
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /**
00002    \file  Robots/LoBot/io/LoGrabber.H
00003    \brief The bastard step cousin to the IEEE1394grabber.
00005    This file defines the lobot::LoGrabber class, which uses the libdc1394
00006    API directly to perform multi-grabs from multiple FireWire cameras. We
00007    could do this using the IEEE1394grabber class; unfortunately, that
00008    class has some weird bug that causes multi-grab operations to crash.
00010    Specifically, when we have multiple FireWire cameras daisy-chained
00011    together, their sub-channel IDs will be 0, 1, 2, etc. Creating the
00012    requisite number of instances of IEEE1394grabber and then setting the
00013    "FrameGrabberSubChan" option/parameter for each of these instance to
00014    the appropriate sub-channel ID should work. However, somewhere along
00015    the line, all the instances end up using the same sub-channel ID
00016    (e.g., 1 or 2 or 0 or whatever). Then, the libdc1394 library complains
00017    when trying to initialize the same sub-channel more than once.
00019    Ideally, we ought to fix IEEE1394grabber so that it works correctly.
00020    In the mean time, the lobot::LoGrabber class provides a quick
00021    workaround that allows multi-grabs to function. It implements pretty
00022    much the same functionality as IEEE1394grabber in almost the same
00023    manner, except that it isn't part of the ModelComponent hierarchy. Its
00024    interface is also more direct and vastly simplified. Thus its label as
00025    "the bastard step cousin to IEEE1394grabber."
00026 */
00028 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00029 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit - Copyright (C) 2000-2005   //
00030 // by the University of Southern California (USC) and the iLab at USC.  //
00031 // See http://iLab.usc.edu for information about this project.          //
00032 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00033 // Major portions of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit are protected //
00034 // under the U.S. patent ``Computation of Intrinsic Perceptual Saliency //
00035 // in Visual Environments, and Applications'' by Christof Koch and      //
00036 // Laurent Itti, California Institute of Technology, 2001 (patent       //
00037 // pending; application number 09/912,225 filed July 23, 2001; see      //
00038 // http://pair.uspto.gov/cgi-bin/final/home.pl for current status).     //
00039 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00040 // This file is part of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit.       //
00041 //                                                                      //
00042 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is free software; you can   //
00043 // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General  //
00044 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either  //
00045 // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.     //
00046 //                                                                      //
00047 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is distributed in the hope  //
00048 // that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the   //
00049 // implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR      //
00050 // PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.       //
00051 //                                                                      //
00052 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    //
00053 // along with the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit; if not, write   //
00054 // to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,   //
00055 // Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.                                           //
00056 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00057 //
00058 // Primary maintainer for this file: Manu Viswanathan <mviswana at usc dot edu>
00059 // $HeadURL: svn://isvn.usc.edu/software/invt/trunk/saliency/src/Robots/LoBot/io/LoGrabber.H $
00060 // $Id: LoGrabber.H 11256 2009-05-30 01:46:10Z mviswana $
00061 //
00063 #ifndef LOBOT_GRABBER_DOT_H
00064 #define LOBOT_GRABBER_DOT_H
00066 //---------------------- ALTERNATIVE DEFINITION -------------------------
00068 // In case libdc1394 and other IEEE-1394 libraries are missing
00069 #ifndef HAVE_IEEE1394
00071 #include "Robots/LoBot/misc/LoExcept.H"
00072 #include "Robots/LoBot/misc/LoTypes.H"
00073 #include "Image/Dims.H"
00075 namespace lobot {
00077 struct Grabber {
00078    Grabber(int, const Dims&, float) ;
00079    ImageType  grab() const {return ImageType() ;}
00080    Dims  frameSize() const {return Dims(0,0) ;}
00081    float frameRate() const {return 0 ;}
00082 } ;
00084 } // end of namespace encapsulating above empty definition
00086 #else
00088 //------------------------------ HEADERS --------------------------------
00090 // lobot headers
00091 #include "Robots/LoBot/config/LoDefaults.H"
00093 #include "Robots/LoBot/misc/LoTypes.H"
00095 // INVT video conversion support
00096 #include "Video/VideoFormat.H"
00098 // INVT image support
00099 #include "Image/Dims.H"
00101 // 1394 headers
00102 #include <libdc1394/dc1394_control.h>
00104 // Standard C++ headers
00105 #include <utility>
00107 //----------------------------- NAMESPACE -------------------------------
00109 namespace lobot {
00111 //-------------------------- HELPER CLASSES -----------------------------
00113 // Defaults for various camera parameters
00115    #define LOCP_DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS 32768
00116 #endif
00118    #define LOCP_DEFAULT_EXPOSURE 511
00119 #endif
00121    #define LOCP_DEFAULT_SHARPNESS 80
00122 #endif
00125 #endif
00128 #endif
00129 #ifndef LOCP_DEFAULT_HUE
00130    #define LOCP_DEFAULT_HUE 32768
00131 #endif
00133    #define LOCP_DEFAULT_SATURATION 90
00134 #endif
00135 #ifndef LOCP_DEFAULT_GAMMA
00136    #define LOCP_DEFAULT_GAMMA 1
00137 #endif
00139    #define LOCP_DEFAULT_SHUTTER 6
00140 #endif
00141 #ifndef LOCP_DEFAULT_GAIN
00142    #define LOCP_DEFAULT_GAIN 87
00143 #endif
00145 /// Camera parameters "packet"
00146 struct CameraParams {
00147    int brightness, exposure, sharpness ;
00148    int white_balance_ub, white_balance_vr ;
00149    int hue, saturation ;
00150    int gamma, shutter, gain ;
00152    CameraParams(int bright = LOCP_DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS,
00153                 int exp    = LOCP_DEFAULT_EXPOSURE,
00154                 int sharp  = LOCP_DEFAULT_SHARPNESS,
00155                 int ub     = LOCP_DEFAULT_WHITE_BALANCE_UB,
00156                 int vr     = LOCP_DEFAULT_WHITE_BALANCE_VR,
00157                 int hu     = LOCP_DEFAULT_HUE,
00158                 int sat    = LOCP_DEFAULT_SATURATION,
00159                 int gam    = LOCP_DEFAULT_GAMMA,
00160                 int shut   = LOCP_DEFAULT_SHUTTER,
00161                 int gn     = LOCP_DEFAULT_GAIN) ;
00162 } ;
00164 //------------------------- CLASS DEFINITION ----------------------------
00166 /**
00167    \class lobot::Grabber
00168    \brief Allow multi-grab from multiple FireWire cameras.
