
00001 #include <IceUtil/Thread.h>
00003 #include "Robots/RobotBrain/RobotBrainComponent.H"
00005 #include "Component/ModelManager.H"
00006 #include "Component/OptionManager.H"
00007 #include "Component/ModelComponent.H"
00008 #include "Component/ModelParam.H"
00010 #include "GUI/XWinManaged.H"
00011 #include "GUI/ImageDisplayStream.H"
00013 #include "Ice/"
00014 #include "Ice/"
00015 #include "Ice/"
00016 #include "Ice/IceImageUtils.H"
00018 #include "Image/PixelsTypes.H"
00019 #include "Image/Image.H"
00020 #include "Image/Pixels.H"
00022 #include "Media/FrameSeries.H"
00024 #include "Raster/GenericFrame.H"
00026 #include "Transport/FrameInfo.H"
00028 #include "Controller.h"
00030 #include "LocalizationParticle.h"
00031 #include "LocalizationUtil.h"
00032 #include "LocalizationSensorReader.h"
00033 #include "LocalizationMapEntity.h"
00034 #include "LocalizationMap.h"
00035 #include "IMUDataServer/IMUDataServer.H"
00036 #include "BeeStemI.H"
00038 #ifndef ParticleFilter_H
00039 #define ParticleFilter_H
00041 using namespace std;
00043 enum EXCEPTION_ID
00044 {
00045         OUT_OF_RANGE
00046 };
00048 const int numSteps = 1; //number of steps to make each update cycle for visualization
00049 //static float angDrift = 2.5; //degrees/sec
00050 //static float transDrift = 1.5 / 12.0; //ft/sec
00051 //static int numParticles = 2500;
00052 const int resampleDelay = 6; //number of iterations to wait before resampling
00053 const int reWeighDelay = 3;
00054 const int saveStateDelay = 10;
00056 class LocalizationWaypointController
00057 {
00058 public:
00059         const static float rotateThresholdRadius = 2; // min offset before going to TRANSLATE
00060         const static float rotateThresholdRadius2 = 10; //max offset before stopping to adjust angle during TRANSLATE
00061         const static float translateThresholdRadius = 1; // radius to stop; feet?
00062         const static float translateThresholdRadius2 = 3; //radius to slow down; feet?
00063         const static float depthThresholdRadius = 2; // arbitrary units, handled by BeeStem's PID
00065         float desiredAngle;
00066         float distance;
00068         struct State
00069         {
00070                 const static int idle = 0;
00071                 const static int move_to_waypoint = 1;
00072                 const static int at_waypoint = 2;
00073                 const static int remote = 3;
00074         };
00075         struct LoopState
00076         {
00077                 const static int disabled = -1;
00078                 const static int stopped = 0;
00079                 const static int started = 1;
00080                 const static int running = 2;
00081         };
00082         struct MovementState
00083         {
00084                 const static int idle = 0;
00085                 const static int set_depth = 1;
00086                 const static int rotate = 2; //rotate to face the waypoint
00087                 const static int rotate_moving = 3; //rotate while moving
00088                 const static int translate = 4;
00089                 const static int rotate2 = 5; //rotate into position at the waypoint
00090         };
00092         struct Waypoint
00093         {
00094                 Waypoint()
00095                 {
00096                         mPoint = Point2D<float>(0, 0);
00097                         mDepth = 0;
00098                         mOrientation = 0;
00099                         mRadius = 0;
00100                 }
00101                 Waypoint(Point2D<float> point, float depth, float orientation, float radius)
00102                 {
00103                         mPoint = point;
00104                         mDepth = depth;
00105                         mOrientation = orientation;
00106                         mRadius = radius;
00107                 }
00108                 Point2D<float> mPoint; //(x on map, y on map)
00109                 float mDepth;
00110                 float mOrientation; //orientation angle -> UP; N = 90
00111                 float mRadius;
00112         };
00114         LocalizationWaypointController()
00115         {
00116                 mLoopState = LoopState::stopped;
00117                 mState = State::idle;
00118                 mMovementState = MovementState::idle;
00119                 mCurrentWaypointIndex = -1;
00120         };
00122         Waypoint operator[](int i)
00123         {
00124                 if(mWaypoints.size() == 0)
00125                 {
00126                         Waypoint result;
00127                         return result;
00128                 }
00129                 if(i == -1)
00130                 {
00131                         return mWaypoints[mCurrentWaypointIndex];
00132                 }
00133                 if(i == -2)
00134                 {
00135                         return mWaypoints[mWaypoints.size() - 1];
00136                 }
00137                 return mWaypoints[i];
00138         }
00140         void addWaypoint(Waypoint wp)
00141         {
00142                 mWaypoints.resize(mWaypoints.size() + 1);
00143                 mWaypoints[mWaypoints.size() - 1] = wp;
00144         }
00146         void resume()
00147         {
00148                 if(mLoopState == LoopState::started)
00149                 {
00150                         mLoopState = LoopState::running;
00151                         mState = State::move_to_waypoint;
