Ali Borji

iLab, Hedco Neuroscience Building, USC
Los Angeles, California
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Human vs. computer in scene and object recognition

Several decades of research in computer and primate vision have resulted in many models (some specialized for one problem, others more general) and invaluable experimental data. Here, to help focus research efforts onto the hardest unsolved problems, and bridge computer and human vision, we define a battery of 5 tests that measure the gap between human and machine performances in several dimensions (generalization across scene categories, generalization from images to edge maps and line drawings, invariance to rotation and scaling, local/global information with jumbled images, and object recognition performance). We measure model accuracy and the correlation between model and human error patterns. Experimenting over 7 datasets, where human data is available, and gauging 14 well-established models, we find that none fully resembles humans in all aspects, and we learn from each test which models and features are more promising in approaching humans in the tested dimension. Across all tests, we find that models based on local edge histograms consistently resemble humans more, while several scene statistics or "gist" models do perform well with both scenes and objects. While computer vision has long been inspired by human vision, we believe systematic efforts, such as this, will help better identify shortcomings of models and find new paths forward.

  • Ali Borji and Laurent Itti,
    Human vs. computer in scene and object recognition,
    CVPR, 2014. Supplement . High Res Poster . Low Res Poster.

  • Gaze direction modulates eye movements in freeviewing

    Gaze direction provides an important and ubiquitous communication channel in daily behavior and social interaction of humans and some animals. While several studies have addressed gaze direction in synthesized simple scenes, few have examined how it can bias observer attention and how it might interact with early saliency during free viewing of natural scenes. Experiment 1 used a controlled, staged setting in which an actor was asked to look at two different objects in turn, yielding two images that only differed by the actor's gaze direction, to causally assess the effects of actor gaze direction. Over all scenes, the median probability of following an actor's gaze direction was higher than the median probability of looking towards the single most salient location (0.22 vs. 0.10; sign test, p=3.223e-06), and higher than chance (both uniform, 0.02; p=6.750e-17, and Naive Bayes, 0.06; p=6.171e-10). Experiment 2 confirmed these findings over a larger set of unconstrained scenes collected from the web and containing people looking at objects and/or other people. To further compare the strength of saliency vs.\ gaze direction cues, we computed gaze maps by drawing a cone in the direction of gaze of the actors present in the images. Gaze maps predicted observers' fixation locations significantly above chance, although below saliency (AUC; gaze map vs. saliency map 0.612 vs. 0.797 in exp 1 and 0.625 vs. 0.789 in exp 2). Finally, to gauge the relative importance of actor face and eye directions in guiding observer's fixations, in experiment 3, observers were asked to guess the gaze direction from only an actor's face region (with the rest of the scene masked), in two conditions: actor eyes visible or masked. Median probability of guessing the true gaze direction within +/- 9 degrees was significantly higher when eyes were visible (0.2 vs. 0.13; sign test, p=5.76e-15), suggesting that the eyes contribute significantly to gaze estimation, in addition to face region. Our results highlight that gaze direction is a strong attentional cue in guiding eye movements, complementing low-level saliency cues, and derived from both face and eyes of actors in the scene. Thus gaze direction should be considered in constructing more predictive visual attention models in the future.

  • Ali Borji, Daniel Parks, and Laurent Itti,
    Complementary effects of gaze direction and early saliency in guiding fixations during free-viewing,
    Journal of Vision (under review), 2014.

