
00001 /*!@file SpaceVariant/SpaceVariantTransform.H */
00003 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00004 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit - Copyright (C) 2000-2005   //
00005 // by the University of Southern California (USC) and the iLab at USC.  //
00006 // See for information about this project.          //
00007 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00008 // Major portions of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit are protected //
00009 // under the U.S. patent ``Computation of Intrinsic Perceptual Saliency //
00010 // in Visual Environments, and Applications'' by Christof Koch and      //
00011 // Laurent Itti, California Institute of Technology, 2001 (patent       //
00012 // pending; application number 09/912,225 filed July 23, 2001; see      //
00013 // for current status).     //
00014 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00015 // This file is part of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit.       //
00016 //                                                                      //
00017 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is free software; you can   //
00018 // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General  //
00019 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either  //
00020 // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.     //
00021 //                                                                      //
00022 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is distributed in the hope  //
00023 // that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the   //
00024 // implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR      //
00025 // PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.       //
00026 //                                                                      //
00027 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    //
00028 // along with the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit; if not, write   //
00029 // to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,   //
00030 // Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.                                           //
00031 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00032 //
00033 // Primary maintainer for this file: David J. Berg <>
00034 // $HeadURL: svn:// $
00039 #include "SpaceVariant/ScaleSpaceOps.H"
00040 #include "Image/Image.H"
00041 #include "Util/Promotions.H"
00043 //forward declare 
00044 template <class T> class ImageSet;
00045 //######################################################################
00046 // SpaceVariantTransform 
00047 //
00048 // This is a general interface for a family of space variant image transforms. Space variant transforms remap a
00049 // cartesian image (x,y) to a new space variant representation consisting of (u, v, r), where u and v represents new
00050 // space dimensions and r isthe size of the receptive field (the amount of many-to-one mapping in cartesian pixels) of
00051 // pixel u, v. The receptive field describes the spatial influcuence a single pixel in (x,y) will have in (u,v,r).
00052 //
00053 // ######################################################################
00054 class SpaceVariantTransform
00055 { 
00056 public:
00057   typedef Image<std::pair<float, float> >::iterator iterator;
00058   typedef Image<std::pair<float, float> >::const_iterator const_iterator;
00060   //! constructor
00061   SpaceVariantTransform();
00063   //! destructor
00064   ~SpaceVariantTransform();
00066   //!are we initialized?
00067   bool initialized() const;
00069   //!transform a point from cartesian to space variant coordinates
00070   void to(const int x, const int y, int& u, int& v) const;
00072   //!transform a point from cartesian to space variant coordinates
00073   void to(const int x, const int y, float& u, float& v) const;
00075   //!transform a point from space variant to cartesian coordinates
00076   void from(const int u, const int v, int& x, int& y) const;
00078   //!transform a point from space variant to cartesian coordinate
00079   void from(const int u, const int v, float& x, float& y) const;
00081   //!get the cartesian image size
00082   const Dims& getCTDims() const;
00084   //!get the space variant image size
00085   const Dims& getSVDims() const;
00087   //! get the rf size at the specified ring. returns the standard deviation of
00088   //! the gaussian used to model the RF.
00089   const float& getRFSize(const uint u, const uint v) const;
00091   //! get the rf size at the specified ring. returns the standard deviation of
00092   //! the gaussian used to model the RF. This version uses interpolation
00093   float getRFSize(const float& u, const float& v) const;
00095   //! get the rf size at the specified ring. returns the standard deviation of
00096   //! the gaussian used to model the RF.
00097   const float& getRFSize(const uint pos) const;
00099   //!get the max rf size
00100   float getMaxRFSize() const;
00102   //!get a const iterator to the lookup table
00103   const_iterator begin() const;
00105   //!get a const iterator to the lookup table
00106   const_iterator end() const;
00108   //!get a const iterator to the reverse lookup table
00109   const_iterator rbegin() const;
00111   //!get a const iterator to the reverse lookup table
00112   const_iterator rend() const;
00114   //get a const iterator to the rf lookup table
00115   Image<float>::const_iterator rfbegin() const;
00117   //get a const iterator to the rf lookup table
00118   Image<float>::const_iterator rfend() const;
00120 protected:
00121   //!compute the distance from xpos, ypos to the nearest image
00122   //!boundary given the angle(radians)
00123   float computeDistance(const float& angle, const uint xpos, const uint ypos, 
00124                         const uint imgw, const uint imgh);
00126   //store our lookup tables as floats in a case we want to interpolate
00127   Image<std::pair<float, float> > itsLookup, itsRevLookup;
00128   Image<float> itsStd;
00129   float itsMaxStd;
00130   bool isInitialized;
00131 };
00133 // ######################################################################
00134 //Computations for a foveal transform - SpaceVariantModule for a model 
00135 // component which implements default params etc...
