BeoSubSim Class Reference

Definition and access functions for the BeoSub. More...

#include <BeoSub/BeoSubSim.H>

Inheritance diagram for BeoSubSim:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for BeoSubSim:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void updateCompass (const Angle heading, const Angle pitch, const Angle roll)
 Update compass - used by sensors.
void updateDepth (const float depth)
 Update depth - used by sensors.
void updatePosition (const float z, const float x)
 Update position.
float getCurrentZ ()
float getCurrentX ()
float getRelDist ()
bool isStrafing ()
void setStrafing (const bool s=false)
void setUpGrabFlag (const bool s=false)
bool getUpGrabFlag ()
void setDownGrabFlag (const bool s=false)
bool getDownGrabFlag ()
void setFrontGrabFlag (const bool s=false)
bool getFrontGrabFlag ()
void useDepthPID (const bool useit)
 Turn depth PID on/off.
void useHeadingPID (const bool useit)
 Turn heading PID on/off.
void usePitchPID (const bool useit)
 Turn pitch PID on/off.
Constructors and Destructors

 BeoSubSim (OptionManager &mgr)
 ~BeoSubSim ()
mid-level overloads

virtual void advanceRel (const float relDist, const bool stop=true)
 Advance the sub by some distance in meters.
virtual void strafeRel (const float relDist)
 Strafe the sub by some distance in meters.
void turnAbs (const Angle finalHeading, const bool blocking=false)
 Turn the sub to the given heading.
void turnRel (const Angle relHeading, const bool blocking=false)
 Turns the sub to the given heading relative to our current heading.
void turnOpen (const Angle relHeading, const bool blocking=false)
void diveAbs (const float finalDepth, const bool blocking=false)
 Makes the sub dive to a specific depth in meters.
void diveRel (const float relDepth, const bool blocking=false)
 Makes the sub dive to a specific depth relative to current.
Low-level access functions

void thrust (const float leftval, const float rightval)
 Activate the thrusters.
void getThrusters (float &leftval, float &rightval) const
 Get the current thruster settings.
void setFrontBallast (const float val, const bool blocking=false)
 Set the front ballast. Value is between 0.0 (empty) and 1.0 (full).
void setRearBallast (const float val, const bool blocking=false)
 Set the rear ballast. Value is between 0.0 (empty) and 1.0 (full).
void setBallasts (const float f, const float r, const bool blocking=false)
 Set all ballasts.
float getFrontBallast () const
 Get the front ballast. Value is between 0.0 (empty) and 1.0 (full).
float getRearBallast () const
 Get the rear ballast. Value is between 0.0 (empty) and 1.0 (full).
void getBallasts (float &f, float &r) const
 Get all ballasts.
virtual void dropMarker (const bool blocking=false)
 Drop a marker.
virtual Image< PixRGB< byte > > grabImage (const enum BeoSubCamera cam) const
 Grab a an image from one of the cameras.

Protected Member Functions

void start1 ()
 get started, before our subcomponents start
void start2 ()
 get started, after our subcomponents have started

Protected Attributes

NModelParam< int > itsLeftThrusterServoNum
 servo num for left thruster
NModelParam< int > itsRightThrusterServoNum
 servo num for right thruster
nub::soft_ref< HMR3300itsHMR3300
 compass for heading
nub::soft_ref< BeoChipitsBeo
 our beochip
nub::soft_ref< BeoSubBallastitsFballast
nub::soft_ref< BeoSubBallastitsRballast
 our 2 ballasts
nub::soft_ref< BeoSubIMUitsIMU
 our IMU
nub::soft_ref< FrameIstreamitsCameraFront
nub::soft_ref< FrameIstreamitsCameraDown
nub::soft_ref< FrameIstreamitsCameraUp
 our three cameras
float itsThrustLeft
float itsThrustRight
 our current thruster settings
float relDistance
bool isStrafe
int imageCounter
float itsCurrentZ
float itsCurrentX
bool upImageFlag
bool frontImageFlag
bool downImageFlag
BeoSubSensor< float > itsDepthSensor
 sensor cleaner for depth
BeoSubSensor< AngleitsHeadingSensor
 sensor cleaner for heading
BeoSubSensor< AngleitsPitchSensor
 sensor cleaner for pitch
PID< float > itsDepthPID
 PID for depth stabilization.
PID< AngleitsHeadingPID
 PID for heading stabilization.
PID< AngleitsPitchPID
 PID for pitch stabilization.
bool itsDepthPIDon
bool itsHeadingPIDon
bool itsPitchPIDon


