Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*!@file CINNIC/CINNICanova.C do ANOVA tests on CINNIC outputs */
00003 // $HeadURL: svn:// $
00004 // $Id: CINNICanova.C 6003 2005-11-29 17:22:45Z rjpeters $
00006 // ############################################################
00007 // ############################################################
00008 // ##### ---CINNIC---
00009 // ##### Contour Integration:
00010 // ##### T. Nathan Mundhenk
00011 // ############################################################
00012 // ############################################################
00014 #include "Image/Image.H"
00015 #include "Util/Assert.H"
00016 #include "Util/log.H"
00017 #include "Util/readConfig.H"
00018 #include "Util/stats.H"
00019 #include <cstdlib>
00020 #include <cstring>
00021 #include <iostream>
00022 #include <vector>
00024 //! the file to save stats out to
00025 char *savefilename;
00026 //! two data sets to open
00027 readConfig ReadConfigA(25);
00028 //! two data sets to open
00029 readConfig ReadConfigB(25);
00030 //! Files containing data sets
00031 char* dataSet1;
00032 char* dataSet2;
00033 //! Vector for regresion data set 1
00034 std::vector<float> rSet1;
00035 //! Vector for regresion data set 2
00036 std::vector<float> rSet2;
00037 //! Vector for euclidian data set 1
00038 std::vector<float> eSet1;
00039 //! Vector for euclidian data set 2
00040 std::vector<float> eSet2;
00041 //! Stats objects
00042 stats<float> rStats;
00043 //! Stats objects
00044 stats<float> eStats;
00045 //! F from anova
00046 float rF,eF;
00048 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
00049 {
00050   ASSERT(argc >= 2);
00051   dataSet1 = argv[1];
00052   dataSet2 = argv[2];
00053   //open and parse data sets
00054   ReadConfigA.openFile(dataSet1);
00055   ReadConfigB.openFile(dataSet2);
00056   //Make sure data sets are the same size
00057   ASSERT(ReadConfigA.itemCount() == ReadConfigB.itemCount());
00058   //resize data set vectors
00059   rSet1.resize(ReadConfigA.itemCount(),0.0F);
00060   eSet1.resize(ReadConfigA.itemCount(),0.0F);
00061   rSet2.resize(ReadConfigB.itemCount(),0.0F);
00062   eSet2.resize(ReadConfigB.itemCount(),0.0F);
00063   //load values from config to a vector<float>
00064   for(int i = 0; ReadConfigA.readFileTrue(i); i++)
00065   {
00066     rSet1[i] = ReadConfigA.readFileValueNameF(i);
00067     eSet1[i] = ReadConfigA.readFileValueF(i);
00068     rSet2[i] = ReadConfigB.readFileValueNameF(i);
00069     eSet2[i] = ReadConfigB.readFileValueF(i);
00070   }
00071   rF = rStats.simpleANOVA(rSet1,rSet2);
00072   eF = eStats.simpleANOVA(eSet1,eSet2);
00074   LINFO("DATA sets %s : %s",dataSet1,dataSet2);
00075   LINFO("Regression Stats on ANOVA");
00077   using std::cout;
00079   cout << "between\t";
00080   cout << rStats.SSbetween << "\t" << rStats.DFbetween << "\t"
00081        << rStats.MSbetween << "\t" << rStats.F << "\n";
00082   cout << "within\t";
00083   cout << rStats.SSwithin << "\t" << rStats.DFwithin << "\t"
00084        << rStats.MSwithin << "\n";
00085   cout << "total\t";
00086   cout << rStats.SStotal << "\n\n";
00087   LINFO("Euclidian Stats on ANOVA");
00088   cout << "between\t";
00089   cout << eStats.SSbetween << "\t" << eStats.DFbetween << "\t"
00090        << eStats.MSbetween << "\t" << eStats.F << "\n";
00091   cout << "within\t";
00092   cout << eStats.SSwithin << "\t" << eStats.DFwithin << "\t"
00093        << eStats.MSwithin << "\n";
00094   cout << "total\t";
00095   cout << eStats.SStotal << "\n\n";
00096 }
00098 // ######################################################################
00099 /* So things look consistent in everyone's emacs... */
00100 /* Local Variables: */
00101 /* indent-tabs-mode: nil */
00102 /* End: */
Generated on Sun May 8 08:40:22 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3