
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*!@file Beobot/Environment.C all the information describing
00002   an environment */
00003 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00004 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit - Copyright (C) 2001 by the //
00005 // University of Southern California (USC) and the iLab at USC.         //
00006 // See http://iLab.usc.edu for information about this project.          //
00007 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00008 // Major portions of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit are protected //
00009 // under the U.S. patent ``Computation of Intrinsic Perceptual Saliency //
00010 // in Visual Environments, and Applications'' by Christof Koch and      //
00011 // Laurent Itti, California Institute of Technology, 2001 (patent       //
00012 // pending; application number 09/912,225 filed July 23, 2001; see      //
00013 // http://pair.uspto.gov/cgi-bin/final/home.pl for current status).     //
00014 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00015 // This file is part of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit.       //
00016 //                                                                      //
00017 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is free software; you can   //
00018 // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General  //
00019 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either  //
00020 // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.     //
00021 //                                                                      //
00022 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is distributed in the hope  //
00023 // that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the   //
00024 // implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR      //
00025 // PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.       //
00026 //                                                                      //
00027 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    //
00028 // along with the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit; if not, write   //
00029 // to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,   //
00030 // Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.                                           //
00031 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00032 //
00033 // Primary maintainer for this file: Christian Siagian <siagian@usc.edu>
00034 // $HeadURL: svn://isvn.usc.edu/software/invt/trunk/saliency/src/Beobot/Environment.C $
00035 // $Id: Environment.C 14116 2010-10-08 08:34:50Z siagian $
00036 //
00038 #include "Beobot/Environment.H"
00039 #include "Image/MatrixOps.H"
00040 #include "Util/Timer.H"
00042 #include <sys/stat.h>
00043 #include <errno.h>
00045 #define LANDMARK_DB_FOLDER_NAME "LandmarkDB"
00047 // ######################################################################
00048 Environment::Environment(std::string envFName):
00049   itsLandmarkDB(new LandmarkDB()),
00050   itsTopologicalMap(new TopologicalMap()),
00051   itsSegmentRecognizer(new FeedForwardNetwork()),
00052   itsSegmentHistogram(new Histogram())
00053 {
00054   // check if the file does not exist or it's a blank entry
00055   FILE *fp; if((fp = fopen(envFName.c_str(),"rb")) == NULL)
00056     {
00057       LINFO("Environment file %s not found",envFName.c_str());
00058       LINFO("Create a blank environment");
00060       // have to reset landmarkDB size by calling resetLandmarkDB
00062     }
00063   else
00064     {
00065       LINFO("Loading Environment file %s",envFName.c_str());
00066       load(envFName);
00067     }
00068 }
00070 // ######################################################################
00071 bool Environment::isBlank()
00072 {
00073   return (itsLandmarkDB->getNumSegment() == 0);
00074 }
00076 // ######################################################################
