
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*! @file BeoSub/test-BeoSubSimulator.C [put description here] */
00003 // $HeadURL: svn://isvn.usc.edu/software/invt/trunk/saliency/src/BeoSub/test-BeoSubSimulator.C $
00004 // $Id: test-BeoSubSimulator.C 11565 2009-08-09 02:14:40Z rand $
00006 // compile with: -lm -lglut -lGLU -lGL -lX11 -lXext
00009 #include <cmath>
00010 #ifdef HAVE_GL_GLUT_H
00011 #include <GL/glut.h>
00012 #endif
00013 #include <GL/gl.h>
00014 #include <GL/glu.h>
00015 #include <cstdio>
00016 #include <cstring>
00017 #include <cstdlib>
00018 #include <iostream>
00019 #include <pthread.h>
00020 #include <unistd.h>
00022 #include "Image/Pixels.H"
00023 #include "Image/ColorOps.H"
00024 #include "Image/Image.H"
00025 #include "Image/MathOps.H"
00026 #include "Image/Transforms.H"
00027 #include "Image/FilterOps.H"
00028 #include "BeoSub/BeoSubCanny.H"
00029 #include "BeoSub/ColorTracker.H"
00030 #include "CannyModel.H"
00031 #include "BeoSub/BeoSubSim.H"
00033 #ifdef HAVE_GL_GLUT_H
00035 bool start = true;
00037 ModelManager submgr("BeoSubSim Tester");
00038 nub::soft_ref<BeoSubSim> SimSub(new BeoSubSim(submgr));
00040 Angle heading(0.0), deltaHeading(0.0);
00041 float  ratio, dtemp;
00042 Angle pitch(0.0), deltaPitch(0.0);
00043 Angle roll(0.0);
00044 float deltaStrafeX = 0;
00045 float leftThrustValue = 0, rightThrustValue = 0;
00046 bool setForward = false;
00048 float x=-30.0f,y=20.0f,z=10.0f; // init postion of the camera
00049 float targetZ = z, targetX = x;
00050 float subX= 2.0f, subY=3.5f, subZ = 2.0f;
00051 float lx=0.0f,ly=0.0f,lz=-0.1f, ty=0.0f;
00052 float l[] = {0.0,80.0,0.0}; float n[]={0.0,-1.0,0.0}; float e[] = {0.0,-60.0,0.0};
00053 float shadowColor[] = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
00054 GLfloat fogColor[4] = {0.35,0.5,0.5,1.0};
00055 int sw=320,sh=240;
00056 int deltaMove = 0,h=740,w=325, border=5;
00057 int deltaDepth = 0;
00058 int counter=0, actionCount=0;
00059 void* font=GLUT_BITMAP_8_BY_13;
00060 int bitmapHeight=13;
00061 int imgCounter = 0;
00062 GLfloat TCx = 45.0f,TCz = -20.0f;
00063 GLfloat TAx = -15.0f, TAy=4.0f, TAz=0.5f;
00064 int frame,frametime,outframe, outtime,timebase=0,atime, atimebase=0, decode=0;
00065 char s[30];
00066 int mainWindow, subWindow1,subWindow2,subWindow3, subWindow4, subWindow5, subWindow6;
00067 bool set3 = false;
00068 bool fogAct = true, isSphere = true;
00069 void initWindow();
00071 byte *image1 = new byte[sw*sh*3];
00072 byte *image2 = new byte[sw*sh*3];
00073 byte *image3 = new byte[sw*sh*3];
00075 // instantiate a model manager for the shape detector module:
00077 ModelManager manager("BeoSubCanny Tester");
00078 nub::soft_ref<ColorTracker> ct(new ColorTracker(manager));
00079   //Test with a circle
00080 rutz::shared_ptr<ShapeModel> shape;
00081 double *darray = (double*)calloc(4, sizeof(double));
00083 Image< PixRGB<byte> > simulateCamera(const byte *data, const int w, const int h);
00084 Image< PixRGB<byte> > ima1, ima2, ima3;
00086 // texture mapping
00087 struct simTexture
00088 {
00089         unsigned long sizeX;
00090         unsigned long sizeY;
00091         char *data;
00092 };
00093 typedef struct simTexture Texture;
00094 int t[50];
00095 // make shadow in the pool
00096 void glShadowProjection(float *l, float *n, float *e)
00097 {
00098     float d, c, mat[16];
00099     d = n[0]*l[0] + n[1]*l[1] + n[2]*l[2];
00100     c = e[0]*n[0] + e[1]*n[1] + e[2]*n[2]-d;
00102     mat[0] = n[0]*l[0] + c;
00103     mat[4] = n[1]*l[0];
00104     mat[8] = n[2]*l[0];
00105     mat[12]= -l[0]*c - l[0]*d;
00107     mat[1] = n[0]*l[1];
00108     mat[5] = n[1]*l[1]+c;
00109     mat[9] = n[2]*l[1];
00110     mat[13]= -l[1]*c - l[1]*d;
00112     mat[2] = n[0]*l[2];
00113     mat[6] = n[1]*l[2];
00114     mat[10]= n[2]*l[2]+c;
00115     mat[14]= -l[2]*c - l[2]*d;
00117     mat[3] = n[0];
00118     mat[7] = n[1];
00119     mat[11]= n[2];
00120     mat[15]= -d;
00121     glMultMatrixf(mat);
00123 }
00125 // quick and dirty bitmap loader...for 24 bit bitmaps with 1 plane only.
00126 // See http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/~mxr/gfx/2d/BMP.txt for more info.
00127 int ImageLoad(char *filename, Texture *image) {
00128     FILE *file;
00129     unsigned long size;                 // size of the image in bytes.
00130     unsigned long i;                    // standard counter.
00131     unsigned short int planes;          // number of planes in image (must be 1)
00132     unsigned short int bpp;             // number of bits per pixel (must be 24)
00133     char temp;                          // temporary color storage for bgr-rgb conversion.
00135     // make sure the file is there.
00136     if ((file = fopen(filename, "rb"))==NULL)
00137     {
00138         printf("File Not Found : %s\n",filename);
00139         return 0;
00140     }
00142     // seek through the bmp header, up to the width/height:
00143     fseek(file, 18, SEEK_CUR);
00145     // read the width
00146     if ((i = fread(&image->sizeX, 4, 1, file)) != 1) {
00147         printf("Error reading width from %s.\n", filename);
00148         return 0;
00149     }
00151     // read the height
00152     if ((i = fread(&image->sizeY, 4, 1, file)) != 1) {
00153         printf("Error reading height from %s.\n", filename);
00154         return 0;
00155     }
00156   //  printf("Height of %s: %lu\n", filename, image->sizeY);
00158     // calculate the size (assuming 24 bits or 3 bytes per pixel).
00159     size = image->sizeX * image->sizeY * 3;
00161     // read the planes
00162     if ((fread(&planes, 2, 1, file)) != 1) {
00163         printf("Error reading planes from %s.\n", filename);
00164         return 0;
00165     }
00166     if (planes != 1) {
00167         printf("Planes from %s is not 1: %u\n", filename, planes);
00168         return 0;
00169     }
00171     // read the bpp
00172     if ((i = fread(&bpp, 2, 1, file)) != 1) {
00173         printf("Error reading bpp from %s.\n", filename);
00174         return 0;
00175     }
00177     if (bpp != 24) {
00178         printf("Bpp from %s is not 24: %u\n", filename, bpp);
00179         return 0;
00180     }
00182     // seek past the rest of the bitmap header.
