= PDF Reprint, = BibTeX entry, = Online Abstract
B. Nlong Zhao, Y. Xiao, J. Xu, X. Jiang, Y. Yang, D. Li, L. Itti, V. Vineet, Y. Ge, DreamDistribution: Prompt Distribution Learning for Text-to-Image Diffusion Models, arXiv e-prints, pp. arXiv--2312, 2023. [ArXiv Preprint]
K. Lekkala, E. Bhargava, L. Itti, Evaluating Pretrained models for Deployable Lifelong Learning, In: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), pp. 552--560, Jan 2024. [2024 acceptance rate: 34%] (Cited by 2)
S. A. Sontakke, J. Zhang, S. Arnold, K. Pertsch, E. Biyik, D. Sadigh, C. Finn, L. Itti, RoboCLIP: One Demonstration is Enough to Learn Robot Policies, In: Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2023. [2023 acceptance rate: 26%] (Cited by 5)
I. Fostiropoulos, J. Zhu, L. Itti, Batch Model Consolidation: A Multi-Task Model Consolidation Framework, In: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. 3664--3676, 2023. [2023 acceptance rate: 25.78%] (Cited by 1)
Y. Ge, Y. Li, S. Ni, J. Zhao, M. H. Yang, L. Itti, CLR: Channel-wise Lightweight Reprogramming for Continual Learning, In: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), pp. 18798--18808, 2023. [2023 acceptance rate: 26.8%] (Cited by 8)
Y. Ge, J. Xu, B. N. Zhao, N. Joshi, L. Itti, V. Vineet, Beyond generation: Harnessing text to image models for object detection and segmentation, arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.05956, 2023. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 1)
Y. Ge, J. Ren, A. Gallagher, Y. Wang, M. H. Yang, H. Adam, L. Itti, B. Lakshminarayanan, J. Zhao, Improving Zero-shot Generalization and Robustness of Multi-modal Models, In: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. 11093--11101, 2023. [2023 acceptance rate: 25.78%] (Cited by 8)
A. M. Jones, G. Sahin, Z. W. Murdock, Y. Ge, A. Xu, Y. Li, D. Wu, S. Ni, P. H. Huang, K. Lekkala, L. Itti, USC-DCT: A Collection of Diverse Classification Tasks, Data, Vol. 8, No. 10, p. 153, MDPI, Oct 2023. [2022 impact factor: 2.6] (Cited by 7)
A. M. Jones, L. Itti, B. R. Sheth, Electrocardiogram sleep staging on par with expert polysomnography, medRxiv, pp. 2023--10, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2023. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 2)
Y. Ge, H. X. Yu, C. Zhao, Y. Guo, X. Huang, L. Ren, L. Itti, J. Wu, 3D Copy-Paste: Physically Plausible Object Insertion for Monocular 3D Detection, In: Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), Dec 2023. [2023 acceptance rate: 26%]
Y. Ge, Y. Li, D. Wu, A. Xu, A. M. Jones, A. S. Rios, I. Fostiropoulos, P. H. Huang, Z. W. Murdock, G. Sahin, S. Ni, K. Lekkala, S. A. Sontakke, L. Itti, Lightweight Learner for Shared Knowledge Lifelong Learning, Transactions on Machine Learning Research, pp. 1--26, 2023. (Cited by 3)
Y. Ge, J. Ren, J. Zhao, K. Chen, A. Gallagher, L. Itti, B. Lakshminarayanan, Building One-class Detector for Anything: Open-vocabulary Zero-shot OOD Detection Using Text-image Models, arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.17207, 2023. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 1)
C. Liu, K. Lekkala, L. Itti, World Model Based Sim2Real Transfer for Visual Navigation, arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.18847, 2023. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 7)
K. Lekkala, H. Bao, S. Sontakke, L. Itti, Value Explicit Pretraining for Goal-Based Transfer Learning, arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.12339, 2023. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 7)
I. Fostiropoulos, B. Brown, L. Itti, Reproducibility Requires Consolidated Artifacts, arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.12571, 2023. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 1)
I. Fostiropoulos, L. Itti, ABLATOR: Robust Horizontal-Scaling of Machine Learning Ablation Experiments, In: AutoML Conference 2023 (ABCD Track), 2023. (Cited by 7)
I. Fostiropoulos, B. N. Brown, L. Itti, Trustworthy model evaluation on a budget, In: ICLR 2023 Workshop on Trustworthy and Reliable Large-Scale Machine Learning Models, 2023. (Cited by 2)
I. Fostiropoulos, L. Itti, Probing Reasoning of Language Models with Inductive In-Context Learning, In: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2023 Workshop on Knowledge-Based Compositional Generalization, 2023. (Cited by 3)
G. Sahin, L. Itti, HOOT: Heavy Occlusions in Object Tracking Benchmark, In: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), pp. 4830--4839, Jan 2023. [2023 acceptance rate: 35%] (Cited by 2)
Y. Ge, Z. Xu, Y. Xiao, G. Xin, Y. Pang, L. Itti, Encouraging Disentangled and Convex Representation with Controllable Interpolation Regularization, In: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), pp. 4761--4769, Jan 2023. [2023 acceptance rate: 35%] (Cited by 2)
A. Rios, N. Ahuja, I. Ndiour, U. Genc, L. Itti, O. Tickoo, incDFM: Incremental Deep Feature Modeling for Continual Novelty Detection, In: European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), pp. 588--604, Oct 2022. [2022 acceptance rate: 28%] (Cited by 5)
Y. Ge, Y. Xiao, Z. Xu, X. Wang, L. Itti, Contributions of Shape, Texture, and Color in Visual Recognition, In: European Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 369--386, Oct 2022. [2022 acceptance rate: 28%] (Cited by 7)
Y. Ge, H. Behl, J. Xu, S. Gunasekar, N. Joshi, Y. Song, X. Wang, L. Itti, V. Vineet, Neural-Sim: Learning to Generate Training Data with NeRF, In: European Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 477--493, Oct 2022. [2022 acceptance rate: 28%] (Cited by 15)
S. Wen, A. S. Rios, K. Lekkala, L. Itti, What can we learn from misclassified ImageNet images?, arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.08098, 2022. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 7)
S. A. Sontakke, B. Ramanan, L. Itti, T. Woo, Model2Detector: Widening the Information Bottleneck for Out-of-Distribution Detection using a Handful of Gradient Steps, arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.11226, 2022. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 1)
M. Habibi, W. H. Oertel, B. J. White, D. C. Brien, B. C. Coe, H. C. Riek, J. Perkins, R. Yep, L. Itti, L. Timmermann, others, Eye tracking identifies biomarkers in $alpha$-synucleinopathies versus progressive supranuclear palsy, Journal of Neurology, pp. 1--19, Springer, Sep 2022. [2021 impact factor: 4.849] (Cited by 8)
S. Roychowdhury, S. Sontakke, L. Itti, M. Sarkar, M. Aggarwal, P. Badjatiya, N. Puri, B. Krishnamurthy, SHERLock: Self-Supervised Hierarchical Event Representation Learning, In: 2022 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), IEEE, pp. 2672--2678, Aug 2022. [2022 acceptance rate: 52%] (Cited by 3)
J. Oster, J. Huang, B. J. White, R. Radach, L. Itti, D. P. Munoz, C. A. Wang, Pupillary responses to differences in luminance, color and set size, Experimental Brain Research, pp. 1--13, Springer, Jun 2022. [2021 impact factor: 2.193] (Cited by 3)
Y. Ge, J. Ren, Y. Wang, A. Gallagher, M. H. Yang, L. Itti, H. Adam, B. Lakshminarayanan, J. Zhao, Improving Zero-shot Generalization and Robustness of Multi-modal Models, arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.01758, 2022. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 8)
Y. Ge, S. O. Arik, J. Yoon, A. Xu, L. Itti, T. Pfister, Invariant Structure Learning for Better Generalization and Causal Explainability, arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.06469, 2022. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 1)