  • Optimal Attentional Modulation of a Neural Population

    Top-down attention has often been separately studied in the contexts of either optimal population coding or biasing of visual search. Yet, both are intimately linked, as they entail optimally modulating sensory variables in neural populations according to top-down goals. Designing experiments to probe top-down attentional modulation is difficult because non-linear population dynamics are hard to predict in the absence of a concise theoretical framework. Here, we describe a unified framework that encompasses both contexts. Our work sheds light onto the ongoing debate on whether attention modulates neural response gain, tuning width, and/or preferred feature. We evaluate the framework by conducting simulations for two tasks: 1) classification (discrimination) of two stimuli s_a and s_b and 2) searching for a target T among distractors D. Results demonstrate that all of gain, tuning, and preferred feature modulation happen to different extents, depending on stimulus conditions and task demands. The theoretical analysis shows that task difficulty (linked to difference Δ between s_a and s_b, or T and D) is a crucial factor in optimal modulation, with different effects in discrimination vs. search. Further, our framework allows us to quantify the relative utility of neural parameters. In easy tasks (when Δ is large compared to the density of the neural population), modulating gains and preferred features is sufficient to yield nearly optimal performance; however, in difficult tasks (smaller Δ), modulating tuning width becomes necessary to improve performance. This suggests that the conflicting reports from different experimental studies may be due to differences in tasks and in their difficulties. We further propose future electrophysiology experiments to observe different types of attentional modulation in a same neuron.

  • Ali Borji and Laurent Itti,
    Optimal Attentional Modulation of a Neural Population,
    Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 2014.

  • Defending Yarbus: Eye movements reveal observers' task

    In a very influential yet anecdotal illustration, Yarbus suggested that human eye movement patterns are modulated top-down by different task demands. While the hypothesis that it is possible to decode the observer's task from eye movements has received some support (e.g., Iqbal & Bailey (2004); Henderson et al. (2013)), Greene et al. (2012) argued against it by reporting a failure. In this study, we perform a more systematic investigation of this problem, probing a larger number of experimental factors than previously. Our main goal is to determine the informativeness of eye movements for task and mental state decoding. We perform two experiments. In the first experiment, we re-analyze the data from a previous study by Greene et al. (2012) and contrary to their conclusion, we report that it is possible to decode the observer's task from aggregate eye movement features slightly but significantly above chance, using a Boosting classifier (34.12% correct vs. 25% chance-level; binomial test, p = 1.07e-04). In the second experiment, we repeat and extend Yarbus' original experiment by collecting eye movements of 21 observers viewing 15 natural scenes (including Yarbus' scene) under Yarbus' seven questions. We show that task decoding is possible, also moderately but significantly above chance (24.21% vs. 14.29% chance-level; binomial test, p = 2.45e-06). We thus conclude that Yarbus' idea is supported by our data and continues to be an inspiration for future computational and experimental eye movement research. From a broader perspective, we discuss techniques, features, limitations, societal and technological impacts, and future directions in task decoding from eye movements.

  • Ali Borji and Laurent Itti,
    Defending Yarbus: Eye movements reveal observers' task,
    Journal of Vision, 2013.

  • Objects do not predict fixations better than early saliency; Reanalysis of Einhauser et al.'s data

    Einhauser, Spain, and Perona (2008) explored an alternative hypothesis to saliency maps (i.e., spatial image outliers) and claimed that "objects predict fixations better than early saliency." To test their hypothesis, they measured eye movements of human observers while they inspected 93 photographs of common natural scenes (Uncommon Places dataset by Shore, Tillman, & Schmidt-Wulen 2004; Supplement Figure S4). Subjects were asked to observe an image and, immediately afterwards, to name objects they saw (remembered). Einhauser et al. showed that a map made of manually drawn object regions, each object weighted by its recall frequency, predicts fixations in individual images better than early saliency. Due to important implications of this hypothesis, we investigate it further. The core of our analysis is explained here. Please refer to the Supplement for details.

  • Ali Borji,Dicky N. Sihite, and Laurent Itti,
    Objects do not predict fixations better than early saliency; Reanalysis of Einhauser et al.'s data,
    Journal of Vision, 2013.

