
00001 /*!@file AppPsycho/psycho-spatial-orientation.C Psychophysics test to measure the effect of executive tasks on spatial memory */
00003 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00004 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit - Copyright (C) 2001 by the //
00005 // University of Southern California (USC) and the iLab at USC.         //
00006 // See for information about this project.          //
00007 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00008 // Major portions of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit are protected //
00009 // under the U.S. patent ``Computation of Intrinsic Perceptual Saliency //
00010 // in Visual Environments, and Applications'' by Christof Koch and      //
00011 // Laurent Itti, California Institute of Technology, 2001 (patent       //
00012 // pending; application number 09/912,225 filed July 23, 2001; see      //
00013 // for current status).     //
00014 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00015 // This file is part of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit.       //
00016 //                                                                      //
00017 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is free software; you can   //
00018 // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General  //
00019 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either  //
00020 // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.     //
00021 //                                                                      //
00022 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is distributed in the hope  //
00023 // that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the   //
00024 // implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR      //
00025 // PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.       //
00026 //                                                                      //
00027 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    //
00028 // along with the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit; if not, write   //
00029 // to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,   //
00030 // Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.                                           //
00031 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00032 //
00033 // Primary maintainer for this file: Laurent Itti <>
00034 // $HeadURL: svn:// $
00035 // $Id: psycho-spatial-memory.C 13040 2010-03-23 03:59:25Z nnoori $
00036 // 
00037 // see /lab/nnoori/works/experimetns/twsr/paradigm.txt for more details about the design of paradigm
00038 // we will show 6 items for memory test either horizontally or vertically and test memory recall for either forward recall or backward recall
00040 #include "Component/ModelManager.H"
00041 #include "Image/Image.H"
00042 #include "Psycho/PsychoDisplay.H"
00043 #include "Psycho/EyeTrackerConfigurator.H"
00044 #include "Psycho/EyeTracker.H"
00045 #include "Psycho/PsychoOpts.H"
00046 #include "Component/EventLog.H"
00047 #include "Component/ComponentOpts.H"
00048 #include "Raster/Raster.H"
00049 #include "Util/MathFunctions.H"
00050 #include "Util/Types.H"
00051 #include "GameBoard/basic-graphics.H"
00052 #include <sys/types.h>
00053 #include <dirent.h>
00054 #include <errno.h>
00055 #include <vector>
00056 #include <string>
00057 #include <iostream>
00058 #include <SDL/SDL.h>
00059 #include <SDL/SDL_image.h>
00060 #include <SDL/SDL_mixer.h>
00061 #include <stdio.h>
00062 #include <stdlib.h>
00063 #include <sstream>
00064 #include <time.h>
00065 #include "Image/DrawOps.H"
00066 #include "GameBoard/resize.h"
00067 #include <iostream>
00068 #include <fstream>
00069 #include <set>
00070 #include <algorithm>
00071 #include <ctime>
00074 #include <cstdio>
00075 int main()
00076 {
00077         fprintf(stderr, "The SDL_image library must be installed to use this program\n");
00078         return 1;
00079 }
00081 #else
00085 using namespace std;
00087 // ######################################################################
00089 ModelManager manager("Psycho-Serial-Recall");
00090 nub::soft_ref<PsychoDisplay> d(new PsychoDisplay(manager));
00091 map<uint,uint> testMap ;
00092 map<string,string> argMap ;
00093 map<string,vector<SDL_Rect*>*> clipsmap;
00096 //////////////////////////////////////////////
00097 // a functionf for stringigying things
00098 //////////////////////////////////////////////
00099 template <class T> std::string stringify(T i)
00100 {
00101         ostringstream o ;
00102         o << i ;
00103         return o.str();
00104 }
00107 double getAvarage(vector<long> v){
00108         double f = 0.0 ;
00109         for( uint i = 0 ; i <  v.size() ; i++ ){
00110                 f += v[i] ;
00111         }
00112         if (v.size()!=0) return f/v.size() ;
00113         return -1 ;
00114 }
00116 double getVariance(vector<long> v){
00117         double m = getAvarage(v);
00118         double var = 0.0 ;
00119         for( uint i = 0 ; i < v.size(); i++ ){
00120                 var += (v[i]-m)*(v[i]-m) ;
00121         }
00122         if (v.size()!=0) return var/v.size() ;
00123         return -1 ;
00124 }
00126 bool itIsInThere(int x , vector<int> bag){
00127         for( uint i=0 ; i < bag.size(); i++ ){
00128                 if(x == bag[i]) return true ;
00129         }
00130         return false ;
00131 }
00134 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00135 //// gets a string as the argument and returns a string composed of
00136 //// characters of the first string sorted in the ascending order
00137 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00138 string ascSort(string st)
00139 {
00140         string res = "" ;
00141         vector<string> v = vector<string>();
00142         for(uint i = 0 ; i < st.size() ; i++) v.push_back(st.substr(i,1)) ;
00144         std::sort(v.begin(), v.end());
00146         for ( uint i = 0 ; i < v.size() ; i++ ){
00147                 res += v[i] ;
00148         }
00149         return res;
00150 }
00154 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00155 //// gets a string as the argument and returns a string composed of
00156 //// characters of the first string sorted in the descending order
00157 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00158 string desSort(string st)
00159 {
00160         string res = "" ;
00161         vector<string> v = vector<string>();
00162         for(uint i = 0 ; i < st.size() ; i++) v.push_back(st.substr(i,1)) ;
00163         std::sort(v.begin(), v.end());
00164         std::reverse(v.begin(), v.end());
00165         for ( uint i = 0 ; i < v.size() ; i++ ){
00166                 res += v[i] ;
00167         }
00168         return res;
00169 }
00172 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00173 ///// simply generates a sequence of characters out of master string
00174 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00176 string getARandomString(uint l, string alphabet="0123456789" ){
00178         string test = string("") ;
00179         string retString ;
00180         test = "" ;
00181         string tp = string("") ;
00182         vector<int> pickedones = vector<int>() ;
00183         for(uint i = 0 ; i < l ; i++){
00184                         int nd;
00185                         do{ nd= rand()% alphabet.size() ; }while(itIsInThere(nd,pickedones)) ;
00186                         pickedones.push_back(nd);
00187                         tp = alphabet.substr(nd,1) ;
00188                         test += tp ;
00189         }
00190         retString = test ;
00191         return retString ;
00192 }
00194 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00195 //this function is not called in this program, but it generates a random string and it will show it in
00196 //a random place on the screen.