I. Fostiropoulos, L. Itti, Supervised Contrastive Prototype Learning: Augmentation Free Robust Neural Network, arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.14424, 2022. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 1)
Y. Ge, J. Xu, B. N. Zhao, L. Itti, V. Vineet, Dall-e for detection: Language-driven context image synthesis for object detection, arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.09592, 2022. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 26)
Y. Ge, J. Xu, B. N. Zhao, L. Itti, V. Vineet, EM-Paste: EM-guided Cut-Paste with DALL-E Augmentation for Image-level Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation, arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.07629, 2022. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 1)
S. A. Sontakke, S. Iota, Z. Hu, A. Mehrjou, L. Itti, B. Scholkopf, GalilAI: Out-of-Task Distribution Detection using Causal Active Experimentation for Safe Transfer RL, In: The 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), pp. 1-8, Mar 2022. [2022 acceptance rate: 29%] (Cited by 2)
S. Wen, L. Itti, Beneficial Perturbation Network for Lifelong Learning, IEEE BrainInsight, pp. 1-4, Dec 2021. (Cited by 2)
S. Wen, L. Itti, Adversarial Training: embedding adversarial perturbations into the parameter space of a neural network to build a robust system, arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.04279, 2021. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 2)
K. Lekkala, L. Itti, Attentive Feature Reuse for Multi Task Meta learning, In: ICLR 2021 workshop on Embedded Multimodal Learning, 2021. (Cited by 2)
S. A. Sontakke, S. Iota, Z. Hu, A. Mehrjou, L. Itti, B. Scholkopf, GalilAI: Out-of-Task Distribution Detection using Causal Active Experimentation for Safe Transfer RL, arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.15489, 2021. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 2)
S. Wen, A. Yin, T. Furlanello, M. Perich, L. Miller, L. Itti, Rapid adaptation of brain-computer interfaces to new neuronal ensembles or participants via generative modelling, Nature Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 546--558, Nature Publishing Group, 2023. [2021 impact factor: 25.671] (Cited by 26)
S. Wen, A. Yin, P. H. Tseng, L. Itti, M. A. Lebedev, M. Nicolelis, Capturing spike train temporal pattern with wavelet average coefficient for brain machine interface, Scientific reports, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 1--10, Nature Publishing Group, 2021. [2020 impact factor: 4.379] (Cited by 5)
B. J. White, L. Itti, D. P. Munoz, Superior colliculus encodes visual saliency during smooth pursuit eye movements, European Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 4258--4268, Wiley Online Library, 2021. [2020 impact factor: 3.386] (Cited by 11)
Y. Ge, S. Abu-El-Haija, G. Xin, L. Itti, Zero-shot Synthesis with Group-Supervised Learning, In: International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR'21), pp. 1-16, 2021. [2021 acceptance rate: 28.7%] (Cited by 29)
G. Sahin, L. Itti, Multi-Task Occlusion Learning for Real-Time Visual Object Tracking, In: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), IEEE, pp. 524--528, 2021. [2020 acceptance rate: 47.9%] (Cited by 3)
S. A. Sontakke, A. Mehrjou, L. Itti, B. Scholkopf, Causal Curiosity: RL Agents Discovering Self-supervised Experiments for Causal Representation Learning, In: Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning, (Meila, Marina, Zhang, Tong Ed.), Vol. 139, pp. 9848--9858, PMLR, 18--24 Jul 2021. [2021 acceptance rate: 21.5%] (Cited by 49)
Y. Ge, Y. Xiao, Z. Xu, M. Zheng, S. Karanam, T. Chen, L. Itti, Z. Wu, A Peek Into the Reasoning of Neural Networks: Interpreting with Structural Visual Concepts, In: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 2195--2204, 2021. [2021 acceptance rate: 23.7%] (Cited by 38)
Y. Ge, Z. Xu, Y. Xiao, G. Xin, Y. Pang, L. Itti, Encouraging Disentangled and Convex Representation with Controllable Interpolation Regularization, arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.03163, 2021. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 26)
Y. Ge, Y. Pang, L. Li, L. Itti, Graph Autoencoder for Graph Compression and Representation Learning, In: Neural Compression: From Information Theory to Applications--Workshop of ICLR 2021, pp. 1-9, 2021. (Cited by 3)
S. Wen, A. Rios, Y. Ge, L. Itti, Beneficial Perturbation Network for designing general adaptive artificial intelligence systems, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, pp. 1-14, IEEE, 2021. [2020 impact factor: 8.793] (Cited by 17)
K. Lekkala, L. Itti, Shaped Policy Search for Evolutionary Strategies using Waypoints, In: 021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2021), pp. 9093-9100, May 2021. [2021 acceptance rate: 45%] (Cited by 1)
S. A. Sontakke, S. Roychowdhury, M. Sarkar, N. Puri, B. Krishnamurthy, L. Itti, Video2Skill: Adapting Events in Demonstration Videos to Skills in an Environment using Cyclic MDP Homomorphisms, arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.03813, 2021. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 1)
A. Rios, L. Itti, Lifelong Learning Without a Task Oracle, In: Proceedings of ICTAI 2020, pp. 3332-3338, Nov 2020. [2020 acceptance rate: 25%] (Cited by 8)
Y. Ge, G. Xin, Z. Xu, Y. Xiao, Y. Pang, H. Yining, L. Itti, Generative Auto-Encoder: Controllable Synthesis with Disentangled Exploration, 2020. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 26)
J. T. Leksut, J. Zhao, L. Itti, Learning visual variation for object recognition, Image and Vision Computing, pp. 1-11, Elsevier, 2020. [2020 impact factor: 4.48] (Cited by 10)
S. Wen, L. Itti, Beneficial Perturbations Network for Defending Adversarial Examples, arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.12724, 2020. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 3)
S. A. Sontakke, A. Mehrjou, L. Itti, B. Scholkopf, Causal Curiosity: RL Agents Discovering Self-supervised Experiments for Causal Representation Learning, arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.03110, 2020. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 49)
S. Roychowdhury, S. A. Sontakke, N. Puri, M. Sarkar, M. Aggarwal, P. Badjatiya, B. Krishnamurthy, L. Itti, Unsupervised Hierarchical Concept Learning, arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.02556, 2020. [ArXiv Preprint]
Y. Ge, S. Abu-El-Haija, G. Xin, L. Itti, Zero-shot Synthesis with Group-Supervised Learning, arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.06586, 2020. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 29)
K. Lekkala, L. Itti, Attentive Feature Reuse for Multi Task Meta learning, arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.07438, 2020. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 2)
S. Wen, A. Rios, Y. Ge, L. Itti, Beneficial Perturbation Network for designing general adaptive artificial intelligence systems, arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.13954, 2020. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 17)
Y. Ge, J. Zhao, L. Itti, Pose Augmentation: Class-Agnostic Object Pose Transformation for Object Recognition, In: European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'20, 2020.
