
00001 #include "ParticleFilter.H"
00003 #include "Component/ModelParam.H"
00004 #include "Component/ModelOptionDef.H"
00005 #include "Image/DrawOps.H"
00006 #include "LocalizationUtil.h"
00007 //#include "Raster/Raster.H"
00008 #include <time.h>
00009 #include <iostream>
00010 #include <fstream>
00011 #include <sstream>
00012 #include <stdexcept>
00014 #ifndef ParticleFilter_C
00015 #define ParticleFilter_C
00017 using namespace std;
00019 const string mConfigFileURI = "/home/uscr/.seabee/ParticleFilterParams.txt";
00020 const string mSavedStateURI = "/home/uscr/.seabee/ParticleFilterState.txt";
00022 const ModelOptionCateg MOC_SeaBeeIIIParticleFilter = {
00023     MOC_SORTPRI_3, "Options" };
00025 const ModelOptionDef OPT_DisableGraphics =
00026 { MODOPT_ARG(int), "DisableGraphics", &MOC_SeaBeeIIIParticleFilter, OPTEXP_CORE,
00027   "Prevent the particle filter from performing graphics calculations",
00028    "disable-graphics", '\0', "<int>", "0" };
00030 // ######################################################################
00031 ParticleFilter::ParticleFilter(int id, OptionManager& mgr, XBox360RemoteControlI * controller,
00032                 const std::string& descrName, const std::string& tagName) :
00033         RobotBrainComponent(mgr, descrName, tagName), itsOfs(new OutputFrameSeries(
00034                         mgr)),
00035                 mDisableGraphics(&OPT_DisableGraphics, this, 0)
00036 {
00037         addSubComponent(itsOfs);
00039         itsJSValues.resize(8);
00040         itsButValues.resize(20);
00042         mSimulationState = SimulationState::idle;
00043         mInitializationState = InitializationState::uninitialized;
00045         mController = controller;
00046 }
00048 ParticleFilter::~ParticleFilter()
00049 {
00050         delete mController;
00051         delete mBuoySensor;
00052         delete mCompassSensor;
00053         delete mPipeSensor;
00054         delete mRectangleSensor;
00055 }
00057 void ParticleFilter::stop2()
00058 {
00059         resetMotorsExceptFor(XBox360RemoteControl::Keys::Actions::NONE);
00060 }
00062 bool ParticleFilter::tryToRecoverState(string uri, LocalizationParticle::State &state)
00063 {
00064         ifstream ifs(uri.c_str(), ifstream::in);
00065         if (!ifs.good())
00066         {
00067                 LERROR("Couldn't find file.\n");
00068                 return false;
00069         }
00070         else
00071         {
00072                 map<std::string, float> theParams;
00074                 bool go = ifs.good();
00075                 int pos2 = 0;
00076                 int pos3 = -1;
00078                 while (go)
00079                 {
00080                         float theValue;
00081                         string theTag;
00082                         stringstream ss;
00083                         string s;
00084                         ifs >> s;
00085                         if (ifs.good())
00086                         {
00087                                 int pos1 = pos3 + 1;
00088                                 pos2 = s.find("=", pos1);
00089                                 pos3 = s.find("\n", pos2);
00090                                 theTag = s.substr(pos1, pos2 - pos1);
00091                                 pos2 ++;
00092                                 ss << s.substr(pos2, pos3 - pos2);
00093                                 ss >> theValue;
00094                                 theParams[theTag] = theValue;
00095                         }
00096                         else
00097                         {
00098                                 go = false;
00099                         }
00100                 }
00102                 ifs.close();
00104                 state.mAngle = theParams["heading"];
00105                 state.mPoint.i = theParams["p_x"];
00106                 state.mPoint.j = theParams["p_y"];
00107                 state.mWeight = 0;
00108                 mWaypointController.mCurrentWaypointIndex = theParams["wp_current_index"];
00109                 mWaypointController.mState = theParams["wp_state"];
00110                 mWaypointController.mLoopState = theParams["wp_loopstate"];
00111                 mWaypointController.mMovementState = theParams["wp_movstate"];
00112                 int numWaypoints = theParams["num_waypoints"];
00113                 stringstream ss;
00114                 string s0, s1, s2, s3, s4;
00115                 for(int i = 0; i < numWaypoints; i ++)
00116                 {
00117                         ss << "wp" << i << "_p_x"; s0 = ss.str(); ss.str("");
00118                         ss << "wp" << i << "_p_y"; s1 = ss.str(); ss.str("");
00119                         ss << "wp" << i << "_depth"; s2 = ss.str(); ss.str("");
00120                         ss << "wp" << i << "_heading"; s3 = ss.str(); ss.str("");
00121                         ss << "wp" << i << "_rad"; s4 = ss.str(); ss.str("");
00122                         LocalizationWaypointController::Waypoint wp(Point2D<float> (theParams[s0], theParams[s1]), theParams[s2], theParams[s3], theParams[s4]);
00123                         mWaypointController.addWaypoint(wp);
00124                 }
00125         }
00126         return true;
00127 }
00129 bool ParticleFilter::tryToSaveState(string uri, LocalizationParticle::State s)
00130 {
00131         ofstream ofs(uri.c_str());
00132         if (ofs.good())
00133         {
00134                 map<std::string, float> state;
00136                 state["heading"] = s.mAngle;
00137                 state["p_x"] = s.mPoint.i;
00138                 state["p_y"] = s.mPoint.j;
00139                 state["wp_current_index"] = mWaypointController.mCurrentWaypointIndex;
00140                 state["wp_state"] = mWaypointController.mState;
00141                 state["wp_loopstate"] = mWaypointController.mLoopState;
00142                 state["wp_movstate"] = mWaypointController.mMovementState;
00143                 state["num_waypoints"] = mWaypointController.mWaypoints.size();
00144                 stringstream ss;
00145                 string s0, s1, s2, s3, s4;
00146                 for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mWaypointController.mWaypoints.size(); i ++)
00147                 {
00148                         ss << "wp" << i << "_p_x"; s0 = ss.str(); ss.str("");
00149                         ss << "wp" << i << "_p_y"; s1 = ss.str(); ss.str("");
00150                         ss << "wp" << i << "_depth"; s2 = ss.str(); ss.str("");
00151                         ss << "wp" << i << "_heading"; s3 = ss.str(); ss.str("");
00152                         ss << "wp" << i << "_rad"; s4 = ss.str(); ss.str("");
00153                         state[s0] = mWaypointController[i].mPoint.i;
00154                         state[s1] = mWaypointController[i].mPoint.j;
00155                         state[s2] = mWaypointController[i].mDepth;
00156                         state[s3] = mWaypointController[i].mOrientation;
00157                         state[s4] = mWaypointController[i].mRadius;
00158                 }
00160                 map<std::string, float>::iterator it;
00161                 for(it = state.begin(); it != state.end(); it ++)
00162                 {
00163                         ofs << it->first << "=" << it->second << endl;
00164                 }
00165         }
00166         else
00167         {
00168                 LERROR("Couldn't write to file.\n");
00169                 return false;
00170         }
00171         ofs.close();
00172         return true;
00173 }
00177 void ParticleFilter::Init()
00178 {
00179         if(mInitializationState == InitializationState::initialized)
00180                 return;
00182         /*RobotSimEvents::BeeStemMotorControllerMessagePtr mcMsg = new RobotSimEvents::BeeStemMotorControllerMessage;
00183         getMotorControllerMsg(mcMsg, 0,0,0,0,0,0,100,0,0);
00184         publish("BeeStemMotorControllerMessageTopic", mcMsg);
00185         sleep(1);
00186         getMotorControllerMsg(mcMsg, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,100,0);
00187         publish("BeeStemMotorControllerMessageTopic", mcMsg);
00188         sleep(1);
