
00001 #include "scorbot.h"
00002 #include "buffered_serial.h"
00004 #define READ_ENCODER_VALUE       10
00005 #define READ_MICROSWITCHES       11
00006 #define READ_PWM_VALUE           12
00007 #define READ_TRAJECTORY          13
00008 #define READ_CONTROL_PARAMS      15
00009 #define SET_DESTINATION          20
00010 #define RESET_ENCODER            21
00011 #define READ_ALL_ENCODERS        22
00012 #define READ_ALL_PWMS            23
00013 #define SET_CONTROL_PARAMS       25
00014 #define ENABLE_MOTORS            30
00015 #define DISABLE_MOTORS           31
00017 #define LOOP_STATUS_TEXT         'l'
00018 #define DEBUG                    'd'
00020 #define FAILURE                  254
00021 #define SUCCESS                  255
00023 BufferedSerial pc(USBTX, USBRX, 128);
00027 int main()
00028 {
00029   Scorbot arm;
00031   //create and set the serial baud rate to the PC
00032   pc.baud(115200);
00034   uint8_t command, motor, length, index;
00035   uint8_t * param_buffer;
00036   long position, duration;
00038   while (1)
00039   {
00040     command = pc.getc();
00042     switch (command)
00043     {
00044       case READ_ENCODER_VALUE:
00045         motor = pc.getc();
00046         if (motor < NUM_MOTORS)
00047         {
00048           pc.writeLong(arm.readEncoder(motor));
00049           pc.putc(SUCCESS);
00050         }
00051         else
00052         {
00053           pc.writeLong(0);
00054           pc.putc(FAILURE);  
00055         }
00056         break;
00057       case READ_MICROSWITCHES:
00058         pc.putc(arm.readMicroswitches());
00059         pc.putc(SUCCESS);
00060         break;
00061       case READ_PWM_VALUE:
00062         motor = pc.getc();
00063         if (motor < NUM_MOTORS)
00064         {
00065           pc.writeLong((long)(arm.readPWMDuty(motor) * 100000.0));
00066           pc.putc(SUCCESS);
00067         }
00068         else
00069         {
00070           pc.writeLong(0);
00071           pc.putc(FAILURE);
00072         }
00073         break;
00074       case READ_TRAJECTORY:
00075         motor = pc.getc();
00076         if (motor < NUM_MOTORS)
00077         {
00078           pc.writeLong(arm.readTargetPosition(motor));
00079           pc.writeLong(arm.readTargetVelocity(motor));
00080           pc.putc(SUCCESS);
00081         }
00082         else
00083           pc.putc(FAILURE);
00085         break;
00086       case READ_CONTROL_PARAMS:
00087         motor = pc.getc();
00088         if (motor < NUM_MOTORS)
00089         {
00090           param_buffer = arm.readControlParameters(motor, length);
00091           pc.putc(length);
00092           for (index = 0; index < length; index++)
00093             pc.putc(param_buffer[index]);
00094           delete[] param_buffer;
00095           pc.putc(SUCCESS);
00096         }
00097         else
00098           pc.putc(FAILURE);
00099         break;
00100       /* SET_DESTINATION */
00101       case SET_DESTINATION:
00102         motor = pc.getc();
00103         position = pc.readLong();
00104         duration = pc.readLong();
00105         if (motor < NUM_MOTORS)
00106         {
00107           arm.setDestination(motor, position, duration);
00108           pc.putc(SUCCESS);
00109         }
00110         else
00111           pc.putc(FAILURE);
00112         break;
00113       /* SET_CONTROL_PARAMS */
00114       case RESET_ENCODER:
00115         arm.resetEncoders();
00116         pc.putc(SUCCESS);
00117         break;
00118       /* READ_ALL_ENCODERS */
00119       case READ_ALL_ENCODERS:
00120         pc.putc(READ_ALL_ENCODERS);
00121         pc.putc(4*NUM_MOTORS);
00122         for(index=0; index<NUM_MOTORS; index++)
00123             pc.writeLong(arm.readEncoder(index));
00124         pc.putc(255);
00125         break;
00126       case READ_ALL_PWMS:
00127         pc.putc(READ_ALL_PWMS);
00128         pc.putc(4*NUM_MOTORS);
00129         for (index = 0; index < NUM_MOTORS; index++)
00130           pc.writeLong((long)(arm.readPWMDuty(index) * 100000.0));
00131         pc.putc(255);
00132         break;
00133       /* SET_CONTROL_PARAMS */
00134       case SET_CONTROL_PARAMS:
00135         motor = pc.getc();
00136         length = pc.getc();
00137         param_buffer = new uint8_t[length];
00138         pc.readBytes(param_buffer, length);
00139         if (motor < 7 && arm.setControlParameters(motor, length, param_buffer))
00140           pc.putc(SUCCESS);
00141         else
00142           pc.putc(FAILURE);
00143         break;
00144       /* ENABLE_MOTORS */
00145       case ENABLE_MOTORS:
00146         arm.enableMotors();
00147         pc.putc(SUCCESS);
00148         break;
00149       /* DISABLE_MOTORS */
00150       case DISABLE_MOTORS:
00151         arm.disableMotors();
00152         pc.putc(SUCCESS);
00153         break;
00154       /* LOOP_STATUS_TEXT */
00155       case LOOP_STATUS_TEXT:
00156         while (!pc.readable())
00157         {
00158           pc.printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
00159           pc.printf("                                 Scorbot Status                                 \n");
00160           pc.printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
00161           pc.printf("\tEncoder 1 = %d\t\t\tEncoder 2 = %d\n", arm.readEncoder(0), arm.readEncoder(1));
00162           pc.printf("\tEncoder 3 = %d\t\t\tEncoder 4 = %d\n", arm.readEncoder(2), arm.readEncoder(3));
00163           pc.printf("\tEncoder 5 = %d\t\t\tEncoder 6 = %d\n", arm.readEncoder(4), arm.readEncoder(5));
00164           pc.printf("\tEncoder 7 = %d\n", arm.readEncoder(6));
00165           pc.printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
00166           pc.printf("   MS 1 = %u     MS 2 = %u     MS 3 = %u     MS 4 = %u     MS 5 = %u     MS 7 = %u\n",
00167             arm.readMicroswitch(0), arm.readMicroswitch(1), arm.readMicroswitch(2), 
00168             arm.readMicroswitch(3), arm.readMicroswitch(4), arm.readMicroswitch(6));
00169           pc.printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
00170           pc.printf("                                                                                \n");
00171           pc.printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
00172           wait_ms(500);
00173         }
00174         break;
00175       case DEBUG:
00176         motor =0;
00177         while (!pc.readable())
00178         {
00179            pc.printf("hi = %u\n", motor);
00180            motor++;
00181            wait_ms(10);
00182         }
00183         break;
00184     }
00185   }
00186 }
Generated on Sun May 8 08:41:32 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3