  • What/Where to Look Next? Modeling Top-down Visual Attention in Complex Interactive Environments

    Several visual attention models have been proposed for describing eye movements over simple stimuli and tasks such as free viewing or visual search. Yet to date, there exists no computational framework that can reliably mimic human gaze behavior in more complex environments and tasks such as urban driving. Additionally, benchmark datasets, scoring techniques, and top-down model architectures are not yet well understood. In this study, we describe new task-dependent approaches for modeling top-down overt visual attention based on graphical models for probabilistic inference and reasoning. We describe a Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN) that infers probability distributions over attended objects and spatial locations directly from observed data. Probabilistic inference in our model is performed over object-related functions which are fed from manual annotations of objects in video scenes or by state-of- the-art object detection/recognition algorithms. Evaluating over ~3 hours (appx. 315,000 eye fixations and 12,600 saccades) of observers playing 3 video games (time-scheduling, driving, and flight combat), we show that our approach is significantly more predictive of eye fixations compared to: (1) simpler classifier-based models also developed here that map a signature of a scene (multi-modal information from gist, bottom-up saliency, physical actions, and events) to eye positions, (2) 14 state-of-the-art bottom-up saliency models, and (3) brute-force algorithms such as mean eye position. Our results show that the proposed model is more effective in employing and reasoning over spatio-temporal visual data compared with the state-of-the-art.

  • Ali Borji,Dicky N. Sihite, and Laurent Itti,
    What/Where to Look Next? Modeling Top-down Visual Attention in Complex Interactive Environments,
    IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, PART A-SYSTEMS AND HUMANS, 2013.

  • What stands out in a scene?

    Eye tracking has become the de facto standard measure of visual attention in tasks that range from free viewing to complex daily activities. In particular, saliency models are often evaluated by their ability to predict human gaze patterns. However, fixations are not only influenced by bottom-up saliency (computed by the models), but also by many top-down factors. Thus, comparing bottom-up saliency maps to eye fixations is challenging and has required that one tries to minimize top-down influences, for example by focusing on early fixations on a stimulus. Here we propose two complementary procedures to evaluate visual saliency. We seek whether humans have explicit and conscious access to the saliency computations believed to contribute to guiding attention and eye movements. In the first experiment, 70 observers were asked to choose which object stands out the most based on its low-level features in 100 images each containing only two objects. Using several state-of-the-art bottom-up visual saliency models that measure local and global spatial image outliers, we show that maximum saliency inside the selected object is significantly higher than inside the non-selected object and the background. Thus spatial outliers are a predictor of human judgments. Performance of this predictor is boosted by including object size as an additional feature. In the second experiment, observers were asked to draw a polygon circumscribing the most salient object in cluttered scenes. For each of 120 images, we show that a map built from annotations of 70 observers explains eye fixations of another 20 observers freely viewing the images, significantly above chance (dataset by Bruce & Tsotsos 2009; shuffled AUC score 0.62 +/- 0.07, chance 0.50, t-test p < 0.05). We conclude that fixations agree with saliency judgments, and classic bottom-up saliency models explain both. We further find that computational models specifically designed for fixation prediction slightly outperform models designed for salient object detection over both types of data (i.e., fixations and objects).

  • Ali Borji, Dicky N. Sihite, and Laurent Itti,
    What stands out in a scene? A study of human explicit saliency judgment,
    Vision Research, 2013. Data Exp1 (~ 300 K). Data Exp2 (~ 650 K)

  • Modeling Human Active Search

    Many real-world problems have complicated objective functions. To optimize such functions, humans utilize sophisticated sequential decision-making strategies. Many optimization algorithms have also been developed for this same purpose, but how do they compare to humans in terms of both performance and behavior? We try to unravel the general underlying algorithm people may be using while searching for the maximum of an invisible 1D function. Subjects click on a blank screen and are shown the ordinate of the function at each clicked abscissa location. Their task is to find the function’s maximum in as few clicks as possible. Subjects win if they get close enough to the maximum location. Analysis over 23 non-maths undergraduates, optimizing 25 functions from different families, shows that humans outperform 24 well-known optimization algorithms. Bayesian Optimization based on Gaussian Processes, which exploit all the x values tried and all the f(x) values obtained so far to pick the next x, predicts human performance and searched locations better. In 6 follow-up controlled experiments over 76 subjects, covering interpolation, extrapolation, and optimization tasks, we further confirm that Gaussian Processes provide a general and unified theoretical account to explain passive and active function learning and search in humans.

  • Ali Borji and Laurent Itti,
    " Bayesian optimization explains human active search",
    NIPS 2013.