00152                         mMovementState = MovementState::rotate;
00153                 }
00154         }
00156         void start()
00157         {
00158                 if(mLoopState == LoopState::stopped)
00159                 {
00160                         mLoopState = LoopState::started;
00161                         resume();
00162                         mCurrentWaypointIndex = 0;
00163                 }
00164         }
00166         void pause()
00167         {
00168                 if(mLoopState == LoopState::running)
00169                 {
00170                         mLoopState = LoopState::started;
00171                         mState = State::idle;
00172                 }
00173         }
00175         void stop()
00176         {
00177                 pause();
00178                 if(mLoopState != LoopState::stopped)
00179                 {
00180                         mLoopState = LoopState::stopped;
00181                         mMovementState = MovementState::idle;
00182                 }
00183         }
00185         void disable()
00186         {
00187                 mLoopState = LoopState::disabled;
00188         }
00190         void enable()
00191         {
00192                 mLoopState = LoopState::stopped;
00193         }
00195         bool step(RobotSimEvents::BeeStemMotorControllerMessagePtr & msg, RobotSimEvents::BeeStemConfigMessagePtr & depthMsg, Waypoint currentPose)
00196         {
00197                 if(mState == State::idle)
00198                 {
00199                         return false;
00200                 }
00201                 else if(mState == State::at_waypoint)
00202                 {
00203                         if(mCurrentWaypointIndex < mWaypoints.size())
00204                         {
00205                                 mState = State::move_to_waypoint;
00206                                 mMovementState = MovementState::set_depth;
00207                         }
00208                         else
00209                         {
00210                                 stop();
00211                                 disable();
00212                                 return false;
00213                         }
00214                 }
00216                 if(mMovementState == MovementState::set_depth)
00217                 {
00218                         //make sure to do this only once per waypoint; the PID loop will handle the rest
00219                         //set depth in pid
00220                         if(operator[](-1).mDepth != 0)
00221                         {
00222                                 depthMsg = new RobotSimEvents::BeeStemConfigMessage;
00223                                 depthMsg->desiredDepth = operator[](-1).mDepth;
00224                                 depthMsg->updateDepthPID = 1;
00225                                 depthMsg->depthK;
00226                                 depthMsg->depthP;
00227                                 depthMsg->depthI;
00228                                 depthMsg->depthD;
00229                         }
00230                         mMovementState = MovementState::rotate;
00231                         return false;
00232                 }
00234                 //step as long as mState == move_to_waypoint
00236                 //do checks to see if mode needs to be stepped down to correct angle or translate
00237                 desiredAngle = LocalizationUtil::vectorTo(currentPose.mPoint, mWaypoints[mCurrentWaypointIndex].mPoint).j;
00238                 distance = sqrt(pow(currentPose.mPoint.i - mWaypoints[mCurrentWaypointIndex].mPoint.i, 2) + pow(currentPose.mPoint.j - mWaypoints[mCurrentWaypointIndex].mPoint.j, 2)) - operator[](-1).mRadius;
00239                 if(distance < 0)
00240                 {
00241                         distance = 0;
00242                 }
00243                 float angleDiff = 180.0 * LocalizationUtil::linearAngleDiffRatio(currentPose.mOrientation, desiredAngle);
00244                 if(mMovementState == MovementState::rotate || mMovementState == MovementState::translate || mMovementState == MovementState::rotate_moving)
00245                 {
00246                         //cout << "desired angle to waypoint: " << desiredAngle << endl;
00247                         //cout << "current heading: " << currentPose.mOrientation << endl;
00248                         if(distance <= translateThresholdRadius || (mMovementState == MovementState::translate && angleDiff < rotateThresholdRadius2) || !getMsgToFaceAngle(msg, currentPose.mOrientation, desiredAngle))
00249                         {
00250                                 mMovementState = MovementState::translate;
00251                         }
00252                         else if(mMovementState == MovementState::translate || mMovementState == MovementState::rotate_moving)
00253                         {
00254                                 mMovementState = MovementState::rotate_moving;
00255                         }
00256                         else
00257                         {
00258                                 mMovementState = MovementState::rotate;
00259                         }
00260                 }
00261                 if(mMovementState == MovementState::translate || mMovementState == MovementState::rotate_moving)
00262                 {
00263                         if(distance <= translateThresholdRadius)