00077 bool Environment::load(std::string fName)
00078 {
00079   FILE *fp;  char inLine[200]; char comment[200];
00081   // open the file
00082   LINFO("Environment file: %s",fName.c_str());
00083   if((fp = fopen(fName.c_str(),"rb")) == NULL)
00084     { LINFO("not found"); return false; }
00085   std::string path = "";
00086   std::string::size_type spos = fName.find_last_of('/');
00087   if(spos != std::string::npos) path = fName.substr(0, spos+1);
00089   // get the number of segments
00090   uint nSegment;
00091   if (fgets(inLine, 200, fp) == NULL) LFATAL("fgets failed"); sscanf(inLine, "%s %d", comment, &nSegment);
00092   LINFO("Segment: %d", nSegment);
00094   // clear and resize the landmarkDB and segment histogram
00095   resetNumSegment(nSegment);
00097   // get the map file name
00098   char mapcharFName[200];
00099   if (fgets(inLine, 200, fp) == NULL) LFATAL("fgets failed"); sscanf(inLine, "%s %s", comment, mapcharFName);
00100   LINFO("Map file: %s", mapcharFName);
00101   itsTopologicalMap->read(path + std::string(mapcharFName));
00103   // get the segment recognizer file name
00104   char segRecFName[200];
00105   if (fgets(inLine, 200, fp) == NULL) LFATAL("fgets failed"); sscanf(inLine, "%s %s", comment, segRecFName);
00106   LINFO("Segment Recognizer file: %s", segRecFName);
00107   setupSegmentRecognizer(path+std::string(segRecFName));
00109   // get the landmarkDB folder name
00110   char landmarkDBFolderName[200];
00111   if (fgets(inLine, 200, fp) == NULL) LFATAL("fgets failed"); sscanf(inLine, "%s %s", comment,
00112                                  landmarkDBFolderName);
00113   LINFO("landmarkDB Folder Name: %s", landmarkDBFolderName);
00115   // skip the column headers
00116   if (fgets(inLine, 200, fp) == NULL) LFATAL("fgets failed");
00118   Timer timer(1000000);
00119   timer.reset();
00121   // populate the landmarks to the database
00122   while(fgets(inLine, 200, fp) != NULL)
00123     {
00124       int snum; char lName[200];
00126       // get the landmark file
00127       sscanf(inLine, "%d %s", &snum, lName);
00128       LDEBUG("[%d] landmark name: %s", snum, lName);
00130       // add it to the proper segment
00131       rutz::shared_ptr<Landmark> lmk(new Landmark(std::string(lName)));
00132       std::string lmkName
00133         (sformat("%s%s/%s", path.c_str(), landmarkDBFolderName, lName));
00134       //rutz::shared_ptr<Landmark> lmk(new Landmark(lmkName));
00135       if (!lmk->loadFrom(lmkName)) LFATAL("invalid landmark file");
00136       itsLandmarkDB->addLandmark(snum, lmk);
00137       LINFO("Added lmks[%3d][%3d]: %5d objects", snum,
00138             itsLandmarkDB->getNumSegLandmark(snum)-1, lmk->numObjects());
00139     }
00140   fclose(fp);
00141   LINFO("time: %f", timer.get()/1000.0);
00142   timer.reset();
00144   // set sessions that has the number of frames
00145   int ldpos = fName.find_last_of('.');
00146   std::string sessionFName =
00147     fName.substr(0, ldpos) + std::string("_sessions.txt");
00148   LINFO("session name: %s", sessionFName.c_str());
00149   itsLandmarkDB->setSession(sessionFName, false);
00151   // report landmark database size
00152   std::vector<uint> segVoCount(nSegment); uint tLmkCount = 0;
00153   for(uint i = 0; i < nSegment; i++)
00154     {
00155       uint nLmk = itsLandmarkDB->getNumSegLandmark(i);
00156       LINFO("segment[%d] has: %d landmarks ", i, nLmk);
00157       segVoCount[i] = 0;
00158       tLmkCount += nLmk;
00159       for(uint j = 0; j < nLmk; j++)
00160         {
00161           uint nObj = itsLandmarkDB->getLandmark(i,j)->numObjects();
00162           segVoCount[i] += nObj;
00163           LINFO("      lmk[%d][%d] has %d vo", i, j, nObj);
00164         }
00165     }
00167   uint tVoCount = 0;
00168   for(uint i = 0; i < nSegment; i++)
00169     {
00170       LINFO("Lmks[%d]: %d lmk (%d VO)",
00171             i, itsLandmarkDB->getNumSegLandmark(i), segVoCount[i]);
