test-envObjRec.C File Reference

#include "Image/OpenCVUtil.H"
#include "Component/ModelManager.H"
#include "Image/Image.H"
#include "Image/ImageSet.H"
#include "Image/ShapeOps.H"
#include "Image/CutPaste.H"
#include "Image/DrawOps.H"
#include "Image/FilterOps.H"
#include "Image/ColorOps.H"
#include "Image/Transforms.H"
#include "Image/MathOps.H"
#include "Image/fancynorm.H"
#include "Transport/FrameInfo.H"
#include "Raster/Raster.H"
#include "Raster/GenericFrame.H"
#include "GUI/DebugWin.H"
#include "Neuro/EnvVisualCortex.H"
#include "Media/FrameSeries.H"
#include "Util/Timer.H"
Include dependency graph for test-envObjRec.C:

Go to the source code of this file.


#define OPENCV_HOUGH   1
#define ORI_QUE   1
#define halfPi   ((float)(CV_PI*0.5))
#define Pi   ((float)CV_PI)
#define a0   0 /*-4.172325e-7f*/
#define a1   1.000025f
#define a2   -2.652905e-4f
#define a3   -0.165624f
#define a4   -1.964532e-3f
#define a5   1.02575e-2f
#define a6   -9.580378e-4f
#define _sin(x)   ((((((a6*(x) + a5)*(x) + a4)*(x) + a3)*(x) + a2)*(x) + a1)*(x) + a0)
#define _cos(x)   _sin(halfPi - (x))
#define NUMANGLE   180


void display (Image< PixRGB< byte > > &leftImg, const Image< PixRGB< byte > > &leftSmap, const Image< PixRGB< byte > > &hough, const Point2D< int > &leftWinner, const byte maxVal, const Point2D< int > &targetLoc, nub::ref< OutputFrameSeries > ofs)
int biasProc (const char *tagName, env_size_t clev, env_size_t slev, struct env_image *cmap, const struct env_image *center, const struct env_image *surround)
void putLine (Image< PixRGB< byte > > &img, float r, float m)
Image< float > houghTrans (const Image< float > &edge, const Image< float > &ori, const Image< float > &smap)
Image< PixRGB< byte > > showHough (const Image< float > &acc, const Image< float > &mag)
float w (float *p, int k)
float u (float *p, int k)
float nu (float *p, int k, float ut, float vt)
Image< float > segmentProb (const Image< float > &img)
float entropy (float *h, int a, float p)
Image< float > segment (const Image< float > &img)
int main (const int argc, const char **argv)


bool debug = 0
Timer timer
int smap_level = 0
float tabSin [NUMANGLE]
float tabCos [NUMANGLE]

Detailed Description

test various obj rec alg

Definition in file test-envObjRec.C.

Generated on Sun May 8 08:42:46 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3