00189         getMotorControllerMsg(mcMsg, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,100);
00190         publish("BeeStemMotorControllerMessageTopic", mcMsg);
00191         sleep(1);
00192         getMotorControllerMsg(mcMsg, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
00193         publish("BeeStemMotorControllerMessageTopic", mcMsg);*/
00195         cout << "Initing..." << endl;
00197         ParamData defaultParamData = LocalizationUtil::getDefaultParamData(mController);
00199         bool readAttempt1, writeAttempt1, readAttempt2 = false;
00200         readAttempt1 = LocalizationUtil::readConfigFile(mConfigFileURI, mParamData);
00202         if(!readAttempt1)
00203         {
00204                 writeAttempt1 = LocalizationUtil::writeConfigFile(mConfigFileURI, defaultParamData);
00206                 if(writeAttempt1)
00207                 {
00208                         readAttempt2 = LocalizationUtil::readConfigFile(mConfigFileURI, mParamData);
00209                 }
00211                 if(!readAttempt2)
00212                 {
00213                         LERROR("Using default hard-coded parameters!\n");
00214                         mParamData = defaultParamData;
00215                 }
00216         }
00218         LocalizationParticle::State startingState;
00220         if(tryToRecoverState(mSavedStateURI, startingState))
00221         {
00222                 cout << "Successfully recovered state" << endl;
00223         }
00224         else
00225         {
00226                 LERROR("Unable to recover state! Using default state...\n");
00228                 startingState.mPoint = Point2D<float> (mParamData["startingstate_x"], mParamData["startingstate_y"]);
00229                 startingState.mAngle = mParamData["startingstate_angle"];
00231                 LocalizationWaypointController::Waypoint wp1 (Point2D<float>(-15, -30), 0, 90, 0);
00232                 LocalizationWaypointController::Waypoint wp2 (Point2D<float>(-30, -15), 0, 45, 0);
00233                 LocalizationWaypointController::Waypoint wp3 (Point2D<float>(-15, -15), 0, 270, 0);
00234                 LocalizationWaypointController::Waypoint wp4 (Point2D<float>(-30, -30), 0, 90, 0);
00235                 mWaypointController.addWaypoint(wp1);
00236                 mWaypointController.addWaypoint(wp2);
00237                 mWaypointController.addWaypoint(wp3);
00238                 mWaypointController.addWaypoint(wp4);
00239                 mWaypointController.start();
00240         }
00242         startingState.mWeight = 1.0f / (float) mParamData["num_particles"];
00244         //printf("%f|%f|%f|%d|%d\n", startingState.mAngle, startingState.mPoint.i, startingState.mPoint.j, mWaypointController.mMode, mWaypointController.mMovementMode);
00246         mBuoySensor = new BuoySensor(1.0f);
00247         mCompassSensor = new CompassSensor(1.0f);
00248         mPipeSensor = new PipeSensor(1.0f);
00249         mRectangleSensor = new RectangleSensor(1.0f);
00251         itsMap = Image<PixRGB<byte> > ((int)mParamData["display_width"], (int)mParamData["display_height"], ZEROS);
00253         mCam.mCenter = Point2D<float> (mParamData["cam_center_x"], mParamData["cam_center_y"]);
00254         mCam.setZoom(mParamData["cam_zoom"]);
00256         LocalizationParticle::State indicatorState = {Point2D<float>(-50, 0), 0, 0};
00257         realParticle = LocalizationParticle(indicatorState);
00259         avgParticle = LocalizationParticle(startingState);
00261         particles.resize((int)mParamData["num_particles"]);
00262         for (int i = 0; i < (int)mParamData["num_particles"]; i++)
00263         {
00264                 particles[i] = LocalizationParticle(startingState);
00265         }
00267         if(mController && mController->isEnabled())
00268         {
00269                 stopSimulation();
00270         }
00271         else
00272         {
00273                 startSimulation();
00274         }
00276         lastTime = clock();
00277         motorSpeedX = 0;
00278         motorSpeedY = 0;
00279         dt = 0.01;
00280         timescale = 1.0;
00282         LocalizationMapEntity theBoundary(Point2D<float> (0.0, 0.0), 90.0, Point2D<
00283                         float> (mParamData["pool_dim_x"], mParamData["pool_dim_y"]), //25 yd by 25 yd
00284                         LocalizationMapEntity::ShapeType::rect, PixRGB<byte>(255, 255, 255), LocalizationMapEntity::ObjectType::boundary, LocalizationMapEntity::InteractionType::external);
00286         LocalizationMapEntity pipe1 (Point2D<float> (-22.5, -15), 0.0, Point2D<float> (0.5, 2.0), LocalizationMapEntity::ShapeType::rect, PixRGB<byte>(255, 127, 0), LocalizationMapEntity::ObjectType::pipe);
00287         LocalizationMapEntity pipe2 (Point2D<float> (-22.5, -22.5), 135.0, Point2D<float> (0.5, 2.0), LocalizationMapEntity::ShapeType::rect, PixRGB<byte>(255, 127, 0), LocalizationMapEntity::ObjectType::pipe);
00288         LocalizationMapEntity pipe3 (Point2D<float> (-22.5, -30), 0.0, Point2D<float> (0.5, 2.0), LocalizationMapEntity::ShapeType::rect, PixRGB<byte>(255, 127, 0), LocalizationMapEntity::ObjectType::pipe);
00290         mCurrentPose = LocalizationWaypointController::Waypoint(avgParticle.mState.mPoint, avgParticle.mState.mAngle, 0, 0);
00292         mLocMap = LocalizationMap(theBoundary);
00293         mLocMap.addMapEntity(pipe1);
00294         mLocMap.addMapEntity(pipe2);
00295         mLocMap.addMapEntity(pipe3);
00297         mInitializationState = InitializationState::initialized;
00298         cout << "Init finished." << endl;
00299 }
00301 // ######################################################################
00302 // ######################################################################
00303 void ParticleFilter::registerTopics()
00304 {
00305         registerPublisher("LocalizationMessageTopic");
00306         registerPublisher("XBox360RemoteControlMessageTopic");
00307         registerPublisher("BeeStemConfigMessageTopic");
00308         if(mDisableGraphics.getVal() != 0) //if graphics are disabled, display our messages instead
00309         {
00310                 //registerSubscription("LocalizationMessageTopic");
00311         }
00312         registerPublisher("BeeStemMotorControllerMessageTopic");
00314         registerSubscription("XBox360RemoteControlMessageTopic");
00315         registerSubscription("IMUDataServerMessageTopic");
00316         registerSubscription("BeeStemMotorControllerMessageTopic");
00317         registerSubscription("VisionRectangleMessageTopic");
00318         registerSubscription("PipeColorSegmentMessageTopic");
00319 }
00321 void ParticleFilter::getMotorControllerMsg(RobotSimEvents::BeeStemMotorControllerMessagePtr & msg, int mc0, int mc1, int mc2, int mc3, int mc4, int mc5, int mc6, int mc7, int mc8)
00322 {
00323         vector<int> values;
00324         values.resize(BeeStem3::NUM_MOTOR_CONTROLLERS);
00325         values[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::FWD_LEFT_THRUSTER] = mc0;
00326         values[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::FWD_RIGHT_THRUSTER] = mc1;
00327         values[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::STRAFE_BACK_THRUSTER] = mc2;
00328         values[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::STRAFE_FRONT_THRUSTER] = mc3;
00329         values[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::DEPTH_LEFT_THRUSTER] = mc4;
00330         values[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::DEPTH_RIGHT_THRUSTER] = mc5;
00331         values[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::SHOOTER] = mc6;
00332         values[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::DROPPER_STAGE1] = mc7;
00333         values[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::DROPPER_STAGE2] = mc8;
00334         msg->values = values;
00335         vector<int> mask;
00336         mask.assign(9, 1);
00337         msg->mask = mask;
00338 }
00340 void ParticleFilter::simulateMovement(int state, int movementState, RobotSimEvents::BeeStemMotorControllerMessagePtr & msg)
00341 {
00342         if(state != LocalizationWaypointController::State::remote)
00343         {