A. Rios, L. Itti, Closed-Loop Memory GAN for Continual Learning, In: Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Main track (IJCAI'19), pp. 3332-3338, Aug 2019. (Cited by 52)
L. Klein, L. Itti, B. A. Smith, M. Rosales, S. Nikolaidis, M. J. Mataric, Surprise! Predicting Infant Visual Attention in a Socially Assistive Robot Contingent Learning Paradigm, In: 2019 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), IEEE, pp. 1-7, Oct 2019. (Cited by 4)
K. Lekkala, S. Abu-El-Haija, L. Itti, Meta Adaptation using Importance Weighted Demonstrations, arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.10322, 2019. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 2)
J. Windau, L. Itti, Inertial-Based Motion Capturing and Smart Training System, In: Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 1-4, Nov 2019. [2013 acceptance rate: 45%] (Cited by 2)
S. Wen, L. Itti, Adversarial Training: embedding adversarial perturbations into the parameter space of a neural network to build a robust system, arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.04279, Oct 2019. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 2)
B. J. White, L. Itti, D. P. Munoz, Superior colliculus encodes visual saliency during smooth pursuit eye movements, European Journal of Neuroscience, pp. 1-11, Wiley Online Library, May 2019. [2017 impact factor: 2.832] (Cited by 11)
A. Zhang, Z. C. Lipton, L. Pineda, K. Azizzadenesheli, A. Anandkumar, L. Itti, L. Pineau, T. Furlanello, Learning causal state representations of partially observable environments, arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.10437, Jun 2019. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 47)
K. Okamoto, L. Itti, P. Tsiotras, Vision-Based Autonomous Path Finding Using a Human Driver Control Model with Reliable Input-Feature Value Estimation, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, pp. 1-10, Feb 2019. (Cited by 22)
C. Zhang, A. Paolozza, P. Tseng, J. Reynolds, D. P. Munoz, L. Itti, Detection of Children/Youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder through Eye Movement, Psychometric and Neuroimaging Data, Frontiers in Neurology, Vol. 10, p. 80, Frontiers, Feb 2019. [2017 impact factor: 3.508] (Cited by 37)
S. Wen, L. Itti, Beneficial perturbation network for continual learning, arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.10528, Jun 2019. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 3)
W. S. Grant, L. Itti, Learning Invariant Features in Modulatory Networks through Conflict and Ambiguity, Neural computation, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 344-387, MIT Press, 2019. [2018 impact factor: 1.651] (Cited by 1)
J. Tanner, L. Itti, A top-down saliency model with goal relevance, Journal of vision, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 1-16, The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Jan 2019. [2017 impact factor: 2.226] (Cited by 19)
A. Rios, L. Itti, Closed-Loop GAN for continual learning, In: 2018 NIPS workshop on Continual Learning, pp. 1-8, Dec 2018. (Cited by 51)
A. Rios, L. Itti, Closed-Loop GAN for continual learning, In: 2018 NIPS workshop on Women in Machine Learning (WiML) (oral presentation), p. 1, Dec 2018. (Cited by 51)
G. Zhang, D. Zhu, X. Liu, M. Chen, L. Itti, Y. Luo, J. Lu, Multi-scale pulmonary nodule classification with deep feature fusion via residual network, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, pp. 1-12, Springer, Nov 2018. [2017 impact factor: 1.423] (Cited by 7)
D. Zhu, L. Dai, Y. Luo, G. Zhang, X. Shao, L. Itti, J. Lu, Multi-Scale Adversarial Feature Learning for Saliency Detection, Symmetry, Vol. 10, No. 10, pp. 1-10, Oct 2018. [2018 impact factor: 1.256] (Cited by 21)
W. S. Grant, R. C. Voorhies, L. Itti, Efficient Velodyne SLAM with point and plane features, Autonomous Robots, Vol. 43, pp. 1207-1224, Springer, Aug 2019. [2017 impact factor: 2.244] (Cited by 41)
D. Zhu, Y. Luo, L. Dai, X. Shao, Q. Zhou, L. Itti, J. Lu, Salient object detection via a local and global method based on deep residual network, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 54, pp. 1-9, Elsevier, Jul 2018. [2017 impact factor: 1.836] (Cited by 22)
C. K. Chang, J. Zhao, L. Itti, DeepVP: Deep Learning for Vanishing Point Detection on 1 Million Street View Images, In: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), IEEE, pp. 1-8, May 2018. [2018 acceptance rate: 40.0%] (Cited by 52)
J. Windau, L. Itti, Inertial Machine Monitoring System for Automated Failure Detection, In: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 93-98, May 2018. [2018 acceptance rate: 40.0%] (Cited by 18)
S. Wen, L. Itti, Overcoming catastrophic forgetting problem by weight consolidation and long-term memory, arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.07441, 2018. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 14)
T. Furlanello, Z. C. Lipton, M. Tschannen, L. Itti, A. Anandkumar, Born Again Neural Networks, In: Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2018), (Dy, Jennifer, Krause, Andreas Ed.), Vol. 80, pp. 1607-1616, Stockholmsmässan, Stockholm Sweden:PMLR, Mar 2018. [2018 acceptance rate: 25.1%] (Cited by 1014)
J. Zhao, L. Itti, shapeDTW: shape Dynamic Time Warping, Pattern Recognition, pp. 171--184, Feb 2018. [2017 impact factor: 3.962] (Cited by 194)
T. Furlanello, Z. C. Lipton, L. Itti, A. Anandkumar, Born Again Neural Networks, In: Metalearn 2017 NIPS workshop, pp. 1-5, Dec 2017. (Cited by 1014)
D. Zhu, L. Dai, X. Shao, Q. Zhou, L. Itti, Y. Luo, J. Lu, Image salient object detection with refined deep features via convolution neural network, Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 26, No. 6, p. 063018, International Society for Optics and Photonics, Nov 2017. (Cited by 8)
D. Zhu, Y. Luo, L. Dai, X. Shao, L. Itti, J. Lu, Deep Salient Object Detection via Hierarchical Network Learning, In: International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Springer, pp. 319-329, Oct 2017. (Cited by 3)
X. Shao, Y. Luo, D. Zhu, S. Li, L. Itti, J. Lu, Scanpath Prediction Based on High-Level Features and Memory Bias, In: International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Springer, pp. 3-13, Oct 2017. (Cited by 12)
B. J. White, J. Y. Kan, R. Levy, L. Itti, D. P. Munoz, Superior colliculus encodes visual saliency before the primary visual cortex, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 114, No. 35, pp. 9451-9456, National Acad Sciences, Aug 2017. [2016 impact factor: 9.661] (Cited by 124)
C. Siagian, L. Itti, Impact of Neuroscience in Robotic Vision Localization and Navigation, In: Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience of Vision, (Q. Zhao Ed.), pp. 235-276, Springer, Jun 2017. (Cited by 1)
L. Itti, Until the demise of the functional field of view (commentary), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol. 40, p. e140, May 2017. (Cited by 2)
J. Zhao, L. Itti, Improved Deep Learning of Object Category using Pose Information, In: Proceedings of the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Santa Rosa, CA, pp. 1-10, Mar 2017. [2017 acceptance rate: 44%] (Cited by 7)
J. Zhao, C. K. Chang, L. Itti, Learning to Recognize Objects by Retaining other Factors of Variation, In: Proceedings of the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Santa Rosa, CA, pp. 1-9, Mar 2017. [2017 acceptance rate: 44%] (Cited by 10)
J. Tanner, L. Itti, Goal relevance as a quantitative model of human task relevance, Psychological review, Vol. 124, No. 2, p. 168, American Psychological Association, Mar 2017. [2016 impact factor: 7.638] (Cited by 12)
P. A. Zientara, S. Lee, G. H. Smith, R. Brenner, L. Itti, M. B. Rosson, J. M. Carroll, K. M. Irick, V. Narayanan, Third Eye: A Shopping Assistant for the Visually Impaired, Computer, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 16-24, IEEE, Feb 2017. [2016 impact factor: 1.438] (Cited by 54)
W. S. Grant, J. Tanner, L. Itti, Biologically plausible learning in neural networks with modulatory feedback, Neural Networks, Vol. 88, pp. 32-48, Jan 2017. [2016 impact factor: 5.287] (Cited by 15)
B. J. White, D. J. Berg, J. Y. Kan, R. A. Marino, L. Itti, D. P. Munoz, Superior colliculus neurons encode a visual saliency map during free viewing of natural dynamic video, Nature Communications, Vol. 8, No. 14263, pp. 1-9, Jan 2017. [2015 impact factor: 11.329] (Cited by 148)
A. Borji, S. Izadi, L. Itti, iLab-20M: A large-scale controlled object dataset to investigate deep learning, In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Las Vegas, NV, pp. 2221-2230, Jun 2016. [Conference acceptance rate: 29.9%] (Cited by 83)