00172       tVoCount += segVoCount[i];
00173     }
00174   LINFO("%d landmarks, %d Visual Objects", tLmkCount, tVoCount);
00176   LINFO("time: %f", timer.get()/1000.0);
00178   return true;
00179 }
00181 // ######################################################################
00182 void Environment::setupSegmentRecognizer(std::string gistFName)
00183 {
00184   // get segment classifier parameters
00185   if( itsSegRecInfo.reset(gistFName.c_str()))
00186     {
00187       // instantiate a 3-layer feed-forward network
00188       // initialize with the provided parameters
00189       itsSegmentRecognizer->init3L
00190         (itsSegRecInfo.h1Name, itsSegRecInfo.h2Name, itsSegRecInfo.oName,
00191          itsSegRecInfo.redFeatSize, itsSegRecInfo.h1size,
00192          itsSegRecInfo.h2size, itsSegRecInfo.nOutput, 0.0, 0.0);
00194       // setup the PCA eigenvector
00195       itsPcaIcaMatrix = setupPcaIcaMatrix
00196         (itsSegRecInfo.trainFolder+itsSegRecInfo.evecFname,
00197          itsSegRecInfo.oriFeatSize, itsSegRecInfo.redFeatSize);
00198     }
00199   else
00200     LINFO("Segment classifier file: %s not found", gistFName.c_str());
00201 }
00203 // ######################################################################
00204 void Environment::resetNumSegment(uint nSegment)
00205 {
00206   itsLandmarkDB->resize(nSegment);
00207   itsSegmentHistogram->resize(nSegment);
00208 }
00210 // ######################################################################
00211 void Environment::setCurrentSegment(uint currSegNum)
00212 {
00213   ASSERT(currSegNum < uint(itsSegmentHistogram->getSize()));
00214   itsSegmentHistogram->clear();
00215   itsSegmentHistogram->addValue(currSegNum, 1.0);
00216   itsCurrentSegment = currSegNum;
00217 }
00219 // ######################################################################
00220 bool Environment::save
00221 (std::string fName, std::string tfName, std::string envPrefix)
00222 {
00223   bool ts = save(itsTempLandmarkDB, tfName, envPrefix);
00224   bool s  = save(itsLandmarkDB, fName, envPrefix);
00225   return (ts && s);
00226 }
00228 // ######################################################################
00229 bool Environment::save(std::string fName, std::string envPrefix)
00230 {
00231   return save(itsLandmarkDB, fName, envPrefix);
00232 }
00234 // ######################################################################
00235 bool Environment::save(rutz::shared_ptr<LandmarkDB> landmarkDB,
00236                        std::string fName, std::string envPrefix)
00237 {
00238   // open an environment file
00239   FILE * envFile = fopen(fName.c_str(), "wt");
00240   int nSegment = landmarkDB->getNumSegment();
00242   if (envFile!=NULL)
00243     {
00244       LINFO("saving environment to %s", fName.c_str());
00246       // get the directory name - include the "/"
00247       int lspos = fName.find_last_of('/');
00248       int ldpos = fName.find_last_of('.');
00249       std::string filepathstr = fName.substr(0, lspos+1);
00250       LINFO("path: %s", filepathstr.c_str());
00252       std::string lmfprefix =
00253         fName.substr(lspos+1, ldpos - lspos - 1);
00254       LINFO("prefix: %s", lmfprefix.c_str());
00256       std::string segnum(sformat("segment#: %d\n",nSegment));
00257       fputs (segnum.c_str(), envFile);
00259       std::string mapFileStr =
00260         envPrefix + std::string(".tmap");
00261       std::string mapInfo(sformat("mapFile: %s\n", mapFileStr.c_str()));
00262       fputs (mapInfo.c_str(), envFile);
00264       std::string gistFileStr =
00265         envPrefix + std::string("_GIST_train.txt");
00266       std::string gistInfo(sformat("gistFile: %s\n", gistFileStr.c_str()));
00267       fputs (gistInfo.c_str(), envFile);
00269       // create a landmarkDB folder
00270       std::string landmarkDBfolder =
00271         filepathstr + LANDMARK_DB_FOLDER_NAME;
00272       if (mkdir(landmarkDBfolder.c_str(), 0777) == -1 && errno != EEXIST)