class BeoSubListener
class HMRlistener

Detailed Description

Definition and access functions for the BeoSub.

BeoSub is an autonomous visually-guided submarine. This class implements the high-level functionality, relying on low-level drivers to handle motor activation, compass reading, etc

Definition at line 55 of file BeoSubSim.H.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BeoSubSim::BeoSubSim ( OptionManager mgr  ) 


Class definition for BeoSubListener.

This is the listener class that is attached to each BeoChip in the ballast tube of the submarine. This class is just a pass-through to the function dispatchBeoChipEvent() of class BeoSubOneBal.

Definition at line 97 of file BeoSubSim.C.

BeoSubSim::~BeoSubSim (  ) 


Definition at line 126 of file BeoSubSim.C.

Member Function Documentation

void BeoSubSim::advanceRel ( const float  relDist,
const bool  stop = true 
) [virtual]

Advance the sub by some distance in meters.

This is an overload of BeoSub::advanceRel() which ensures we turn off the heading PID during the advance

Implements BeoSub.

Definition at line 290 of file BeoSubSim.C.

References thrust().

void BeoSubSim::diveAbs ( const float  finalDepth,
const bool  blocking = false 

Makes the sub dive to a specific depth in meters.

Reimplemented from BeoSub.

Definition at line 320 of file BeoSubSim.C.

References Attitude::depth, and BeoSub::itsTargetAttitude.

void BeoSubSim::diveRel ( const float  relDepth,
const bool  blocking = false 

Makes the sub dive to a specific depth relative to current.

Negative depth is up, positive is down. Distance is in meters.

Reimplemented from BeoSub.

Definition at line 324 of file BeoSubSim.C.

References Attitude::depth, BeoSub::itsCurrentAttitude, and BeoSub::itsTargetAttitude.

void BeoSubSim::dropMarker ( const bool  blocking = false  )  [virtual]

Drop a marker.

Implements BeoSub.

Definition at line 247 of file BeoSubSim.C.

void BeoSubSim::getBallasts ( float &  f,
float &  r 
) const

Get all ballasts.

Definition at line 243 of file BeoSubSim.C.

float BeoSubSim::getFrontBallast (  )  const

Get the front ballast. Value is between 0.0 (empty) and 1.0 (full).

Definition at line 235 of file BeoSubSim.C.

float BeoSubSim::getRearBallast (  )  const

Get the rear ballast. Value is between 0.0 (empty) and 1.0 (full).

Definition at line 239 of file BeoSubSim.C.

void BeoSubSim::getThrusters ( float &  leftval,
float &  rightval 
) const

Get the current thruster settings.

Definition at line 218 of file BeoSubSim.C.

References itsThrustRight.

Image< PixRGB< byte > > BeoSubSim::grabImage ( const enum BeoSubCamera  cam  )  const [virtual]

Grab a an image from one of the cameras.

Implements BeoSub.

Definition at line 261 of file BeoSubSim.C.

References Raster::ReadRGB(), and sformat().

void BeoSubSim::setBallasts ( const float  f,
const float  r,
const bool  blocking = false 

Set all ballasts.

Definition at line 230 of file BeoSubSim.C.

Referenced by start2().

void BeoSubSim::setFrontBallast ( const float  val,
const bool  blocking = false 

Set the front ballast. Value is between 0.0 (empty) and 1.0 (full).

Definition at line 222 of file BeoSubSim.C.

void BeoSubSim::setRearBallast ( const float  val,
const bool  blocking = false 

Set the rear ballast. Value is between 0.0 (empty) and 1.0 (full).