00344                 if(state == LocalizationWaypointController::State::idle)
00345                 {
00346                         movementState = state;
00347                 }
00348                 else
00349                 {
00350                         cout << "{ " << state << "|" << movementState << " } ";
00351                 }
00352                 switch(movementState)
00353                 {
00354                 case LocalizationWaypointController::MovementState::rotate:
00355                         motorSpeedX = -msg->values[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::STRAFE_FRONT_THRUSTER];//-value;
00356                         motorSpeedY = 0;
00357                         strafeValue = 0;
00358                         break;
00359                 case LocalizationWaypointController::MovementState::rotate_moving:
00360                         motorSpeedX = -msg->values[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::STRAFE_FRONT_THRUSTER];//-value;
00361                         motorSpeedY = msg->values[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::FWD_LEFT_THRUSTER] * msg->mask[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::FWD_LEFT_THRUSTER];
00362                         strafeValue = 0;
00363                         break;
00364                 case LocalizationWaypointController::MovementState::translate:
00365                         motorSpeedX = -msg->values[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::STRAFE_FRONT_THRUSTER];//-value;
00366                         motorSpeedY = msg->values[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::FWD_LEFT_THRUSTER] * msg->mask[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::FWD_LEFT_THRUSTER];
00367                         strafeValue = 0;
00368                         break;
00369                 case LocalizationWaypointController::MovementState::rotate2:
00370                         motorSpeedX = -msg->values[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::STRAFE_FRONT_THRUSTER];//-value;
00371                         motorSpeedY = 0;
00372                         strafeValue = 0;
00373                         break;
00374                 case LocalizationWaypointController::MovementState::idle:
00375                         motorSpeedX = 0;
00376                         motorSpeedY = 0;
00377                         strafeValue = 0;
00378                         break;
00379                 }
00380         }
00381         int speedValue = -motorSpeedY;
00382         int theAngle = 0;
00384         if(abs(motorSpeedY) < abs(strafeValue))
00385         {
00386                 speedValue = -strafeValue;
00387                 theAngle += 90;
00388         }
00390         if(speedValue < 0)
00391         {
00392                 theAngle -= 180;
00393         }
00395         //float da = LocalizationParticle::getChangeInRotation((float)motorSpeedX / 100.0, timescale * dt / (float)numSteps, mParamData);
00397         /*float m = LocalizationParticle::getDistance(
00398                         (float) speedValue / 100.0,
00399                         timescale * dt / (float) numSteps,
00400                         mParamData);*/
00402         particles = LocalizationParticle::stepParticles(particles, timescale * dt / (float) numSteps, motorSpeedX, speedValue, theAngle, mParamData);
00403 }
00405 void ParticleFilter::step()
00406 {
00407         if(mInitializationState != InitializationState::initialized)
00408         {
00409                 cout << "waiting for initialization" << endl;
00410                 return;
00411         }
00412         static int myTimer1 = -1; //reweigh
00413         static int myTimer2 = -1; //resample
00414         static int myTimer3 = -1; //save state
00416         //update loop
00418         for (int i = 0; i < (int) ceil(timescale); i++)
00419         {
00420                 if(reWeighDelay > 0)
00421                 {
00422                         myTimer1++;
00423                 }
00424                 if(resampleDelay > 0)
00425                 {
00426                         myTimer2++;
00427                 }
00429                 if (myTimer1 >= reWeighDelay)
00430                 {
00431                         reweighParticles(particles);
00433                         myTimer1 = -1;
00434                 }
00435                 if (myTimer2 >= resampleDelay)
00436                 {
00437                         particles = resampleParticles(particles);
00439                         myTimer2 = -1;
00440                 }
00442                 /*if(mController && mController->isEnabled())
00443                 {
00444                         simulateMovement(LocalizationWaypointController::MovementState::full, 0);
00445                 }
00446                 else if(mWaypointController.mMode == LocalizationWaypointController::State::idle)
00447                 {
00448                         //just sit there and drift
00449                         simulateMovement(LocalizationWaypointController::MovementState::idle, 0);
00450                 }*/
00452                 /*int speedValue = -motorSpeedY;
00453                 int theAngle = 0;
00455                 if(abs(motorSpeedY) < abs(strafeValue))
00456                 {
00457                         speedValue = -strafeValue;
00458                         theAngle += 90;
00459                 }
00461                 if(speedValue < 0)
00462                 {
00463                         theAngle -= 180;
00464                 }
00466                 float da = LocalizationParticle::getChangeInRotation((float)motorSpeedX / 100.0, timescale * dt / (float)numSteps, mParamData);
00468                 float m = LocalizationParticle::getDistance(
00469                                 (float) speedValue / 100.0, timescale * dt / (float) numSteps,
00470                                 mParamData);
00471                 */
00472                 //realParticle.updatePosition(m, da + theAngle + realParticle.mState.mAngle);
00473                 //realParticle.updatePosition(m, da + theAngle + realParticle.mState.mAngle);
00474                 //--->realParticle.mState.mAngle += da;
00475                 float theCompassAngle = realParticle.mState.mAngle;
00476                 if(mSensorFlags.CompassSensor)
00477                 {
00478                         theCompassAngle = RobotSimEvents::IMUDataServerMessagePtr::dynamicCast(mCompassSensor->mRealMsg)->orientation[2] + 90;
00479                         if(theCompassAngle < 0)
00480                         {
00481                                 theCompassAngle += 360;
00482                         }
00483                 }
00484                 realParticle.mState.mAngle = theCompassAngle;
00485                 //particles = LocalizationParticle::stepParticles(particles, timescale * dt / (float) numSteps, motorSpeedX, speedValue, theAngle, mParamData);
00487                 //realParticle.mState.mAngle = IMUCompass.mData[0] + mParamData["startingstate_angle"];
00489                 //printf("%f, %f, %f\n", avgParticle.mState.mPoint.i, avgParticle.mState.mPoint.j, avgParticle.mState.mAngle);
00490                 calculateAvgParticle();
00492                 if(saveStateDelay > 0)
00493                 {
00494                         myTimer3++;
00495                 }
00496                 if(myTimer3 >= saveStateDelay)
00497                 {
00498                         cout << "saving state...";
00499                         if(tryToSaveState(mSavedStateURI, avgParticle.mState))
00500                         {
00501                                 cout << "success" << endl;
00502                         }
00503                         else
00504                         {
00505                                 cout << "failed" << endl;
00506                         }
00508                         myTimer3 = -1;
00509                 }
00510         }
00511 }
00513 void ParticleFilter::updateGraphics()
00514 {
00515         static int display_width = (int)mParamData["display_width"];
00516         static int display_height = (int)mParamData["display_height"];