00197 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00198 string digitMemorizationTask(uint l, string alphabet="0123456789" , int displayFrame = 10  ){
00199         d->clearScreen() ;
00200         vector<int> pickedones = vector<int>() ;
00201         string test = string("") ;
00202         string tp = string("") ;
00203         for(uint i = 0 ; i < l ; i++){
00204                 int nd;
00205                 do{ nd= rand()% alphabet.size() ; }while(itIsInThere(nd,pickedones) && pickedones.size() <= alphabet.size()) ;
00206                 pickedones.push_back(nd);
00207                 tp = alphabet.substr(nd,1) ;
00208                 test += tp ;
00209         }
00210         d->displayText(test,true,0) ;
00211         d->waitFrames(displayFrame) ;
00212         d->clearScreen() ;
00213         return test ;
00214 }
00217 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00218 ///////this will change the order of elements in a vector to a random order
00219 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00220 void scramble(vector<string>& v){
00221         vector<string> tv = vector<string>() ;
00222         while(v.size()>0){
00223                 tv.push_back(v[0]);
00224                 v.erase(v.begin());
00225         }
00226         int i = 0 ;
00227         while(tv.size()>0){
00228                 i = rand()%tv.size() ;
00229                 v.push_back(tv[i]);
00230                 tv.erase(tv.begin()+i);
00231         }
00232 }
00234 void scramble(vector<int>& v){
00235         vector<int> tv = vector<int>() ;
00236         while(v.size()>0){
00237                 tv.push_back(v[0]);
00238                 v.erase(v.begin());
00239         }
00240         int i = 0 ;
00241         while(tv.size()>0){
00242                 i = rand()%tv.size() ;
00243                 v.push_back(tv[i]);
00244                 tv.erase(tv.begin()+i);
00245         }
00246 }
00248 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00249 ////This is our button factory
00250 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00251 SDL_Surface* getButtonImage(string label , PixRGB<byte> txtcolor=PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0) , PixRGB<byte> bgcolor=PixRGB<byte>(255,255,255) ,Point2D<int> size = Point2D<int>(100,100) ,PixRGB<byte> bordercolor=PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0) , int border=3){
00252         Image<PixRGB<byte> > textIm(d->getWidth(),d->getHeight(),ZEROS);
00253         textIm.clear(bgcolor);
00254         writeText(textIm, Point2D<int>((size.i - label.length()*10)/2,(size.j-20) /2),label.c_str(),txtcolor,bgcolor);
00255         SDL_Surface *surf = d->makeBlittableSurface(textIm , true);
00256         Uint32 bc = d->getUint32color(bordercolor);
00257         drawRectangle(surf,bc,0,0,size.i -1,size.j -1 ,border);
00258         SDL_Surface* blank =getABlankSurface(size.i , size.j);
00259         SDL_Rect clip;
00260         clip.x = 0 ;
00261         clip.y = 0 ;
00262         clip.w = size.i ;
00263         clip.h = size.j ;
00264         apply_surface(0,0,*surf,*blank,clip);
00265         dumpSurface(surf) ;
00266         return blank ;
00267 }
00269 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00270 ////This is the function for creating the keypad, in fact it generates
00271 ////12 buttons and associates the actions to the region for each button
00272 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00274 SDL_Surface* getKeyPad(string alphabet,map<string , SDL_Rect>& buttmap){
00275         SDL_Surface* pad= getABlankSurface(d->getWidth()/4,d->getHeight()/3);
00276         SDL_Rect clip;
00277         clip.x=0;
00278         clip.y=0;
00279         int numofrows = alphabet.size()/3 +1;
00280         if(alphabet.size()%3 != 0 ) numofrows++ ;
00281         int numofcolumns = 3 ;
00282         clip.w= pad->w / numofcolumns ;
00283         clip.h = pad->h / numofrows ;
00285   //keys for 1 to 9
00286         for( int i = 0 ; i < numofrows*3 ; i++){
00287                 SDL_Surface* but ;
00288                 if((uint)i < alphabet.size()){
00289                         but = getButtonImage(alphabet.substr(i,1),PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0),PixRGB<byte>(255,255,255),Point2D<int>(pad->w / numofcolumns , pad->h / numofrows),PixRGB<byte>(255, 98 , 25),3);
00290                 }else{
00291                         but = getButtonImage(" ",PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0),PixRGB<byte>(255,255,255),Point2D<int>(pad->w / numofcolumns , pad->h / numofrows),PixRGB<byte>(255, 98 , 25),3);
00292                 }
00294                 SDL_Rect cl ;
00295                 cl.x = ((i)%numofcolumns)*(pad->w)/numofcolumns ; cl.y= ((i)/numofcolumns)*((pad->h)/numofrows) ;
00296                 cl.w = clip.w ;
00297                 cl.h = clip.h ;
00298                 apply_surface( cl.x , cl.y ,*but,*pad,clip);
00299                 if((uint)i < alphabet.size()) buttmap[alphabet.substr(i,1)] = cl ;
00300                 dumpSurface(but);
00301         }
00302         SDL_Rect cl1 ;
00303         cl1.x = 0 ; cl1.y= (numofrows-1)*((pad->h)/numofrows) ;
00304         cl1.w = clip.w ;
00305         cl1.h = clip.h ;
00306         buttmap["!"] = cl1 ;
00307         SDL_Surface* but = getButtonImage(string("<-"),PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0),PixRGB<byte>(255,255,255),Point2D<int>(pad->w / numofcolumns , pad->h / numofrows),PixRGB<byte>(255, 98 , 25),3);
00308         apply_surface(0, (numofrows-1)*((pad->h)/numofrows),*but,*pad,clip);
00309         dumpSurface(but);
00310         SDL_Rect cl2 ;
00311         cl2.x = (pad->w)/numofcolumns ; cl2.y= (numofrows-1)*((pad->h)/numofrows) ;
00312         cl2.w = clip.w ;
00313         cl2.h = clip.h ;
00314         buttmap[" "] = cl2 ;
00315         but = getButtonImage(string("spc"),PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0),PixRGB<byte>(255,255,255),Point2D<int>(pad->w / numofcolumns , pad->h / numofrows),PixRGB<byte>(255, 98 , 25),3);
00316         apply_surface((pad->w)/numofcolumns, (numofrows-1)*((pad->h)/numofrows),*but,*pad,clip);