  • Benchmarking saliency (fixation prediciton and salient object detection) models

    Visual attention is a process that enables biological and machine vision systems to select the most relevant regions from a scene. Relevance is determined by two components: 1) top-down factors driven by task and 2) bottom-up factors that highlight image regions that are different from their surroundings. The latter are often referred to as “visual saliency”. Modeling bottom-up visual saliency has been the subject of numerous research efforts during the past 20 years, with many successful applications in computer vision and robotics. Available models have been tested with different datasets (e.g., synthetic psychological search arrays, natural images or videos) using different evaluation scores (e.g., search slopes, comparison to human eye tracking) and parameter settings. This has made direct comparison of models difficult. Here we perform an exhaustive comparison of 35 state-of-the-art saliency models over 54 challenging synthetic patterns, 3 natural image datasets, and 2 video datasets, using 3 evaluation scores. We find that although model rankings vary, some models consistently perform better. Analysis of datasets reveals that existing datasets are highly center-biased, which influences some of the evaluation scores. Computational complexity analysis shows that some models are very fast, yet yield competitive eye movement prediction accuracy. Different models often have common easy/difficult stimuli. Furthermore, several concerns in visual saliency modeling, eye movement datasets, and evaluation scores are discussed and insights for future work are provided. Our study allows one to assess the state-of-the-art, helps organizing this rapidly growing field, and sets a unified comparison framework for gauging future efforts, similar to the PASCAL VOC challenge in the object recognition and detection domains.

  • Ali Borji, Hamed R. Tavakoli, Dicky N. Sihite, and Laurent Itti,
    " Analysis of scores, datasets, and models in visual saliency modeling",
    ICCV 2013.
  • Ali Borji, Dicky N. Sihite, and Laurent Itti,
    " Salient Object Detection: A Benchmark",
    ECCV 2012. [supplement]. Code (~ 19 M). [poster]
  • Ali Borji, Dicky N. Sihite, and Laurent Itti,
    Quantitative Analysis of Human-Model Agreement in Visual Saliency Modeling: A Comparative Study ,
    IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2012. Synthetic Images (~ 64 M)
  • Ali Borji and Laurent Itti,
    State-of-the-art in Visual Attention Modeling ,
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2013.

  • Modeling Bottom-up saliency and fixation prediction

    We introduce a saliency model based on two key ideas. The first one is considering local and global image patch rarities as two complementary processes. The second one is based on our observation that for different images, one of the RGB and Lab color spaces outperforms the other in saliency detection. We propose a framework that measures patch rarities in each color space and combines them in a final map. For each color channel, first, the input image is partitioned into non-overlapping patches and then each patch is represented by a vector of coefficients that linearly reconstruct it from a learned dictionary of patches from natural scenes. Next, two measures of saliency (Local and Global) are calculated and fused to indicate saliency of each patch. Local saliency is distinctiveness of a patch from its surrounding patches. Global saliency is the inverse of a patch’s probability of happening over the entire image. The final saliency map is built by normalizing and fusing local and global saliency maps of all channels from both color systems. Extensive evaluation over four benchmark eye-tracking datasets shows the significant advantage of our approach over 10 state-of-the-art saliency models.

  • Ali Borji and Laurent Itti,
    " Exploiting Local and Global Patch Rarities for Saliency Detection,",
    IEEE CVPR 2012. [poster] . Code (~ 24 M) . SalMaps [Judd dataset](~ 3.5 M). SalMaps [Bruce&Tsotsos dataset](~ 0.5 M)
  • Ali Borji,
    " Boosting Bottom-up and Top-down Visual Features for Saliency Detection,",
    IEEE CVPR 2012. [poster] . SalMaps [Judd dataset](~ 24.5 M). SalMaps [Bruce&Tsotsos dataset](~ 2 M). SalMaps [ASD dataset](~ 4 M). Code (~ 92 M)
  • Ali Borji and Laurent Itti,
    State-of-the-art in Visual Attention Modeling ,
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2013.
  • Ali Borji, Dicky N. Sihite, and Laurent Itti,
    What stands out in a scene? A study of human explicit saliency judgment,
    Journal of Vision Research, 2013. Data Exp1 (~ 300 K). Data Exp2 (~ 650 K)
  • Ali Borji, Dicky N. Sihite, and Laurent Itti,
    Objects do not predict fixations better than early saliency; Reanalysis of Einhauser et al.'s data ,
    Journal of Vision, 2013. [Supplement].     Data (~ 280 M)