00183     fseek(file, 24, SEEK_CUR);
00185     // read the data.
00186     image->data = (char *) malloc(size);
00187     if (image->data == NULL) {
00188         printf("Error allocating memory for color-corrected image data");
00189         return 0;
00190     }
00192     if ((i = fread(image->data, size, 1, file)) != 1) {
00193         printf("Error reading image data from %s.\n", filename);
00194         return 0;
00195     }
00197     for (i=0;i<size;i+=3) { // reverse all of the colors. (bgr -> rgb)
00198         temp = image->data[i];
00199         image->data[i] = image->data[i+2];
00200         image->data[i+2] = temp;
00201     }
00203     // we're done.
00204     return 1;
00205 }
00207 // Load Bitmaps And Convert To Textures
00208 void LoadGLTextures(char *filename, int i) {
00209     // Load Texture
00210     Texture *texture;
00212     // allocate space for texture
00213     texture = (Texture *) malloc(sizeof(Texture));
00214     if (texture == NULL) {
00215         printf("Error allocating space for image");
00216         exit(0);
00217     }
00219     if (!ImageLoad(filename, texture)) {
00220         exit(1);
00221     }
00223     // Create Texture
00224     glGenTextures(1, (GLuint *)&t[i]);
00225     glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, t[i]);   // 2d texture (x and y size)
00227     glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,GL_LINEAR); // scale linearly when image bigger than texture
00228     glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,GL_LINEAR); // scale linearly when image smalled than textur
00230     // 2d texture, level of detail 0 (normal), 3 components (red, green, blue), x size from image, y size from image,
00231     // border 0 (normal), rgb color data, unsigned byte data, and finally the data itself.
00232     glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, texture->sizeX, texture->sizeY, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texture->data);
00233 }
00235 void initWindow2(void)
00236 {
00237         glClearColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
00238         glShadeModel(GL_FLAT);
00239         glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
00240 }
00241 /*
00242 void display4(void)
00243 {
00244         glutSetWindow(subWindow4);
00245         glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
00246         //        glDrawPixels(sw,sh,GL_RGB,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ima1.getArrayPtr());
00247 //        glDrawPixels(sw,sh,GL_RGB,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image1);
00248         glutSwapBuffers();
00249 }
00250 void display5(void)
00251 {
00252         glutSetWindow(subWindow5);
00253         glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
00254         //        glDrawPixels(sw,sh,GL_RGB,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ima2.getArrayPtr());
00255 //        glDrawPixels(sw,sh,GL_RGB,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image2);
00256         glutSwapBuffers();
00257 }
00258 void display6(void)
00259 {
00260         glutSetWindow(subWindow6);
00261         glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
00262         //        glDrawPixels(sw,sh,GL_RGB,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ima3.getArrayPtr());
00263 //        glDrawPixels(sw,sh,GL_RGB,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image3);
00264         glutSwapBuffers();
00265 }
00266 */
00267 void changeSize2(int w1, int h1)
00268 {
00270         // Prevent a divide by zero, when window is too short
00271         // (you cant make a window of zero width).
00272         ratio = 1.0f * w1 / h1;
00274         // Set the viewport to be the entire window
00275         glViewport(0, 0, w1, h1);
00277         // Reset the coordinate system before modifying
00278         glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
00279         glLoadIdentity();
00281         // Set the clipping volume
00282         gluPerspective(45,ratio,0.1,1000);
00283         glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
00284 }
00286 void changeSize(int w1,int h1) {
00287         if(h1 == 0)
00288                 h1 = 1;
00290         w = w1;
00291         h = h1;
00292         //mainx =(w-3*border)/2;
00293         //mainy=2*(h-3*border)/3;
00295         glutSetWindow(subWindow1);
00296         glutPositionWindow(border,border);
00297         glutReshapeWindow(w-border, (h-4*border)/3);
00298         changeSize2(w-border, (h-4*border)/3);
00300         glutSetWindow(subWindow2);
00301         glutPositionWindow(border,2*border+(h-4*border)/3);
00302         glutReshapeWindow(w-border, (h-4*border)/3);
00303         changeSize2(w-border, (h-4*border)/3);
00305         glutSetWindow(subWindow3);
00306         glutPositionWindow(border,3*border+2*(h-4*border)/3);
00307         glutReshapeWindow(w-border, (h-4*border)/3);
00308         changeSize2(w-border, (h-4*border)/3);
00310         //        glutSetWindow(subWindow4);
00311         //glutPositionWindow(border+(w-2*border-mainx),border);
00312         //glutReshapeWindow(w-3*border-mainx, (h-4*border)/3);
00313         //changeSize2(w-3*border-mainx, (h-4*border)/3);
00315         //glutSetWindow(subWindow5);
00316         //glutPositionWindow(border+(w-2*border-mainx),2*border+(h-4*border)/3);
00317         //glutReshapeWindow(w-3*border-mainx, (h-4*border)/3);
00318         //changeSize2(w-3*border-mainx, (h-4*border)/3);
00320         //glutSetWindow(subWindow6);
00321         //glutPositionWindow(border+(w-2*border-mainx),3*border+2*(h-4*border)/3);
00322         //glutReshapeWindow(w-3*border-mainx, (h-4*border)/3);
00323         //changeSize2(w-3*border-mainx, (h-4*border)/3);
00324 }
00327 void drawSnowMan() {}
00329 // rotate alone y axis
00330 void drawRecRotate(GLfloat de, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w, GLfloat d, GLfloat h)
00331 {
00332 // rotation matrix
00333 // cos(de)  0  -sin(de)
00334 // 0          1  0
00335 // sin(de)  0  cos(de)
00336 // newx = cos(de) * x - sin(de) * z
00337 // newz = sin(de) * x + cos(de) * z
00338         // down
00339         GLfloat tempx=x,tempz=z;
00340         x=z=0;
00341         glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
00342                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*x-sin(de)*z+tempx, y, sin(de)*x+cos(de)*z+tempz);
00343                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*(x+w)-sin(de)*z+tempx, y, sin(de)*(x+w)+cos(de)*z+tempz);
00344                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*x-sin(de)*(z+d)+tempx, y,  sin(de)*x+cos(de)*(z+d)+tempz);
00345         glEnd();
00346         glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
00347                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*x-sin(de)*(z+d)+tempx, y,  sin(de)*x+cos(de)*(z+d)+tempz);
00348                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*(x+w)-sin(de)*z+tempx, y, sin(de)*(x+w)+cos(de)*z+tempz);