00273         {
00274           LFATAL("Cannot create landmarkDB folder: %s",
00275                  landmarkDBfolder.c_str());
00276         }
00277       LINFO("creating landmarkDB folder: %s", landmarkDBfolder.c_str());
00279       std::string landmarkDBfolderInfo
00280         (sformat("LandmarkDBFolderName: %s\n", LANDMARK_DB_FOLDER_NAME));
00281       fputs (landmarkDBfolderInfo.c_str(), envFile);
00283       std::string header("Segment        Landmark Name\n");
00284       fputs (header.c_str(), envFile);
00286       // re-create if we are adding from the previous one
00287       for(int i = 0; i < nSegment; i++)
00288         {
00289           for(uint j = 0; j < landmarkDB->getNumSegLandmark(i); j++)
00290             {
00291               // file name (no .lmk extension)
00292               std::string lmkName
00293                 (sformat("%s_%03d_%03d", lmfprefix.c_str(), i, j));
00294               LDEBUG("landmark name: %s", lmkName.c_str());
00295               landmarkDB->getLandmark(i,j)->setName(lmkName);
00297               // full name (path + file name + .lmk)
00298               std::string lmfName =
00299                 landmarkDBfolder +  std::string("/") +
00300                 lmkName + std::string(".lmk");
00301               LDEBUG("%s", lmfName.c_str());
00303               // save the info and write the name
00304               landmarkDB->getLandmark(i,j)->saveTo(lmfName);
00305               fputs (sformat("%-14d %s.lmk\n", i, lmkName.c_str()).c_str(),
00306                      envFile);
00307             }
00308         }
00309       fclose (envFile);
00310     }
00311   else return false;
00313   return true;
00314 }
00316 // ######################################################################
00317 Environment::~Environment()
00318 {
00319 }
00321 // ######################################################################
00322 rutz::shared_ptr<Histogram> Environment::classifySegNum(Image<double> cgist)
00323 {
00324   // reduce feature dimension (if available)
00325   Image<double> in;
00326   if(itsSegRecInfo.isPCA) in = matrixMult(itsPcaIcaMatrix, cgist);
00327   else in = cgist;
00329   // analyze the gist features to recognize the segment
00330   Image<double> res = itsSegmentRecognizer->run3L(in);
00332   itsSegmentHistogram->clear();
00334   float vMax = 0.0; int segMax = 0;
00335   for(int i = 0; i < itsSegmentHistogram->getSize(); i++)
00336     {
00337       float cVal = res[Point2D<int>(0,i)];
00338       LDEBUG("seg[%3d]: %.4f",i, cVal);
00339       if(cVal > vMax){ vMax = cVal; segMax = i; }
00340       itsSegmentHistogram->addValue(i, cVal);
00341     }
00342   LDEBUG("predicted segment number %d: %f", segMax, vMax);
00343   itsCurrentSegment = segMax;
00345   return itsSegmentHistogram;
00346 }
00348 // ######################################################################
00349 void Environment::startBuild()
00350 {
00351   // to store the currently build landmarkDB
00352   itsTempLandmarkDB.reset(new LandmarkDB(itsLandmarkDB->getNumSegment()));
00353   itsTempLandmarkDB->setWindow(itsWin);
00354 }
00356 // ######################################################################
00357 void Environment::build
00358 ( std::vector<rutz::shared_ptr<VisualObject> > &inputVO,
00359   std::vector<Point2D<int> > &objOffset, uint fNum,
00360   rutz::shared_ptr<VisualObject> scene)
00361 {
00362   // build the landmarkDB
00363   itsTempLandmarkDB->build
00364     (inputVO, objOffset, fNum, itsCurrentSegment, scene);
00365 }
00367 // ######################################################################
00368 void Environment::finishBuild
00369 (std::string envFName, std::string sessionPrefix, uint rframe)
00370 {
00371   itsTempLandmarkDB->finishBuild(rframe);
00372   //itsTempLandmarkDB->display();
00374   // combine with the actual landmark Database
00375   LINFO("Combine landmarkDB & tempLandmarkDB");
00376   Raster::waitForKey();