00317         dumpSurface(but);
00318         SDL_Rect cl3 ;
00319         cl3.x = 2*(pad->w)/numofcolumns ; cl3.y= (numofrows-1)*((pad->h)/numofrows) ;
00320         cl3.w = clip.w ;
00321         cl3.h = clip.h ;
00322         buttmap["*"] = cl3 ;
00323         but = getButtonImage(string("Ok"),PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0),PixRGB<byte>(255,255,255),Point2D<int>(pad->w / numofcolumns , pad->h / numofrows),PixRGB<byte>(255, 98 , 25),3);
00324         apply_surface(2*(pad->w)/numofcolumns, (numofrows-1)*((pad->h)/numofrows),*but,*pad,clip);
00325         dumpSurface(but);
00326         return pad ;
00327 }
00332 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00333 /////this function listens to mouse clicks and then finds the region of the screen
00334 /////associated with the action, buttmap is the map of the region, offset is the offset of
00335 /////buttons
00336 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00337 string getPressedButtonCommand(map<string , SDL_Rect>& buttmap,Point2D<int> offset=Point2D<int>(0,0)){
00338         int quit = 0 ;
00339         string s ;
00340         SDL_Event event ;
00341         while( quit!=2 ){
00342                 while( SDL_PollEvent( &event ) ) {
00343                         if(event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN  && event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT ){
00344                                 for( map<string , SDL_Rect>::iterator it = buttmap.begin() ; it!=buttmap.end() ; ++it){
00345                                         if(event.button.x >= (it->second).x + offset.i && event.button.x <= (it->second).x + (it->second).w + offset.i  && event.button.y >= (it->second).y+ offset.j && event.button.y <= (it->second).y + (it->second).h + offset.j) {
00346                                                 quit = 2 ;
00347                                                 s = it->first ;
00348                                                 break;
00349                                         }
00351                                 }
00352                         }
00354                 }
00355         }
00356         return s ;
00358 }
00361 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00362 ////This function creates a virtual keypad, creates a map of buttons
00363 ////and their representation area and listens to the button press and at
00364 ////the end returns the keyed digits
00365 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00366 string getDigitSequenceFromSubject(string alphabet="0123456789" , uint maxl = 7 , string message=""){
00367         d->showCursor(true) ;
00368         //let's creat a map to map actions to regions of the screen, each region is represented as an SDL_Rect
00369         map<string , SDL_Rect>* buttmap = new map<string , SDL_Rect>();
00370         //now let's get the keypad surface while we get the actions map to regions
00371         SDL_Surface * keypad = getKeyPad(alphabet,*buttmap);
00372         //this will be the offset of displaying the keypad on the screen
00373         SDL_Rect offset ;
00374         offset.x = (d->getWidth() - keypad->w) /2;
00375         offset.y = (d-> getHeight() - keypad->h) /2;
00376         //d->displayText(message, Point2D<int>(d->getWidth()/3,d->getHeight()*2 /16) , PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0) ,PixRGB<byte>(127,127,127)) ;
00377         SDL_Surface* msgp = getButtonImage(message ,PixRGB<byte>(195,60,12) ,PixRGB<byte>(127,127,127) ,Point2D<int>(d->getWidth()/6,d->getHeight() /15) ,PixRGB<byte>(127,127,127) , 4) ;
00378         SDL_Rect msgoffs ; msgoffs.x = (d->getWidth() - msgp->w) /2 ; msgoffs.y = 2*d->getHeight()/9 ;
00379         d->displaySDLSurfacePatch(msgp , &msgoffs , NULL , -2 , false ,true ) ;
00380         dumpSurface(msgp) ;
00381         //now let's display the keypad
00382         d->displaySDLSurfacePatch(keypad , &offset,NULL , -2,false, true);
00383         //this will hold the final string keyed be the subject
00384         string p = string("") ;
00385         //this is a temporary string holding the last action related to the pressed key
00386         string tp = string("");
00387         //now let's record subject's key press
00388         while("*")!=0 ){
00389                 //this button is actually the display for the current string
00390                 SDL_Surface* dp = getButtonImage(p ,PixRGB<byte>(195,60,12) ,PixRGB<byte>(255,255,255) ,Point2D<int>(d->getWidth()/6,d->getHeight() /15) ,PixRGB<byte>(0,25,180) , 4) ;
00391                 SDL_Rect offs ; offs.x = (d->getWidth() - dp->w) /2 ; offs.y = d->getHeight()/6 ;
00392                 d->displaySDLSurfacePatch(dp , &offs , NULL , -2 , false ,true ) ;
00393                 //now let's listen to button events
00394                 tp = getPressedButtonCommand(*buttmap,Point2D<int>(offset.x,offset.y)) ;
00395                 dumpSurface(dp) ;
00396                 if("!")==0 && p.size()>=0 ) {
00397                         if (p.size()>0) p = p.substr(0,p.size()-1) ;
00398                 }else{
00399                         if(p.size() < maxl &&"*")!=0) {
00400                                 p +=tp ;
00401                         }
00403                 }
00405         }
00407         buttmap = 0 ;
00408         dumpSurface(keypad) ;
00409         d->clearScreen() ;
00410         return p ;
00412 }
00416 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00417 //////gets the test string, answer and the mode and identifies if
00418 //////the answer matches the thing it should be, mode=0 checks if
00419 //////if the answer and test string simply the same, mode=1 matches
00420 //////the answer against the ascending sorted string of the test string
00421 //////mode=2 compares the answer against the descending sorted of
00422 //////the test string
00423 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00424 bool isAnswerCorrect(string test , string answer , int mode){
00426         if(mode == 0 && return true ;
00428         if(mode == 1 && return true ;
00430         if(mode == 2 && return true ;
