INVT Directory Reference

Core top-level iNVT executable programs.




file  envisionpp.C [code]
file  extractframes.C [code]
file  extractsalientpatches.C [code]
file  ezvision.C [code]
file  learnvision.C [code]
file  mgzvisualize.C [code]
file  MPIopenvision.C [code]
file  MPIopenvision2.C [code]
file  MPIopenvision3.C [code]
file  neovision2-cuda.C [code]
file  neovision2-hd.C [code]
file  neovision2.C [code]
file  neovision2cuda.C [code]
file  neovision2cuda.H [code]
file  openvision.C [code]
file  openvision3.C [code]
file  README.dxy [code]
file  simple-saliency.C [code]
file  StereoVision.C [code]

Detailed Description

Core top-level iNVT executable programs.

This directory contains the core applications for our models of attention, scene understanding, etc. Most of the code here is intentionally very simple, exploiting the framework defined in the Component directory to make the top-level neural models just collections of ModelComponent objects, with the choice of exactly which collection to use deferred to the command-line.

for dependency graphs: rankdir: RL

Generated on Sun May 8 08:45:03 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3