bool debounceKeyboard(const bool on);
00303   //! Get current Keyboard value
00304   int getKeyboard();
00306   //@}
00308   // ############################################################
00309   /*! @name Digital output function */
00310   //@{
00312   //! Turn a given digital output on/off
00313   /*! Valid range for outnum is [0..3] */
00314   bool setDigitalOut(const int outnum, const bool on);
00316   //@}
00318   //! This is our main running thread - don't call directly
00319   /*! Should have been protected, but is not because of pthread hack. */
00320   void run();
00322   //! send a byte to the BeoChip
00323   /*! You should never have to use this, use the other functions
00324     instead.  This function is made public just for testing the chip's
00325     robustness against a flood of random junk hitting it... See
00326     test-BeoChip.C */
00327   bool writeByte(const byte val, const bool uselock = true);
00329 protected:
00330   NModelParam<std::string> itsDevName; //!< name of our serial device
00331   NModelParam<int> itsLCDrows; //!< number of rows of LCD screen (lines of text)
00332   NModelParam<int> itsLCDcols; //!< number of columns of LCD screen
00334   rutz::shared_ptr<NModelParam<int> >* zeroS; //!< zero calibration value, for 0.0F (servo)
00335   rutz::shared_ptr<NModelParam<int> >* minS;  //!< minimum raw value, for -1.0F (servo)
00336   rutz::shared_ptr<NModelParam<int> >* maxS;  //!< maximum raw value, for 1.0F (servo)
00337   byte *servopos;                      //!< raw servo positions [0..255]
00339   rutz::shared_ptr<NModelParam<int> >* zeroP; //!< zero calibration value, for 0.0F (pulse)
00340   rutz::shared_ptr<NModelParam<int> >* minP;  //!< minimum raw value, for -1.0F (pulse)
00341   rutz::shared_ptr<NModelParam<int> >* maxP;  //!< maximum raw value, for 1.0F (pulse)
00342   short int *pulseval;                 //!< raw pulse values (11bit int)
00344   rutz::shared_ptr<NModelParam<int> >* zeroA; //!< zero calibration value, for 0.0F (pulse)
00345   rutz::shared_ptr<NModelParam<int> >* minA;  //!< minimum raw value, for -1.0F (servo)
00346   rutz::shared_ptr<NModelParam<int> >* maxA;  //!< maximum raw value, for 1.0F (servo)
00348   NModelParam<bool> itsUseRTSCTS;      //!< Use RTS/CTS flow control
00350   byte *adcval;                        //!< raw adc values [0..255]
00352   byte keyboard;                       //!< our current keyboard state
00354   //! Convert from raw (int) to calibrated (-1.0..1.0) position
00355   float rawToCalib(const int raw, const int zero, const int mini,
00356                    const int maxi) const;
00358   //! Convert from calibrated (-1.0..1.0) to raw (int) position
00359   int calibToRaw(const float calibrated, const int zero, const int mini,
00360                  const int maxi, const int bits = 8) const;
00362   //! open the port and get started
00363   void start1();
00365   //! close the port and get stopped
00366   void stop2();
00368 private:
00369   struct termios itsOldtio;  //!< our old terminal io settings
00370   int itsFd;                 //!< our serial port file descriptor
00371   rutz::shared_ptr<BeoChipListener> itsListener;
00373   pthread_t runner;
00374   pthread_mutex_t lock, serlock;
00375   bool keepgoing;
00376 };
00378 #endif
00380 // ######################################################################
00381 /* So things look consistent in everyone's emacs... */
00382 /* Local Variables: */
00383 /* indent-tabs-mode: nil */
00384 /* End: */
Generated on Sun May 8 08:40:37 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3