00432         return false;
00433 }
00437 int addArgument(const string st,const string delim="="){
00438         int i = st.find(delim) ;
00439         argMap[st.substr(0,i)] = st.substr(i+1);
00441         return 0 ;
00442 }
00444 std::string getArgumentValue(string arg){
00445         return argMap[arg] ;
00446 }
00449 void displayWholeNumber(string s , int onsetTime , int wsd){
00450         int x = (d->getWidth()-s.size()*wsd)/2 ;
00451         int y = (d->getHeight())/2 -10;
00452         Image<PixRGB<byte> > textIm(d->getWidth(),d->getHeight(),ZEROS);
00453         textIm.clear(PixRGB<byte>(128,128,128));
00454         for( uint k = 0 ; k < s.size() ; k++ ){
00455                // d->displayText(s.substr(k,1),Point2D<int>(x,y+k*10),PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0),PixRGB<byte>(128,128,128),true) ; 
00456                 writeText(textIm, Point2D<int>(x+k*wsd,y),s.substr(k,1).c_str(),PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0),PixRGB<byte>(128,128,128));
00457         }
00458         SDL_Surface *surf = d->makeBlittableSurface(textIm , true);
00459         SDL_Rect offs ; offs.x = 0 ; offs.y = 0 ;
00460         d->displaySDLSurfacePatch(surf , &offs , NULL , -2 , false ,true ) ;
00461         dumpSurface(surf);
00462         d->waitFrames(onsetTime);
00463         d->clearScreen() ;
00464 }
00466 void displayWholeNumberVertically(string s , int onsetTime , int wsd){
00467         int x = (d->getWidth())/2 ;
00468         int y = (d->getHeight()-s.size()*wsd)/2 ;
00469         Image<PixRGB<byte> > textIm(d->getWidth(),d->getHeight(),ZEROS);
00470         textIm.clear(PixRGB<byte>(128,128,128));
00471         for( uint k = 0 ; k < s.size() ; k++ ){
00472                // d->displayText(s.substr(k,1),Point2D<int>(x,y+k*10),PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0),PixRGB<byte>(128,128,128),true) ; 
00473                 writeText(textIm, Point2D<int>(x,y+k*wsd),s.substr(k,1).c_str(),PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0),PixRGB<byte>(128,128,128));
00474         }
00475         SDL_Surface *surf = d->makeBlittableSurface(textIm , true);
00476         SDL_Rect offs ; offs.x = 0 ; offs.y = 0 ;
00477         d->displaySDLSurfacePatch(surf , &offs , NULL , -2 , false ,true ) ;
00478         dumpSurface(surf);
00479         d->waitFrames(onsetTime);
00480         d->clearScreen() ;
00481 }
00483 void showBoxesHorizontally(uint numofboxes  , int wsd , string ds){
00485   int x = (d->getWidth()-numofboxes*wsd)/2 ;
00486         int y = (d->getHeight())/2 -10;
00487         Image<PixRGB<byte> > textIm(d->getWidth(),d->getHeight(),ZEROS);
00488         textIm.clear(PixRGB<byte>(128,128,128));
00489         for( uint k = 0 ; k < numofboxes ; k++ ){
00490                // d->displayText(s.substr(k,1),Point2D<int>(x,y+k*10),PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0),PixRGB<byte>(128,128,128),true) ; 
00491                 writeText(textIm, Point2D<int>(x+k*wsd,y),ds.c_str(),PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0),PixRGB<byte>(128,128,128));
00492         }
00493         SDL_Surface *surf = d->makeBlittableSurface(textIm , true);
00494         SDL_Rect offs ; offs.x = 0 ; offs.y = 0 ;
00495         d->displaySDLSurfacePatch(surf , &offs , NULL , -2 , false ,true ) ;
00496         dumpSurface(surf);
00497 }
00499 void showBoxesVertically(uint numofboxes , int wsd, string ds ){
00501   int x = (d->getWidth()-numofboxes*wsd)/2 ;
00502         int y = (d->getHeight())/2 -10;
00503         Image<PixRGB<byte> > textIm(d->getWidth(),d->getHeight(),ZEROS);
00504         textIm.clear(PixRGB<byte>(128,128,128));
00505         for( uint k = 0 ; k < numofboxes ; k++ ){
00506                // d->displayText(s.substr(k,1),Point2D<int>(x,y+k*10),PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0),PixRGB<byte>(128,128,128),true) ; 
00507                 writeText(textIm, Point2D<int>(x,y+k*wsd),ds.c_str(),PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0),PixRGB<byte>(128,128,128));
00508         }
00509         SDL_Surface *surf = d->makeBlittableSurface(textIm , true);
00510         SDL_Rect offs ; offs.x = 0 ; offs.y = 0 ;
00511         d->displaySDLSurfacePatch(surf , &offs , NULL , -2 , false ,true ) ;
00512         dumpSurface(surf);
00513 }
00515 void flashDisplayHorizontally(string box, string s , int l , int onsetTime , int wsd , uint p){
00516         string tmpstr="";
00517         for (int i = 0 ; i < l ; i++) tmpstr += box;
00518         tmpstr.replace(p,1,s);
00519         int x = (d->getWidth()-s.size()*wsd)/2 ;
00520         int y = (d->getHeight())/2 -10;
00521         Image<PixRGB<byte> > textIm(d->getWidth(),d->getHeight(),ZEROS);
00522         textIm.clear(PixRGB<byte>(128,128,128));
00523         for( uint k = 0 ; k < tmpstr.size() ; k++ ){
00524                 writeText(textIm, Point2D<int>(x+k*wsd,y),tmpstr.substr(k,1).c_str(),PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0),PixRGB<byte>(128,128,128));
00525         }
00526         SDL_Surface *surf = d->makeBlittableSurface(textIm , true);
00527         SDL_Rect offs ; offs.x = 0 ; offs.y = 0 ;
00528         d->displaySDLSurfacePatch(surf , &offs , NULL , -2 , false ,true ) ;
00529         dumpSurface(surf);
00530         d->waitFrames(onsetTime);
00531         d->clearScreen() ;
00532 }
00536 void flashDisplayVertically(string box, string s , int l , int onsetTime , int wsd , uint p){
00537         string tmpstr="";
00538         for (int i = 0 ; i < l ; i++) tmpstr += box;
00539         tmpstr.replace(p,1,s);
00540         int x = (d->getWidth()-s.size()*wsd)/2 ;
00541         int y = (d->getHeight())/2 -10;
00542         Image<PixRGB<byte> > textIm(d->getWidth(),d->getHeight(),ZEROS);
00543         textIm.clear(PixRGB<byte>(128,128,128));
00544         for( uint k = 0 ; k < tmpstr.size() ; k++ ){
00545                 writeText(textIm, Point2D<int>(x,y+k*wsd),tmpstr.substr(k,1).c_str(),PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0),PixRGB<byte>(128,128,128));
00546         }
00547         SDL_Surface *surf = d->makeBlittableSurface(textIm , true);