00349                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*(x+w)-sin(de)*(z+d)+tempx, y, sin(de)*(x+w)+cos(de)*(z+d)+tempz);
00350         glEnd();
00351     // up
00352         glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
00353                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*x-sin(de)*z+tempx, y+h, sin(de)*x+cos(de)*z+tempz);
00354                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*x-sin(de)*(z+d)+tempx, y+h, sin(de)*x+cos(de)*(z+d)+tempz);
00355                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*(x+w)-sin(de)*z+tempx, y+h, sin(de)*(x+w)+cos(de)*z+tempz);
00356         glEnd();
00357         glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
00358                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*x-sin(de)*(z+d)+tempx, y+h, sin(de)*x+cos(de)*(z+d)+tempz);
00359                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*(x+w)-sin(de)*(z+d)+tempx, y+h, sin(de)*(x+w)+cos(de)*(z+d)+tempz);
00360                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*(x+w)-sin(de)*z+tempx, y+h, sin(de)*(x+w)+cos(de)*z+tempz);
00361         glEnd();
00362         // left
00363         glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
00364                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*x-sin(de)*(z+d)+tempx, y, sin(de)*x+cos(de)*(z+d)+tempz);
00365                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*x-sin(de)*z+tempx, y+h, sin(de)*x+cos(de)*z+tempz);
00366                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*x-sin(de)*z+tempx, y, sin(de)*x+cos(de)*z+tempz);
00367         glEnd();
00368         glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
00369                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*x-sin(de)*z+tempx, y+h, sin(de)*x+cos(de)*z+tempz);
00370                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*x-sin(de)*(z+d)+tempx, y,  sin(de)*x+cos(de)*(z+d)+tempz);
00371                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*x-sin(de)*(z+d)+tempx, y+h, sin(de)*x+cos(de)*(z+d)+tempz);
00372         glEnd();
00373         // right
00374         glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
00375                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*(x+w)-sin(de)*(z+d)+tempx, y, sin(de)*(x+w)+cos(de)*(z+d)+tempz);
00376                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*(x+w)-sin(de)*z+tempx, y, sin(de)*(x+w)+cos(de)*z+tempz);
00377                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*(x+w)-sin(de)*(z+d)+tempx, y+h, sin(de)*(x+w)+cos(de)*(z+d)+tempz);
00378         glEnd();
00379         glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
00380                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*(x+w)-sin(de)*z+tempx, y+h, sin(de)*(x+w)+cos(de)*z+tempz);
00381                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*(x+w)-sin(de)*(z+d)+tempx, y+h, sin(de)*(x+w)+cos(de)*(z+d)+tempz);
00382                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*(x+w)-sin(de)*z+tempx, y,  sin(de)*(x+w)+cos(de)*z+tempz);
00383         glEnd();
00384         // front
00385         glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
00386                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*(x+w)-sin(de)*(z+d)+tempx, y, sin(de)*(x+w)+cos(de)*(z+d)+tempz);
00387                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*x-sin(de)*(z+d)+tempx, y+h,  sin(de)*x+cos(de)*(z+d)+tempz);
00388                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*x-sin(de)*(z+d)+tempx, y, sin(de)*x+cos(de)*(z+d)+tempz);
00389         glEnd();
00390         glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
00391                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*(x+w)-sin(de)*(z+d)+tempx, y, sin(de)*(x+w)+cos(de)*(z+d)+tempz);
00392                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*(x+w)-sin(de)*(z+d)+tempx, y+h, sin(de)*(x+w)+cos(de)*(z+d)+tempz);
00393                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*x-sin(de)*(z+d)+tempx, y+h,  sin(de)*x+cos(de)*(z+d)+tempz);
00394         glEnd();
00395         // back
00396         glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
00397                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*x-sin(de)*z+tempx, y, sin(de)*x+cos(de)*z+tempz);
00398                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*(x+w)-sin(de)*z+tempx, y+h,  sin(de)*(x+w)+cos(de)*z+tempz);
00399                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*(x+w)-sin(de)*z+tempx, y, sin(de)*(x+w)+cos(de)*z+tempz);
00400         glEnd();
00401         glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
00402                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*x-sin(de)*z+tempx, y, sin(de)*x+cos(de)*z+tempz);
00403                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*x-sin(de)*z+tempx, y+h, sin(de)*x+cos(de)*z+tempz);
00404                 glVertex3f( cos(de)*(x+w)-sin(de)*z+tempx, y+h, sin(de)*(x+w)+cos(de)*z+tempz);
00405         glEnd();
00407 }
00408 void setOrthographicProjection() {
00410         // switch to projection mode
00411         glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
00412         // save previous matrix which contains the
00413         //settings for the perspective projection
00414         glPushMatrix();
00415         // reset matrix
00416         glLoadIdentity();
00417         // set a 2D orthographic projection
00418         gluOrtho2D(0, w, 0, h/2);
00419         // invert the y axis, down is positive
00420         glScalef(1, -1, 1);
00421         // mover the origin from the bottom left corner
00422         // to the upper left corner
00423         glTranslatef(0, -h/2, 0);
00424         glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
00425 }
00427 void resetPerspectiveProjection() {
00428         // set the current matrix to GL_PROJECTION
00429         glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
00430         // restore previous settings
00431         glPopMatrix();
00432         // get back to GL_MODELVIEW matrix
00433         glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
00434 }
00436 void renderBitmapString(float x, float y, void *font,char *string)
00437 {
00438   char *c;
00439   // set position to start drawing fonts
00440   glRasterPos2f(x, y);
00441   // loop all the characters in the string
00442   for (c=string; *c != '\0'; c++) {
00443     glutBitmapCharacter(font, *c);
00444   }
00445 }
00446 void initScene() {
00448         // init the texturemapping
00449   //LoadGLTextures("map.bmp", 0);
00450   /*
00451     LoadGLTextures("pics/bg00.bmp", 0);                               // Load The Texture(s)
00452     LoadGLTextures("pics/bg01.bmp", 1);
00453     LoadGLTextures("pics/bg02.bmp", 2);
00454         LoadGLTextures("pics/bg03.bmp", 3);
00455         LoadGLTextures("pics/bg04.bmp", 4);
00456         LoadGLTextures("pics/bg05.bmp", 5);
00457         LoadGLTextures("pics/bg06.bmp", 6);