00377   itsLandmarkDB = combineLandmarkDBs(itsLandmarkDB, itsTempLandmarkDB);
00378   itsLandmarkDB->setWindow(itsWin);
00380   // get the directory name - include the "/"
00381   int lspos = envFName.find_last_of('/');
00382   int ldpos = envFName.find_last_of('.');
00383   std::string path = envFName.substr(0, lspos+1);
00384   LINFO("path: %s", path.c_str());
00386   std::string envPrefix = envFName.substr(lspos+1, ldpos - lspos - 1);
00387   LINFO("prefix: %s", envPrefix.c_str());
00389   // append the session to the session list
00390   std::string sessionFName = path + envPrefix + sformat("_sessions.txt");
00391   FILE *rFile = fopen(sessionFName.c_str(), "at");
00392   if (rFile != NULL)
00393     {
00394       LINFO("appending session to %s", sessionFName.c_str());
00395       std::string line =
00396         sformat("%-20s  %-10d %-10d %-10d\n",
00397                 sessionPrefix.c_str(), 0, rframe, itsCurrentSegment);
00398       fputs(line.c_str(), rFile);
00399       fclose (rFile);
00400     }
00401   else LINFO("can't create file: %s", sessionFName.c_str());
00403   Raster::waitForKey();
00405   // reset the session related information and sort the landmarks as well
00406   itsLandmarkDB->setSession(sessionFName, true);
00407   //itsLandmarkDB->display();
00408 }
00410 // ######################################################################
00411 rutz::shared_ptr<LandmarkDB> Environment::combineLandmarkDBs
00412 ( rutz::shared_ptr<LandmarkDB> lmks1, rutz::shared_ptr<LandmarkDB> lmks2)
00413 {
00414   // NOTE: we are NOT creating DEEP COPY of landmarks
00415   uint nSegment = lmks1->getNumSegment();
00416   rutz::shared_ptr<LandmarkDB> resLmks(new LandmarkDB(nSegment));
00418   // go through all segments
00419   for(uint  i= 0; i < nSegment; i++)
00420     {
00421       uint nlmk1 = lmks1->getNumSegLandmark(i);
00422       uint nlmk2 = lmks2->getNumSegLandmark(i);
00423       LINFO("segment %d: lmks1[]: %d lmks2[]: %d",i, nlmk1, nlmk2);
00425       // if both lmks1 and lmks2 has no landmarks
00426       // it will go through without consequences
00428       // if only lmks2 has no landmarks in this segment
00429       if(nlmk1 > 0 && nlmk2 == 0)
00430         {
00431            LINFO("Lmks2[%d] is empty; add all Lmks1 landmarks", i);
00433           // just push in all the landmarks in lmks1
00434           for(uint j = 0; j < nlmk1; j++)
00435             {
00436               resLmks->addLandmark(i,lmks1->getLandmark(i,j));
00437             }
00438         }
00439       // if only lmks1 has no landmarks in this segment
00440       else if(nlmk1 == 0 && nlmk2 > 0)
00441         {
00442            LINFO("Lmks1[%d] is empty; add all Lmks2 landmarks", i);
00444           // just push in all the landmarks in lmks2
00445           for(uint j = 0; j < nlmk2; j++)
00446             {
00447               resLmks->addLandmark(i,lmks2->getLandmark(i,j));
00448             }
00449         }
00450       // else we have some combining to do
00451       else
00452         {
00453           // match lmk2 with lmk1
00455           // create a temporary storage for each landmark in lmks1
00456           // indicating whether they have been added in or not
00457           std::vector<bool> lmks1added(nlmk1);
00458           std::vector<bool> lmks1appended(nlmk1);
00459           std::vector<int>  lmks1pos  (nlmk1);
00460           for(uint j = 0; j < nlmk1; j++)
00461             {
00462               lmks1added[j]    = false;
00463               lmks1appended[j] = false;
00464               lmks1pos  [j]    = -1;
00465             }
00467           // for each of the landmarks in the lmks2
00468           for(uint j = 0; j < nlmk2; j++)
00469             {
00470               LINFO("checking lmks2[%d][%d]", i, j);
00472               // for each of the landmark in lmks1
00473               std::vector<uint> mIndex;
00474               for(uint k = 0; k < nlmk1; k++)
00475                 {