00548         SDL_Rect offs ; offs.x = 0 ; offs.y = 0 ;
00549         d->displaySDLSurfacePatch(surf , &offs , NULL , -2 , false ,true ) ;
00550         dumpSurface(surf);
00551         d->waitFrames(onsetTime);
00552         d->clearScreen() ;
00553 }
00555 void displayRandom(string s , int onsetTime){
00556         for( uint k = 0 ; k < s.size() ; k++ ){
00557                 int x = 9*d->getWidth()/20 + rand()%(d->getWidth()/10);
00558                 int y = 9*d->getHeight()/20 + rand()%(d->getHeight()/10) ;
00559                 d->displayText(s.substr(k,1),Point2D<int>(x,y),PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0),PixRGB<byte>(128,128,128),true) ;
00560                 d->waitFrames(onsetTime);
00561                 d->clearScreen() ;
00562         }
00563 }
00565 void displayLinear(string s , int onsetTime){
00566         int x = (d->getWidth()-s.size()*10)/2 ;
00567         int y = d->getHeight()/2 - 10;
00568         for( uint k = 0 ; k < s.size() ; k++ ){
00569                 d->displayText(s.substr(k,1),Point2D<int>(x+k*10,y),PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0),PixRGB<byte>(128,128,128),true) ;
00570                 d->waitFrames(onsetTime);
00571                 d->clearScreen() ;
00572         }
00573 }
00575 void displayLinearReverse(string s , int onsetTime){
00576         int x = (d->getWidth()-s.size()*10)/2 ;
00577         int y = d->getHeight()/2 - 10;
00578         for( uint k = 0 ; k < s.size() ; k++ ){
00579                 d->displayText(s.substr(k,1),Point2D<int>(x+(s.size()-k)*10,y),PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0),PixRGB<byte>(128,128,128),true) ;
00580                 d->waitFrames(onsetTime);
00581                 d->clearScreen() ;
00582         }
00583 }
00584 void displayLinearRandom(string s , int onsetTime){
00585         int x = (d->getWidth()-s.size()*10)/2 ;
00586         int y = d->getHeight()/2 - 10;
00587         for( uint k = 0 ; k < s.size() ; k++ ){
00588                 d->displayText(s.substr(k,1),Point2D<int>(x+ (random()%s.size())*10,y),PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0),PixRGB<byte>(128,128,128),true) ;
00589                 d->waitFrames(onsetTime);
00590                 d->clearScreen() ;
00591         }
00592 }
00594 void displayLinearRandomVertically(string s , int onsetTime){
00595         int x = (d->getWidth())/2 ;
00596         int y = (d->getHeight()-s.size()*10)/2 - 10;
00597         for( uint k = 0 ; k < s.size() ; k++ ){
00598                 d->displayText(s.substr(k,1),Point2D<int>(x, (random()%s.size())*10+y),PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0),PixRGB<byte>(128,128,128),true) ;
00599                 d->waitFrames(onsetTime);
00600                 d->clearScreen() ;
00601         }
00602 }
00604 void displayLinearRandomNoRepeating(string s , int onsetTime){
00605         int x = (d->getWidth()-s.size()*10)/2 ;
00606         int y = d->getHeight()/2 - 10;
00607         for( uint k = 0 ; k < s.size() ; k++ ){
00608                 d->displayText(s.substr(k,1),Point2D<int>(x+ (random()%s.size())*10,y),PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0),PixRGB<byte>(128,128,128),true) ;
00609                 d->waitFrames(onsetTime);
00610                 d->clearScreen() ;
00611         }
00612 }
00614 //and this is the function which creates and displays a mask of randomly positioned numbers
00615 void showMask(int frames, string alphabet="0123456789"){
00616         Image<PixRGB<byte> > textIm(d->getWidth(),d->getHeight(),ZEROS);
00617         PixRGB<byte> bgcolor = PixRGB<byte>(128,128,128);
00618         PixRGB<byte> txtcolor = PixRGB<byte>(0,0,0);
00619         textIm.clear(bgcolor);
00620         for(int i = 0 ;  i < 200 ; i++) 
00621                 writeText(textIm, Point2D<int>((int)random()%(d->getWidth()),(int)random()%(d->getHeight())),alphabet.substr(random()%(int)alphabet.size(),1).c_str(),txtcolor,bgcolor);
00622         SDL_Surface *surf = d->makeBlittableSurface(textIm , true);
00623         SDL_Rect offs ; offs.x = 0 ; offs.y = 0 ;
00624         d->displaySDLSurfacePatch(surf , &offs , NULL , -2 , false ,true ) ;
00625         d->waitFrames(frames) ;
00626         d->clearScreen();
00627         dumpSurface(surf) ;
00628 }
00630 vector<int> spatial_memory_task(int onsetTime, int isd , int dir ,  int ma=30 ,int Ma=120){
00632     int w = d->getWidth();
00633     int h = d->getHeight();
00634     int neg = rand()%(Ma-ma) +ma ;
00635     int pos = rand()%(Ma-ma) +ma ;
00636     //d->displayFixation();
00637     if(dir==0) {
00638             d->displayRedDotFixation(w/2+pos,h/2);
00639             d->waitFrames(onsetTime);
00640             d->clearScreen();
00641             d->waitFrames(isd);
00642             d->displayRedDotFixation(w/2-neg,h/2);
00643             d->waitFrames(onsetTime);
00644             d->clearScreen();
00645     }
00646     if(dir==1) {
00647             d->displayRedDotFixation(w/2,h/2+pos);
00648             d->waitFrames(onsetTime);
00649             d->clearScreen();
00650             d->waitFrames(isd);
00651             d->displayRedDotFixation(w/2,h/2-neg);
00652             d->waitFrames(onsetTime);
00653             d->clearScreen();
00654     }
00655     vector<int> locations;
00656     locations.push_back(neg);
00657     locations.push_back(pos);
00658     return locations ;
00659 }
00661 int spatial_memory_retrival(vector<int> dotsVector,int dir ,float cr = 0.5 ){
00663     int w = d->getWidth();
00664     int h = d->getHeight();
00665     int change = rand()%2;
00666     int neg =; int pos =;
00667     switch( change ){
00668         case 0 : d->pushEvent("same target");break;
00669         case 1 : d->pushEvent("target changed");break;
00670     }
00671     if(change == 1){
00672         int chDir = rand()%2;
00673         int c=0;
00674         switch(chDir){
00675             case 0:  c =((rand()%2 -0.5)/0.5 ); neg = neg + c* cr*neg ; break ;
00676                 case 1:  c =((rand()%2 -0.5)/0.5 ); pos = pos + c* cr*pos ; break ;
00677         }
00678     }
