misc Directory Reference



file  LoClipper.C [code]
file  LoClipper.H [code]

Line clipping with the Cohen-Sutherland algorithm.

file  LoExcept.C [code]

Various exceptions thrown by different Robolocust subsystems.

file  LoExcept.H [code]

Various exceptions thrown by different pieces of Lobot/Robolocust.

file  LoLineRasterizer.H [code]

Bresenham's line rasterization algorithm.

file  LoPID.H [code]

Generic PID controller.

file  LoRegistry.C [code]

This file acts as a central repository for the registration of the factories used to create the different locust models, integration algorithms, etc. supported by the Lobot/Robolocust project.

file  LoRegistry.H [code]

This file acts as a central repository for the names of different locust models, integartion algorithms, etc. supported by the Lobot/Robolocust project.

file  LoTypes.C [code]

Some frequently used types across different parts of all the Lobot/Robolocust related programs.

file  LoTypes.H [code]

Some frequently used types across different parts of all the Lobot/Robolocust related programs.

file  LoVector.H [code]

Some utility types and functions related to vectors and images of vectors.

Generated on Sun May 8 08:45:06 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3