00517         itsMap = Image<PixRGB<byte> > (display_width, display_height, ZEROS);
00519         mLocMap.drawMe(itsMap, mCam);
00521         switch(mGraphicsFlags.mSnapState)
00522         {
00523         case GraphicsFlags::SnapState::disable:
00524                 break;
00525         case GraphicsFlags::SnapState::snapToRealParticle:
00526                 mCam.mCenter.i = realParticle.mState.mPoint.i;
00527                 mCam.mCenter.j = -realParticle.mState.mPoint.j;
00528                 break;
00529         case GraphicsFlags::SnapState::snapToAvgParticle:
00530                 mCam.mCenter.i = avgParticle.mState.mPoint.i;
00531                 mCam.mCenter.j = -avgParticle.mState.mPoint.j;
00532                 break;
00533         case GraphicsFlags::SnapState::snapToCurrentWaypoint:
00534                 if(mWaypointController.mState > LocalizationWaypointController::State::idle)
00535                 {
00536                         mCam.mCenter.i = mWaypointController[-1].mPoint.i;
00537                         mCam.mCenter.j = -mWaypointController[-1].mPoint.j;
00538                 }
00539                 break;
00540         }
00542         Point2D<int> thePoint(0, 0);
00543         static PixRGB<byte> theColor;
00544         static PixRGB<byte> theActiveWaypointColor(0, 255, 0);
00545         float base_rad;
00547         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++)
00548         {
00549                 thePoint = Point2D<int> (round((particles[i].mState.mPoint.i - mCam.mCenter.i) * mCam.mScale), -round((particles[i].mState.mPoint.j + mCam.mCenter.j) * mCam.mScale));
00550                 thePoint += Point2D<int> (itsMap.getWidth() / 2, itsMap.getHeight() / 2);
00552                 theColor = LocalizationUtil::RGBFromHSV(0.33f * 360.0f * (1.0 / particleColor.spectrum) * (particles[i].mState.mWeight - particleColor.minValue), 1.0, 1.0);
00554                 if (mGraphicsFlags.drawLines)
00555                 {
00556                         drawLine(itsMap, thePoint, particles[i].mState.mAngle * D_DEGREE, (6.0 / 12.0) * mCam.mScale, theColor, 1);
00557                 }
00558                 else
00559                 {
00560                         Dims theDim = Dims(mCam.mScale * (12.0 / 12.0), mCam.mScale * (24.0 / 12.0));
00561                         Rectangle theRect = Rectangle(Point2D<int> (thePoint.i - theDim.w() / 2, thePoint.j - theDim.h() / 2), theDim);
00562                         drawRectOR(itsMap, theRect, theColor, 1, D_DEGREE * (particles[i].mState.mAngle + 90));
00563                 }
00564         }
00566         theColor = PixRGB<byte>(255, 255, 255);
00568         for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mWaypointController.mWaypoints.size(); i ++)
00569         {
00570                 PixRGB<byte> color = theColor;
00571                 if(i == mWaypointController.mCurrentWaypointIndex)
00572                 {
00573                         color = theActiveWaypointColor;
00574                 }
00575                 base_rad = mWaypointController[i].mRadius;
00576                 if(base_rad <= 0)
00577                 {
00578                         base_rad = 1;
00579                 }
00580                 thePoint = Point2D<int> (round((mWaypointController[i].mPoint.i - mCam.mCenter.i) * mCam.mScale), -round((mWaypointController[i].mPoint.j + mCam.mCenter.j) * mCam.mScale));
00581                 thePoint += Point2D<int> (itsMap.getWidth() / 2, itsMap.getHeight() / 2);
00583                 drawLine(itsMap, thePoint, mWaypointController[i].mOrientation * D_DEGREE, (12.0 / 12.0) * (2 * base_rad) * mCam.mScale, color, 1);
00585                 drawCircle(itsMap, thePoint, (12 / 12.0) * (mWaypointController[i].mRadius + LocalizationWaypointController::translateThresholdRadius) * mCam.mScale, PixRGB<byte> (255, 0, 0), 1);
00586                 drawCircle(itsMap, thePoint, (12 / 12.0) * (mWaypointController[i].mRadius + LocalizationWaypointController::translateThresholdRadius2) * mCam.mScale, PixRGB<byte> (255, 255, 0), 1);
00588                 drawCircle(itsMap, thePoint, (12 / 12.0) * base_rad * mCam.mScale, color, 1);
00590                 thePoint += Point2D<int> ((12.0 / 12.0) * base_rad * mCam.mScale * cos(D_DEGREE * mWaypointController[i].mOrientation), -(12.0 / 12.0) * base_rad * mCam.mScale * sin(D_DEGREE * mWaypointController[i].mOrientation));
00591                 drawCircle(itsMap, thePoint, (3.0 / 12.0) * mCam.mScale, color, 1);
00592         }
00593         base_rad = mWaypointController[-1].mRadius;
00594         if(base_rad <= 0)
00595         {
00596                 base_rad = 1;
00597         }
00598         thePoint = Point2D<int> (round((mCurrentPose.mPoint.i - mCam.mCenter.i) * mCam.mScale), -round((mCurrentPose.mPoint.j + mCam.mCenter.j) * mCam.mScale));
00599         thePoint += Point2D<int> (itsMap.getWidth() / 2, itsMap.getHeight() / 2);
00600         thePoint += Point2D<int> ((12.0 / 12.0) * 0.5f * (mWaypointController.distance - base_rad) * mCam.mScale * cos(D_DEGREE * mCurrentPose.mOrientation), -(12.0 / 12.0) * 0.5f * (mWaypointController.distance - base_rad) * mCam.mScale * sin(D_DEGREE * mCurrentPose.mOrientation));
00601         drawLine(itsMap, thePoint, mCurrentPose.mOrientation * D_DEGREE, (12.0 / 12.0) * (mWaypointController.distance - base_rad) * mCam.mScale, theActiveWaypointColor, 1);
00603         thePoint = Point2D<int> (round((avgParticle.mState.mPoint.i - mCam.mCenter.i) * mCam.mScale), -round((avgParticle.mState.mPoint.j + mCam.mCenter.j) * mCam.mScale));
00604         thePoint += Point2D<int> (itsMap.getWidth() / 2, itsMap.getHeight() / 2);
00606         drawLine(itsMap, thePoint, avgParticle.mState.mAngle * D_DEGREE, (24.0 / 12.0) * mCam.mScale, PixRGB<byte> (0, 0, 255), 1);
00608         drawCircle(itsMap, thePoint, (12.0 / 12.0) * mCam.mScale, PixRGB<byte> (0, 0, 255), 1);
00609         thePoint += Point2D<int> ((12.0 / 12.0) * mCam.mScale * cos(D_DEGREE * avgParticle.mState.mAngle), -(12.0 / 12.0) * mCam.mScale * sin(D_DEGREE * avgParticle.mState.mAngle));
00610         drawCircle(itsMap, thePoint, (3.0 / 12.0) * mCam.mScale, PixRGB<byte> (0, 0, 255), 1);
00612         thePoint = Point2D<int> (round((realParticle.mState.mPoint.i - mCam.mCenter.i) * mCam.mScale), -round((realParticle.mState.mPoint.j + mCam.mCenter.j) * mCam.mScale));
00613         thePoint += Point2D<int> (itsMap.getWidth() / 2, itsMap.getHeight() / 2);
00615         drawLine(itsMap, thePoint, realParticle.mState.mAngle * D_DEGREE, (24.0 / 12.0) * mCam.mScale, PixRGB<byte> (0, 255, 0), 2);
00616         drawCircle(itsMap, thePoint, (12.0 / 12.0) * mCam.mScale, PixRGB<byte> (0, 255, 0), 1);
00618         itsOfs->writeRGB(itsMap, "Particle Map");
00619 }
00621 void ParticleFilter::calculateAvgParticle()
00622 {
00623         avgParticle.mState.mPoint.i = 0.0;
00624         avgParticle.mState.mPoint.j = 0.0;
00625         avgParticle.mState.mAngle = 0.0;
00627         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++)
00628         {
00629                 avgParticle.mState.mPoint.i += particles[i].mState.mPoint.i * particles[i].mState.mWeight;
00630                 avgParticle.mState.mPoint.j += particles[i].mState.mPoint.j * particles[i].mState.mWeight;
00631                 avgParticle.mState.mAngle += particles[i].mState.mAngle * particles[i].mState.mWeight;
00632         }
00634         avgParticle.mState.mAngle = LocalizationParticle::normalizeAngle(avgParticle.mState.mAngle);
00636         mCurrentPose.mPoint = avgParticle.mState.mPoint;
00637         mCurrentPose.mOrientation = avgParticle.mState.mAngle;
00638 }
00640 bool ParticleFilter::dynamicsEnabled()
00641 {
00642         return mInitializationState == InitializationState::initialized && (mSensorFlags.BinFinder || mSensorFlags.BuoyFinder || mSensorFlags.CompassSensor || mSensorFlags.Hydrohpones || mSensorFlags.PipeSensor || mSensorFlags.RectangleSensor);
00643 }
00645 // Use a roulette wheel to probabilistically duplicate particles with high weights,
00646 // and discard those with low weights. A ‘Particle’ is some structure that has
00647 // a weight element w. The sum of all w’s in oldParticles should equal 1.