00680     d->pushEvent("for retrieval dots showed at negative side :"+ stringify(neg)+" positive side:" + stringify(pos));
00681     if(dir == 0){
00682             d->displayRedDotFixation(w/2+pos,h/2);
00683             d->displayRedDotFixation(w/2-neg,h/2);
00684     }
00685     if(dir == 1){
00686             d->displayRedDotFixation(w/2,h/2+pos);
00687             d->displayRedDotFixation(w/2,h/2-neg);
00688     }
00689         d->waitFrames(30);
00690         d->clearScreen();
00691         string ans = getDigitSequenceFromSubject("yn-",1);
00692         int res = 0 ;
00693         if(change==0 &&"y")==0) res=1;
00694         if(change==1 &&"n")==0) res=1;
00695         return res ;
00696 }
00698 vector<int> executive_memory_task(Mix_Music* tone1 , Mix_Music* tone2 ,string initial_string,int counter_length, int min_tone_wait, int max_tone_wait ){
00699         int t1c = 0 ;
00700         int t2c = 0 ;
00701         vector<int> wFrames;
00702         vector<int> toneSequence ;
00703         vector<int> retVector ;
00704         map<int,string> strMap;
00706         int flag=0;
00707         float milisum=0;
00708         do{
00709             int rtmp = rand()%(max_tone_wait - min_tone_wait) + min_tone_wait;
00710             milisum += rtmp*33.33 + 240;
00711             if(milisum > counter_length*33.33) {
00712                 milisum = milisum -rtmp*33.33 - 240; 
00713                 flag=1;
00714             }else{
00715                 wFrames.push_back(rtmp);
00716                 toneSequence.push_back(rand()%2);
00717             }
00718         }while(flag==0);
00719         int lagFrames = (int)((counter_length - milisum)/33.33);
00721         for(uint i = 0 ; i < wFrames.size() ; i++){
00722             d->pushEvent("will wait for "+stringify(wFrames[i]));
00723             d->waitFrames(wFrames[i]);
00724             if(toneSequence[i]==0){
00725                 d->pushEvent("tone1 playing");
00726                 t1c++;
00727                 if(Mix_PlayMusic(tone1,0)==-1){return retVector;}
00728                 while(Mix_PlayingMusic()==1){} ;
00729             }else{
00730                 d->pushEvent("tone2 playing");
00731                 t2c++ ;
00732                 if(Mix_PlayMusic(tone2,0)==-1){return retVector;}
00733                 while(Mix_PlayingMusic()==1){} ;
00734             }
00735         }
00736         d->waitFrames(lagFrames);
00737         retVector.push_back(t1c);
00738         retVector.push_back(t2c);
00739         d->clearScreen();
00740         d->displayFixation();
00741         return retVector ;
00743 }
00747 std::string getUsageComment(){
00749         string com = string("\nlist of arguments : \n");
00751         com += "\nlogfile=[logfilename.psy] {default = psycho-sm-or.psy}\n" ;
00752         com += "\nmemo=[a_string_without_white_space]\n";
00753         com += "\nstring-size=[>0](the size of counter string){default=4} \n";
00754         com += "\nsubject=[subject_name] \n" ;
00755         com += "\nnum-of-trials=[>1] (number of trials ) {default=10}\n";
00756         com += "\nalphabet=[a string of characters](a string of characters){default=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}\n";
00757         com += "\nmode=[1,2](1 horizontal stimulus presentation 2 for vertical){default=1}\n";
00758         com += "\nsingle-dot-onset=[>1](number of frames that the single dot should be presented){default=16}\n";
00759         com += "\ndots_ISI=[>1](number of frames between dots presentations){default=16}\n";
00760         com += "\ndots_radius=[>1](the radius for circle of dots in pixel){default=100}\n";
00761         com += "\ndots_min_angle=[>0](minimum angle between dots on the circle){default=45}\n";
00762         com += "\ndots_max_angle=[>0] (maximum angle between dots on the circle){default=90}\n";
00763         com += "\nspatial-delay=[>0](number of frames for spatial memory task ){default=180}\n";
00764         com += "\n spatial-counter-ISI=[>1](numer of frames between last dot presentation and start of counter task){default=16}\n";
00765         com += "\n counter-length=[>1](total lenght of counter experiment in frames){default=300}\n";
00766         com += "\n counter-spatial-query-ISI=[>1](the delay between end of counter trail and start of spatial memory query in number of frames){default=16}\n";
00767         com += "\n spatial-query-length=[>1](the total length for showing the spatial memory test in number of frames){default=60}\n";
00768         com += "\n spatial-query-counter-query-ISI=[>1](number of frames between the unspeeded spatial memory query and showing the counter query){default=30}\n";
00769         com += "\n counter-query-length=[>1](number of frames for presenting the counter query){default=60}\n";
00770         com += "\n cue-onset-frames=[>1](){default=3}\n";;
00771         com += "\nsound-dir=[path to wav files directory]{default=..}\n";
00772         com += "\ntone1=[a valid file name](name of wav file without extension for tone 1){default=sin}\n";
00773         com += "\ntone2=[a valid file name](name of wav file without extension for tone 2){default=square}\n";
00774         com += "\ncue-file=[a valid file name](name of a wav file without extension for the audio cue){default=cue1}\n";
00775         com += "\nmin-tone-wait=[>1](minimum number of frames waiting on each tone){default=60}\n";
00776         com += "\nmax-tone-wait=[>1](maximum number of frames waiting on each tone){default=90}\n";
00777     com += "\ndot-shift=[>1](amount of shift in dots position in pixel)[default=16]\n";
00778         return com ;
00779 }
00781 extern "C" int main(const int argc, char** argv)
00782 {
00784         MYLOGVERB = LOG_INFO;  // suppress debug messages
00785         //let's push the initial value for the parameters
00786         argMap["experiment"]="twsr";
00787         argMap["logfile"]="psycho-twsr.psy" ;
00788         argMap["string-size"]="6" ;
00789         argMap["num-of-trials"]="10";
00790         argMap["subject"]="" ;
00791         argMap["memo"]="" ;
00792         argMap["alphabet"]="bfgkms";
00793         argMap["mode"]="1" ;
00794         argMap["sound-dir"]="..";
