Demo Directory Reference

Real-time saliency computation demo programs.




file  app-chimpanzee.C [code]
file  DemoOpts.C [code]
file  DemoOpts.H [code]
file  README.dxy [code]
file  SaliencyMT.C [code]
file  SaliencyMT.H [code]
file  test-Colors.C [code]
file  test-Head.C [code]
file  test-SaliencyMT.C [code]
file  test-tracking.C [code]

Detailed Description

Real-time saliency computation demo programs.

The programs here were initially created for a demo at the National Science Foundation in Washington, where a humanoid robot head looks towards salient events in a room full of visitors. The demo program is geared towards running on a single SMP machine. No motor control is achieved by the code here; rather UDP packets are sent to the robot head with the current coordinates of the most salient location on the robot's retina.

for dependency graphs: rankdir: TB

Generated on Sun May 8 08:44:57 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3