00648 vector<LocalizationParticle> ParticleFilter::resampleParticles(vector<
00649                 LocalizationParticle> oldParticles)
00650 {
00651         if(!mNeedsResampling)
00652                 return oldParticles;
00654         LINFO("\n\n\nresampling...\n\n\n");
00656         vector<LocalizationParticle> newParticles;
00657         newParticles.resize(oldParticles.size());
00658         /// Calculate a Cumulative Distribution Function for our particle weights
00659         vector<double> CDF;
00661         CDF.resize(oldParticles.size());
00663         CDF[0] = oldParticles[0].mState.mWeight;
00665         for (uint i = 1; i < CDF.size(); i++)
00666         {
00667                 CDF[i] = CDF[i - 1] + oldParticles[i].mState.mWeight;
00668         }
00670         // Loop through our particles as if spinning a roulette wheel.
00671         // The random u that we start with determines the initial offset
00672         // and each particle will have a probability of getting landed on and
00673         // saved proportional to it’s posterior probability. If a particle has a very large
00674         // posterior, then it may get landed on many times. If a particle has a very low
00675         // posterior, then it may not get landed on at all. By incrementing by
00676         // 1/(NUM_PARTICLES) we ensure that we don’t change the number of particles in our
00677         // returned set.
00678         uint i = 0;
00679         double u = randomDouble() * 1.0 / double(oldParticles.size());
00681         for (uint j = 0; j < oldParticles.size(); j++)
00682         {
00683                 while (u > CDF[i])
00684                 {
00685                         i++;
00686                 }
00687                 LocalizationParticle p = oldParticles[i];
00688                 p.mState.mWeight = 1.0 / double(oldParticles.size()); //all resampled particles will have the same weight...
00689                 newParticles[j] = p;
00690                 u += 1.0 / double(oldParticles.size());
00691         }
00692         mNeedsResampling = false;
00693         return newParticles;
00694 }
00696 //use sensor data here to adjust particle weights
00697 void ParticleFilter::reweighParticles(vector<LocalizationParticle> &p)
00698 {
00699         if(!dynamicsEnabled())
00700                 return;
00702         //printf("\n\nreweighing :D\n\n");
00704         for (uint i = 0; i < p.size(); i++)
00705         {
00706                 float totalScale = 0.0;
00707                 //cout << p.size() << endl;
00708                 p[i].mState.mWeight = 0.0;
00710                 //if(mSensorFlags.BinFinder && mBinSensor->inited);
00711                 //--do this for each sensor
00712                 if(mSensorFlags.BuoyFinder && mBuoySensor->inited)
00713                 {
00714                         VirtualSensorMessage::BuoyColorSegmentMessage * msgptr = static_cast<VirtualSensorMessage::BuoyColorSegmentMessage*>(BuoySensor::generatetVirtualSensorMessage(p[i], mLocMap));
00715                         mBuoySensor->takeVirtualReading(msgptr);
00716                         p[i].mState.mWeight += mBuoySensor->getScaledVote();
00717                         totalScale += mBuoySensor->mScale;
00718                         delete msgptr;
00719                 }
00720                 //--
00721                 if(mSensorFlags.CompassSensor && mCompassSensor->inited)
00722                 {
00723                         VirtualSensorMessage::IMUDataServerMessage * msgptr = static_cast<VirtualSensorMessage::IMUDataServerMessage*>(CompassSensor::generatetVirtualSensorMessage(p[i], mLocMap));
00724                         mCompassSensor->takeVirtualReading(msgptr);
00725                         p[i].mState.mWeight += mCompassSensor->getScaledVote();
00726                         totalScale += mCompassSensor->mScale;
00727                         delete msgptr;
00728                 }
00729                 //if(mSensorFlags.Hydrohpones && mHydrophonesSensor->inited);
00730                 if(mSensorFlags.PipeSensor && mPipeSensor->inited && mSensorFlags.RectangleSensor && mRectangleSensor->inited)
00731                 {
00732                         printf("pipe and rectangle sensors enabled\n");
00733                         VirtualSensorMessage::PipeColorSegmentMessage * msgptr1 = static_cast<VirtualSensorMessage::PipeColorSegmentMessage*>(PipeSensor::generatetVirtualSensorMessage(p[i], mLocMap));
00734                         VirtualSensorMessage::VisionRectangleMessage * msgptr2 = static_cast<VirtualSensorMessage::VisionRectangleMessage*>(RectangleSensor::generatetVirtualSensorMessage(p[i], mLocMap));
00735                         mPipeSensor->takeVirtualReading(msgptr1);
00736                         //p[i].mState.mWeight = mPipeSensor->getScaledVote();
00737                         //totalScale += mPipeSensor->mScale;
00738                         mRectangleSensor->takeVirtualReading(msgptr2);
00739                         float temp = mPipeSensor->getScaledVote() * mRectangleSensor->getScaledVote(); //we need to see orange AND see a rectangle
00740                         if(temp != 0) //only change it if it's not zero, otherwise we trigger resampling
00741                         {
00742                                 printf("\n\n\n\n\nparticle can see an orange rectangle\n\n\n\n\n");
00743                                 p[i].mState.mWeight = 2 * temp;
00744                                 totalScale += mPipeSensor->mScale + mRectangleSensor->mScale;
00745                         }
00746                         delete msgptr1;
00747                         //delete msgptr2;
00748                 }
00749                 /*if(mSensorFlags.PipeSensor && mPipeSensor->inited)
00750                 {
00751                         VirtualSensorMessage::PipeColorSegmentMessage * msgptr1 = static_cast<VirtualSensorMessage::PipeColorSegmentMessage*>(PipeSensor::generatetVirtualSensorMessage(p[i], mLocMap));
00752                         mPipeSensor->takeVirtualReading(msgptr1);
00753                         p[i].mState.mWeight += mPipeSensor->getScaledVote();
00754                         totalScale += mPipeSensor->mScale;
00755                         delete msgptr1;
00756                 }
00757                 if(mSensorFlags.RectangleSensor && mRectangleSensor->inited)
00758                 {
00759                         VirtualSensorMessage::VisionRectangleMessage * msgptr2 = static_cast<VirtualSensorMessage::VisionRectangleMessage*>(RectangleSensor::generatetVirtualSensorMessage(p[i], mLocMap));
00760                         mRectangleSensor->takeVirtualReading(msgptr2);
00761                         p[i].mState.mWeight += mRectangleSensor->getScaledVote();
00762                         totalScale += mRectangleSensor->mScale;
00763                         delete msgptr2;
00764                 }*/
00765                 if(abs(totalScale) >  0)
00766                 {
00767                         p[i].mState.mWeight /= totalScale;
00768                 }
00770                 //sum += p[i].mState.mWeight;
00772         }
00774         float largest = p[0].mState.mWeight;
00775         float smallest = p[0].mState.mWeight;
00777         //calculate the largest and smallest values
00778         for (uint i = 0; i < p.size(); i++)
00779         {
00780                 if (p[i].mState.mWeight > largest)
00781                 {
00782                         largest = p[i].mState.mWeight;
00783                 }
00784                 if (p[i].mState.mWeight < smallest)