00795             argMap["tone1"]="sine";
00796             argMap["tone2"]="square";
00797         argMap["white-space"]="30";
00798         argMap["box-sign"]=".";
00799         argMap["stimulus-onset-frames"]="20";
00802         //int stimulus_onset_frames = atoi(argMap["stimulus-onset-frames"].c_str());
00804         manager.addSubComponent(d);
00805         nub::soft_ref<EventLog> el(new EventLog(manager));
00806         manager.addSubComponent(el);
00807         d->setEventLog(el);
00808        //? nub::soft_ref<EyeTrackerConfigurator>
00809           //?              etc(new EyeTrackerConfigurator(manager));
00810          //? manager.addSubComponent(etc);
00812         if (manager.parseCommandLine(argc, argv,
00813             "at least one argument needed", 1, -1)==false){
00814                     cout<<getUsageComment()<<endl;
00815                     return(1);
00816             }
00818             for(uint i = 0 ; i < manager.numExtraArgs() ; i++){
00819                     addArgument(manager.getExtraArg(i),std::string("=")) ;
00820             }
00822             manager.setOptionValString(&OPT_EventLogFileName, argMap["logfile"]);
00823                 //+manager.setOptionValString(&OPT_EyeTrackerType, "ISCAN");
00824                 //+nub::soft_ref<EyeTracker> eyet = etc->getET();
00825                 //+d->setEyeTracker(eyet);
00826                 //+eyet->setEventLog(el);
00829   // let's get all our ModelComponent instances started:
00830             manager.start();
00831             for(map<string,string>::iterator it= argMap.begin(); it!= argMap.end() ; ++it) d->pushEvent("arg:"+ it->first+" value:"+it->second ) ;
00832   // let's display an ISCAN calibration grid:
00833             d->clearScreen();
00834             d->displayISCANcalib();
00835             d->waitForMouseClick();
00836             d->displayText("Here the experiment starts! click to start!");
00837             d->waitForMouseClick();
00838             d->clearScreen();
00839         //let's see in what mode the user like to run the program
00840             //int mode = atoi(argMap["mode"].c_str());
00841             string masterString=argMap["alphabet"];
00844             int numOfTests = atoi(argMap["num-of-trials"].c_str()) ;
00845             int stringSize = atoi(argMap["string-size"].c_str());
00846             int dots_ISI = atoi(argMap["dots-ISI"].c_str()) ;
00847             int dot_onset = atoi(argMap["single-dot-onset"].c_str());
00848             int dots_min_radius = atoi(argMap["dots_min_radius"].c_str());
00849             int dots_max_radius = atoi(argMap["dots_max_radius"].c_str());
00850             int mode = atoi(argMap["mode"].c_str());
00851             int counter_length = atoi(argMap["counter-length"].c_str());
00852             int min_tone_wait = atoi(argMap["min-tone-wait"].c_str());
00853             int max_tone_wait = atoi(argMap["max-tone-wait"].c_str());
00854             float dot_max_change = atof(argMap["dot-shift"].c_str());
00855             vector<int> orVector;
00856             for( int i = 0 ; i< numOfTests/2 ; i++ ){
00857                     orVector.push_back(0);
00858             }
00859             for( int i =numOfTests/2; i<numOfTests ; i++){
00860                     orVector.push_back(1);
00861             }
00862             scramble(orVector);
00863             //let's do calibration        
00866             d->clearScreen();
00868             cout<< stringify(d->getWidth())<<" x "<<stringify(d->getHeight())<<endl;
00869             Mix_Music* cueMusic = NULL;//this is the cue for the start of trial 
00870                         Mix_Music* tone1 = NULL;//tone 1
00871                         Mix_Music* tone2 = NULL;//tone 2
00872             map<int,Mix_Music*>  audio_map ;//we will have access to the audios for stimulus presentation using this map
00873                         map<string,int>  charmap ;
00874                         map<int,string>  charinvmap ;
00875                         //now let's open the audio channel
00876                 if( Mix_OpenAudio( 22050, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 4096 ) == -1 ){
00877                   LINFO( "did not open the mix-audio") ;
00878                   return -1 ;
00879                         }
00880                         //now that everyting is ok, let's load the main string audio files and push them in a map
00881                 for(uint i = 0; i < masterString.size() ; i++){
00882                                 string str = argMap["sound-dir"]+"/"+masterString.substr(i,1)+".wav";
00883                                 audio_map[i]=Mix_LoadMUS(str.c_str());
00884                                 charmap[masterString.substr(i,1)]=i;
00885                                 charinvmap[i]=masterString.substr(i,1) ;
00886                         }
00888             for( uint i=10;i<100 ;i++ ){
00889                 charmap[stringify(i)]=i;
00890                 charinvmap[i]=stringify(i);
00891             }
00893             if(argMap["cue-type"].compare("a")==0){
00894                         string str = argMap["sound-dir"]+"/"+argMap["cue-file"]+".wav" ;
00895                         cueMusic = Mix_LoadMUS(str.c_str());
00896             }
00898                         string tmpstr = argMap["sound-dir"]+"/"+argMap["tone1"]+".wav";
00899                         tone1 = Mix_LoadMUS(tmpstr.c_str());
00900                         tmpstr = argMap["sound-dir"]+"/"+argMap["tone2"]+".wav";
00901                         tone2 = Mix_LoadMUS(tmpstr.c_str());
00903             int cr = numOfTests ;//this is the counter for number of rounds
00904                         d->showCursor(true);
00905                         d->displayText("click one of the  mouse buttons to start!");
00906             d->waitForMouseClick() ;
00907                         d->showCursor(false);
00909         int correctHSpatialMemory=0;
00910     int correctVSpatialMemory=0;
00911     int incorrectHSpatialMemory=0;
00912     int incorrectVSpatialMemory=0;
00913         int correctCounting=0;
00914         int incorrectCounting=0;