  • Probabilistic Learning of Task-Specific Visual Attention

    Despite a considerable amount of previous work on bottom-up saliency modeling for predicting human fixations over static and dynamic stimuli, few studies have thus far attempted to model top-down and task-driven influences of visual attention. Here, taking advantage of the sequential nature of real-world tasks, we propose a unified Bayesian approach for modeling task-driven visual attention. Several sources of information, including global context of a scene, previous attended locations, and previous motor actions, are integrated over time to predict the next attended location. Recording eye movements while subjects engage in 5 contemporary 2D and 3D video games, as modest counterparts of everyday tasks, we show that our approach is able to predict human attention and gaze better than the state-of-the-art, with a large margin (about 15% increase in prediction accuracy). The advantage of our approach is that it is automatic and applicable to arbitrary visual tasks.

  • Ali Borji, Dicky N. Sihite, and Laurent Itti,
    " Probabilistic Learning of Task-Specific Visual Attention,",
    IEEE CVPR 2012. [poster]. See the resources page for codes.
  • Ali Borji, Dicky N. Sihite, and Laurent Itti,
    " Computational Modeling of Top-down Visual Attention in Interactive Environments,",
    BMVC 2011. [poster]
  • Ali Borji, Dicky N. Sihite, and Laurent Itti,
    " Modeling the Influence of Action on Spatial Attention in Visual Interactive Environments,",
    IEEE ICRA 2012.

  • An Object-based Bayesian Framework for Top-down Visual Attention

    We introduce a new task-independent framework to model top-down overt visual attention based on graphical models for probabilistic inference and reasoning. We describe a Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN) that infers probability distributions over attended objects and spatial locations directly from observed data. Probabilistic inference in our model is performed over object-related functions which are fed from manual annotations of objects in video scenes or by state-of-the-art object detection models. Evaluating over $\sim$3 hours (appx. $315,000$ eye fixations and $12,600$ saccades) of observers playing 3 video games (time-scheduling, driving, and flight combat), we show that our approach is significantly more predictive of eye fixations compared to: 1) simpler classifier-based models also developed here that map a signature of a scene (multi-modal information from gist, bottom-up saliency, physical actions, and events) to eye positions, 2) 14 state-of-the-art bottom-up saliency models, and 3) brute-force algorithms such as mean eye position. Our results show that the proposed model is more effective in employing and reasoning over spatio-temporal visual data.

  • Ali Borji, Dicky N. Sihite, and Laurent Itti,
    " An Object-based Bayesian Framework for Top-down Visual Attention,",
    AAAI 2012. [poster] Download code from the resources page.
  • Ali Borji, Dicky N. Sihite, and Laurent Itti,
    What/Where to Look Next? Modeling Top-down Visual Attention in Complex Interactive Environments ,
    IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, PART A-SYSTEMS AND HUMANS, 2013.

  • Saliency-based Object Tracking. Tracking the main character for predicting eye movements

    At the University of Bonn, we (Me and Dr. Frintrop) are applying visual attention for efficint object tracking. A major problem with previous object tracking approaches is adapting object representations depending on scene context to account for changes in illumination, coloring, scaling, rotation, etc. Our work is based on Frintrop's earlier approach for object tracking using particle filters and features known to be extracted in the early visual areas of the human brain. To adapt the previous approach for background changes, we first derive some clusters from a train sequence of frames and the object descriptors or representations for those clusters. Next, for each frame of a separate test sequence, its nearest background cluster is determined and then the corresponding descriptor of that cluster is used for object detection in this frame.