00458         LoadGLTextures("pics/bg07.bmp", 7);
00459         LoadGLTextures("pics/bg08.bmp", 8);
00460         LoadGLTextures("pics/bg09.bmp", 9);
00461         LoadGLTextures("pics/bg10.bmp", 10);
00462         LoadGLTextures("pics/bg11.bmp", 11);
00463         LoadGLTextures("pics/bg12.bmp", 12);
00464         LoadGLTextures("pics/bg13.bmp", 13);
00465         LoadGLTextures("pics/0.bmp", 14);
00466         LoadGLTextures("pics/bg15.bmp", 15);
00467         LoadGLTextures("pics/bg16.bmp", 16);
00468         LoadGLTextures("pics/bg17.bmp", 17);
00469         LoadGLTextures("pics/bg18.bmp", 18);
00470         LoadGLTextures("pics/bg19.bmp", 19);
00471         LoadGLTextures("pics/1.bmp", 20);
00472         LoadGLTextures("pics/b.bmp", 21);
00473         LoadGLTextures("pics/c.bmp", 22);
00474         LoadGLTextures("pics/d.bmp", 23);
00475         LoadGLTextures("pics/e.bmp", 24);
00476         LoadGLTextures("pics/f.bmp", 25);
00477         LoadGLTextures("pics/g.bmp", 26);
00478         LoadGLTextures("pics/h.bmp", 27);
00479         LoadGLTextures("pics/i.bmp", 28);
00480         LoadGLTextures("pics/j.bmp", 29);
00481         LoadGLTextures("pics/k.bmp", 30);
00482         LoadGLTextures("pics/l.bmp", 31);
00483         LoadGLTextures("pics/m.bmp", 32);
00484         LoadGLTextures("pics/n.bmp", 33);
00485         LoadGLTextures("pics/o.bmp", 34);
00486         LoadGLTextures("pics/p.bmp", 35);
00487         LoadGLTextures("pics/q.bmp", 36);
00488         LoadGLTextures("pics/r.bmp", 37);
00489         LoadGLTextures("pics/s.bmp", 38);
00490         LoadGLTextures("pics/2.bmp", 39);
00492         LoadGLTextures("pics/3.bmp", 40); // not used
00493         LoadGLTextures("pics/4.bmp", 41);
00494         LoadGLTextures("pics/5.bmp", 42);
00495         LoadGLTextures("pics/6.bmp", 43);
00496         LoadGLTextures("pics/7.bmp", 44);
00497         LoadGLTextures("pics/8.bmp", 45);
00498         LoadGLTextures("pics/9.bmp", 46);
00499 */
00500         glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);   // Clear The Background Color To Blue
00501         glClearDepth(1.0);                              // Enables Clearing Of The Depth Buffer
00502         glDepthFunc(GL_LESS);                   // The Type Of Depth Test To Do
00503         glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);                        // Enables Depth Testing
00504         glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH);                        // Enables Smooth Color Shading
00505         // let the texture behind the shadow
00506         glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
00508         // add fog effect
00509         glEnable(GL_FOG);
00510         {
00511                 glFogi(GL_FOG_MODE, GL_EXP);
00512                 glFogfv(GL_FOG_COLOR, fogColor);
00513                 glFogf(GL_FOG_DENSITY, 0.10);
00514                 glHint(GL_FOG_HINT, GL_DONT_CARE);
00515                 glFogf(GL_FOG_START,1.0);
00516                 glFogf(GL_FOG_END, 5.0);
00517         }
00518         glClearColor(0.35,0.5,0.5,1.0);
00520     glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
00521     glLoadIdentity();                           // Reset The Projection Matrix
00522     // Set the clipping volume
00523     gluPerspective(45,ratio,0.1,1000);
00524     glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
00525 }
00527 void orientMe(Angle theta)
00528 {
00529         lx = sin(theta.getRadians());
00530         lz = -cos(theta.getRadians());
00531 }
00533 void moveMeFlat(float i)
00534 {
00535   x = x + i*(lx)*0.24;
00536   z = z + i*(lz)*0.24;
00537 }
00539 void moveMeFlatSmall(float i)
00540 {
00541   x = x + i*(lx)*0.12;
00542   z = z + i*(lz)*0.12;
00543 }
00545 void moveMeVer(float i)
00546 {
00547   y = y + i*0.02;
00548 }
00550 void tiltMe(Angle theta)
00551 {
00552   lz = -cos(theta.getRadians());
00553   ly = sin(theta.getRadians());
00555 }
00557 void strafe(float val)
00558 {
00559   x = x + val*lz*0.12;
00560   z = z + val*lx*0.12;
00561 }
00563 void storeImage(const char* s, Image< PixRGB<byte> > im)
00564 {
00565   std::cout << s << "image" << imgCounter << '\n';
00566   imgCounter++;
00567   Raster::WriteRGB( im, sformat("%simage%d.ppm", s, imgCounter) );
00568 }
00570 void draw(bool shadow)
00571 {
00572         // draw submarine
00573 /*
00574         glPushMatrix();
00575         if(shadow)
00576                 glColor3f(shadowColor[0],shadowColor[1],shadowColor[2]);
00577         else
00578                 glColor3f(1.0,0.0,0.0);
00579         glTranslatef(x,y,z);
00580         glRotatef(180-heading*180.0/3.14,0.0,1.0,0.0);
00581         drawRecRotate(0.0f,
00582                      -subX/2.0f, 0.0f,subY,
00583                       subX, subY, subZ);
00584         glPopMatrix();
00585   */
00586         // draw 5 orange pipes
00587         if(shadow)
00588                 glColor3f(shadowColor[0],shadowColor[1],shadowColor[2]);
00589         else
00590                 glColor3f(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
00591                 drawRecRotate(0.0f,0.0f,0.85f,0.0f,4.0f,0.5f,0.3f);
00592                 drawRecRotate(0.314f,4.3f,0.85f,0.0f,4.0f,0.5f,0.3f);
00593                 drawRecRotate(-0.314f,8.2f,0.85f,1.3f,4.0f,0.5f,0.3f);
00594                 drawRecRotate(0.5f,-4.7f,0.85f,-1.7f,4.0f,0.5f,0.3f);
00595                 drawRecRotate(-0.2f,-9.2f,0.85f,-1.1f,4.0f,0.5f,0.3f);
00596         // draw the black bin
00597         if(shadow)
00598                 glColor3f(shadowColor[0],shadowColor[1],shadowColor[2]);
00599         else
00600                 glColor3f(0.9f,0.9f,0.9f);
00601         glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
00602                 glVertex3f(-1.85f, 1.2f,-0.5f);
00604                 glVertex3f(-1.78f, 1.2f,-0.25f);
00605                 glVertex3f(-1.965f,1.2f, 0.0f);
00606                 glVertex3f(-1.75f,1.2f, 0.15f);
00607                 glVertex3f(-1.755f,1.2f, 0.35f);
00608                 glVertex3f(-1.878f,1.2f, 0.65f);
00609                 glVertex3f(-1.679f,1.2f, 0.95f);
00611                 glVertex3f(-1.65f, 1.2f, 1.0f);
00613                 glVertex3f(-1.35f,1.2f, 1.42f);
00614                 glVertex3f(-1.12f,1.2f, 1.732f);
00615                 glVertex3f(-1.03f,1.2f, 1.626f);
00617                 glVertex3f( 0.0f, 1.2f, 1.34f);
00619                 glVertex3f( 0.412f,1.2f, 0.35f);
00620                 glVertex3f( 0.532f,1.2f, 0.24f);
00621                 glVertex3f( 0.325f,1.2f, 0.0f);
00622                 glVertex3f( 0.65f,1.2f,-0.15f);
00623                 glVertex3f( 0.31f, 1.2f,-0.35f);
00624                 glVertex3f( 0.46f,1.2f,-0.44f);
00626                 glVertex3f( 0.60f, 1.2f,-0.5f);
00628                 glVertex3f(-0.11f,1.2f,-0.965f);
00629                 glVertex3f(-0.25f,1.2f,-0.6f);
00630                 glVertex3f(-0.37f,1.2f,-0.875f);
00631                 glVertex3f(-0.65f,1.2f,-0.72f);
00632                 glVertex3f(-0.84f,1.2f,-0.966f);
00633                 glVertex3f(-0.99f,1.2f,-0.77f);