00915     int missCounting=0;
00916             cr=0;
00917             while( cr < numOfTests ){
00918                 string inStr = getARandomString(stringSize,"34567");
00919                 d->showCursor(false);
00920                 d->clearScreen() ;
00921                 d->pushEvent("**************************************") ;
00922                 d->pushEvent("initial string :" + inStr);
00923                 for(uint i = 0 ;  i < inStr.size(); i++){
00924                     d->pushEvent("playing character "+inStr.substr(i,1));
00925                     if(Mix_PlayMusic(audio_map[charmap[inStr.substr(i,1)]],0)==-1){return 1;}
00926                     while(Mix_PlayingMusic()==1){} ;
00927                     d->pushEvent("ended playing character "+inStr.substr(i,1));
00928                 }
00929                 d->waitFrames(60);
00930                 d->displayFixation();
00931                 d->waitFrames(10);
00932                 d->clearScreen() ;
00933                 d->pushEvent("presentation orientation: " + stringify(;
00934                 vector<int> dotsVector = spatial_memory_task(dot_onset,dots_ISI,,dots_min_radius,dots_max_radius);
00935                 d->pushEvent("dots showed at negative:"+ stringify(" positive:" + stringify(;
00936                 d->waitFrames(10);
00937                 d->displayFixation();
00938                 vector<int> tonesVector = executive_memory_task( tone1 , tone2 , inStr, counter_length, min_tone_wait, max_tone_wait );
00939                 string  newStr ;
00940                 if (stringSize == 2)
00941                 newStr = charinvmap[charmap[inStr.substr(0,1)]]+charinvmap[charmap[inStr.substr(inStr.size()-1,1)]];
00942                 if (stringSize>2)
00943                         newStr = charinvmap[charmap[inStr.substr(0,1)]]+inStr.substr(1,inStr.size()-2)+charinvmap[charmap[inStr.substr(inStr.size()-1,1)]];
00944                 if(mode==1 || mode==3){
00945                         int spMemAns = spatial_memory_retrival(dotsVector,,dot_max_change);
00946                         if({
00947                                 if (spMemAns ==1){
00948                     d->pushEvent("correct horizontal spatial memory recall");
00949                                         correctHSpatialMemory++;
00950                                 }else{
00951                     d->pushEvent("incorrect horizontal spatial memory recall");
00952                                         incorrectHSpatialMemory++;
00953                                 }
00954                         }else{
00955                                 if (spMemAns ==1){
00956                     d->pushEvent("correct horizontal spatial memory recall");
00957                                         correctVSpatialMemory++;
00958                                 }else{
00959                     d->pushEvent("incorrect horizontal spatial memory recall");
00960                                         incorrectVSpatialMemory++;
00961                                 }
00963                         }
00964                 }
00967                 if(mode ==1){
00968                 //string ans = getDigitSequenceFromSubject(masterString,3," 3 digits");
00969                         string ans1 = getDigitSequenceFromSubject(masterString,1,"first digit");
00970                         d->pushEvent("subject keyed:" + ans1 + " for first digit"); 
00971                         string ans2 = getDigitSequenceFromSubject(masterString,1,"second digit");
00972                         d->pushEvent("subject keyed:" + ans2 + " for second digit");
00973                 //d->pushEvent("subject keyed:" + ans);
00974                         if(,1))==0 &&,1))==0 ) {
00975                                 correctCounting++;
00976                         }else{
00977                                 incorrectCounting++ ;
00978                         }
00980                 }
00982                 if(mode ==2 || mode==3){
00983                         int sineCounter =,1).c_str());
00984                         int squareCounter =,1).c_str());
00985                         d->pushEvent("sine signal counter is :"+stringify(sineCounter));
00986                         d->pushEvent("square signal counter is :"+stringify(squareCounter));
00987                         string ans1 = getDigitSequenceFromSubject(masterString,2,"soft tone counter");
00988                         d->pushEvent("subject keyed:" + ans1 + " for sine counter");
00989                         string ans2 = getDigitSequenceFromSubject(masterString,2,"rough tone counter");
00990                         d->pushEvent("subject keyed:" + ans2 + " for square counter");
00991                         d->pushEvent("trial misscounting: " + stringify(abs(atoi(ans1.c_str()) - sineCounter) + abs(atoi(ans2.c_str()) - squareCounter)));
00992                         missCounting += abs(atoi(ans1.c_str()) - sineCounter) + abs(atoi(ans2.c_str()) - squareCounter);
00994                 }       
00995                 cr++;
00996             }
00997             d->pushEvent("correct horizontal spatial memory: " +stringify(correctHSpatialMemory));
00998             d->pushEvent("incorrect horizontal spatial memory: " +stringify(incorrectHSpatialMemory));
01000         d->pushEvent("correct vertical spatial memory: " +stringify(correctVSpatialMemory));
01001         d->pushEvent("incorrect vertical spatial memory: " +stringify(incorrectVSpatialMemory));
01002             d->pushEvent("correct counting: " +stringify(correctCounting));
01003             d->pushEvent("incorrect counting: " +stringify(incorrectCounting));
01004         d->pushEvent("total misscounting: "+stringify(missCounting));
01005             d->displayText("Experiment complete. Thank you!");
01006             d->waitForMouseClick();
01008           // stop all our ModelComponents
01009             manager.stop();
01012           // all done!
01013             return 0;
01014 }
01016 #endif // INVT_HAVE_LIBSDL_IMAGE
Generated on Sun May 8 08:40:09 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3