J. Zhao, L. Itti, Decomposing Time Series with application to Temporal Segmentation, In: Proceedings of the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Lake Placid, NY, pp. 1-9, Mar 2016. [2016 first round acceptance rate: 34%] (Cited by 19)
T. Furlanello, J. Zhao, A. M. Saxe, L. Itti, B. S. Tjan, Active Long Term Memory Networks, arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.02355, Aug 2016. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 49)
J. Wang, A. Borji, C.-C. J. Kuo, L. Itti, Learning a combined model of visual saliency for fixation prediction, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 1566-1579, Apr 2016. [2014 impact factor: 3.625] (Cited by 73)
C. Siagian, L. Itti, Impact of Neuroscience in Robotic Vision Localization and Navigation, (Q. Zhao Ed.), Springer Singaore, Sep 2016. (Cited by 1)
J. Windau, L. Itti, Walking compass with head-mounted IMU sensor, In: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2016. [2016 acceptance rate: 34.7%] (Cited by 34)
J. Zhao, L. Itti, Classifying Time Series using Local Descriptors with Hybrid Sampling, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 623-637, Mar 2016. [2015 impact factor: 2.476] (Cited by 44)
L. Itti, New Eye-Tracking Techniques May Revolutionize Mental Health Screening, Neuron, Vol. 88, No. 3, pp. 442-444, Nov 2015. [2014 impact factor: 15.054] (Cited by 64)
Z. Bylinskii, T. Judd, A. Borji, L. Itti, F. Durand, A. Oliva, A. Torralba, Mit saliency benchmark, p. 1, 2015. (Cited by 355)
J. Zhao, C. Siagian, L. Itti, Fixation Bank: Learning to Reweight Fixation Candidates, In: Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Boston, MA, pp. 3174-3182, Jun 2015. [2015 acceptance rate: 28%] (Cited by 14)
A. Borji, L. Itti, CAT2000: A Large Scale Fixation Dataset for Boosting Saliency Research, arXiv:1505.03581, pp. 1-4, May 2015. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 338)
F. Baluch, L. Itti, Mining videos for features that drive attention, In: Multimedia Data Mining and Analytics, (A. K. Baughman, J. Gao, J. Pan, V. A. Petrushin Ed.), pp. 311-326, Apr 2015. (Cited by 6)
S. Filipe, L. Itti, L. A. Alexandre, BIK-BUS: Biologically Motivated 3D Keypoint Based on Bottom-Up Saliency, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 163-175, Jan 2015. [2013 impact factor: 3.111] (Cited by 31)
D. Parks, A. Borji, L. Itti, Augmented saliency model using automatic 3D head pose detection and learned gaze following in natural scenes, Vision Research, Vol. 116B, pp. 113-126, 2015. [2013 impact factor: 2.381] (Cited by 57)
B. J. White, D. J. Berg, L. Itti, D. P. Munoz, Visual coding in the superior colliculus during free viewing of natural dynamic stimuli, In: Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (SfN13), Nov 2014. (Cited by 1)
D. Parks, L. Itti, Integrating Human Context And Occlusion Reasoning To Improve Handheld Object Tracking, In: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Paris, France, pp. 1-5, Oct 2014. (Cited by 2)
A. Borji, D. Parks, L. Itti, Complementary effects of gaze direction and early saliency in guiding fixations during free viewing, Journal of Vision, Vol. 14, No. 13, pp. 1-32, Nov 2014. [2013 impact factor: 2.727] (Cited by 70)
K. Thakoor, N. Mante, C. Siagian, J. D. Weiland, L. Itti, G. Medioni, A System for Assisting the Visually Impaired in Localization and Grasp of Desired Objects, In: Proc. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Workshop on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics, Zurich, Switzerland, Sep 2014. (Cited by 26)
P. Tseng, I. G. M. Cameron, D. P. Munoz, L. Itti, Eye-tracking method and system for screening human diseases, University of Southern California and Queen's University, Aug 2014. [Patent/Copyright]
A. McNamara, K. Mania, G. Koulieris, L. Itti, Attention-aware rendering, mobile graphics and games, In: Proceeding ACM SIGGRAPH 2014 Courses, pp. 6.1 - 6.119, Aug 2014. (Cited by 11)
R. Kasturi, D. Goldgof, R. Ekambaram, G. Pratt, E. Krotkov, D. D. Hackett, Y. Ran, Q. Zheng, R. Sharma, M. Anderson, M. Peot, M. Aguilar, D. Khosla, Y. Chen, K. Kim, L. Elazary, R. C. Voorhies, D. F. Parks, L. Itti, Performance Evaluation of Neuromorphic-Vision Object Recognition Algorithms, In: Proc. 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'14), Stockholm, Sweden, Aug 2014.
B. J. White, D. J. Berg, L. Itti, D. P. Munoz, Saliency coding in the midbrain superior colliculus during unconstrained viewing of natural dynamic stimuli, In: Gordon Research Conference: Neurobiology of Cognition. Newry, ME., Jul 2014. (Cited by 1)
A. Borji, L. Itti, Human vs. computer in scene and object recognition, In: Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Columbus, Ohio, pp. 1-8, Jun 2014. [2014 acceptance rate: 29.9%] (Cited by 74)
A. Borji, D. N. Sihite, L. Itti, What/Where to Look Next? Modeling Top-down Visual Attention in Complex Interactive Environments, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A - Systems and Humans, Vol. 44, No. 5, pp. 523-538, May 2014. [2013 Impact Factor: 2.183] (Cited by 139)
B. J. White, D. J. Berg, T. Ikeda, R. Levy, L. Itti, D. P. Munoz, Comparison of superior colliculus and primary visual cortex in the coding of visual saliency, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS14), St. Pete Beach, FL., May 2014. (Cited by 1)
A. Borji, L. Itti, Predicting observers' task from their scanpaths on natural scenes, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS14), St. Pete Beach, FL., May 2014. (Cited by 294)
A. Borji, L. Itti, Optimal Attentional Modulation of a Neural Population, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, Vol. 8, No. 34, pp. 1-14, Mar 2014. [2012 impact factor: 2.481] (Cited by 17)
A. Borji, L. Itti, Defending Yarbus: Eye movements reveal observers' task, Journal of Vision, Vol. 14, No. 3(29), pp. 1-22, Mar 2014. [2012 impact factor: 2.47] (Cited by 294)
C.-A. Wang, S. E. Boehnke, L. Itti, D. P. Munoz, Transient Pupil Response Is Modulated by Contrast-Based Saliency, Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 408-417, Jan 2014. [2012 impact factor: 6.908] (Cited by 110)
G. Xiao, G. Xu, X. Liu, J. Fu, F. Wang, L. Li, L. Itti, J. Lu, Feature-based attention is independent of object appearance, Journal of Vision, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 3.1 - 3.11, Jan 2014. [2012 impact factor: 2.479] (Cited by 10)
C. Siagian, C.-K. Chang, L. Itti, Autonomous Mobile Robot Localization and Navigation Using Hierarchical Map Representation Primarily Guided by Vision, Journal of Field Robotics, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 408-440, May/Jun 2014. [2012 impact factor: 2.152] (Cited by 26)
L. Itti, A. Borji, Computational models of attention, In: Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind (Fifth Edition), (M. S. Gazzaniga, R. B. Ivry, G. R. Mangun Ed.), pp. 1-10, 2014. (Cited by 8)
A. Borji, L. Itti, Bayesian optimization explains human active search, In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Vol. 26 (NIPS*2013), (C.J.C. Burges, L. Bottou, M. Welling, Z. Ghahramani, K.Q. Weinberger Ed.), pp. 55-63, Cambridge, MA:MIT Press, Dec 2013. [2013 acceptance rate: 25%] (Cited by 78)
A. Borji, Hamed R. Tavakoli, D. N. Sihite, L. Itti, Analysis of scores, datasets, and models in visual saliency prediction, In: Proc. International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Sydney, Australia, Dec 2013. [2013 acceptance rate (oral presentation): 2.52%] (Cited by 257)
C. Zhang, A. Paolozza, P. Tseng, J. Reynolds, D. P. Munoz, L. Itti, Classification of children with FASD from neuroimaging, neuropsychological and natural eye movement data, In: Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (SfN13), Nov 2013. (Cited by 196)
W. S. Grant, R. C. Voorhies, L. Itti, Finding Planes in LiDAR Point Clouds for Real-Time Registration, In: Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 4347-4354, Nov 2013. [2013 acceptance rate: 43%] (Cited by 81)
J. Windau, L. Itti, Situation awareness via sensor-equipped eyeglasses, In: Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 5674-5679, Nov 2013. [2013 acceptance rate: 43%] (Cited by 28)
C.-K. Chang, C. Siagian, L. Itti, Beobot 2.0: Autonomous Mobile Robot Localization and Navigation in Outdoor Pedestrian Environment, In: Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Video Track, p. 2079, Nov 2013. [2013 acceptance rate: 50.0%] (Cited by 3)
P. Tseng, A. Paolozza, D. P. Munoz, J. N. Reynolds, L. Itti, Deep learning on natural viewing behaviors to differentiate children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, In: The 14th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL 2013), Hefei, China (LNCS 8206), pp. 178-185, Oct 2013. (Cited by 8)
