AppDevices Directory Reference

Sample applications using the device drivers from src/Devices.




file  app-calibrate-VCC4.C [code]
file  app-cam-saccades.C [code]
file  app-ScorbotServer.C [code]
file  calibrateVideo.C [code]
file  locust_videoAndLaser.C [code]
file  README.dxy [code]
file  test-audioGrab.C [code]
file  test-BeeSTEM.C [code]
file  test-BeeStem3.C [code]
file  test-BeoChip.C [code]
file  test-BeoHead.C [code]
file  test-BeoJoyStick.C [code]
file  test-EphysAudio.C [code]
file  test-EphysBoard.C [code]
file  test-GPS.C [code]
file  test-grab.C [code]
file  test-gyro.C [code]
file  test-HMR3300.C [code]
file  test-HSV.C [code]
file  test-httpClient.C [code]
file  test-httpServer.C [code]
file  test-IMU_MicroStrain_3DM_GX2.C [code]
file  test-JoyStick.C [code]
file  test-KeyBoard.C [code]
file  test-LaserRangeFinder.C [code]
file  test-multigrab.C [code]
file  test-ParallaxPing.C [code]
file  test-ParPort.C [code]
file  test-pelco.C [code]
file  test-PingSonar.C [code]
file  test-pololu.C [code]
file  test-radioDecoder.C [code]
file  test-RangeFinder.C [code]
file  test-rt100.C [code]
file  test-sc8000.C [code]
file  test-Scorbot.C [code]
file  test-ScorbotClient.C [code]
file  test-ScorbotIK.C [code]
file  test-Serial.C [code]
file  test-SimpleMotor.C [code]
file  test-speech.C [code]
file  test-ssc.C [code]
file  test-VCC4.C [code]
file  test-visca.C [code]
file  test-wiimote.C [code]
file  XCgrab.C [code]
file  XCgrab_bayer.C [code]

Detailed Description

Sample applications using the device drivers from src/Devices.

The programs in this directory are simple examples, test programs, and applications using the various hardware drivers in the src/Devices directory. These include applications to grab images from video cameras, communicate with a BeoChip, grab audio, communicate with a GPS unit, etc.

for dependency graphs: rankdir: RL

Generated on Sun May 8 08:44:47 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3