00634                 glVertex3f(-1.23f,1.2f,-0.677f);
00636         glEnd();
00638         if(shadow)
00639                 glColor3f(shadowColor[0],shadowColor[1],shadowColor[2]);
00640         else
00641                 glColor3f(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
00642         drawRecRotate(0.0f, -1.25f,1.2f,-0.25f,1.0f,1.0f,0.1f);
00644         // draw the octagon
00645         if(shadow)
00646                 glColor3f(shadowColor[0],shadowColor[1],shadowColor[2]);
00647         else
00648                 glColor3f(1.0f,0.5f,0.0f);
00649                 drawRecRotate(0.0f,0.0f+TCx,16.0f,0.0f+TCz,6.21f,0.5f,0.3f);  // -
00650                 drawRecRotate(0.785f,6.21f+TCx,16.0f,0.0f+TCz,6.21f,0.5f,0.3f);
00651                 drawRecRotate(1.57f,10.6f+TCx,16.0f,4.39f+TCz,6.21f,0.5f,0.3f); // |
00652                 drawRecRotate(-0.785f,-4.39f+TCx,16.0f,4.39f+TCz,6.21f,0.5f,0.3f); // /
00653                 drawRecRotate(1.57f,-3.89f+TCx,16.0f,4.39f+TCz,6.21f,0.5f,0.3f); // |
00654                 drawRecRotate(0.785f,-3.89f+TCx,16.0f,10.3f+TCz,6.21f,0.5f,0.3f);
00655                 drawRecRotate(-0.785f,6.0f+TCx,16.0f,14.5f+TCz,6.21f,0.5f,0.3f); // /
00656                 drawRecRotate(0.0f,0.0f+TCx,16.0f,14.5f+TCz,6.21f,0.5f,0.3f);  // -
00658                 drawRecRotate(0.0f,0.85f+TCx, 16.0f, 2.75f+TCz,4.14f,0.5f,0.3f);
00659                 drawRecRotate(0.785f,5.0f+TCx, 16.0f, 2.75f+TCz,4.14f,0.5f,0.3f);
00660                 drawRecRotate(2.355f,1.1f+TCx, 16.0f, 3.0f+TCz,4.14f,0.5f,0.3f);
00661                 drawRecRotate(1.57f,7.917f+TCx, 16.0f, 5.677f+TCz,4.14f,0.5f,0.3f);
00662                 drawRecRotate(1.57f,-1.8f+TCx, 16.0f, 5.677f+TCz,4.14f,0.5f,0.3f);
00663                 drawRecRotate(0.785f,-1.8f+TCx, 16.0f, 9.5f+TCz,4.14f,0.5f,0.3f);
00664                 drawRecRotate(2.355f,7.917f+TCx, 16.0f, 9.7f+TCz,4.14f,0.5f,0.3f);
00665                 drawRecRotate(0.0f,0.85f+TCx, 16.0f, 12.25f+TCz,4.14f,0.5f,0.3f);
00666         outtime = glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME);
00667         // draw the light for task a
00668         if(shadow)
00669                 glColor3f(shadowColor[0],shadowColor[1],shadowColor[2]);
00670         else
00671         {
00672         if (outtime % 3 ==0)
00673                 glColor3f(1.0,0.0,0.0);
00674         else
00675                 glColor3f(1.0,1.0,1.0);
00676         }
00677         glTranslatef(TAx, TAy, TAz);
00678         glutSolidSphere(0.25f,20,20);
00680         // draw the gate
00682         if(shadow)
00683                    glColor3f(shadowColor[0],shadowColor[1],shadowColor[2]);
00684         else
00685                 glColor3f(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f);
00686                 drawRecRotate(0.0f, -10.0f,TAy+1.0,10.0f,0.5f,0.5f,6.0f);
00687                 drawRecRotate(0.0f, -10.0f,TAy+1.0,0.0f,0.5f,0.5f,6.0f);
00689         // draw the flashing light box
00690         // frequency = 5 Hz with the red light
00691         if(shadow)
00692                  glColor3f(shadowColor[0],shadowColor[1],shadowColor[2]);
00693         else
00694         {
00695         if(decode == 0)
00696         {
00697           if (outtime % 2 ==0)
00698                 glColor3f(1.0,0.0,0.0);
00699           else
00700                 glColor3f(1.0,1.0,1.0);
00701         }
00702         // frequency = 2 Hz with the red light
00703         else if(decode == 1)
00704         {
00705           if (outtime % 5 ==0)
00706                 glColor3f(1.0,0.0,0.0);
00707           else
00708                 glColor3f(1.0,1.0,1.0);
00709          }
00710         // frequency = 5 Hz with the green light
00711         else if(decode == 2)
00712         {
00713           if (outtime % 2 ==0)
00714                 glColor3f(0.0,1.0,0.0);
00715           else
00716                 glColor3f(1.0,1.0,1.0);
00717         }
00718         // frequency - 2 Hz with the green light
00719         else
00720         {
00721           if (outtime % 5 ==0)
00722                 glColor3f(0.0,1.0,0.0);
00723           else
00724                 glColor3f(1.0,1.0,1.0);
00725         }
00726         }
00727         glTranslatef(-9.15,7.0,9.0);
00728         if(isSphere)
00729                 glutSolidSphere(0.1f, 20,20);
00730         else
00731                 drawRecRotate(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f, 0.2f,0.2f,0.2f);
00732 }
00733 void renderScene2(int currentWindow) {
00734     glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);         // Clear The Screen And The Depth Buffer
00735     glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, l);
00736     glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
00737     glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
00739     glColor3f(1.0,1.0,0.0);
00740     glBegin(GL_POINTS);
00741     glVertex3f(l[0],l[1],l[2]);
00742     glEnd();
00744     // put the texture on the follor
00745     glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
00747     // put pictures in the size of 20*20 in x axis
00749     //TEST for large map
00750     glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, t[0]);
00751     glBegin(GL_QUADS);
00753     glTexCoord2f(0.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3f(-100.0f+(80), -1.5f,-40.0f);//Bottom Left
00754     glTexCoord2f(1.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3f(-100.0f+(80), -1.5f,-20.0f);//Bottom Right
00755     glTexCoord2f(1.0f, 1.0f); glVertex3f(-80.0f+(80), -1.5f,-20.0f);//Top Right
00756     glTexCoord2f(0.0f, 1.0f); glVertex3f(-80.0f+(80), -1.5f,-40.0f);//Top Left
00758 /*
00759     glTexCoord2f(0.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3f(-100.0f+(80), -1.5f,-40.0f+(200));//Bottom Left
00760     glTexCoord2f(1.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3f(-100.0f+(80), -1.5f,-20.0f+(200));//Bottom Right
00761     glTexCoord2f(1.0f, 1.0f); glVertex3f(-80.0f+(80), -1.5f,-20.0f+(200));//Top Right
00762     glTexCoord2f(0.0f, 1.0f); glVertex3f(-80.0f+(80), -1.5f,-40.0f+(200));//Top Left
00763     glEnd();
00764   */  /*
00765     for(int i=0 ; i<10 ; i++)
00766       {
00767         for(int j=0 ; j<4 ; j++)
00768           {
00769             glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, t[i*4+j]);
00770             glBegin(GL_QUADS);
00771             glTexCoord2f(0.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3f(-100.0f+(i*20), -1.5f,-40.0f+(j*20));//Bottom Left
00772             glTexCoord2f(1.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3f(-100.0f+(i*20), -1.5f,-20.0f+(j*20));//Bottom Right
00773             glTexCoord2f(1.0f, 1.0f); glVertex3f(-80.0f+(i*20), -1.5f,-20.0f+(j*20));//Top Right
00774             glTexCoord2f(0.0f, 1.0f); glVertex3f(-80.0f+(i*20), -1.5f,-40.0f+(j*20));//Top Left
00775             glEnd();
00776           }
00777       }
00778     */
00779     //glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
00781         // show fog or not
00782         if(fogAct)
00783                 glEnable(GL_FOG);