B. J. White, R. A. Marino, S. E. Boehnke, L. Itti, J. Theeuwes, D. P. Munoz, Competitive Integration of Visual and Goal-related Signals on Neuronal Accumulation Rate: A Correlate of Oculomotor Capture in the Superior Colliculus, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Vol. 25, No. 10, pp. 1754-1768, Oct 2013. [2012 impact factor: 4.493] (Cited by 19)
A. Borji, D. N. Sihite, L. Itti, Objects do not predict fixations better than early saliency: A re-analysis of Einhaeuser et al.'s data, Journal of Vision, Vol. 13, No. 10, pp. 1-4, Aug 2013. [2011 impact factor: 2.47] (Cited by 76)
A. Borji, D. N. Sihite, L. Itti, What stands out in a scene? A study of human explicit saliency judgment, Vision Research, Vol. 91, pp. 62-77, Aug 2013. [2011 impact factor: 2.13] (Cited by 203)
N. Noori, L. Itti, Schema-driven, space-supported random accessible memory systems for manipulation of symbolic working memory, In: Proc. 35th annual conference of the cognitive science society, pp. 1085-1090, Aug 2013. [2013 oral acceptance rate 28%] (Cited by 3)
N. Noori, L. Itti, Traces of intellectual working memory tasks on visual-spatial short-term memory, In: Proc. 35th annual conference of the cognitive science society, pp. 3163-3168, Aug 2013. [2013 acceptance rate 40%] (Cited by 1)
N. Noori, L. Itti, Where what you count is what really counts, In: Proc. 35th annual conference of the cognitive science society, pp. 3157-3162, Aug 2013. [2013 acceptance rate 40%] (Cited by 1)
K. Thakoor, S. Marat, P. Nasiatka, B. Mcintosh, F. Sahin, A. R. Tanguay, J. D. Weiland, L. Itti, Attention-Biased Speeded-Up Robust Features (AB-SURF): A Neurally-Inspired Object Recognition Algorithm for A Wearable Aid for the Visually Impaired, In: Proc. IEEE Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Workshop on Multimodal and Alternative Perception for the Visually Impaired People (MAP4VIP), Jul 2013. [2013 acceptance rate: 50.0%] (Cited by 19)
C. Siagian, C.K. Chang, L. Itti, Mobile Robot Navigation System in Outdoor Pedestrian Environment Using Vision-Based Road Recognition, In: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2013. [2013 acceptance rate: 39.0%] (Cited by 60)
L. Itti, A. Borji, Computational models: Bottom-up and top-down aspects, In: The Oxford Handbook of Attention, (A. C. Nobre, S. Kastner Ed.), pp. 1-20, 2013. (Cited by 99)
P. Tseng, I. G. M. Cameron, G. Pari, J. N. Reynolds, D. P. Munoz, L. Itti, High-throughput classification of clinical populations from natural viewing eye movements, Journal of Neurology, Vol. 260, pp. 275-284, Jan 2013. [2011 Impact Factor: 3.473] (Cited by 196)
F. Baluch, L. Itti, A portable system for recording neural activity in indoor and outdoor environments, In: Proc. 34th Annual International Conference IEEE EMBS, San Diego, CA, pp. 1-4, Aug 2012. [2012 acceptance rate: 76%] (Cited by 3)
A. Borji, D. N. Sihite, L. Itti, Quantitative Analysis of Human-Model Agreement in Visual Saliency Modeling: A Comparative Study, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, pp. 1-16, 2012. [2011 Impact Factor: 3.042] (Cited by 756)
N. Parikh, L. Itti, M. Humayun, J. Weiland, Performance of visually guided tasks using simulated prosthetic vision and saliency-based cues, Journal of Neural Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 2, p. 026017, IOP Publishing, 2013. (Cited by 61)
A. Borji, L. Itti, State-of-the-art in Visual Attention Modeling, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 185-207, Jan 2013. [2010 Impact Factor: 5.027] (Cited by 2261)
C.-K. Chang, C. Siagian, L. Itti, Mobile Robot Monocular Vision Navigation Based on Road Region and Boundary Estimation, In: Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 1043-1050, Oct 2012. [2012 acceptance rate: 45.0%] (Cited by 64)
A. Borji, D. N. Sihite, L. Itti, Salient Object Detection: A Benchmark, In: Proc. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Florence, Italy (LNCS 7573), pp. 414-429, Oct 2012. [2012 acceptance rate: 25.0%] (Cited by 141)
W. S. Grant, L. Itti, Saliency Mapping Enhanced by Symmetry from Local Phase, In: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Orlando, Florida, pp. 653-656, Sep 2012. [2012 acceptance rate: 38.6%] (Cited by 2)
R. C. Voorhies, L. Elazary, L. Itti, Neuromorphic Bayesian Surprise for Far-Range Event Detection, In: Proc. 9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS), Beijing, China, Sep 2012. [2012 acceptance rate: 47.2%] (Cited by 3)
A. Borji, D. N. Sihite, L. Itti, An Object-based Bayesian Framework for Top-down Visual Attention, In: Proc. Twenty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-12), Toronto, Canada, pp. 1529-1535, Aug 2012. [2012 acceptance rate: 26.0%] (Cited by 29)
J. Shen, L. Itti, Top-down influences on visual attention during listening are modulated by observer sex, Vision Research, Vol. 65, pp. 62-76, Jul 2012. [2011 impact factor: 2.414] (Cited by 58)
M. Yoshida, L. Itti, D. J. Berg, T. Ikeda, R. Kato, K. Takaura, B. J. White, D. P. Munoz, T. Isa, Residual Attention Guidance in Blindsight Monkeys Watching Complex Natural Scenes, Current Biology, Vol. 22, No. 15, pp. 1429-1434, Aug 2012. [2010 impact factor: 10.025] (Cited by 69)
T. H. Lee, L. Itti, M. Mather, Evidence for Arousal-Biased Competition in Perceptual Learning, Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 3, No. 241, pp. 1-9, Jul 2012. (Cited by 110)
R. A. Marino, R. Levy, S. Boehnke, B. J. White, L. Itti, D. P. Munoz, Linking visual response properties in the superior colliculus to saccade behavior, European Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 35, No. 11, pp. 1738-52, Jun 2012. [2010 impact factor: 3.658] (Cited by 91)
A. Borji, D. N. Sihite, L. Itti, Probabilistic Learning of Task-Specific Visual Attention, In: Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Providence, Rhode Island, pp. 1-8, Jun 2012. [2012 acceptance rate: 26.2%] (Cited by 141)
A. Borji, L. Itti, Exploiting Local and Global Patch Rarities for Saliency Detection, In: Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Providence, Rhode Island, pp. 1-8, Jun 2012. [2012 acceptance rate: 26.2%] (Cited by 453)
A. Borji, S. Frintrop, D. N. Sihite, L. Itti, Adaptive Object Tracking by Learning Background Context, In: Proc. IEEE CVPR 2012, Egocentric Vision workshop, Providence, Rhode Island, pp. 1-8, Jun 2012. (Cited by 169)
S. Marat, L. Itti, Influence of the amount of context learned for improving object classification when simultaneously learning object and contextual cues, Visual Cognition, Vol. 20, No. 4-5, pp. 580-602, Apr 2012. [2010 Impact Factor: 1.828] (Cited by 10)
A. Borji, D. N. Sihite, L. Itti, Modeling the Influence of Action on Spatial Attention in Visual Interactive Environments, In: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 1-7, May 2012. [2012 acceptance rate: 40%] (Cited by 6)
J. Windau, L. Itti, Multilayer real-time video image stabilization, In: Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 2397-2402, Sep 2011. [2011 acceptance rate: 32%] (Cited by 39)
S. E. Boehnke, D. J. Berg, R. A. Marino, P. F. Baldi, L. Itti, D. P. Munoz, Visual adaptation and novelty responses in the superior colliculus, European Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 766-779, Sep 2011. [2009 impact factor: 3.658] (Cited by 61)
A. Borji, D. N. Sihite, L. Itti, Computational Modeling of Top-down Visual Attention in Interactive Environments, In: Proc. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC 2011), pp. 85.1-85.12, Sep 2011. [2011 acceptance rate: 31.8%] (Cited by 52)
N. Noori, L. Itti, Symbolic Simulation: a grounded mechanistic account for processing symbolic information, In: Proc. 44th Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology (MathPsych 2011), Jul 2011. (Cited by 5)
N. Noori, L. Itti, Symbolic Simulation: a neural account for algorithmic and controlled information processing in human brain, In: Proc. 44th Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology (MathPsych 2011), Jul 2011. (Cited by 5)
N. Noori, L. Itti, Modeling forward and backward serial recall using a spatial registry assumption, In: Proc. Conference on Cognitive Science (CogSci 2011), Jul 2011. (Cited by 2)
N. Noori, L. Itti, Spatial Registry Model: Towards a Grounded Account for Executive Attention, In: Proc. Conference on Cognitive Science (CogSci 2011), pp. 1-6, Jul 2011. (Cited by 5)
N. Noori, L. Itti, Eye-Movement Signatures of Abstract Mental Tasks, In: Proc. European Conference on Cognitive Science (EuroCogSci 2011), (B. Kokinov, A. Karmiloff-Smith, N. J. Nersessian Ed.), pp. 110:1-110:6, May 2011. (Cited by 2)
A. Borji, D. N. Sihite, L. Itti, Quantifying the relative influence of photographer bias and viewing strategy on scene viewing, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS11), May 2011. (Cited by 6)
