
00001 /*!@file AppMedia/stim-surprise.C generate surprising stimuli */
00003 // $HeadURL: svn:// $
00004 // $Id: stim-foe-background.C 12962 2010-03-06 02:13:53Z irock $
00006 #include "Image/Image.H"
00007 #include "Image/DrawOps.H"
00008 #include "Image/ShapeOps.H"
00009 #include "Util/MathFunctions.H"
00010 #include "Image/Pixels.H"
00011 #include "Raster/Raster.H"
00013 #include <vector>
00015 #define WIDTH 1280
00016 #define HEIGHT 720
00017 #define NFRAME 500
00018 #define DX 72
00019 #define DX_DOT_OVERLAP 3
00020 #define DTHETA 0.1
00021 #define RAD 8
00023 #define DOT_RAD 5
00026 #define DOT_DEATH_RATE_PERCENT 0
00028 #define DOT_LIFE_TIME 1000
00029 #define RATIO 100
00032 template <class T>
00033 void drawDisk2(Image<T>& dst, const Point2D<int>& center,
00034               const float radius, const T value)
00035 {
00036   if (radius == 1)
00037     {
00038       if (dst.coordsOk(center)) dst.setVal(center.i + dst.getWidth() * center.j, value);
00039       return;
00040     }
00042   for (int y = -int(radius); y <= int(radius); ++y)
00043     {
00044       int bound = int(sqrtf(float(squareOf(radius) - squareOf(y))));
00045       for (int x = -bound; x <= bound; ++x)
00046         if (dst.coordsOk(x + center.i, y + center.j))
00047           dst.setVal(x + center.i, y + center.j, value);
00048     }
00049 }
00052 int main(const int argc, const char **argv)
00053 {
00054   initRandomNumbers();
00055   Image<PixRGB<byte> > img(WIDTH, HEIGHT, NO_INIT);
00057   if (argc < 2) LFATAL("USAGE: stim_surprise <type>");
00060  // arrays of precessing dots and one is special in there?
00062   if (strcmp(argv[1], "foe") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "foc") == 0)
00063     {
00065         img.clear(PixRGB<byte>(128,128,128));
00066         //Raster::WriteRGB(img, "greyframe.ppm");
00067         int direction=0;
00068         if (strcmp(argv[1], "foe") == 0){
00069                 direction=1;
00070         }
00071         if (strcmp(argv[1], "foc") == 0){
00072                 direction=-1;
00073         }
00074         Point2D<float> foe= Point2D<float>(float(float(WIDTH)*9/10) , float(float(HEIGHT)*9/10));
00075       // get random centers:
00076       std::vector<Point2D<float> > center;
00077       std::vector<int > center_life;
00078       std::vector<float> center_depth;
00080       std::vector<Point2D<float> > temp;
00081       std::vector<int > temp_life;
00082       std::vector<float> temp_depth;
00083       //initialize
00084       std::vector<double> phi;
00085       for (int j = DX/2; j < HEIGHT; j += DX)
00086         for (int i = DX/2; i < WIDTH; i += DX)
00087           {
00088             center.push_back(Point2D<float>(i + float(10.0 * (randomDouble()-5.0)), j + float(10.0 * (randomDouble()-5.0))));
00089             center_life.push_back(4);
00090             phi.push_back(M_PI * randomDouble());
00091           }
00093         int count=0;
00094         unsigned int count_dots_disregard=0;
00095       for (int k = 0; k < NFRAME; k ++){
00096         PixRGB<byte> col_in_white = PixRGB<byte>(256,256,256);
00097         PixRGB<byte> col_out_black = PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0);
00098         img.clear(PixRGB<byte>(128,128,128));
00099         count_dots_disregard=0;
00100           for (unsigned int n = 0; n < center.size(); n ++)
00101           {
00102             // check if they have gone out
00103                 if(direction>0) //foe
00104                 {
00105                         float ii,jj;
00106                         if(k==0){
00107                                 ii = float(center[n].i  );
00108                                       jj = float(center[n].j  );
00109                         }else{
00110                                 ii = float(center[n].i + direction*float(center[n].i-foe.i)*float(DOT_SPEED_PIXEL_PER_FRAME)/RATIO );
00111                                       jj = float(center[n].j + direction*float(center[n].j-foe.j)*float(DOT_SPEED_PIXEL_PER_FRAME)/RATIO );
00112                                 if(ii==center[n].i){
00113                                         if( (center[n].i-foe.i)<0 )
00114                                                 ii=float(ii-1);
00115                                         else
00116                                                 ii=float(ii+1);
00117                                 }
00118                                 if(jj==center[n].j){
00119                                         jj=float(jj+1);
00120                                 if( (center[n].j-foe.j)<0 )
00121                                         jj=float(jj-1);