00476                   if(!lmks1appended[k])
00477                     {
00478                       // check for number of matches of objects in landmarks
00479                       // relax the distance of the sal point to 15.0 pixels
00480                       uint nMatch =
00481                         lmks1->getLandmark(i,k)->numMatch
00482                         (lmks2->getLandmark(i,j), 15.0F);
00483                       uint nObj1 = lmks1->getLandmark(i,k)->numObjects();
00484                       uint nObj2 = lmks2->getLandmark(i,j)->numObjects();
00485                       float mPntg = float(nMatch)/nObj2;
00487                       // check if match goes pass any of the thresholds:
00488                       // nmatches <= 5, pntg >= 50%
00489                       // nmatches 5 < x <= 10 pntg >= 25%
00490                       // nmatches > 10
00491                       bool combine = false;
00492                       if((nMatch > 1  && nMatch <=  5 && mPntg >= .50) ||
00493                          (nMatch > 5  && nMatch <= 10 && mPntg >= .25) ||
00494                          (nMatch > 10))
00495                         {
00496                           combine = true; mIndex.push_back(k);
00497                           LINFO("<%d> lmks1[%d][%d](%d)-lmks2[%d][%d](%d)="
00498                                 " %d/%d = %f", combine,
00499                                 i, k, nObj1, i, j, nObj2, nMatch, nObj2, mPntg);
00500                           //if(combine) Raster::waitForKey();
00501                         }
00502                     }
00503                 }
00505               // if we don't have any matches for lmks2[j]
00506               if(mIndex.size() == 0)
00507                 {
00508                   LINFO("match not found - adding Lmks2[%d]", j);
00510                   // add it to resulting DB: Not DEEP copy
00511                   resLmks->addLandmark(i, lmks2->getLandmark(i,j));
00512                   //Raster::waitForKey();
00513                 }
00514                else
00515                 {
00516                   // if > 1 lmks2[j] matches
00517                   // then we have to append all the matches first
00518                   for(uint k = 1; k < mIndex.size(); k++)
00519                     {
00520                       // if the landmark of lmks1 is not added yet
00521                       if(!lmks1added[mIndex[0]])
00522                         {
00523                           // create a blank one to add both entries
00524                           rutz::shared_ptr<Landmark> resLmk(new Landmark());
00525                           std::string resLmkName
00526                             (sformat("Comb1_%d-1_%d", mIndex[0], mIndex[k]));
00527                           resLmk->setName(resLmkName);
00528                           resLmk->setMatchWin
00529                             (lmks1->getLandmark(i,mIndex[0])->getMatchWin());
00530                           resLmk->combine(lmks1->getLandmark(i,mIndex[0]),
00531                                           lmks1->getLandmark(i,mIndex[k]));
00533                           // add the combination to the result landmark DB
00534                           resLmks->addLandmark(i, resLmk);
00536                           // note that lmks1[mIndex] is in the result lmks
00537                           lmks1added[mIndex[0]] = true;
00538                           lmks1pos  [mIndex[0]] =
00539                             resLmks->getNumSegLandmark(i) - 1;
00541                           LINFO("NEW COMBO Landmark: %s", resLmkName.c_str());
00542                         }
00543                       else
00544                         {
00545                           // otherwise append it to the end of the combined lmk
00546                           std::string resLmkName =
00547                             resLmks->getLandmark(i,lmks1pos[mIndex[0]])->