00264                         {
00265                                 mMovementState = MovementState::rotate2;
00266                         }
00267                         else
00268                         {
00269                                 int val = -85;
00270                                 //msg->axisName = XBox360RemoteControl::Keys::Actions::toString[XBox360RemoteControl::Keys::Actions::SPEED];
00271                                 //msg->axisVal = -85;
00272                                 if(distance <= translateThresholdRadius2)
00273                                 {
00274                                         val *= (distance - translateThresholdRadius) / (translateThresholdRadius2 - translateThresholdRadius);
00275                                 }
00276                                 val -= 15;
00278                                 setMotorVal(msg, BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::FWD_RIGHT_THRUSTER, -val);
00279                                 setMotorVal(msg, BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::FWD_LEFT_THRUSTER, val);
00280                         }
00281                 }
00282                 if(mMovementState == MovementState::rotate2)
00283                 {
00284                         //cout << "desired angle (of waypoint): " << mWaypoints[mCurrentWaypointIndex].mOrientation << endl;
00285                         //cout << "current heading: " << currentPose.mOrientation << endl;
00286                         if(!getMsgToFaceAngle(msg, currentPose.mOrientation, mWaypoints[mCurrentWaypointIndex].mOrientation))
00287                         {
00288                                 mMovementState = MovementState::idle;
00289                                 mState = State::at_waypoint; //allow everyone to see that we're at the waypoint; this will be changed to idle during the next step()
00290                                 mCurrentWaypointIndex ++; //get ready to go to the next waypoint
00291                                 return false;
00292                         }
00293                         else
00294                         {
00295                                 setMotorVal(msg, BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::FWD_RIGHT_THRUSTER, 0);
00296                                 setMotorVal(msg, BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::FWD_LEFT_THRUSTER, 0);
00297                         }
00298                 }
00300                 return true;
00301         }
00303         void setMotorVal(RobotSimEvents::BeeStemMotorControllerMessagePtr & msg, int i, int val)
00304         {
00305                 msg->values[i] = val;
00306                 msg->mask[i] = 1;
00307         }
00309         bool getMsgToFaceAngle(RobotSimEvents::BeeStemMotorControllerMessagePtr & msg, float currentAngle, float desiredAngle)
00310         {
00311                 float tempAngle = desiredAngle - currentAngle;
00312                 if(abs(tempAngle) <= rotateThresholdRadius) //we're already close enough to the specified angle
00313                 {
00314                         return false;
00315                 }
00316                 else
00317                 {
00318                         int val = round(95.0f * LocalizationUtil::linearAngleDiffRatio(currentAngle, desiredAngle)) + 5;
00319                         //msg->axisName = XBox360RemoteControl::Keys::Actions::toString[XBox360RemoteControl::Keys::Actions::HEADING];
00320                         //msg->axisVal = round(95.0f * LocalizationUtil::linearAngleDiffRatio(currentAngle, desiredAngle)) + 5;
00321                         //cout << ">>" << tempAngle << "|" << msg->axisVal << endl;
00322                         if((abs(tempAngle) < 180 && tempAngle >= 0) || (abs(tempAngle) >= 180 && tempAngle < 0)) //conditions for turning left
00323                         {
00324                                 val *= -1;
00325                         }
00326                         val *= -1;
00327                         setMotorVal(msg, BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::STRAFE_BACK_THRUSTER, -val);
00328                         setMotorVal(msg, BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::STRAFE_FRONT_THRUSTER, val);
00329                         //cout << ">>>" << msg->axisVal << endl;
00330                 }
00331                 return true;
00332         }
00334         int mLoopState;
00335         int mID;
00336         int mState;
00337         int mMovementState;
00338         int mCurrentWaypointIndex;
00339         vector<Waypoint> mWaypoints;
00340 };
00342 class ParticleFilter: public RobotBrainComponent
00343 {
00345 public:
00346         struct SimulationState
00347         {
00348                 const static int disabled = -1;
00349                 const static int idle = 0;
00350                 const static int running = 1;
00351         };
00352         struct InitializationState
00353         {
00354                 const static int uninitialized = 0;
00355                 const static int controllerChecked = 1;
00356                 const static int initialized = 2;
00357         };
00358         struct GraphicsFlags
00359         {
00360                 struct SnapState
00361                 {
00362                         const static int disable = 0;
00363                         const static int snapToAvgParticle = 1;