00785                 {
00786                         smallest = p[i].mState.mWeight;
00787                 }
00788         }
00790         float sum = 0.0f;
00792         if(smallest == largest) //likely all zeros; regardless, prepare to set all weights to 1/p.size()
00793         {
00794                 sum = p.size();
00795         }
00796         /*else //set sum to what it will be after stretching the data
00797         {
00798                 sum =  (sum - (smallest * p.size())) / (largest - smallest);
00799         }*/
00801         //reorganize particles so that small changes can be amplified
00802         //stretch data so that smallest->0 and largest->1
00803         //calculate sum if necessary
00804         for(uint i = 0; i < p.size(); i ++)
00805         {
00806                 if(smallest == largest)
00807                 {
00808                         p[i].mState.mWeight = 1.0f / sum;
00809                 }
00810                 else
00811                 {
00812                         p[i].mState.mWeight -= smallest;
00813                         p[i].mState.mWeight /= (largest - smallest);
00814                         p[i].mState.mWeight = pow(p[i].mState.mWeight, 1);
00815                         sum += p[i].mState.mWeight;
00816                 }
00817                 //p[i].mState.mWeight /= sum;
00818         }
00820         //normalize if necessary
00821         if(smallest != largest)
00822         {
00823                 for(uint i = 0; i < p.size(); i ++)
00824                 {
00825                         p[i].mState.mWeight /= sum;
00826                 }
00827         }
00829         //float largestValue = 1.0f / sum;
00830         //float smallestValue = 0;
00831         mNeedsResampling = true;
00832         if(smallest == largest) //no resampling needs to get done on particles that all have the same weight
00833         {
00834                 mNeedsResampling = false;
00835         }
00836         if(mDisableGraphics.getVal() == 0)
00837         {
00838                 //this will suffice regardless of the situation
00839                 particleColor.setSpectrum(1.0f / sum);
00840                 particleColor.minValue = 0;
00841                 if(smallest == largest)
00842                 {
00843                         particleColor.minValue = 1.0f / sum;
00844                 }
00845         }
00846 }
00848 void ParticleFilter::processControllerInput(ParamData pd)
00849 {
00850         itsJSMutex.lock();
00852         static int jsvals_r_x = pd["jsvals_r_x"];
00853         static int jsvals_l_x = pd["jsvals_l_x"];
00854         static int jsvals_l_y = pd["jsvals_l_y"];
00855         static int jsvals_dpad_x = pd["jsvals_dpad_x"];
00856         static int jsvals_dpad_y = pd["jsvals_dpad_y"];
00857         static int bvals_back = pd["bvals_back"];
00858         static int bvals_start = pd["bvals_start"];
00859         static int bvals_x = pd["bvals_x"];
00860         static int bvals_a = pd["bvals_a"];
00861         static int bvals_b = pd["bvals_b"];
00862         static int bvals_y = pd["bvals_y"];
00863         static int bvals_l_bumper = pd["bvals_l_bumper"];
00864         static int bvals_r_bumper = pd["bvals_r_bumper"];
00866         motorSpeedX = -itsJSValues[jsvals_r_x]; //speed
00867         strafeValue = -itsJSValues[jsvals_l_x]; //strafe
00868         motorSpeedY = itsJSValues[jsvals_l_y]; //heading
00870         mCam.mCenter.i += 0.25 * (float) itsJSValues[jsvals_dpad_x]
00871                         / mCam.mScale;
00872         mCam.mCenter.j += 0.25 * (float) itsJSValues[jsvals_dpad_y]
00873                         / mCam.mScale;
00875         static int last_bvals_start = -1;
00876         static int last_bvals_back = -1;
00877         static int last_bvals_b = -1;
00878         static int last_bvals_y = -1;
00879         static int last_bvals_x = -1;
00880         static int last_bvals_a = -1;
00881         static int last_bvals_l_bumper = -1;
00882         static int last_bvals_r_bumper = -1;
00884         if (itsButValues[bvals_back] == 1)
00885         {
00886                 if (last_bvals_back == 0)
00887                 {
00888                         mGraphicsFlags.drawLines = !mGraphicsFlags.drawLines;
00889                 }
00890         }
00892         if (itsButValues[bvals_start] == 1)
00893         {
00894                 if (last_bvals_start == 0)
00895                 {
00896                         if(mSimulationState == SimulationState::running)
00897                         {
00898                                 stopSimulation();
00899                         }
00900                         else
00901                         {
00902                                 startSimulation();
00903                         }
00904                 }
00905         }
00907         /*if (itsButValues[pd.bvals_b] == 1)
00908         {
00909                 if (last_bvals_b == 0)
00910                 {
00911                         timescaleExp -= 1;
00912                         timescale = pow(1.25f, (float) timescaleExp);
00913                         cout << "a^[k] dt: " << timescale << endl;
00914                 }
00915         }*/
00917         /*if (itsButValues[pd.bvals_y] == 1)
00918         {
00919                 if (last_bvals_y == 0)
00920                 {
00921                         timescaleExp += 1;
00922                         timescale = pow(1.25f, (float) timescaleExp);
00923                         cout << "a^[k] dt: " << timescale << endl;
00924                 }
00925         }*/
00927         if (itsButValues[bvals_x] == 1) //use this to cycle through snapping options
00928         {
00929                 if (last_bvals_x == 0)
00930                 {
00931                         if(mGraphicsFlags.mSnapState < GraphicsFlags::SnapState::snapToCurrentWaypoint)
00932                         {
00933                                 mGraphicsFlags.mSnapState ++;
00934                         }
00935                         else
00936                         {
00937                                 mGraphicsFlags.mSnapState = GraphicsFlags::SnapState::disable;
00938                         }
00939                 }
00940         }
00942         /*if (itsButValues[bvals_a] == 1)
00943         {
00944                 if (last_bvals_a == 0)
00945                 {
00946                         toggleFollowRealParticle = !toggleFollowRealParticle;
00947                         toggleFollowAvgParticle = false;
00948                 }
00949         }*/
00951         if (itsButValues[bvals_l_bumper] == 1)
00952         {
00953                 if (last_bvals_l_bumper == 0)
00954                 {
00955                         mCam.offsetZoom(-50);
00956                 }
00957         }
00959         if (itsButValues[bvals_r_bumper] == 1)
00960         {
00961                 if (last_bvals_r_bumper == 0)
00962                 {
00963                         mCam.offsetZoom(50);
00964                 }
00965         }
00967         if (abs(motorSpeedX) < 1)
00968         {
00969                 motorSpeedX = 0;
00970         }
00971         if (abs(motorSpeedY) < 1)
00972         {
00973                 motorSpeedY = 0;
00974         }
00976         last_bvals_start = itsButValues[bvals_start];
00977         last_bvals_back = itsButValues[bvals_back];
00978         last_bvals_b = itsButValues[bvals_b];
00979         last_bvals_y = itsButValues[bvals_y];
00980         last_bvals_x = itsButValues[bvals_x];
00981         last_bvals_a = itsButValues[bvals_a];