00170    This class is a bastard step cousin to IEEE1394grabber. Its raison
00171    d'etre is to allow grabbing frames simultaneously from multiple
00172    FireWire cameras.
00174    To do this, we would usually just instantiate IEEE1394grabber the
00175    required number of times. For example, if we have three cameras, we
00176    would create three IEEE1394grabber instances and reconfigure them to
00177    use separate sub-channels. That is, one of the instance would use
00178    sub-channel 0 (first camera on the FireWire bus), the next one would
00179    use sub-channel 1 (second camera), and the third instance would use
00180    sub-channel 2. Unfortunately, at this time (circa October 2008), due
00181    to some strange bug, all the IEEE1394grabber instances end up using
00182    the same sub-channel (say, 1) even when the "FrameGrabberSubChan"
00183    option is explicitly reset. This causes the libdc1394 library to
00184    complain when each IEEE1394grabber tries to (re)initialize the same
00185    camera (i.e., sub-channel).
00187    Obviously, the best thing to do is fix IEEE1394grabber, thus, making
00188    this class obsolete. But that requires a fair amount of familiarity
00189    with INVT internals (something the author of this class, circa October
00190    2008, does not yet possess). This class, therefore, serves as an
00191    interim solution.
00193    It should be noted that whereas IEEE1394grabber is part of the
00194    ModelComponent hierarchy, lobot::Grabber is not. Internally, it is
00195    implemented almost identically to IEEE1394grabber. However, much of
00196    IEEE1394grabber's pizazz, generality and configurability are missing
00197    because this class is designed specifically for the Lobot/Robolocust
00198    project. Its interface is quite direct and simple.
00199 */
00200 class Grabber {
00201    // Each grabber needs to remember the sub-channel ID of the camera it
00202    // is bound to (i.e., the camera number of the camera it is supposed
00203    // to grab images from).
00204    int m_camera_number ;
00206    // For successful conversion between the image format returned by the
00207    // camera and the desired INVT Image type, we need to remember the
00208    // grab resolution.
00209    Dims m_grab_size ;
00211    // Usually, cameras pack the image data they return based on the grab
00212    // resolution. For example, the Unibrain Fire-i returns frames in
00213    // YUV444 format when grabbing at 160x120 and YUV422 at 320x240. The
00214    // INVT framework provides handy functions/classes to convert such
00215    // "raw" frames to RGB images. However, the enums used by the
00216    // libdc1394 library and INVT are different. To keep things in sync,
00217    // we have to remember the appropriate enums for each.
00218    //
00219    // We do that with an STL pair whose first member holds the enum for
00220    // libdc1394 and whose second member stores the enum for INVT.
00221    std::pair<int, VideoFormat> m_grab_mode ;
00223    // We also have to remember the libdc1394 enum for the grab frame
00224    // rate.
00225    int m_frame_rate ;
00227    // Each grabber has its own capture buffer
00228    mutable dc1394_cameracapture m_capture ;
00230 public :
00231    /// The constructor expects the sub-channel ID of the camera to grab
00232    /// from (i.e., the camera number). It can also take the size of the
00233    /// frame to be grabbed (defaults to 320x240), the frame rate
00234    /// (defaults to 30fps), and various camera parameters such as
00235    /// brightness, gamma, etc. (defaults should be okay).
00236    Grabber(int camera_number,
00237            const Dims& resolution = LOBOT_DEFAULT_GRAB_SIZE,
00238            float frame_rate = LOBOT_DEFAULT_GRAB_RATE,
00239            const CameraParams& params = CameraParams()) ;
00241    /// Set various camera parameters
00242    void setParams(const CameraParams&) ;
00244    /// After instantitation, clients may use this method to retrieve
00245    /// frames from the camera this grabber is bound to.
00246    ImageType grab() const ;
00248    /// Return the size of the frames being grabbed
00249    Dims frameSize() const {return m_grab_size ;}
00251    /// Return the rate at which frames are being grabbed from the source
00252    /// camera.
00253    float frameRate() const ;
00255    /// Clean-up
00256    ~Grabber() ;
00257 } ;
00259 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00261 } // end of namespace encapsulating this file's definitions
00263 #endif // #ifndef HAVE_IEEE1394
00264 #endif // #ifndef LOBOT_GRABBER_DOT_H
00266 /* So things look consistent in everyone's emacs... */
00267 /* Local Variables: */
00268 /* indent-tabs-mode: nil */
00269 /* End: */
Generated on Sun May 8 08:41:30 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3