00122                                 else
00123                                         jj=float(jj+1);
00124                                 }
00125                         }
00126                         if(ii < WIDTH && ii> 0 && jj< HEIGHT && jj> 0 && center_life[n]<DOT_LIFE_TIME ){
00127                                 temp.push_back(Point2D<float>(ii, jj));
00128                                 temp_life.push_back(center_life[n]+1);
00129                         }else{
00130                                 count_dots_disregard++;
00131                         }
00133                 }
00135                 if(direction<0) //foc
00136                 {
00137                         float ii = float(center[n].i + direction*(center[n].i-foe.i)*(k*DOT_SPEED_PIXEL_PER_FRAME)/DOT_LIFE_TIME );
00138                         if(ii > WIDTH || ii< 0){
00139                                 //ii = float(center[n].i + direction*(center[n].i-foe.i)*(theta-count*DOT_SPEED_PIXEL_PER_FRAME)/DOT_LIFE_TIME );
00140                         }
00141                         //center[n].i=ii;
00142                               float jj = float(center[n].j + direction*(center[n].j-foe.j)*(k*DOT_SPEED_PIXEL_PER_FRAME)/DOT_LIFE_TIME );
00143                         if(jj > HEIGHT || jj< 0){
00144                                 //jj = float(center[n].j + direction*(center[n].j-foe.j)*(theta-count*DOT_SPEED_PIXEL_PER_FRAME)/DOT_LIFE_TIME );
00145                         }
00146                         //center[n].j=jj;
00148                               drawDisk(img, Point2D<int>(ii, jj), DOT_RAD*2, col_out_black);
00149                               drawDisk(img, Point2D<int>(ii, jj), DOT_RAD, col_in_white);
00150                 }
00152             }
00155         for (unsigned int a = 0; a < count_dots_disregard; a ++){
00156                 float temp_i,temp_j;
00157                 //bool good=false;
00158                 temp_i=float(WIDTH * (randomDouble()));
00159                 temp_j=float(HEIGHT * (randomDouble()));
00160                 /*while(!good){
00161                         temp_i=int(WIDTH * (randomDouble()));
00162                         temp_j=int(WIDTH * (randomDouble()));
00163                         bool overlap=false;
00164                         for (unsigned int n = 0; n < temp.size(); n ++){
00165                                 if(abs(temp_i-temp[n].i)<DX_DOT_OVERLAP || abs(temp_j-temp[n].j)<DX_DOT_OVERLAP){
00166                                         overlap=true;
00167                                         break;
00168                                 }
00169                         }
00170                         if(!overlap){
00171                                 good=true;
00172                         }
00173                 }*/
00174                 temp.push_back(Point2D<float>(temp_i , temp_j ));
00175                 temp_life.push_back(0);
00176         }
00178 // Draw dots
00179         center.clear();
00180         center_life.clear();
00181          for (unsigned int n = 0; n < temp.size(); n ++){
00182                 center.push_back(temp[n]);
00183                 center_life.push_back(temp_life[n]);
00184                 if(1 ){ //float(temp_life[n]/10)< float(DOT_RAD*2)
00185                         drawDisk2(img, Point2D<int>(int(temp[n].i), int(temp[n].j) ), float(float(temp_life[n])/15*2), col_out_black);
00186                         drawDisk2(img, Point2D<int>(int(temp[n].i), int(temp[n].j) ), float(temp_life[n])/15, col_in_white);
00187                 }
00188                 else if(temp_life[n]> 99999){ //(DOT_LIFE_TIME-DOT_RAD)
00189                         drawDisk2(img, Point2D<int>(int(temp[n].i), int(temp[n].j) ), (DOT_LIFE_TIME-temp_life[n])*2, col_out_black);
00190                         drawDisk2(img, Point2D<int>(int(temp[n].i), int(temp[n].j) ), DOT_LIFE_TIME-temp_life[n], col_in_white);
00191                 }else{
00192                         drawDisk2(img, Point2D<int>(int(temp[n].i), int(temp[n].j) ), float(DOT_RAD*2), col_out_black);
00193                         drawDisk2(img, Point2D<int>(int(temp[n].i), int(temp[n].j) ), float(DOT_RAD), col_in_white);
00194                 }
00195         }
00196         temp.clear();
00197         temp_life.clear();
00198           Raster::WriteRGB(img, sformat("/home2/tmp/u/elno/research/exp1/stim/bgMovies/foe/frames/frame%06d.ppm", k));
00199           //theta += DOT_SPEED_PIXEL_PER_FRAME; //thetac -= DTHETA; // += 3.67 * DTHETA;
00200           count++;
00201         if(count>DOT_LIFE_TIME)
00202                 count=0;
00203         }
00204     }
00205   // random noise?