00784         else
00785                 glDisable(GL_FOG);
00786         // Draw ground
00787         glColor3f(0.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
00788         glBegin(GL_QUADS);
00789         glNormal3f(0.0,1.0,0.0);
00790                 glVertex3f(-100.0f, e[1]-0.1f, -100.0f);
00791                 glVertex3f(-100.0f, e[1]-0.1f,  100.0f);
00792                 glVertex3f( 100.0f, e[1]-0.1f,  100.0f);
00793                 glVertex3f( 100.0f, e[1]-0.1f, -100.0f);
00794         glEnd();
00795         glBegin(GL_QUADS);
00796                 glVertex3f(-100.0f, e[1]-0.1f, -100.0f);
00797                 glVertex3f( 100.0f, e[1]-0.1f, -100.0f);
00798                 glVertex3f( 100.0f, e[1]-0.1f,  100.0f);
00799                 glVertex3f(-100.0f, e[1]-0.1f,  100.0f);
00800         glEnd();
00802         // Draw water surface
00803         glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.9f);
00804         glBegin(GL_QUADS);
00805         glNormal3f(0.0,-1.0,0.0);
00806                 glVertex3f(-100.0f, 16.5f, -100.0f);
00807                 glVertex3f(-100.0f, 16.5f,  100.0f);
00808                 glVertex3f( 100.0f, 16.5f,  100.0f);
00809                 glVertex3f( 100.0f, 16.5f, -100.0f);
00810         glEnd();
00811         glBegin(GL_QUADS);
00812                 glVertex3f(-200.0f, 16.5f, -200.0f);
00813                 glVertex3f( 200.0f, 16.5f, -200.0f);
00814                 glVertex3f( 200.0f, 16.5f,  200.0f);
00815                 glVertex3f(-200.0f, 16.5f,  200.0f);
00816         glEnd();
00818         // draw the object that cast th shadow
00819         glPushMatrix();
00820 //        glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
00821         draw(false);
00822         glPopMatrix();
00824         // draw the shadow
00825         glPushMatrix();
00826         glShadowProjection(l,e,n);
00827         glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
00828         glColor3f(0.5,0.5,0.5);
00829         draw(true);
00830         glPopMatrix();
00832         //********************
00833 //          glPopMatrix();
00834         // show the text
00835         if (currentWindow == subWindow1)
00836         {
00837                 /*
00838                 glColor3f(0.0,1.0,1.0);
00839                 setOrthographicProjection();
00840                 glPushMatrix();
00841                 glLoadIdentity();
00842                 sprintf(s,"Position:%.1f,%.1f Depth:%.1f ",x,z,(16-y));
00843                 renderBitmapString(30,15,(void *)font,s);
00844                 dtemp = heading/3.14*180;
00845                 while(dtemp>360)
00846                         dtemp = dtemp -360;
00847                 while(dtemp<0)
00848                         dtemp = dtemp + 360;
00849                 sprintf(s,"Heading:%.1f",dtemp);
00850                 renderBitmapString(10,10,(void *)font,s);
00851                 renderBitmapString(150,150,(void *)font,"For usrc: Navigate the world by arrow keys,");
00852                 renderBitmapString(30,0,(void *)font,"F1 - Rise, F2 - Dive, ESC - Quit");
00853                 glPopMatrix();
00854                 resetPerspectiveProjection();
00855                 */
00856 //              printf("D:%.1f\n", (16-y));
00857           frame++;
00858           frametime = glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME);
00859           if(frametime - timebase > 1000) // per second
00860             {
00861               printf("FPS:%4.2f\n", frame * 1000.0 / (frametime- timebase));
00862               timebase = frametime;
00863               frame = 0;
00864             }
00866         }
00867 //===========================================
00868 // test the glReadPixels()
00869 // unsigned char *image;
00870 // assign 3 images get from cameras to image[]
00871         if(currentWindow==subWindow1)
00872         {
00873           glReadPixels(0,0,sw,sh,GL_RGB,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,image1);
00874           ima1 = simulateCamera(image1, sw, sh);
00875         }
00876         if(currentWindow==subWindow2)// && outtime/10 % 10 ==0)
00877         {
00878           glReadPixels(0,0,sw,sh,GL_RGB,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,image2);
00879           ima2 = simulateCamera(image2, sw, sh);
00880                 // test BeoSubCanny
00881           if(!start)
00882           {
00883             /*
00884                 test->setupCanny("Red", ima2, false);
00885                 darray[1] = 100.0;
00886                    darray[2] = 80.0;
00887                 darray[3] = 50.0f;
00888                 shape.reset(new CircleShape(25.0, darray);
00890                 bool find = test->runCanny(shape);
00891                 double *d = shape->getDimensions();
00892                 if(find)
00893                 printf("::::::::::::::%f\n",d[1]);
00894             */
00896           }
00898         }
00899         if(currentWindow==subWindow3)// && outtime/10 % 10 ==0)
00900         {
00901           glReadPixels(0,0,sw,sh,GL_RGB,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,image3);
00902           ima3 = simulateCamera(image3, sw, sh);
00903         }
00906         glutSwapBuffers();
00907 }
00908 void renderScene() {
00909         glutSetWindow(mainWindow);
00910         glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
00911         glutSwapBuffers();
00912 }
00914 void renderScenesw1() {
00915         glutSetWindow(subWindow1);
00916         glLoadIdentity();
00917         gluLookAt(x, y+0.5, z,
00918                       x,y + 1 +ly+ ty,z,
00919                           -lx,0,-lz);
00920         renderScene2(subWindow1);
00921 }
00923 void renderScenesw2() {
00924         glutSetWindow(subWindow2);
00925         glLoadIdentity();
00926         gluLookAt(x, y, z,
00927                       x + lx,y + ly + ty,z + lz,
00928                           0.0f,1.0f,0.0f);
00929         renderScene2(subWindow2);
00930 }
00932 void renderScenesw3() {
00933         glutSetWindow(subWindow3);
00934         glLoadIdentity();
00935         gluLookAt(x, y-0.5, z,
00936                       x,y - 1 +ly+ ty,z,
00937                           lx,0,lz);
00938         renderScene2(subWindow3);
00939 }
00940 /*
00941 void *taska(void *ptr)
00942 {
00943   printf("taska");
00944   turn(180);
00945   return NULL;
00946 }
00947 */
00948 //================================
00949 //define the actions here
00950 void advanceByTime(int steps, bool direction)
00951 {
00952         int d;
00953         if(direction)
00954                 d = 1;
00955         else
00956                 d = -1;
00958         do
00959         {
00960                 atime = glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME);
00961                 x = x + d*(lx)*0.25;
00962                 z = z + d*(lz)*0.25;
00963                 // render the screen
00964                 renderScenesw1();
00965                 renderScenesw2();
00966                 renderScenesw3();
00967                 //  display4();
00968                 // display5();
