control Directory Reference



file  appVecField.C [code]
file  appVecHistField.C [code]
file  LoArbiter.C [code]

This file defines the non-inline member functions of the lobot::Arbiter class.

file  LoArbiter.H [code]

An ABC for Robolocust motor control arbiters.

file  LoBehavior.C [code]

This file defines the non-inline member functions of the lobot::Behavior class.

file  LoBehavior.H [code]

An ABC for Robolocust behaviours.

file  LoBumpCounter.C [code]

This file defines the non-inline member functions of the lobot::BumpCounter class.

file  LoBumpCounter.H [code]

A simple behaviour to log each low-level bump sensor event.

file  LoCalibrateLET.C [code]

This file defines the non-inline member functions of the lobot::CalibrateLET class.

file  LoCalibrateLET.H [code]

A do-nothing behaviour used to compute the probability values for lgmd_extricate_tti's sensor model.

file  LoCountdown.C [code]

This file defines the non-inline member functions of the lobot::Countdown class.

file  LoCountdown.H [code]

A stop watch behaviour that measures the time elapsed and quits the high-level controller's application when the count hits zero.

file  LoEmergencyStop.C [code]

This file defines the non-inline member functions of the lobot::EmergencyStop class.

file  LoEmergencyStop.H [code]

A behaviour for stopping the robot if stuff gets too close for comfort.

file  LoExtricate.C [code]

This file defines the non-inline member functions of the lobot::Extricate class.

file  LoExtricate.H [code]

A behaviour for getting the robot unstuck when the emergency stop behaviour commands a full stop because stuff has gotten too close for comfort.

file  LoForward.C [code]

This file defines the non-inline member functions of the lobot::Forward class.

file  LoForward.H [code]

A behaviour for driving the robot forward.

file  LoGoal.C [code]

This file defines the non-inline member functions of the lobot::Goal class.

file  LoGoal.H [code]

A behaviour for driving the robot toward a list of goals.

file  LoLGMDExtricateEMD.C [code]

This file defines the non-inline member functions of the lobot::LGMDExtricateEMD class.

file  LoLGMDExtricateEMD.H [code]

A behaviour for getting the robot unstuck using the raw LGMD spikes and an array of elementary motion detectors.

file  LoLGMDExtricateSimple.C [code]

This file defines the non-inline member functions of the lobot::LGMDExtricateSimple class.

file  LoLGMDExtricateSimple.H [code]

A behaviour for getting the robot unstuck using the raw LGMD spikes and a simple, reactive approach in conjunction with in-place turns as steering commands instead of "vector-style" turn commands.

file  LoLGMDExtricateTTI.C [code]

This file defines the non-inline member functions of the lobot::LGMDExtricateTTI class.

file  LoLGMDExtricateTTI.H [code]

A behaviour for getting the robot unstuck using LGMD spikes and a virtual force field based on a Bayesian time-to-impact state estimation loop.

file  LoLGMDExtricateVFF.C [code]

This file defines the non-inline member functions of the lobot::LGMDExtricateVFF class.

file  LoLGMDExtricateVFF.H [code]

A behaviour for getting the robot unstuck using the raw LGMD spikes and a virtual force field.

file  LoMetrics.C [code]

This file defines the static data members and non-inline member functions of the lobot::Metrics class.

file  LoMetrics.H [code]

A behaviour for collecting performance metrics.

file  LoMonitorDZone.C [code]

This file defines the non-inline member functions of the lobot::MonitorDZone class.

file  LoMonitorDZone.H [code]

A behaviour for monitoring the robot's danger zone and taking one of several possible actions as per the user's configuration.

file  LoOpenPath.C [code]

This file defines the non-inline member functions of the lobot::OpenPath class.

file  LoOpenPath.H [code]

A behaviour for steering the robot based on the open path algorithm.

file  LoRemoteControl.C [code]

This file defines the non-inline member functions of the lobot::RemoteControl class.

file  LoRemoteControl.H [code]

A behaviour for controlling getting the iRobot Roomba/Create using its remote.

file  LoRenderResults.C [code]

This file defines the non-inline member functions of the lobot::RenderResults class.

file  LoRenderResults.H [code]

An offline behaviour for rendering the results of the trajectory experiments.

file  LoSpeedArbiter.C [code]

This file defines the non-inline member functions of the lobot::SpeedArbiter class.

file  LoSpeedArbiter.H [code]

An arbiter for issuing speed commands to the robot.

file  LoSpinArbiter.C [code]

This file defines the non-inline member functions of the lobot::SpinArbiter class.

file  LoSpinArbiter.H [code]

An arbiter for issuing spin commands to the robot.

file  LoSurvey.C [code]

This file defines the non-inline member functions of the lobot::Survey class.

file  LoSurvey.H [code]

A cartographic behaviour, i.e., a behaviour that builds the obstacle map used by Robolocust.

file  LoTestScanMatching.C [code]

This file defines the non-inline member functions of the lobot::TestScanMatching class.

file  LoTestScanMatching.H [code]

A behaviour for testing the scan matching module using some test data to see how well the algorithm works.

file  LoTrack.C [code]

This file defines the non-inline member functions of the lobot::Track class.

file  LoTrack.H [code]

A behaviour for tracking the robot.

file  LoTurnArbiter.C [code]

This file defines the non-inline member functions of the lobot::TurnArbiter class.

file  LoTurnArbiter.H [code]

An arbiter for issuing turn commands to steer the robot.

file  LoVFH.C [code]

This file defines the non-inline member functions of the lobot::VFH class.

file  LoVFH.H [code]

A behaviour for driving and steering the robot based on a repulsive vector field.

file  VectorHistField.C [code]
file  VectorHistField.H [code]
Generated on Sun May 8 08:44:56 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3