  • Ali Borji, Simone Frintrop, Dicky N. Sihite, and Laurent Itti,
    " Adaptive Object Tracking by Learning Background Context,",
    [poster] CVPR 2012, Egocentric Vision workshop.
  • Ali Borji and Simone Frintrop "Learning Context-based Feature Descriptors for Object Tracking,", IEEE HRI 2010, Osaka, Japan.

  • Learning Task-driven Closed-loop Visual Attention

    Both biological and machine vision systems have to process enormous amounts of visual information they receive at any given time. Attentional selection provides an efficient solution to this information overload problem by proposing a small set of scene regions to higher level and more computationally intensive processes; like scene interpretation, object recognition, decision making, etc.

    While bottom-up attention is solely determined by the image-based low-level cues, top-down attention on the other hand is influenced by task demands, prior knowledge of the target and the scene, emotions, expectations, etc.The main concern in top-down att. is how to select the relevant information, since relevancy depends on the tasks and the goals. In my research I have proposed approaches for consider task relevancy of visual information and to extract objects or spatial regions which help the agent to discover its state faster for decision making. These approaches are based on reinforcement learning (to be precise, U-TREE) for action selection and attention control. The main idea is to learn visual attention while shaping representations, which happens in U-Tree when discretizing aliased states.

    Visual selection could be spatial or object-based. The first solution is motivated by human eye saccades and the second one selects objects as units of attention. To attend and recognize an object in a natural cluttered scene, we have biased a bottom attention model (known as aliency-based model) for detection potential areas containing that object in a scene. Object recognition is then limited to these areas. For detailed information, pls. refer to my papers listed in publications page.

  • Ali Borji, Majid Nili Ahmadabadi, Babak Nadjar Araabi,
    "Interactive Learning of Task-driven Object-based Visual Attention Control,"
    Image and Vision Computing, 28, 1130-1145, 2010. [poster]. Code (~ 40 K).
  • Ali Borji, Majid Nili Ahmadabadi, Babak Nadjar Araabi,
    " Simultaneous Learning of Spatial Visual Attention and Physical Actions,",
    IEEE IROS 2010, Taiwan.
  • Ali Borji, Majid Nili Ahmadabadi, Babak Nadjar Araabi,
    " Learning Sequential Visual Attention Control through State Space Descritization,",
    IEEE ICRA 09, Kobe, Japan, May 2009.

  • Object and Character Recognition

    There is a state of the art theory of object recognition in feedforward path of the visual ventral stream called HMAX We have used the features proposed by this model for handwritten recognition and results compete with the best tailored appraoches for this problem in the literature. We then analysed invariancy of two different feature sets of this model over the same problem in a variaty of cases. In future, I am very interested to work on this model and see how recent electrophiological findings in ventral stream could help to improve its performance.

  • Mandana Hamidi, Ali Borji,
    "Invariance Analysis of Modified C2 Features, Case Study- HandWritten Digit Recognition,"
    Machine Vision and Applications, vol. 21 ,no. 6, 2010.
  • Ali Borji, Mandana Hamidi, Fariborz Mahmoodi
    "Robust Handwritten Character Recognition with Features Inspired by Visual Ventral Stream,",
    Neural Processing Letters, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 97- 111, 2008.
  • Ali Borji, Mandana Hamidi,
    "Optical Character Recognition Motivated by Primate Visual System,",
    Neural Network World. vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 433-445, 2007.

  • Biology-inspired Numerical Optimization

    Optimization has always been interesting and yet a challenging problem. Several biology inspired optimization algorithms such as Genetic Algorithms, Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) have previously been proposed by researchers. Recent approaches in numerical optimization have shifted to motivate from complex human social behaviors. In our research in this domain, we proposed a new optimization algorithm, namely parliamentary optimization algorithm (POA) by studying the competitive and collaborative behaviors of political parties in a parliament. Experimental results reveal that our proposed approach is superior to PSO approach over some benchmark multidimensional functions.

  • Ali Borji, Mandana Hamidi,
    "A New Approach to Global Optimization Motivated by Parliamentary Political Competitions,
    International Journal of Innovative computing, information & control, vol. 5, no. 6, 2009.
  • Ali Borji,
    " Heuristic Function Optimization Inspired by Social Competitive Behaviors ,",
    Journal of Applied Sciences, vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 2105- 2111, 2008.