00136 //
00137 //FovealTransform - model of the retinal ganglial cell or visual structures 
00138 //like the superior colliculus, thalamus or early visual cortex. We model
00139 //the relationship between eccentricity from the fixation point and 
00140 //density of receptor units using the basic variable resolution transform 
00141 //described in Wiebe & Basu ('95). The default parameters are estimated from the 
00142 //best fit to the data from ??? on ???. The receptive field (modeled as 
00143 //a Gaussian parameterized by sigma) has a non-linear relationship between
00144 //eccentricity and size and the default paramters fit an exponential equation
00145 //to the data from Croner & Kaplan ('93) where the authors measured RF sizes for 
00146 //magno- and parvocellular ganglion cells at a wide range of eccentricities. 
00147 //the default params fit the parvo-ganglion cells data.
00148 //######################################################################
00149 struct FovealTransform : public SpaceVariantTransform
00150 {
00151   //to indate the scaling condition
00152   enum SCALE_TYPE {CROP, FULL, NONE};
00154   //!constructor
00155   FovealTransform();
00157   //default distrucor, copy etc OK
00159   //!convert a string to scale type
00160   static SCALE_TYPE toScaleType(const std::string& scale_type_string);
00162   //!set transform parameters and compute lookup table. 
00163   void setup(const uint image_width, const uint image_height,
00164              const uint rings, const uint wedges,
00165              const float& alpha, const float& beta,
00166              const float& gain, const float& exponent, const float& offset,
00167              const float& ppdx, const float& ppdy, 
00168              const SCALE_TYPE& scale_type = FovealTransform::FULL, 
00169              const float& s = 0.0F, const float& fovea_cuttoff = 2.0F);
00171   //get the fovial size in pixels
00172   const uint getFoveaSize() const;
00174 private:
00175   int u_FoveaSize;
00176 };
00178 // ######################################################################
00179 // ######################################################################
00180 // free functions for SpaceVariantTransform
00181 // ######################################################################
00182 // ######################################################################
00183 //!return a space variant image
00184 // ######################################################################
00185 template <class T_or_RGB>
00186 Image<T_or_RGB> transformTo(const SpaceVariantTransform& sv, const Image<T_or_RGB>& input, const ImageSet<typename promote_trait<T_or_RGB, float>::TP>* const cache = NULL, const float& offset = 0.0F);
00188 // ######################################################################
00189 //!return a cartesian image from a space variant one
00190 // ######################################################################
00191 template <class T_or_RGB>
00192 Image<T_or_RGB> transformFrom(const SpaceVariantTransform& sv,const Image<T_or_RGB>& input);
00194 // ######################################################################
00195 //!return a space variant image with center surround processing where 
00196 // the surround size is determined by mutliplying the center sigma by 
00197 // surround_mult (asumes a SpaceVariantTransform where getRf() returns 
00198 // the size in units of sigma). From Croner & Kaplan ('95) a value 
00199 // of ~6 gives the average retinal ganglion cell
00200 // ######################################################################
00201 template <class T_or_RGB>
00202 Image<typename promote_trait<T_or_RGB, float>::TP> 
00203 transformToDoG(const SpaceVariantTransform& sv, const Image<T_or_RGB>& input, const float& surround_mult, 
00204                const bool centeron, const ImageSet<typename promote_trait<T_or_RGB, float>::TP>* const cache = NULL, const float& offset = 0.0F);
00206 // ######################################################################
00207 /*!return a space variant image with edge processing
00209   Get value of a local edge by pooling nearby on only and off only
00210   responses, but allowing the centers to differ. The tree shrew 
00211   apparently creates edge detecting cells in this fashion see
00212   Hirsh and Martiniz, Trends Neuro Sci, 2006 for a review.
00213   The result is squared.
00214 */
00215 // ######################################################################
00216 template <class T_or_RGB>
00217 Image<typename promote_trait<T_or_RGB, float>::TP> 
00218 transformToEdge(const SpaceVariantTransform& sv, const Image<T_or_RGB>& input, const Image<LocalEdge>& edgemap, 
00219                 const ImageSet<typename promote_trait<T_or_RGB, float>::TP>* const cache = NULL, const float& offset = 0.0F);
00221 // ######################################################################
00222 /*!return a space variant image with edge processing, surround_mult is as in 
00223 // transformToDoG
00225 The wiring diagram is inspired by: 
00226 Hirsh and Martiniz, Trends Neuro Sci, 2006 (for a reviw).
00227 We model the orientation of a pixel as an on-center DiffScaleSpacePixel 
00228 adjacent to an off-center one, creating a local orientation estimation. 
00229 When the parameters are chosen correctly this looks simmilar to a odd gabor or
00230 a third derivitive Gaussian An edge is then modeled as a length of local co-oriented local 
00231 orientations at a specific density. The result is squared.
