train-faceParts.C File Reference

#include "Channels/OrientationChannel.H"
#include "Component/ModelManager.H"
#include "GUI/XWinManaged.H"
#include "Image/CutPaste.H"
#include "Image/DrawOps.H"
#include "Image/ImageSet.H"
#include "Image/MathOps.H"
#include "Image/PyramidOps.H"
#include "Image/ShapeOps.H"
#include "Image/Transforms.H"
#include "Neuro/StdBrain.H"
#include "Neuro/VisualCortex.H"
#include "Raster/Raster.H"
#include "Gist/FFN.H"
#include "Gist/ModelFace.H"
Include dependency graph for train-faceParts.C:

Go to the source code of this file.


#define LEARN_RATE   0.5
#define TRAIN_START_INDEX   277
#define NUM_TRAIN_SAMPLE   200
#define TEST_START_INDEX   234
#define NUM_TEST_SAMPLE   100


Image< float > getPartImage (char *iName, Rectangle pr)
Image< float > getPartImage (Image< float > img, Rectangle pr)
Rectangle getPartRect (char *iName, char *dName, FacePart part, int opp)
Rectangle getPartRect (Image< float > img, char *dName, FacePart part, int opp)
void getFeature (Rectangle r, FacePart part, Image< double > features)
void getEyeFeature (Rectangle r, Image< double > features)
void getNoseFeature (Rectangle r, Image< double > features)
void getMouthFeature (Rectangle r, Image< double > features)
void train (FeedForwardNetwork *ffn, FacePart part, nub::soft_ref< StdBrain > brain)
void fillEyeData (int start, std::vector< Image< double > > pData, std::vector< Image< double > >nData, int *pCt, int *nCt)
void fillNoseData (int start, std::vector< Image< double > > pData, std::vector< Image< double > > nData, int *pCt, int *nCt)
void fillMouthData (int start, std::vector< Image< double > > pData, std::vector< Image< double > > nData, int *pCt, int *nCt)
bool within (Rectangle r, int x, int y)
void printRegion (Image< float > img, int sX, int eX, int dX, int sY, int eY, int dY)
int main (const int argc, const char **argv)


CloseButtonListener wList
Image< bytetargetmask
nub::soft_ref< OrientationChanneloriChan
Image< float > currImg
ImageSet< float > currGaPyr [NUM_DIR]
XWinManagedgaWin [NUM_DIR][3]
int start_win = 1

Detailed Description

testing Feed Forward Network class for use to train any mapping

Definition in file train-faceParts.C.

Define Documentation

#define LEARN_RATE   0.5

This class test implementation a simple feedforward network with backpropagation.

Definition at line 61 of file train-faceParts.C.

Generated on Sun May 8 08:42:40 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3