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00001 /**
00002    \file  Robots/LoBot/control/LoTrack.H
00003    \brief A behaviour for tracking the robot.
00005    This file implements a class for maintaining a list of lobot's
00006    positions within the map and visualizing this pose history as a dotted
00007    trail. Each pose update is also logged via lobot::Metrics. This
00008    behaviour does not control the robot in any way; it is only meant for
00009    data collection and visualization.
00010 */
00012 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00013 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit - Copyright (C) 2000-2005   //
00014 // by the University of Southern California (USC) and the iLab at USC.  //
00015 // See http://iLab.usc.edu for information about this project.          //
00016 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00017 // Major portions of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit are protected //
00018 // under the U.S. patent ``Computation of Intrinsic Perceptual Saliency //
00019 // in Visual Environments, and Applications'' by Christof Koch and      //
00020 // Laurent Itti, California Institute of Technology, 2001 (patent       //
00021 // pending; application number 09/912,225 filed July 23, 2001; see      //
00022 // http://pair.uspto.gov/cgi-bin/final/home.pl for current status).     //
00023 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00024 // This file is part of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit.       //
00025 //                                                                      //
00026 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is free software; you can   //
00027 // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General  //
00028 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either  //
00029 // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.     //
00030 //                                                                      //
00031 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is distributed in the hope  //
00032 // that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the   //
00033 // implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR      //
00034 // PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.       //
00035 //                                                                      //
00036 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    //
00037 // along with the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit; if not, write   //
00038 // to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,   //
00039 // Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.                                           //
00040 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00041 //
00042 // Primary maintainer for this file: mviswana usc edu
00043 // $HeadURL: svn://isvn.usc.edu/software/invt/trunk/saliency/src/Robots/LoBot/control/LoTrack.H $
00044 // $Id: LoTrack.H 13608 2010-06-23 04:27:01Z mviswana $
00045 //
00050 //------------------------------ HEADERS --------------------------------
00052 // lobot headers
00053 #include "Robots/LoBot/control/LoBehavior.H"
00054 #include "Robots/LoBot/slam/LoPose.H"
00055 #include "Robots/LoBot/misc/factory.hh"
00057 // Standard C++ headers
00058 #include <deque>
00060 //----------------------------- NAMESPACE -------------------------------
00062 namespace lobot {
00064 //------------------------- CLASS DEFINITION ----------------------------
00066 /**
00067    \class lobot::Track
00068    \brief A behaviour for maintaining pose history and dumping it to a
00069    file every now and then.
00071    This class implements a behaviour for tracking the robot's pose
00072    history and visualizing the recent poses as a dotted trail behind the
00073    robot's icon on the map drawing area. Each pose update is also logged
00074    to the metrics log. Additionally, the robot's current speed is also
00075    logged by this behaviour.
00077    This behaviour does not control the robot in any way; it is only meant
00078    for data collection and visualization.
00079 */
00080 class Track : public Behavior {
00081    // Prevent copy and assignment
00082    Track(const Track&) ;
00083    Track& operator=(const Track&) ;
00085    // Handy type to have around in a derived class
00086    typedef Behavior base ;
00088    // Boilerplate code to make the generic factory design pattern work
00089    friend  class subfactory<Track, base> ;
00090    typedef register_factory<Track, base> my_factory ;
00091    static  my_factory register_me ;
00093    /// The track behaviour maintains a list of poses and saves them to a
00094    /// file periodically.
00095    std::deque<Pose> m_history ;
00097    /// A private constructor because behaviours are instantiated with an
00098    /// object factory and not directly by clients.
00099    Track() ;
00101    /// Stuff to do before regular action processing begins.
00102    void pre_run() ;
00104    /// Adding pose updates to pose history and logging to metrics log.
00105    static void add_pose(const Pose&, unsigned long client_data) ;
00107    /// Most of this behaviour's action takes place in add_pose() and
00108    /// render_history(). Therefore, this method is not really necessary.
00109    /// But we define it because it is required (pure virtual). And since
00110    /// there's no point in having an empty function, we put it to good
00111    /// use by logging the robot's current speed.
00112    void action() ;
00114    /// Visualizing the pose history on lobot's map.
00115    static void render_history(unsigned long client_data) ;
00117    /// Clean-up.
00118    ~Track() ;
00119 } ;
00121 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00123 } // end of namespace encapsulating this file's definitions
00125 #endif
00127 /* So things look consistent in everyone's emacs... */
00128 /* Local Variables: */
00129 /* indent-tabs-mode: nil */
00130 /* End: */
Generated on Sun May 8 08:41:23 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3