00548                             getName()+std::string(sformat(",1_%d", mIndex[k]));
00549                           resLmks->getLandmark(i,lmks1pos[mIndex[0]])->
00550                             setName(resLmkName);
00551                           resLmks->getLandmark(i,lmks1pos[mIndex[0]])->
00552                             append(lmks1->getLandmark(i,mIndex[k]));
00554                           LINFO("APP COMBO Landmark: %s",resLmkName.c_str());
00555                         }
00557                       lmks1added[mIndex[k]] = true;
00558                       lmks1pos  [mIndex[k]] = resLmks->getNumSegLandmark(i)-1;
00559                       lmks1appended[mIndex[k]] = true;
00560                       LINFO("append: lmks1[%d & %d]", mIndex[0], mIndex[k]);
00561                     }
00563                   // combining lmks2[j] and lmks1[mIndex[0]]
00564                   LINFO("Combolmk:[lmks1[%d] - lmks2[%d]]", mIndex[0], j);
00565                   if(!lmks1added[mIndex[0]])
00566                     {
00567                       rutz::shared_ptr<Landmark> resLmk(new Landmark());
00568                       std::string resLmkName
00569                         (sformat("Comb1_%d-2_%d", mIndex[0], j));
00570                       resLmk->setName(resLmkName);
00571                       resLmk->setMatchWin(lmks1->getLandmark(i,mIndex[0])->
00572                                           getMatchWin());
00573                       resLmk->combine
00574                         (lmks1->getLandmark(i,mIndex[0]),
00575                          lmks2->getLandmark(i,j));
00577                       // add the combination to the result landmark DB
00578                       resLmks->addLandmark(i, resLmk);
00580                       // note that lmks1[mIndex[0]] is in the result lmks
00581                       lmks1added[mIndex[0]] = true;
00582                       lmks1pos  [mIndex[0]] = resLmks->getNumSegLandmark(i)-1;
00584                       LINFO("NEW COMB Landmark: %s", resLmkName.c_str());
00585                     }
00586                   else
00587                     {
00588                       // otherwise append it to the end of the combined lmk
00589                       std::string resLmkName =
00590                         resLmks->getLandmark(i,lmks1pos[mIndex[0]])->getName()
00591                         + std::string(sformat(",2_%d",j));
00592                       resLmks->getLandmark(i,lmks1pos[mIndex[0]])->
00593                         setName(resLmkName);
00594                       resLmks->getLandmark(i,lmks1pos[mIndex[0]])->
00595                         append(lmks2->getLandmark(i,j));
00597                       LINFO("APP COMBO Landmark: %s", resLmkName.c_str());
00598                     }
00599                   //Raster::waitForKey();
00600                 }
00601             }
00603           // add the rest of the landmarks in lmks1 to the resulting lmks
00604           for(uint k = 0; k < nlmk1; k++)
00605             {
00606               if(!lmks1added[k])
00607                 {
00608                   LINFO("adding lmks1[%d][%d] to the reslmks", i, k);
00609                   resLmks->addLandmark(i,lmks1->getLandmark(i,k));
00610                 }
00611             }
00612         }
00613     }
00615   LINFO("done combining");
00616   for(uint  i= 0; i < nSegment; i++)
00617     {
00618       for(uint j = 0; j < resLmks->getNumSegLandmark(i); j++)
00619         {
00620           LINFO("res[%d][%d]: %s",i,j,
00621                 resLmks->getLandmark(i,j)->getName().c_str());
00622         }
00623     }
00625   Raster::waitForKey();
00626   return resLmks;
00627 }
00629 // ######################################################################
00630 /* So things look consistent in everyone's emacs... */
00631 /* Local Variables: */
00632 /* indent-tabs-mode: nil */
00633 /* End: */
Generated on Sun May 8 08:40:12 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3