00364                         const static int snapToRealParticle = 2;
00365                         const static int snapToCurrentWaypoint = 3;
00366                 };
00368                 bool drawLines;
00369                 int mSnapState;
00371                 GraphicsFlags()
00372                 {
00373                         drawLines = true;
00374                         mSnapState = SnapState::snapToCurrentWaypoint;
00375                 }
00376         };
00377         struct SensorFlags //signals whether these sensors are enabled; set automatically based on detection of related ICE messages
00378         {
00379                 bool BinFinder;
00380                 bool BuoyFinder;
00381                 bool CompassSensor;
00382                 bool Hydrohpones;
00383                 bool PipeSensor;
00384                 bool RectangleSensor;
00386                 SensorFlags()
00387                 {
00388                         BinFinder = false;
00389                         BuoyFinder = false;
00390                         CompassSensor = false;
00391                         Hydrohpones = false;
00392                         PipeSensor = false;
00393                         RectangleSensor = false;
00394                 }
00395         };
00397         //!Constructor
00398         ParticleFilter(int id, OptionManager& mgr, XBox360RemoteControlI * controller, const std::string& descrName =
00399                         "ParticleFilter", const std::string& tagName = "ParticleFilter");
00401         //!Destructor
00402         ~ParticleFilter();
00404         //!Main run loop
00405         virtual void evolve();
00407         //!Get a message
00408         virtual void updateMessage(const RobotSimEvents::EventMessagePtr& eMsg,
00409                         const Ice::Current&);
00411         //!Component registers itself as publisher/subscriber to topic(s)
00412         virtual void registerTopics();
00414         void simulateMovement(int mode, int movementMode, RobotSimEvents::BeeStemMotorControllerMessagePtr & msg);
00415         void startSimulation()
00416         {
00417                 if(mSimulationState == SimulationState::idle)
00418                 {
00419                         mSimulationState = SimulationState::running;
00420                 }
00421         }
00423         void stopSimulation()
00424         {
00425                 if(mSimulationState == SimulationState::running)
00426                 {
00427                         mSimulationState = SimulationState::idle;
00428                 }
00429         }
00431         void disableSimulation()
00432         {
00433                 mSimulationState = SimulationState::disabled;
00434         }
00436         static void getMotorControllerMsg(RobotSimEvents::BeeStemMotorControllerMessagePtr & msg, int mc0, int mc1, int mc2, int mc3, int mc4, int mc5, int mc6, int mc7, int mc8);
00438 private:
00439         void Init();
00440         bool tryToRecoverState(string uri, LocalizationParticle::State &s);
00441         bool tryToSaveState(string uri, LocalizationParticle::State s);
00442         bool readDefaultConfigFile(bool firstAttempt);
00443         bool writeDefaultConfigFile(bool firstAttempt);
00444         void step();
00445         void updateGraphics();
00446         void calculateAvgParticle();
00447         void resetMotorsExceptFor(XBox360RemoteControl::Keys::Actions::Ids actionId);
00448         void resetMotorsExceptFor(XBox360RemoteControl::Keys::Actions::Ids actionId, RobotSimEvents::BeeStemMotorControllerMessagePtr & msg);
00449         bool dynamicsEnabled();
00450         vector<LocalizationParticle> resampleParticles(
00451                         vector<LocalizationParticle> oldParticles);
00452         void reweighParticles(vector<LocalizationParticle> &p);
00453         void processControllerInput(ParamData pd);
00454         void stop2();
00456         int mSimulationState;
00457         int mInitializationState;
00459         GraphicsFlags mGraphicsFlags;
00460         SensorFlags mSensorFlags;
00462         ParamData mParamData; //for configuration
00463         Camera mCam;
00464         ColorSpectrum particleColor;
00466         LocalizationMap mLocMap;
00467         LocalizationParticle realParticle;
00468         LocalizationParticle avgParticle;
00469         LocalizationWaypointController::Waypoint mCurrentPose;
00470         LocalizationWaypointController mWaypointController;
00472         vector<LocalizationParticle> particles;
00474         CompassSensor * mCompassSensor;
00475         PipeSensor * mPipeSensor;
00476         RectangleSensor * mRectangleSensor;
00477         BuoySensor * mBuoySensor;
00479         long lastTimeTemp;
00480         float dt;
00481         float lastTime;
00482         int motorSpeedX;
00483         int strafeValue;
00484         int motorSpeedY;
00485         bool mNeedsResampling;
00487         //int timescaleExp; // timescale for visualization
00488         float timescale;
00490         XBox360RemoteControlI * mController;
00491         IceUtil::Mutex itsJSMutex;
00492         vector<int> itsJSValues;
00493         vector<int> itsButValues;
00495         nub::ref<OutputFrameSeries> itsOfs;
00496         Image<PixRGB<byte> > itsMap;
00497         OModelParam<int> mDisableGraphics;
00498 };
00500 #endif
Generated on Sun May 8 08:40:11 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3