P. Tseng, I. G. M. Cameron, D. P. Munoz, L. Itti, Effects of development on low-level feature processing during natural viewing of dynamic scenes, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS11), May 2011. (Cited by 2)
J. Shen, L. Itti, Top-down Visual Attention and Gender in a Focused Listening Task, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS11), May 2011. (Cited by 58)
C.-K. Chang, C. Siagian, L. Itti, Mobile robot vision navigation and obstacle avoidance based on gist and saliency algorithms, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS11), May 2011. (Cited by 5)
A-Y. D. Chiang, D. J. Berg, L. Itti, Saliency, Memory, and Attention Capture in Marketing, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS11), May 2011. (Cited by 2)
N. Noori, L. Itti, Visuospatial attention shifts during non-visual mental tasks, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS11), May 2011. (Cited by 1)
Z. Li, L. Itti, Saliency and Gist Features for Target Detection in Satellite Images, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 20, No. 7, pp. 2017-2029, 2011. [2009 impact factor: 2.848] (Cited by 209)
C. Siagian, C.-K. Chang, R. C. Voorhies, L. Itti, Beobot 2.0: Cluster Architecture for Mobile Robotics, Journal of Field Robotics, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 278-302, March/April 2011. [2010 2-year impact factor: 3.580] (Cited by 16)
F. Baluch, L. Itti, Mechanisms of Top-Down Attention, Trends in Neurosciences, Vol. 34, pp. 210-224, March 2011. [2010 impact factor: 13.320] (Cited by 571)
A. Borji, L. Itti, Scene Classification with a Sparse Set of Salient Regions, In: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 1902-1908, Feb 2011. [2010 acceptance rate: 49%] (Cited by 53)
Z. Li, S. Qin, L. Itti, Visual attention guided bit allocation in video compression, Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 1-14, Jan 2011. [2009 Impact Factor: 1.474] (Cited by 282)
P. Tseng, I. G. M. Cameron, D. P. Munoz, L. Itti, Differentiating patients (ADHD, FASD, Parkinson's Disease) from controls by gazing patterns, In: Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (SfN10), Nov 2010. (Cited by 2)
C.-K. Chang, C. Siagian, L. Itti, Mobile Robot Vision Navigation & Localization Using Gist and Saliency, In: Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 4147-4154, Oct 2010. [2010 acceptance rate: 58.2%] (Cited by 115)
M. Yoshida, L. Itti, D. J. Berg, T. Ikeda, R. Kato, K. Takaura, T. Isa, Visually-guided eye movements based on color saliency in monkeys with unilateral lesion of primary visual cortex, In: Proc. Japanese Neuroscience Society annual meeting, Kobe, Japan, Sep 2010. (Cited by 3)
C. Siagian, C.-K. Chang, R. C. Voorhies, L. Itti, Cover Photo of journal Autonomous Robots, Vol. 29, No. 2, p. 1, Aug 2010. [2008 impact factor: 1.235]
E. Moser, M. Corbetta, R. Desimone, Y. Fregnac, P. Fries, A. Graybiel, J. D. Haynes, L. Itti, L. Melloni, H. Monyer, W. Singer, C. von der Maslburg, M. Wilson, Coordination in Brain Systems, In: Dynamic Coordination in the Brain: From Neurons to Mind - Struengmann Forum Report, vol. 5., (C. von der Malsburg, W. A. Phillips, W. Singer Ed.), pp. 193-214, Cambridge, MA:MIT Press, Jul 2010.
L. Elazary, L. Itti, A Bayesian model for efficient visual search and recognition, Vision Research, Vol. 50, No. 14, pp. 1338-1352, Jun 2010. [2008 impact factor: 2.051] (Cited by 164)
P. F. Baldi, L. Itti, Of bits and wows: A Bayesian theory of surprise with applications to attention, Neural Networks, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 649-666, Jun 2010. [2008 impact factor: 2.656] (Cited by 355)
M. Yoshida, L. Itti, D. J. Berg, T. Ikeda, R. Kato, K. Tkaura, T. Isa, Guidance of gaze based on color saliency in monkeys with blindsight, In: Proc. 14th annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC14), Toronto, Canada, Jun 2010. (Cited by 3)
D. F. Parks, A. Jain, J. McInerney, L. Itti, GPGPU-based real-time object detection and recognition system, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS10), May 2010. (Cited by 1)
P. Tseng, I. G. M. Cameron, D. P. Munoz, L. Itti, Differentiating Patients from Controls by Gazing Patterns, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS10), May 2010. (Cited by 2)
R. C. Voorhies, L. Elazary, L. Itti, Application of a Bottom-Up Visual Surprise Model for Event Detection in Dynamic Natural Scenes, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS10), May 2010. (Cited by 5)
F. Baluch, L. Itti, The effects of 2nd-order feature interactions in predicting human gaze, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS10), May 2010. (Cited by 1)
L. Elazary, L. Itti, Framework and implementation for perception, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS10), May 2010. (Cited by 164)
J. Shen, L. Itti, Gender Differences in Visual Attention During Listening as Measured By Neuromorphic Saliency: What Women (and Men) Watch, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS10), May 2010. (Cited by 2)
C.-K. Chang, C. Siagian, L. Itti, Hardware and software computing architecture for robotics applications of neuroscience-inspired vision and navigation algorithms, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS10), May 2010. (Cited by 5)
F. Baluch, L. Itti, Training top-down attention improves performance on a triple conjunction search task, PLoS One, Vol. 5, p. e9127, Feb 2010. [2009 impact factor: 4.351] (Cited by 34)
N. Parikh, L. Itti, J. Weiland, Saliency-based image processing for retinal prostheses, Journal of Neural Engineering, Vol. 7, pp. 1-10, Jan 2010. [2008 Impact Factor: 2.737] (Cited by 79)
L. Itti, R. Carmi, Eye-tracking data from human volunteers watching complex video stimuli, Dec 2009.
S. E. Boehnke, D. J. Berg, K. Kaneda, Y. Yanagawa, L. Itti, T. Isa, D. P. Munoz, Temporal characteristics and mechanisms of visual adaptation in the superior colliculus, In: Proc. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (SFN'09), Oct 2009. (Cited by 61)
L. Itti, M. Yoshida, D. J. Berg, T. Ikeda, R. Kato, K. Takaura, T. Isa, Saliency-based guidance of eye movements in monkeys with unilateral lesion of primary visual cortex, In: Proc. Japanese Neuroscience Society annual meeting, Nagoya, Japan, Sep 2009. (Cited by 1)
B. J. White, S. E. Boehnke, R. A. Marino, L. Itti, D. P. Munoz, Color-related Signals in the Primate Superior Colliculus, Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 29, No. 39, pp. 12159-12166, Sep 2009. [2008 Impact Factor: 7.452] (Cited by 120)
R. C. Voorhies, C. Siagian, L. Elazary, L. Itti, Centralized Server Environment for Educational Robotics, In: Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Oct 2009. [2009 acceptance rate: 54.5%] (Cited by 1)
C. Siagian, L. Itti, Biologically Inspired Mobile Robot Vision Localization, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 861-873, July 2009. [2008 impact factor: 2.656] (Cited by 279)
E. Itti, G. Villafane, Z. Malek, P. Brugieres, D. Capacchione, L. Itti, P. Maison, P. Cesaro, M. Meignan, Dopamine transporter imaging under high-dose transdermal nicotine therapy in Parkinson's disease: an observational study, Nuclear Medicine Communications, Vol. 30, No. 7, pp. 513-518, Jul 2009. [2008 impact factor: 1.706] (Cited by 32)
P. Tseng, R. Carmi, I. G. M. Cameron, D.P. Munoz, L. Itti, Quantifying center bias of observers in free viewing of dynamic natural scenes, Journal of Vision, Vol. 9, No. 7:4, pp. 1-16, July 2009. [2007 impact factor: 3.791] (Cited by 436)
T. N. Mundhenk, W. Einhaeuser, L. Itti, Automatic Computation of an Image's Statistical Surprise Predicts Performance of Human Observers on a Natural Image Detection Task, Vision Research, Vol. 49, No. 13, pp. 1620-1637, Jun 2009. [2007 impact factor: 2.055] (Cited by 17)
D. J. Berg, S. E. Boehnke, R. A. Marino, D. P. Munoz, L. Itti, Free viewing of dynamic stimuli by humans and monkeys, In: Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, Jun 2009. (Cited by 168)
D. J. Berg, S. E. Boehnke, R. A. Marino, D. P. Munoz, L. Itti, Free viewing of dynamic stimuli by humans and monkeys, Journal of Vision, Vol. 9, No. 5:19, pp. 1-15, May 2009. [2007 impact factor: 3.791] (Cited by 168)
P. Tseng, I. G. M. Cameron, D. P. Munoz, L. Itti, Screening Attentional-related Diseases based on Correlation between Salience and Gaze, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS09), May 2009. (Cited by 2)
Z. Li, L. Itti, Gist Based Top-Down Templates for Gaze Prediction, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS09), May 2009. (Cited by 2)
T. N. Mundhenk, W. Einhaeuser, L. Itti, What the Searchlight saw: revealing the extent of natural image information that passes through bottom-up visual attention mechanisms to higher visual processing, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS09), May 2009.
