Component Directory Reference

Base classes for the iNVT neural model building framework.




file  CmdlineOptionManager.C [code]
file  CmdlineOptionManager.H [code]
file  ComponentFactory.H [code]
file  ComponentOpts.C [code]
file  ComponentOpts.H [code]
file  EventLog.C [code]
file  EventLog.H [code]
file  GlobalOpts.C [code]
file  GlobalOpts.H [code]
file  JobServerConfigurator.C [code]
file  JobServerConfigurator.H [code]
file  ModelComponent.C [code]
file  ModelComponent.H [code]
file  ModelManager.C [code]
file  ModelManager.H [code]
file  ModelOptionDef.C [code]
file  ModelOptionDef.H [code]
file  ModelParam.C [code]
file  ModelParam.H [code]
file  ModelParamBase.C [code]
file  ModelParamBase.H [code]
file  ModelParamBatch.C [code]
file  ModelParamBatch.H [code]
file  OptionManager.C [code]
file  OptionManager.H [code]
file  ParamClient.C [code]
file  ParamClient.H [code]
file  ParamFlags.H [code]
file  ParamMap.C [code]
file  ParamMap.H [code]
file  Plugin.C [code]
file  Plugin.H [code]
file  RawGistEstimatorStd.C [code]
file  RawGistEstimatorStd.H [code]
file  README.dxy [code]

Detailed Description

Base classes for the iNVT neural model building framework.

This directory contains class definitions for the iNVT model building framework. This framework streamlines the definition of computational modules which are to be used as part of an integrated simulated model and which may hold a number of tunable parameters which can be set from config files and/or command-line options.

Most of the simulated brain computation modules derive from the ModelComponent class defined here. This provides a standardized interface for how to assemble components, define ModelParam parameters for the components which may be set via the command-line, and other functionality. The ModelManager is a special ModelComponent which should be the root of a graph of components which define a model, and which handles command-line parsing, model start/stop/reset, and other functionality.

for additional options, see doc/input/modelbuilding.dxy

for dependency graphs: rankdir: TB

Generated on Sun May 8 08:44:55 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3