00232 */
00234 // ######################################################################
00235 template <class T_or_RGB>
00236 Image<typename promote_trait<T_or_RGB, float>::TP> 
00237 transformToEdge(const SpaceVariantTransform& sv, const Image<T_or_RGB>& input, const float& surround_mult, 
00238                 const Image<LocalEdge>& edgemap, const ImageSet<typename promote_trait<T_or_RGB, float>::TP>* const cache = NULL, const float& offset = 0.0F);
00240 // ######################################################################
00241 //!return a space variant pyramid with DoG processing
00242 // ######################################################################
00243 template <class T_or_RGB>
00244 ImageSet<typename promote_trait<T_or_RGB, float>::TP>
00245 transformToDoGPyramid(const SpaceVariantTransform& sv, const Image<T_or_RGB>& input, const float& surround_mult, const bool centeron, const std::vector<float>& scales, const ImageSet<typename promote_trait<T_or_RGB, float>::TP>* const cache = NULL);
00247 // ######################################################################
00248 //!return a space variant pyramid with Edge processing
00249 // ######################################################################
00250 template <class T_or_RGB>
00251 ImageSet<typename promote_trait<T_or_RGB, float>::TP>
00252 transformToEdgePyramid(const SpaceVariantTransform& sv, const Image<T_or_RGB>& input, const Image<LocalEdge>& edgemap, const float& orientation, const uint& length, const float& density, const std::vector<float>& scales, const ImageSet<typename promote_trait<T_or_RGB, float>::TP>* const cache = NULL);
00254 // ######################################################################
00255 //!return a space variant pyramid with Edge processing
00256 // ######################################################################
00257 template <class T_or_RGB>
00258 ImageSet<typename promote_trait<T_or_RGB, float>::TP>
00259 transformToEdgePyramid(const SpaceVariantTransform& sv, const Image<T_or_RGB>& input, const float& surround_mult, const Image<LocalEdge>& edgemap, const float& orientation, const uint& length, const float& density, const std::vector<float>& scales, const ImageSet<typename promote_trait<T_or_RGB, float>::TP>* const cache = NULL);
00261 // ######################################################################
00262 // ######################################################################
00263 // Needs updating to work with std instead of variance 
00264 // free functions for FovealTransform: 
00265 // These are different implementations of the transformTo and transformFrom 
00266 // If the variance of the largest ring is small, this can be faster and
00267 // interpolation can be turned off. 
00268 // ######################################################################
00269 // ######################################################################
00270 //!return a space variant image
00271 // ######################################################################
00272 template <class T_or_RGB>
00273 Image<T_or_RGB> transformToFoveal(const FovealTransform& sv, const Image<T_or_RGB>& input, const bool interp);
00275 // ######################################################################
00276 //!return a space variant image with center surround processing
00277 // ######################################################################
00278 template <class T_or_RGB>
00279 Image<typename promote_trait<T_or_RGB, float>::TP> 
00280 transformToDoGFoveal(const FovealTransform& sv, const Image<T_or_RGB>& input,
00281                      const float& smult, const bool centeron, const bool interp);
00283 // ######################################################################
00284 // ######################################################################
00285 // Other Functions
00286 // ######################################################################
00287 // ######################################################################
00288 /*!On each hemifields top and bottom, extend the image by 
00289    replicating a flipped version of the opposite hemifields pixels. 
00290    This enables standard image processing algorithms to be applied
00291    with appropriate boarder conditions. The replicated pixels can then 
00292    be removed after processing. 
00294   Note: This is NOT optimized. The preffered method is to filter
00295   such that boundaries extend to the opposite hemifield. See Image/LowPassLpt.H */
00296 // ######################################################################
00297 template <class T_or_RGB>
00298 Image<T_or_RGB> replicateHemifield(const Image<T_or_RGB>& inp, const uint pix = 48);
00301 // ######################################################################
00302 // get separate the fovial and peripherial image
00303 // ######################################################################
00304 template <class T_or_RGB>
00305 void getFoveaPeriphery(const FovealTransform& sv, const Image<T_or_RGB>& ret_image, 
00306                        Image<T_or_RGB>& fovia, Image<T_or_RGB>& periphery);
00308 // ######################################################################
00309 //returns a vector of local edges
00310 // ######################################################################
00311 Image<LocalEdge> LocalEdgeMap(const SpaceVariantTransform& sv, const float& surround_mult, 
00312                               const float& orientation, const uint& length, const uint density);
00314 // ######################################################################
00315 /* So things look consistent in everyone's emacs... */
00316 /* Local Variables: */
00317 /* mode: c++ */
00318 /* indent-tabs-mode: nil */
00319 /* End: */
Generated on Sun May 8 08:42:18 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3