ViewPort Class Reference

Collaboration diagram for ViewPort:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.


struct  DSObject
struct  mapcoord_type
struct  polygon_type
struct  vertex_type

Public Types

enum  TEXTURES {

Public Member Functions

 ViewPort (const char *winname, const char *ground="ground.ppm", const char *sky="sky.ppm", bool useFog=false, bool drawWorld=true, int w=320, int h=240, const double cameraParam[3][4]=NULL)
XEvent initFrame (const double *cameraParam=NULL)
 init the frame and process window events before drawing stuff
int updateFrame ()
 update the frame and return if we are running or not
void getFrame (unsigned char *img)
Image< PixRGB< byte > > getFrame ()
void setTextures (bool val)
void setShadows (bool val)
Dims getDims ()
void setWireframe (bool val)
void setDrawWorld (bool val)
void setZoom (float val)
void createMainWindow (const char *winname)
void destroyMainWindow ()
void handleEvent (XEvent &event)
void startGraphics (const char *prefix, const char *ground, const char *sky)
void stopGraphics ()
void buildProjectionMatrix (const double cameraParam[3][4], double projMatrix[16])
int paramDecompMat (const double source[3][4], double cpara[3][4], double trans[3][4])
void initCamera ()
void dsSetViewpoint (double xyz[3], double hpr[3])
void dsGetViewpoint (double xyz[3], double hpr[3])
void unProjectPoint (const int x, const int y, double objLoc[3])
 get the 3D location of an x,y pos on the screen
void dsSetTexture (TEXTURES texture_number, Texture *texturePtr=NULL)
void dsSetColor (double red, double green, double blue)
void dsSetColorAlpha (double red, double green, double blue, double alpha)
void dsDrawBox (const double pos[3], const double R[12], const double sides[3])
void dsDrawSphere (const double pos[3], const double R[12], double radius)
void dsDrawTriangle (const double pos[3], const double R[12], const double *v0, const double *v1, const double *v2, int solid)
void dsDrawCylinder (const double pos[3], const double R[12], double length, double radius)
void dsDrawCappedCylinder (const double pos[3], const double R[12], double length, double radius)
void dsDrawLine (const double pos1[3], const double pos2[3])
void dsDrawBoxD (const double pos[3], const double R[12], const double sides[3])
void dsDrawSphereD (const double pos[3], const double R[12], const double radius)
void dsDrawTriangleD (const double pos[3], const double R[12], const double *v0, const double *v1, const double *v2, int solid)
void dsDrawCylinderD (const double pos[3], const double R[12], double length, double radius)
void dsDrawCappedCylinderD (const double pos[3], const double R[12], double length, double radius)
void dsDrawLineD (const double pos1[3], const double pos2[3])
void dsSetSphereQuality (int n)
void dsSetCappedCylinderQuality (int n)
void normalizeVector3 (float *)
double dDOT (const double *, const double *)
void setCamera (double, double, double, double, double, double)
void setColor (double, double, double, double)
void setTransform (const double *, const double *)
void setShadowTransform ()
void drawBox (const double *)
void drawPatch (double *, double *, double *, int)
void drawSphere ()
void drawSphereShadow (double, double, double, double)
void drawTriangle (const double *, const double *, const double *, int)
void drawTriangleD (const double *, const double *, const double *, int)
void drawCappedCylinder (double, double)
void drawCylinder (double, double, double)
void initMotionModel ()
void wrapCameraAngles ()
void dsMotion (int, int, int)
void drawSky (double *)
void drawGround ()
void drawPyramidGrid ()
void dsDrawFrame (const double cameraParam[16]=NULL)
int dsGetShadows ()
void dsSetShadows (int)
int dsGetTextures ()
void dsSetTextures (int)
void setupDrawingMode ()
void setShadowDrawingMode ()
DSObject load3DSObject (const char *filename, const char *textureFile=NULL)
int loadBitmap (const char *filename)
void dsDraw3DSObject (const double pos[3], const double R[12], DSObject &object)
void draw3dsObject (DSObject &object)

Static Public Member Functions

static void mainWindowThread (void *t)

Public Attributes

int itsWidth
int itsHeight
int run
int writeframes
pthread_t win_thread
Display * display
XVisualInfo * visual
Colormap colormap
Window win
GLXContext glx_context
int last_key_pressed
Atom wm_protocols_atom
Atom wm_delete_window_atom
int screen
GLuint listnum
bool itsDrawWorld
double view_xyz [3]
double view_hpr [3]
double itsProjMatrix [16]
double color [4]
int tnum
double ground_scale
double ground_ofsx
double ground_ofsy
double sky_scale
double sky_height
int sphere_quality
int capped_cylinder_quality
int use_textures
int use_shadows

Detailed Description

Definition at line 83 of file ViewPort.H.

Member Function Documentation

XEvent ViewPort::initFrame ( const double *  cameraParam = NULL  ) 

init the frame and process window events before drawing stuff

Definition at line 311 of file ViewPort.C.

void ViewPort::unProjectPoint ( const int  x,
const int  y,
double  objLoc[3] 

get the 3D location of an x,y pos on the screen

Definition at line 588 of file ViewPort.C.

Referenced by ArmSim::getObjLoc().

int ViewPort::updateFrame (  ) 

update the frame and return if we are running or not

Definition at line 327 of file ViewPort.C.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Sun May 8 08:44:02 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3