Definition at line 226 of file BeoSubSim.C.

void BeoSubSim::start1 (  )  [protected, virtual]

get started, before our subcomponents start

Reimplemented from BeoSub.

Definition at line 130 of file BeoSubSim.C.

void BeoSubSim::start2 (  )  [protected, virtual]

get started, after our subcomponents have started

Reimplemented from ModelComponent.

Definition at line 140 of file BeoSubSim.C.

References setBallasts().

void BeoSubSim::strafeRel ( const float  relDist  )  [virtual]

Strafe the sub by some distance in meters.

this is an overload of BeoSub::strafeRel() which ensures we turn the heading PID off during the strafe

Reimplemented from BeoSub.

Definition at line 298 of file BeoSubSim.C.

void BeoSubSim::thrust ( const float  leftval,
const float  rightval 

Activate the thrusters.

Values should be between -1.0 (full reverse) and 1.0 (full forward), 0.0 being no motion

Definition at line 211 of file BeoSubSim.C.

References itsThrustRight.

Referenced by advanceRel().

void BeoSubSim::turnAbs ( const Angle  finalHeading,
const bool  blocking = false 

Turn the sub to the given heading.

blocking if true will block until completion or some timeout occurs

Reimplemented from BeoSub.

Definition at line 304 of file BeoSubSim.C.

References BeoSub::itsTargetAttitude.

void BeoSubSim::turnRel ( const Angle  relHeading,
const bool  blocking = false 

Turns the sub to the given heading relative to our current heading.

Reimplemented from BeoSub.

Definition at line 308 of file BeoSubSim.C.

References BeoSub::itsCurrentAttitude, and BeoSub::itsTargetAttitude.

void BeoSubSim::updateCompass ( const Angle  heading,
const Angle  pitch,
const Angle  roll 

Update compass - used by sensors.

Definition at line 168 of file BeoSubSim.C.

References Timer::getSecs(), BeoSub::itsCurrentAttitude, BeoSub::itsLock, and BeoSub::itsMasterClock.

void BeoSubSim::updateDepth ( const float  depth  ) 
void BeoSubSim::updatePosition ( const float  z,
const float  x 

Update position.

Definition at line 206 of file BeoSubSim.C.

void BeoSubSim::useDepthPID ( const bool  useit  ) 

Turn depth PID on/off.

Definition at line 329 of file BeoSubSim.C.

void BeoSubSim::useHeadingPID ( const bool  useit  ) 

Turn heading PID on/off.

Definition at line 333 of file BeoSubSim.C.

void BeoSubSim::usePitchPID ( const bool  useit  ) 

Turn pitch PID on/off.

Definition at line 337 of file BeoSubSim.C.

Member Data Documentation

our beochip

Definition at line 165 of file BeoSubSim.H.

our three cameras

Definition at line 168 of file BeoSubSim.H.

PID<float> BeoSubSim::itsDepthPID [protected]

PID for depth stabilization.

Definition at line 180 of file BeoSubSim.H.

sensor cleaner for depth

Definition at line 177 of file BeoSubSim.H.

Referenced by updateDepth().

PID for heading stabilization.

Definition at line 181 of file BeoSubSim.H.

sensor cleaner for heading

Definition at line 178 of file BeoSubSim.H.

compass for heading

Definition at line 164 of file BeoSubSim.H.

our IMU

Definition at line 167 of file BeoSubSim.H.

servo num for left thruster

Definition at line 161 of file BeoSubSim.H.

PID for pitch stabilization.

Definition at line 182 of file BeoSubSim.H.

sensor cleaner for pitch

Definition at line 179 of file BeoSubSim.H.

our 2 ballasts

Definition at line 166 of file BeoSubSim.H.

servo num for right thruster

Definition at line 162 of file BeoSubSim.H.

float BeoSubSim::itsThrustRight [protected]

our current thruster settings

Definition at line 170 of file BeoSubSim.H.

Referenced by getThrusters(), and thrust().

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