00207   // arrays of precessing dots and one is special in there?
00208    else if (strcmp(argv[1], "dots") == 0)
00209     {
00210       // get random centers:
00211       std::vector<Point2D<int> > center; std::vector<double> phi;
00212       for (int j = DX/2; j < WIDTH; j += DX)
00213         for (int i = DX/2; i < WIDTH; i += DX)
00214           {
00215             center.push_back(Point2D<int>(i + int(5.0 * (randomDouble()-0.5)),
00216                                      j + int(5.0 * (randomDouble()-0.5))));
00217             phi.push_back(M_PI * randomDouble());
00218           }
00220       double theta = 0.0, thetac = 0.0;;
00221       for (int k = 0; k < NFRAME; k ++)
00222         {
00223           img.clear();
00225           for (unsigned int n = 0; n < center.size(); n ++)
00226             {
00227               double t = theta, rx = RAD, ry = RAD, p = phi[n];
00228               PixRGB<byte> col= PixRGB<byte>(256,256,256);
00229               if (n == 27) t = thetac;
00230               //if (n == 27) { rx = 0; ry = 0; if ((k/6) & 1) col = 0; }
00232               int ii = int(center[n].i + rx * cos(t + p));
00233               int jj = int(center[n].j + ry * sin(t + p));
00234               drawDisk(img, Point2D<int>(ii, jj), 4, col);
00235             }
00237           Raster::WriteRGB(img, sformat("frame%06d.ppm", k));
00238           theta += DTHETA; //thetac -= DTHETA; // += 3.67 * DTHETA;
00239         }
00240     }
00241   // random noise?
00242   else if (strcmp(argv[1], "rnd") == 0)
00243     {
00244       for (int k = 0; k < NFRAME; k ++)
00245         {
00246           for (int j = 0; j < WIDTH; j ++)
00247             for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i ++)
00248               {
00250                 double d2 = (i-127)*(i-127) + (j-127)*(j-127);
00251                 double coeff = exp(-d2 / 400.0) * 0.5;
00253                 img.setVal(i, j, 128 + int(256.0 * (1.0-coeff) * randomDouble()) -
00254                            int(128.0 * (1.0-coeff)));
00255               }
00256           Raster::WriteRGB(img, sformat("frame%06d.ppm", k));
00257         }
00258     }
00259   // random blinking?
00260   else if (strcmp(argv[1], "blink") == 0)
00261     {
00262       // get random centers:
00263       std::vector<Point2D<int> > center; std::vector<int> phi;
00264       const int period = 20;
00265       for (int j = DX/2; j < WIDTH; j += DX)
00266         for (int i = DX/2; i < WIDTH; i += DX)
00267           {
00268             center.push_back(Point2D<int>(i + int(5.0 * (randomDouble()-0.5)),
00269                                      j + int(5.0 * (randomDouble()-0.5))));
00270             phi.push_back(randomUpToNotIncluding(period));
00271           }
00273       for (int k = 0; k < NFRAME; k ++)
00274         {
00275           img.clear();
00277           for (unsigned int n = 0; n < center.size(); n ++)
00278             {
00279               PixRGB<byte> col= PixRGB<byte>(256,256,256);
00280               if (n == 27)
00281                 {
00282                   if (((k + phi[n]) & 4) < 2) col = PixRGB<byte>(256,256,256); else col = PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0);
00283                 }
00284               else
00285                 {
00286                   if (((k + phi[n]) % period) < period/2) col = PixRGB<byte>(256,256,256);
00287                   else col = PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0);
00288                 }
00289               drawDisk(img, center[n], 4, col);
00290             }
00292           Raster::WriteRGB(img, sformat("frame%06d.ppm", k));
00294         }
00295     }
00296   return 0;
00297 }
00299 // ######################################################################
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00302 /* indent-tabs-mode: nil */
00303 /* End: */
Generated on Sun May 8 08:40:08 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3