LoBot Directory Reference



directory  baylog
directory  config
directory  control
directory  io
directory  irccm
directory  lgmd
directory  metlog
directory  misc
directory  slam
directory  thread
directory  tti
directory  ui
directory  util


file  LoApp.C [code]

This file defines the non-inline member functions of the lobot::App class.

file  LoApp.H [code]

The Robolocust application object.

file  LobayMain.C [code]

Robolocust metrics log analyzer for Bayesian TTI predictions.

file  LobotMain.C [code]

lobot/Robolocust controller.

file  LograbMain.C [code]

Program to test custom multi-grabber for Lobot/Robolocust.

file  LoLaserMain.C [code]

Testing the Hokuyo laser range finder.

file  LometMain.C [code]

Robolocust metrics log analyzer.

file  LoRoomba.C [code]
file  LoRoombaVecHist.C [code]
Generated on Sun May 8 08:32:09 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3