00969                 //display6();
00970         }while(atime - atimebase < steps*1000);
00971         atimebase = atime;
00973 }
00977 /*void turn(double dangle)
00978 {
00979         double count = 0.0;
00980         double diff;
00981         dangle = dangle/180 * 3.14;
00983         if(dangle >= 0)
00984         {
00985           diff = 0.0157;
00986           do
00987           {
00988                 heading += diff;
00989                 lx = sin(heading.getRadians());
00990                 lz = -cos(heading.getRadians());
00991                 // render the screen
00992                 renderScenesw1();
00993                 renderScenesw2();
00994                 renderScenesw3();
00995                 display4();
00996                 display5();
00997                 display6();
00998                 count += diff;
00999           }while(count <= dangle);
01000         }
01001         else
01002         {
01003           diff = -0.0157;
01004           do
01005           {
01006                 heading += diff;
01007                 lx = sin(heading);
01008                 lz = -cos(heading);
01009                 // render the screen
01010                 renderScenesw1();
01011                 renderScenesw2();
01012                 renderScenesw3();
01013                 display4();
01014                 display5();
01015                 display6();
01016                 count += diff;
01017           }while(count >= dangle);
01018         }
01019         //atimebase = atime;
01021 }*/
01022 //===============================
01023 // define the action for task a
01024 /*
01025   void taska()
01026   {
01027   float xpos, ypos;
01028   atimebase = glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME);
01030   // add the component
01031   if(actionCount == 11)
01032   {
01033   manager.addSubComponent(ct);
01034   manager.start();
01035   }
01036   // dive first
01037   else if(actionCount == 12)
01038   dive( y - 5, true);
01039   // assume we are close to the target
01040   else if(actionCount == 13)
01041   {
01042   ct->setupTracker("Red", ima2, false);
01043   while(!ct->runTracker(50.0, xpos, ypos))
01044   {
01045   turn(5);
01046   ct->setupTracker("Red", ima2,false);
01047   }
01049   }
01052   actionCount ++;
01053   }
01054 */
01055 //=================================
01056 //acions commands in here
01057 void renderSceneAll() {
01058   /*
01060   if(deltaHeading.getVal() > 0 && !(SimSub->targetReached())) {
01061     heading += deltaHeading;
01062     orientMe(heading);
01063     std::cout << "Heading: " << SimSub->getHeading().getVal() << '\n';
01064     deltaHeading = 1;
01065   }
01067   if(deltaStrafeX) {
01068     strafe(deltaStrafeX);
01069     std::cout << "sub x: " << x << " sub z: " << z << '\n';
01070     deltaStrafeX = 0;
01071   */
01074   //if(!setDive) {
01075   //  SimSub->diveAbs(3);
01076   //}
01078   if(!setForward) {
01079     //  SimSub->strafeRel(5);
01081     SimSub->getThrusters(leftThrustValue, rightThrustValue);
01083     if(leftThrustValue != 0) {
01084       targetZ = -(z + SimSub->getRelDist() * 3.2808 * lz);
01085       targetX = x - SimSub->getRelDist() * 3.2808 * lx;
01086       setForward = true;
01087     }
01088     else if(SimSub->isStrafing()) {
01089       targetZ = -(z + SimSub->getRelDist() * 3.2808 * lx);
01090       targetX = x - SimSub->getRelDist() * 3.2808 * lz;
01091       setForward = true;
01092     }
01094   }
01097   std::cout << "goalValueZ: " << targetZ * .3048 << "goalValueX: " << targetX * .3048<< '\n';
01098   std::cout << z*.3048 << " " <<  x*.3048 << '\n';
01099   //advance forward/reverse
01100   if(leftThrustValue != 0 && fabs(targetZ - z) >= 0.2 && fabs(targetX - x) >=0.2)
01101     moveMeFlat(3.2808f * leftThrustValue);
01103   if(SimSub->isStrafing() && fabs(targetZ - z) >= 0.2 && fabs(targetX - x) >= 0.2)
01104     strafe(3.2808);
01106   if(fabs(targetZ - z) < 0.2 && fabs(targetX - x) < 0.2) {
01107     std::cout << "done advancing\n";
01108     SimSub->thrust(0.0F, 0.0F);
01109     SimSub->setStrafing();
01110   }
01114   //this code works turning right/left
01115   if(fabs(SimSub->getTargetAttitude().heading.getRadians() -
01116      SimSub->getCurrentAttitude().heading.getRadians()) > 0.2) {
01117     std::cout << "turning\n";
01118     std::cout << "heading target: " << SimSub->getTargetAttitude().heading.getVal() << '\n';
01119     if(SimSub->getTargetAttitude().heading.getRadians() > 0)
01120       heading+=1;
01121     else
01122       heading-=1;
01124     orientMe(heading);
01125   }
01126   else
01127     std::cout << "done turning\n";
01130   //this code works for diving/surfacing
01131   if(fabs(SimSub->getTargetAttitude().depth - SimSub->getCurrentAttitude().depth) > 0.2) {
01132     std::cout << "diving\n";
01133     std::cout << "depth target: " << SimSub->getTargetAttitude().depth << "m\n";
01135     if(SimSub->getTargetAttitude().depth > SimSub->getCurrentAttitude().depth)
01136       moveMeVer(-3.2808f);
01137     else
01138       moveMeVer(3.2808f);
01139   }
01140   else
01141     std::cout << "done diving\n";
01143   if(SimSub->getUpGrabFlag()) {
01144     storeImage("up", ima1);
01145     SimSub->setUpGrabFlag();
01146   }
01148   if(SimSub->getFrontGrabFlag()) {
01149     storeImage("front", ima2);
01150     SimSub->setFrontGrabFlag();
01151   }
01153   if(SimSub->getDownGrabFlag()) {
01154     storeImage("up", ima3);
01155     SimSub->setDownGrabFlag();
01156   }
01158   //this code works
01159   SimSub->updateCompass(heading, pitch, roll);
01160   SimSub->updateDepth((20 - y) * 0.3048f);
01161   SimSub->updatePosition(z * 0.3048f, x * 0.3048f);
01162   std::cout << "heading: " << SimSub->getHeading().getVal()
01163        << " depth: " << SimSub->getCurrentAttitude().depth << "m\n";
01164   std::cout << "z: " << SimSub->getCurrentZ() << "m x: " << SimSub->getCurrentX() << "m\n";
01168   renderScenesw1();
01169   renderScenesw2();
01170   renderScenesw3();
01171   //  display4();
01172   //display5();
01173   //display6();
01174 }
01176 void processNormalKeys(unsigned char key, int x, int y) {
01177         if (key == 27)
01178                 exit(0);
01179 }
01181 void mouseButton(int button, int state, int x, int y) {
01182   if(button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON)
01183     SimSub->diveRel(3);
01184   else if(button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON)
01185     SimSub->turnRel(90);
01186   else if(button == GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON)
01187     SimSub->TaskA();
01188 }
01190 // these keys will be used to choose which task to do,
01191 // i.e. F1 is TaskA()
01192 void pressKey(int key, int x, int y) {
01193   switch (key) {
01194         case GLUT_KEY_LEFT : {
01195           std::cout << "ADVANCE!\n";
01196           SimSub->advanceRel(5);  break;
01197         }
01198         case GLUT_KEY_RIGHT : SimSub->diveRel(5) ;break;
01199         case GLUT_KEY_UP : SimSub->turnRel(5); break;
01200         case GLUT_KEY_DOWN : deltaMove = -1;break;
01201         case GLUT_KEY_F1 : deltaDepth = 1;break;