  • Biasing Visual Attention and Saliency

    A biologically-inspired model of visual attention known as basic saliency model is biased for object detection. It is possible to make this model faster by inhibiting computation of features or scales, which are less important for detection of an object. To this end, we revise this model by implementing a new scale-wise surround inhibition. Each feature channel and scale is associated with a weight and a processing cost. Then a global optimization algorithm is used to find a weight vector with maximum detection rate and minimum processing cost. This allows achieving maximum object detection rate for real time tasks when maximum processing time is limited. A heuristic is also proposed for learning top-down spatial attention control to further limit the saliency computation. Comparing over five objects, our approach has 85.4 and 92.2% average detection rates with and without cost, respectively, which are above 80% of the basic saliency model. Our approach has 33.3 average processing cost compared with 52 processing cost of the basic model. We achieved lower average hit numbers compared with NVT but slightly higher than VOCUS attentional systems.

  • Ali Borji, Majid Nili Ahmadabadi, Babak Nadjar Araabi,
    Cost-sensitive Learning of Top-down Modulation for Attentional Control ,
    Machine Vision and Applications, 22(1): 61-76, 2011.

  • Synthetic Face Generation

    Faces are complex and important visual stimuli for humans and are subject to many psychophysical and computational studies. A new parametric method for generating synthetic faces is proposed in this study. Two separate programs, one in Delphi 2005 programming environment and another in MATLAB is developed to sample real faces and generating synthetic faces respectively. The user can choose to utilize default configurations or to customize specific configurations to generate a set of synthetic faces. Headshape and inner-hairline is sampled in a polar coordinate frame, located at the center of line connecting two eyes at 16 and 9 equ-angular positions. Three separate frames are placed at the left eyes center, nose tip and lips to sample them with 20, 30 and 44 angular points respectively. Eyebrows are sampled with 8 points in eye coordinate systems. Augmenting vectors representing these features and their distance from the origin generates a vector of size 95. For synthesized face, intermediate points are generated using spline curves and the whole image is then band pass filtered. Two experiments are designed to show that the set of generated synthetic faces match very well with their equivalent real faces.

  • Ali Borji,
    "A Synthetic Face Generation Toolbox for Face Perception Psychophysics Studies",
    ICVW 2008 (in ICVS 2008), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 5329, pp. 1423, 2008. Code and Data (~ 38 M)
  • Ali Borji, Behnaz Esmaeili, Zahra Basseda, Asiyeh Zadbood,
    "Using Sp-line Curves for Generating Synthetic Faces,"
    ECVP 2007, PERCEPION, vol 36, pp 145.
  • Zahra Basseda, Ali Borji, Behnaz Esmaeili, Asiyeh Zadbood,
    "Evaluating Temporal Dynamics of Different Facial Information in Face Perception,"
    ECVP 2007, PERCEPTION, vol 36, pp 144.

  • Fast Hand Gesture Recognition based on Saliency Maps

    In this research, we propose a fast algorithm for gesture recognition based on the saliency maps of visual attention. A tuned saliency-based model of visual attention is used to find potential hand regions in video frames. To obtain the overall movement of the hand, saliency maps of the differences of consecutive video frames are overlaid. An improved Characteristic Loci feature extraction method is introduced and used to code obtained hand movement. Finally, the extracted feature vector is used for training SVMs to classify the gestures. The proposed method along a handeye coordination model is used to play a robotic marionette and an approval/rejection phase is used to interactively correct the robotic marionette�s behavior.

  • Mostafa Ajallooeian, Ali Borji, Majid Nili Ahmadabadi, Babak Nadjar Araabi, Hadi Moradi, "Fast Hand Gesture Recognition based on Saliency Maps: An Application to Interactive Robotic Marionette Playing,", IEEE ROMAN 2009, Osaka, Japan.

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    Viterbi School of Engineering, Hedco Neuroscience Building University of Southern California (USC)
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