00982         last_bvals_l_bumper = itsButValues[bvals_l_bumper];
00983         last_bvals_r_bumper = itsButValues[bvals_r_bumper];
00985         itsJSMutex.unlock();
00986 }
00988 // ######################################################################
00989 void ParticleFilter::evolve()
00990 {
00991         if(mInitializationState < InitializationState::controllerChecked)
00992         {
00993                 if(mController && mController->isEnabled())
00994                 {
00995                         cout << "controller enabled" << endl;
00996                 }
00997                 else
00998                 {
00999                         cout << "controller disabled" << endl;
01000                 }
01001                 mInitializationState = InitializationState::controllerChecked;
01002         }
01004         /*
01005          if (askToCalibrate){
01006          int choice = 0;
01007          cout << "Enter 1 To Calibrate, 0 for default: ";
01008          cint >> choice;
01009          if (choice == 1)
01010          controller.calibrate();
01011          askToCalibrate = false;
01012          controller.setCalibration(askToCalibrate);
01013          }*/
01015         lastTimeTemp = clock();
01016         dt = (float) (lastTimeTemp - lastTime) / (float) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
01017         lastTime = lastTimeTemp;
01021         if(mInitializationState < InitializationState::initialized)
01022         {
01023                 if( !(mController) || (mController && mController->isEnabled() && mController->isCalibrated()) )
01024                 {
01025                         Init();
01026                 }
01027                 else
01028                 {
01029                         return;
01030                 }
01031         }
01033         if(mController && mController->isEnabled())
01034         {
01035                 processControllerInput(mParamData);
01036                 //simulateMovement(LocalizationWaypointController::State::remote, 0, 0);
01037         }
01039         if (mSimulationState == SimulationState::running)
01040         {
01041                 step();
01043                 static RobotSimEvents::BeeStemMotorControllerMessagePtr motorMsg = new RobotSimEvents::BeeStemMotorControllerMessage;
01044                 resetMotorsExceptFor(XBox360RemoteControl::Keys::Actions::SPEED, motorMsg);
01045                 //motorMsg->values.assign(BeeStem3::NUM_MOTOR_CONTROLLERS, 0);
01046                 //motorMsg->mask.assign(BeeStem3::NUM_MOTOR_CONTROLLERS, 0);
01047                 //resetMotorsExceptFor("", motorMsg);
01048                 //joyStickMsg->axis = -1; //we only want BeeStemI to use this, so make everything else think it's an invalid message
01049                 //joyStickMsg->button = -1; //we don't care about the buttons
01050                 //joyStickMsg->axisVal = 0;
01052                 RobotSimEvents::BeeStemConfigMessagePtr depthMsg;// = new RobotSimEvents::BeeStemMotorControllerMessage;
01054                 if(mWaypointController.step(motorMsg, depthMsg, mCurrentPose))
01055                 {
01056                         //cout << "trying to publish 360 message...";
01057                         //resetMotorsExceptFor(motorMsg->axisName);
01058                         publish("BeeStemMotorControllerMessageTopic", motorMsg);
01059                         //cout << "done" << endl;
01060                 }
01061                 else
01062                 {
01063                         if(depthMsg && depthMsg->updateDepthPID && depthMsg->updateDepthPID == 1)
01064                         {
01065                                 //publish("BeeStemConfigMessageTopic", depthMsg);
01066                                 depthMsg->updateDepthPID = 0;
01067                                 depthMsg->enablePID = 1;
01068                                 //publish("BeeStemConfigMessageTopic", depthMsg);
01069                         }
01070                         //joyStickMsg->axisVal = 0;
01071                         //resetMotorsExceptFor("");
01072                 }
01074                 cout << "simulating movement...";
01075                 //simulateMovement(LocalizationWaypointController::State::move_to_waypoint, LocalizationWaypointController::MovementMode::rotate2, 25);
01076                 simulateMovement(mWaypointController.mState, mWaypointController.mMovementState, motorMsg);
01077                 cout << "done" << endl;
01078         }
01080         if(mDisableGraphics.getVal() == 0)
01081         {
01082                 updateGraphics();
01083         }
01085         RobotSimEvents::LocalizationMessagePtr msg = new RobotSimEvents::LocalizationMessage;
01086         msg->mode = mWaypointController.mState;
01087         msg->currentWaypoint.x = mWaypointController[-1].mPoint.i;
01088         msg->currentWaypoint.y = mWaypointController[-1].mPoint.j;
01089         msg->currentWaypoint.depth = mWaypointController[-1].mDepth;
01090         msg->currentWaypoint.heading = mWaypointController[-1].mOrientation;
01091         msg->pos.i = avgParticle.mState.mPoint.i;
01092         msg->pos.j = avgParticle.mState.mPoint.j;
01093         msg->heading = avgParticle.mState.mAngle;
01095         publish("LocalizationMessageTopic", msg);
01096 }
01098 void ParticleFilter::resetMotorsExceptFor(XBox360RemoteControl::Keys::Actions::Ids actionId)
01099 {
01100         static RobotSimEvents::BeeStemMotorControllerMessagePtr msg = new RobotSimEvents::BeeStemMotorControllerMessage;
01101         resetMotorsExceptFor(actionId, msg);
01102         publish("BeeStemMotorControllerMessageTopic", msg);
01103 }
01105 void ParticleFilter::resetMotorsExceptFor(XBox360RemoteControl::Keys::Actions::Ids actionId, RobotSimEvents::BeeStemMotorControllerMessagePtr & msg)
01106 {
01107         msg->values.assign(BeeStem3::NUM_MOTOR_CONTROLLERS, 0);
01108         msg->mask.assign(BeeStem3::NUM_MOTOR_CONTROLLERS, 0);
01110         msg->mask[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::STRAFE_BACK_THRUSTER] = 1;
01111         msg->mask[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::STRAFE_FRONT_THRUSTER] = 1;
01112         msg->mask[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::FWD_LEFT_THRUSTER] = 1;
01113         msg->mask[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::FWD_RIGHT_THRUSTER] = 1;
01114         if(actionId == XBox360RemoteControl::Keys::Actions::SPEED)
01115         {
01116                 msg->mask[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::FWD_LEFT_THRUSTER] = 0;
01117                 msg->mask[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::FWD_RIGHT_THRUSTER] = 0;
01118         }
01119         else if(actionId == XBox360RemoteControl::Keys::Actions::HEADING)
01120         {
01121                 msg->mask[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::STRAFE_BACK_THRUSTER] = 0;
01122                 msg->mask[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::STRAFE_FRONT_THRUSTER] = 0;
01123         }
01124         //msg->mask[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::DROPPER_STAGE1] = 0;
01125         //msg->mask[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::DROPPER_STAGE2] = 0;
01126         //msg->mask[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::SHOOTER] = 0;
01127         //msg->mask[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::DEPTH_LEFT_THRUSTER] = 0;
01128         //msg->mask[BeeStem3::MotorControllerIDs::DEPTH_RIGHT_THRUSTER] = 0;
01129 }