F. Baluch, L. Itti, Learning in an attentionally-demanding triple-conjunction task, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS09), May 2009. (Cited by 34)
B. J. White, S. E. Boehnke, R. A. Marino, L. Itti, D. P. Munoz, Color Signals in the Primate Superior Colliculus, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS09), May 2009. (Cited by 1)
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, Bayesian Surprise Attracts Human Attention, Vision Research, Vol. 49, No. 10, pp. 1295-1306, May 2009. [2007 impact factor: 2.055] (Cited by 1251)
N. Parikh, L. Itti, M. Humayun, J. Weiland, Comparison of regions detected salient by an image processing algorithm with regions of human eye movements, In: Proceedings of the 13th Annual Grodins Graduate Research Symposium, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Southern California, pp. 119-120, Apr 2009. (Cited by 79)
C. Siagian, L. Itti, Search and Rescue: An Educational Test-bed for Robotics Systems Integration, In: Global Conference on Educational Robotics (GCER), Norman, Oklahoma, July 2008. (Cited by 10)
P. Tseng, D. J. Berg, M. Yoshida, I. G. M. Cameron, S. E. Boehnke, R. A. Marino, T. Ikeda, R. Kato, K. Takaura, L. Itti, T. Isa, D. P. Munoz, Deployment of visual attention and of the eyes differentiate observer populations, In: Annual Meeting of the Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP), Berlin, Germany, Jul 2008.
S. E. Boehnke, D. J. Berg, R. A. Marino, P. F. Baldi, L. Itti, D. P. Munoz, Adaptation, habituation and dishabituation of visual responses in the superior colliculus, In: Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, Jun 2008. (Cited by 2)
L. Itti, CRCNS Data Sharing: Eye movements during free-viewing of natural videos, In: Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, Jun 2008. (Cited by 36)
D. J. Berg, S. E. Boehnke, R. A. Marino, P. F. Baldi, D. P. Munoz, L. Itti, Monkeys as a Model for Human Bottom-Up Overt Attention, In: Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, Jun 2008. (Cited by 3)
P. Tseng, I. G. M. Cameron, D. P. Munoz, L. Itti, Differentiating Patients from Controls Based on Correlation between Salience and Gaze, In: Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, Jun 2008. (Cited by 2)
L. Elazary, L. Itti, A bayesian model of visual search and recognition, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS08), May 2008. (Cited by 1)
D. J. Berg, L. Itti, Memory, eye position and computed saliency, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS08), May 2008. (Cited by 9)
P. Tseng, I. G. M. Cameron, D. P. Munoz, L. Itti, Differentiating patients from controls based on correlation between salience and gaze, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS08), May 2008. (Cited by 2)
L. Itti, M. Yoshida, D. J. Berg, T. Ikeda, R. Kato, K. Takaura, T. Isa, Saliency-based guidance of gaze in monkeys with unilateral lesion of primary visual cortex, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS08), May 2008. (Cited by 1)
R. J. Peters, L. Itti, The role of Fourier phase information in predicting saliency, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS08), May 2008. (Cited by 15)
Z. Li, L. Itti, Visual attention guided video compression, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS08), May 2008. (Cited by 6)
T. N. Mundhenk, W. Einhaeuser, L. Itti, Natural Image RSVP task performance is predicted by measurements of bottom-up Bayesian Surprise exhibited by image sequences, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS08), May 2008. (Cited by 17)
F. Baluch, L. Itti, Effects of training on perceptual salience, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS08), May 2008. (Cited by 9)
C. Siagian, L. Itti, Comparison of gist models in rapid scene categorization tasks, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS08), May 2008. (Cited by 20)
L. Elazary, L. Itti, Interesting objects are visually salient, Journal of Vision, Vol. 8, No. 3:3, pp. 1-15, Mar 2008. [2006 impact factor: 3.753] (Cited by 363)
L. Itti, Eye movements during free viewing of natural videos, In: Computational and Systems Neuroscience (COSYNE), workshop on data sharing, Salk Lake City, Utah, Mar 2008. (Cited by 2)
R. J. Peters, L. Itti, Congruence between model and human attention reveals unique signatures of critical visual events, In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Vol. 20 (NIPS*2007), pp. 1145-1152, Cambridge, MA:MIT Press, Jun 2008. [2007 oral acceptance rate: 10.4%] (Cited by 35)
C. Siagian, L. Itti, Storing and Recalling Information for Vision Localization, In: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Pasadena, California, pp. 1848-1855, May 2008. [2008 acceptance rate: 43%] (Cited by 10)
R. J. Peters, L. Itti, Applying computational tools to predict gaze direction in interactive visual environments, ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, Vol. 5, No. 2, p. Article 8, 2008. (Cited by 153)
C. Siagian, L. Itti, Biologically inspired mobile-robot self localization, The Neuromorphic Engineer, pp. 1-2, Dec 2007. (Cited by 4)
D. J. Berg, S. E. Boehnke, P. F. Baldi, D. P. Munoz, L. Itti, Modeling adaptation responses in the superior colliculus using a Bayesian theory of surprise, In: Proc. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (SFN'07), Nov 2007. (Cited by 3)
S. E. Boehnke, D. J. Berg, R. A. Marino, P. F. Baldi, L. Itti, D. P. Munoz, Adaptation, habituation and dishabituation of visual responses in the superior colliculus, In: Proc. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (SFN'07), Nov 2007. (Cited by 2)
B. J. White, R. A. Marino, S. E. Boehnke, L. Itti, J. Theeuwes, D. P. Munoz, Interactions between endogenous and exogenous neural activity in the superior colliculus, In: Proc. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (SFN'07), Nov 2007. (Cited by 120)
L. Itti, M. Yoshida, D. J. Berg, T. Ikeda, R. Kato, K. Takaura, T. Isa, Saliency-based guidance of spontaneous saccades in monkeys with unilateral lesion of primary visual cortex, In: Proc. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (SFN'07), Nov 2007. (Cited by 1)
C. Siagian, L. Itti, Biologically-Inspired Robotics Vision Monte-Carlo Localization in the Outdoor Environment, In: Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Oct 2007. [2007 acceptance rate: 52.4%] (Cited by 87)
L. Itti, Visual Salience, In: Scholarpedia - the free peer-reviewed encyclopedia, Vol. 2, No. 9, p. 3327, Jul 2007. (Cited by 194)
W. Einhaeuser, T. N. Mundhenk, P. F. Baldi, C. Koch, L. Itti, A bottom-up model of spatial attention predicts human error patterns in rapid scene recognition, Journal of Vision, Vol. 7, No. 10, pp. 1-13, Jul 2007. [2005 impact factor: 3.469] (Cited by 57)
R. J. Peters, L. Itti, Beyond bottom-up: Incorporating task-dependent influences into a computational model of spatial attention, In: Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Jun 2007. [2007 acceptance rate: 28%] (Cited by 353)
L. Elazary, L. Itti, Interesting objects in natural scenes are more salient, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS07), May 2007. (Cited by 363)
D. J. Berg, S. E. Boehnke, R. A. Marino, P. F. Baldi, D. P. Munoz, L. Itti, The Role of Bottom-Up and Top-Down Influences in Directing Primate Gaze Shifts, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS07), May 2007. (Cited by 3)
V. Navalpakkam, L. Itti, Attentional modulation of tuning width, preferred features and gains during visual search, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS07), May 2007. (Cited by 4)
B. J. White, S. E. Boehnke, R. A. Marino, D. Talsma, L. Itti, J. Theeuwes, D. P. Munoz, Competition between exogenous and endogenous signals revealed by saccade latency and saccade curvature in the monkey, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS07), May 2007. (Cited by 120)
R. J. Peters, L. Itti, Integrating low-level and high-level visual influences on eye movement behavior, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS07), May 2007. (Cited by 1)