01202         case GLUT_KEY_F2 : deltaDepth = -1;break;
01203         case GLUT_KEY_F3 : deltaStrafeX = 1; break;
01204           //decode++;
01205           //if(decode >= 4)
01206           //decode = 0;
01207           //break;
01208   case GLUT_KEY_F4 : deltaStrafeX = -1;
01209     //                    fogAct = false;
01210                           break;
01211   case GLUT_KEY_F5 :
01212                   isSphere = !isSphere;
01213                         break;
01214   case GLUT_KEY_F6 :
01215     start = !start;
01216     manager.addSubComponent(ct);
01217     manager.start();
01219     break;
01220   case GLUT_KEY_F7 : storeImage("up", ima1); break;
01221   case GLUT_KEY_F8 : storeImage("front", ima2); break;
01222   case GLUT_KEY_F9 : storeImage("down",ima3); break;
01223   case GLUT_KEY_PAGE_UP : deltaPitch = 0.05f; break;
01224   case GLUT_KEY_PAGE_DOWN : deltaPitch = -0.05f; break;
01225   }
01226 }
01228 void releaseKey(int key, int x, int y) {
01230      switch (key) {
01231                 case GLUT_KEY_LEFT :
01232                   SimSub->advanceRel(5);
01233                   break;
01234                 /* case GLUT_KEY_RIGHT :
01235                         if (deltaHeading > 0.0f)
01236                           deltaHeading = 0.0f;
01237                 break;
01238                 case GLUT_KEY_UP :
01239                         if (deltaMove > 0)
01240                           deltaMove = 0;
01241                         break;
01242                 case GLUT_KEY_DOWN :
01243                         if (deltaMove < 0)
01244                           deltaMove = 0;
01245                         break;
01246                 case GLUT_KEY_F1:
01247                         if(deltaDepth > 0)
01248                           deltaDepth =0;
01249                         break;
01250                 case GLUT_KEY_F2:
01251                         if(deltaDepth < 0)
01252                           deltaDepth =0;
01253                         break;
01254                                 case GLUT_KEY_F3:
01255           if(deltaStrafeX < 0)
01256             deltaStrafeX = 0;
01257           break;
01258         case GLUT_KEY_F4:
01259           if(deltaStrafeX > 0)
01260             deltaStrafeX = 0;
01261           break;
01262         case GLUT_KEY_F5:
01263           if(deltaStrafeZ < 0)
01264           deltaStrafeY
01265                 case GLUT_KEY_F4 :
01266                         fogAct = true;
01267                         break;
01268                 case GLUT_KEY_PAGE_UP :
01269                         if(deltaPitch > 0)
01270                                 deltaPitch = 0;
01271                 break;
01272                 case GLUT_KEY_PAGE_DOWN :
01273                          if(deltaPitch < 0)
01274                                 deltaPitch = 0;
01275                                 break;*/
01276                         }
01277 }
01279 // assume RGB RGB RGB ...
01280 // 3 bytes per pixel
01281 // data is 'w' pixels wide by 'h' pixels high
01282 // hence data should have at least w*h*3 bytes of memory allocated
01283 Image< PixRGB<byte> >
01284 simulateCamera(const byte *data, const int aw, const int ah)
01285 {
01286   // build an image from the raw data:
01287   Image< PixRGB<byte> > im((PixRGB<byte> *)data, aw, ah);
01289   // add some small amount of speckle noise to the image:
01290   //inplaceColorSpeckleNoise(im, 1000);
01292   // blur the image:
01293   //im = lowPass9(lowPass9(lowPass9(im)));
01294   //im = lowPass9(im);
01296   // open a window if not open yet:
01297  // if (xw == NULL) xw = new XWindow(Dims(w, h));
01299   // show image in the window:
01300  // xw->drawImage(im);
01302   return im;
01303 }
01304 /*
01305 void *control(bool dummy)
01306 {
01307   printf("\n\ngot in\n\n");
01309   //===============================
01310   // define the action for task a
01312   //TASK A
01314 }
01315 */
01317 #endif // HAVE_GL_GLUT_H
01319 int main(int argc, char **argv)
01320 {
01321 #ifndef HAVE_GL_GLUT_H
01323   LFATAL("<GL/glut.h> must be installed to use this program");
01325 #else
01327         glutInit(&argc, argv);
01328         glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_ALPHA | GLUT_DEPTH);
01329         glutInitWindowPosition(0,0);
01330         glutInitWindowSize(w,h);
01331         mainWindow = glutCreateWindow("Sub");
01332         glutIgnoreKeyRepeat(1);
01333         glutKeyboardFunc(processNormalKeys);
01334         glutSpecialFunc(pressKey);
01335         glutSpecialUpFunc(releaseKey);
01336         glutMouseFunc(mouseButton);
01337         glutReshapeFunc(changeSize);
01338         glutDisplayFunc(renderScene);
01339         glutIdleFunc(renderSceneAll);
01341         glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE);
01342         glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
01343         glEnable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL);
01344         glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
01345         glEnable(GL_LIGHT0);
01346         glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
01347         glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
01349         glLoadIdentity();
01350         gluPerspective(60.0f,1.0,1.0,400.0);
01352         glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
01353         glLoadIdentity();
01354         glTranslatef(0.0,0.0,-150.0);
01357         //setup windows
01358         subWindow1 = glutCreateSubWindow(mainWindow, border,border,
01359                                          w-border, (h-4*border)/3);
01360         glutDisplayFunc(renderScene);
01361         initScene();
01363         subWindow2 = glutCreateSubWindow(mainWindow, border,2*border+(h-4*border)/3,
01364                                          w-border, (h-4*border)/3);
01365         glutDisplayFunc(renderScenesw2);
01366         initScene();
01368         subWindow3 = glutCreateSubWindow(mainWindow, border,3*border+2*(h-4*border)/3,
01369                                          w-border, (h-4*border)/3);
01370         glutDisplayFunc(renderScenesw3);
01371         initScene();
01373         //subWindow4 = glutCreateSubWindow(mainWindow,w-border-mainx, border,
01374         //                           w-3*border-mainx, (h-4*border)/3);
01375         //glutDisplayFunc(display4);
01376         //initWindow2();
01378         //subWindow5 = glutCreateSubWindow(mainWindow,w-border-mainx,2*border+(h-4*border)/3,
01379         //                                 w-3*border-mainx, (h-4*border)/3);
01380         //glutDisplayFunc(display5);
01381         //initWindow2();
01382         //subWindow6 = glutCreateSubWindow(mainWindow,w-border-mainx,3*border+2*(h-4*border)/3,
01383         //                         w-3*border-mainx, (h-4*border)/3);
01384         //glutDisplayFunc(display6);
01385         //initWindow2();
01387         glutMainLoop();
01388         return 1;
01390 #endif // HAVE_GL_GLUT_H
01392 }
Generated on Sun May 8 08:40:20 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3