01131 // ######################################################################
01132 void ParticleFilter::updateMessage(
01133                 const RobotSimEvents::EventMessagePtr& eMsg, const Ice::Current&)
01134 {
01135         static int BinFinderCounter = 0;
01136         static int BuoyFinderCounter = 0;
01137         static int CompassSensorCounter = 0;
01138         static int HydrophonesCounter = 0;
01139         static int PipeSensorCounter = 0;
01140         static int RectangleSensorCounter = 0;
01141         const static int sensorMsgTimeout = 5; //timeout if no msg after this many updates
01143         if(mSensorFlags.BinFinder)
01144                 BinFinderCounter ++;
01145         if(mSensorFlags.BuoyFinder)
01146                 BuoyFinderCounter ++;
01147         if(mSensorFlags.CompassSensor)
01148                 CompassSensorCounter ++;
01149         if(mSensorFlags.Hydrohpones)
01150                 HydrophonesCounter ++;
01151         if(mSensorFlags.PipeSensor)
01152                 PipeSensorCounter ++;
01153         if(mSensorFlags.RectangleSensor)
01154                 RectangleSensorCounter ++;
01156         if(BinFinderCounter > sensorMsgTimeout)
01157                 mSensorFlags.BinFinder = false;
01158         if(BuoyFinderCounter > sensorMsgTimeout)
01159                 mSensorFlags.BuoyFinder = false;
01160         if(CompassSensorCounter > sensorMsgTimeout)
01161                 mSensorFlags.CompassSensor = false;
01162         if(HydrophonesCounter > sensorMsgTimeout)
01163                 mSensorFlags.Hydrohpones = false;
01164         if(PipeSensorCounter > sensorMsgTimeout)
01165                 mSensorFlags.PipeSensor = false;
01166         if(RectangleSensorCounter > sensorMsgTimeout)
01167                 mSensorFlags.RectangleSensor = false;
01169         if (eMsg->ice_isA("::RobotSimEvents::JoyStickControlMessage"))
01170         {
01171                 RobotSimEvents::JoyStickControlMessagePtr msg = RobotSimEvents::JoyStickControlMessagePtr::dynamicCast(eMsg);
01173                 itsJSMutex.lock();
01174                 if (msg->axis >= 0)
01175                 {
01176                         itsJSValues[msg->axis] = msg->axisVal;
01177                 }
01178                 if (msg->button >= 0)
01179                         itsButValues[msg->button] = msg->butVal;
01181                 itsJSMutex.unlock();
01182         }
01184         /* need working bin finder first
01185         else if (eMsg->ice_isA("::RobotSimEvents::BinFinderMessage"))
01186         {
01187                 mSensorFlags.BinFinder = true;
01188                 BinFinderCounter = 0;
01189         }*/
01191         else if (eMsg->ice_isA("::RobotSimEvents::BuoyColorSegmentMessage"))
01192         {
01193                 mSensorFlags.BuoyFinder = true;
01194                 BuoyFinderCounter = 0;
01195                 RobotSimEvents::BuoyColorSegmentMessagePtr msg = RobotSimEvents::BuoyColorSegmentMessagePtr::dynamicCast(eMsg);
01196                 mBuoySensor->takeReading(eMsg);
01197         }
01199         else if (eMsg->ice_isA("::RobotSimEvents::IMUDataServerMessage"))
01200         {
01201                 mSensorFlags.CompassSensor = true;
01202                 CompassSensorCounter = 0;
01203                 //cout << "IMU" << endl;
01204                 RobotSimEvents::IMUDataServerMessagePtr msg = RobotSimEvents::IMUDataServerMessagePtr::dynamicCast(eMsg);
01205                 if(msg->angleMode == IMUDataServer::Mode::euler)
01206                 {
01207                         mCompassSensor->takeReading(eMsg);
01208                 }
01209         }
01211         /* need working hydrophones first
01212         else if (eMsg->ice_isA("::RobotSimEvents::HydrophoneMessage"))
01213         {
01214                 mSensorFlags.Hydrohpones = true;
01215                 HydrophonesSensorCounter = 0;
01216         }*/
01218         else if (eMsg->ice_isA("::RobotSimEvents::PipeColorSegmentMessage"))
01219         {
01220                 mSensorFlags.PipeSensor = true;
01221                 PipeSensorCounter = 0;
01222                 //printf("got a pipe color segmenter message!\n");
01223                 RobotSimEvents::PipeColorSegmentMessagePtr msg = RobotSimEvents::PipeColorSegmentMessagePtr::dynamicCast(eMsg);
01224                 if(msg->size > 1500)
01225                 {
01226                         //printf("message contains large orange blob xD\n");
01227                         mPipeSensor->takeReading(eMsg);
01228                 }
01229         }
01231         else if (eMsg->ice_isA("::RobotSimEvents::VisionRectangleMessage"))
01232         {
01233                 //printf("got a rectangle message!\n");
01234                 mSensorFlags.RectangleSensor = true;
01235                 RectangleSensorCounter = 0;
01236                 RobotSimEvents::VisionRectangleMessagePtr msg = RobotSimEvents::VisionRectangleMessagePtr::dynamicCast(eMsg);
01237                 mRectangleSensor->takeReading(eMsg);
01238         }
01240         else if(eMsg->ice_isA("::RobotSimEvents::BeeStemMotorControllerMessage"))
01241         {
01242                 cout << "MotorController" << endl;
01243                 RobotSimEvents::BeeStemMotorControllerMessagePtr msg = RobotSimEvents::BeeStemMotorControllerMessagePtr::dynamicCast(eMsg);
01244                 cout << "{[" << msg->mask[0] << "]" << msg->values[0];
01245                 for(unsigned int i = 1; i < msg->values.size(); i ++)
01246                 {
01247                         cout << ",[" << msg->mask[i] << "]" << msg->values[i];
01248                 }
01249                 cout << "}" << endl;
01250         }
01252         else if(eMsg->ice_isA("::RobotSimEvents::LocalizationMessage"))
01253         {
01254                 cout << "localization" << endl;
01255                 RobotSimEvents::LocalizationMessagePtr msg = RobotSimEvents::LocalizationMessagePtr::dynamicCast(eMsg);
01256                 cout << "----------" << endl;
01257                 cout << "(" << msg->pos.i << "," << msg->pos.j << ")" << endl;
01258                 cout << msg->heading << endl;
01259                 cout << msg->mode << endl;
01260                 if(msg->mode == LocalizationWaypointController::State::move_to_waypoint || msg->mode == LocalizationWaypointController::State::at_waypoint)
01261                 {
01262                         cout << "<" << msg->currentWaypoint.x << "," << msg->currentWaypoint.y << "," << msg->currentWaypoint.depth << ">" << endl;
01263                         cout << "@ " << msg->currentWaypoint.heading << endl;
01264                 }
01265                 /*cout << "(" << avgParticle.mState.mPoint.i << "," << avgParticle.mState.mPoint.j << ")" << endl;
01266                 cout << avgParticle.mState.mAngle << endl;
01267                 cout << mWaypointController.mMode << endl;
01268                 if(mWaypointController.mMode == LocalizationWaypointController::State::move_to_waypoint || mWaypointController.mMode == LocalizationWaypointController::State::at_waypoint)
01269                 {
01270                         cout << "<" << mWaypointController.mCurrentWaypoint.mPoint.x << "," << mWaypointController.mCurrentWaypoint.mPoint.y << "," << mWaypointController.mCurrentWaypoint.mPoint.z << ">" << endl;
01271                         cout << mWaypointController.mCurrentWaypoint.mOrientation << endl;
01272                 }*/
01273         }
01274 }
01276 #endif
Generated on Sun May 8 08:40:11 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3