S. E. Boehnke, D. J. Berg, P. F. Baldi, L. Itti, D. P. Munoz, Adaptation and habituation of visual responses in the superficial and intermediate layers of the superior colliculus (SC), In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS07), May 2007. (Cited by 2)
R. Carmi, P. Tseng, I. G. M. Cameron, D. P. Munoz, L. Itti, The impact of maturation and aging on mechanisms of attentional selection, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS07), May 2007. (Cited by 1)
P. Tseng, R. Carmi, I. G. M. Cameron, D. P. Munoz, L. Itti, The impact of content-independent mechanisms on guiding attention, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS07), May 2007. (Cited by 1)
L. Itti, M. Yoshida, D. J. Berg, T. Ikeda, R. Kato, K. Takaura, T. Isa, Investigation of spontaneous saccades based on the saliency model in monkeys with unilateral lesion of primary visual cortex, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS07), May 2007. (Cited by 1)
V. Navalpakkam, L. Itti, Role of task difficulty in modulation of neural activity, In: Proc. Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne), pp. I-1, Feb 2007. (Cited by 424)
V. Navalpakkam, L. Itti, Search goal tunes visual features optimally, Neuron, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 605-617, Feb 2007. [2005 impact factor: 14.304] (Cited by 424)
C. Siagian, L. Itti, Rapid Biologically-Inspired Scene Classification Using Features Shared with Visual Attention, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 300-312, Feb 2007. [2005 impact factor: 3.810] (Cited by 768)
S. E. Boehnke, L. Itti, D. P. Munoz, Adaptation and habituation of visual responses in the superficial and intermediate layers of the superior colliculus, In: Proc. Canadian Physiological Society Annual Meeting, Mount Saint Anne, Canada, Jan 2007. (Cited by 2)
R. Carmi, L. Itti, Visual Causes versus Correlates of Attentional Selection in Dynamic Scenes, Vision Research, Vol. 46, No. 26, pp. 4333-4345, Dec 2006. [2005 impact factor: 2.027] (Cited by 304)
V. Navalpakkam, L. Itti, Top-down attention selection is fine-grained, Journal of Vision, Vol. 6, No. 11, pp. 1180-1193, Oct 2006. [2005 impact factor: 3.469] (Cited by 106)
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, Modeling what attracts human gaze over dynamic natural scenes, In: Computational Vision in Neural and Machine Systems, (L. Harris, M. Jenkin Ed.), Cambridge, MA:Cambridge University Press, 2006. (Cited by 791)
L. Itti, M. A. Arbib, Attention and the Minimal Subscene, In: Action to Language via the Mirror Neuron System, (M. A. Arbib Ed.), pp. 289-346, Cambridge, U.K.:Cambridge University Press, 2006. (Cited by 40)
R. Carmi, L. Itti, The Role of Memory in Guiding Attention during Natural Vision, Journal of Vision, Vol. 6, No. 9, pp. 898-914, Aug 2006. [2005 impact factor: 3.469] (Cited by 97)
L. Itti, Quantitative Modeling of Perceptual Salience at Human Eye Position, Visual Cognition, Vol. 14, No. 4-8, pp. 959-984, Aug-Dec 2006. [2004 impact factor: 1.588] (Cited by 140)
D. J. Berg, S. E. Boehnke, R. A. Marino, P. F. Baldi, D. P. Munoz, L. Itti, Characterizing Surprise in Humans and Monkeys, In: HFSP 6th Annual Meeting, Paris, France, Jul 2006. (Cited by 3)
L. Itti, N. Dhavale, F. Pighin, Photorealistic Attention-Based Gaze Animation, In: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, pp. 1-4, Jul 2006. (Cited by 34)
V. Navalpakkam, L. Itti, An Integrated Model of Top-down and Bottom-up Attention for Optimal Object Detection, In: Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. 2049-2056, Jun 2006. [2006 acceptance rate: 28%] (Cited by 567)
J. Bonaiuto, L. Itti, The Use of Attention and Spatial Information for Rapid Facial Recognition in Video, Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 24, No. 6, pp. 557-563, Jun 2006. [2004 impact factor: 1.159] (Cited by 26)
R. Carmi, L. Itti, The Role of Spatial Memory in Guiding Attention During Natural Vision, In: Proc. Eye Tracking, Cognition and Communication Workshop of the Second Biennial Conference on Cognitive Science, Jun 2006. (Cited by 97)
D. J. Berg, S. E. Boehnke, R. A. Marino, P. F. Baldi, D. P. Munoz, L. Itti, Characterizing Surprise in Humans and Monkeys, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS06), May 2006. (Cited by 3)
V. Navalpakkam, L. Itti, Optimal feature gain modulation during visual search, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS06), May 2006. (Cited by 1)
R. Carmi, L. Itti, From Eye-tracking Data to Information: Lessons from Dynamic Scenes, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS06), May 2006. (Cited by 1)
R. J. Peters, L. Itti, A computational model of task-dependent influences on eye position, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS06), May 2006. (Cited by 1)
J. Lu, L. Itti, Feature-based attention is not object-based, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS06), May 2006. (Cited by 1)
E. Itti, I. T. Gaw Gonzalo, A. Pawlikowska-Haddal, K. B. Boone, A. Mlikotic, L. Itti, F. S. Mishkin, R. S. Swerdloff, The Structural Brain Correlates of Cognitive Deficits in Adults With Klinefelter's Syndrome, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Vol. 91, No. 4, pp. 1423-1427, Apr 2006. [2004 impact factor: 5.778] (Cited by 92)
R. J. Peters, L. Itti, Computational mechanisms for gaze direction in interactive visual environments, In: Proc. ACM Eye Tracking Research and Applications, pp. 27-32, Mar 2006. (Cited by 32)
R. Carmi, L. Itti, Causal Saliency Effects During Natural Vision, In: Proc. ACM Eye Tracking Research and Applications, pp. 11-18, Mar 2006. (Cited by 36)
R. Carmi, L. Itti, The Role of Memory in Guiding Attention During Natural Vision, In: Proc. Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne), p. 105, Mar 2006. (Cited by 97)
V. Navalpakkam, L. Itti, A theory of optimal feature selection during visual search, In: Proc. Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne), p. 9, Mar 2006. (Cited by 1)
V. Navalpakkam, L. Itti, Bottom-up and top-down influences on visual scanpaths, In: Proc. SPIE Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XI (HVEI06), San Jose, CA, (B. Rogowitz, T. N. Pappas, S. Daly Ed.), Vol. 6057, Bellingham, WA:SPIE Press, Jan 2006. (Cited by 8)
V. Navalpakkam, L. Itti, Optimal cue selection strategy, In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Vol. 19 (NIPS*2005), pp. 987-994, Cambridge, MA:MIT Press, 2006. [2005 acceptance rate: 24%] (Cited by 35)
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, Bayesian Surprise Attracts Human Attention, In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Vol. 19 (NIPS*2005), pp. 547-554, Cambridge, MA:MIT Press, 2006. [2005 acceptance rate: 24%] (Cited by 791)
T. N. Mundhenk, J. Everist, C. Landauer, L. Itti, K. Bellman, Distributed biologically-based real-time tracking in the absence of prior target information, In: Proc. SPIE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXIII: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision, (D. P. Casasent, E. L. Hall, J. Roning Ed.), Vol. 6006, pp. 142-153, Bellingham, WA:SPIE Press, Oct 2005. (Cited by 10)
P. F. Baldi, L. Itti, Attention: Bits versus Wows, In: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks and Brain, Beijing, China, (M. Zhao, Z. Shi Ed.), Vol. 1, pp. PL56-PL61, Oct 2005. (Cited by 24)
T. N. Mundhenk, L. Itti, Computational modeling and exploration of contour integration for visual saliency, Biological Cybernetics, Vol. 93, No. 3, pp. 188-212, Sep 2005. [2003 impact factor: 1.933] (Cited by 46)
J. Lu, L. Itti, Perceptual Consequences of Feature-Based Attention, Journal of Vision, Vol. 5, No. 7, pp. 622-631, Aug 2005. [2005 impact factor: 3.469] (Cited by 37)
R. J. Peters, A. Iyer, L. Itti, C. Koch, Components of bottom-up gaze allocation in natural images, Vision Research, Vol. 45, No. 8, pp. 2397-2416, Aug 2005. [2003 impact factor: 1.958] (Cited by 866)
L. Itti, Quantifying the Contribution of Low-Level Saliency to Human Eye Movements in Dynamic Scenes, Visual Cognition, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 1093-1123, Aug 2005. [2003 impact factor: 1.588] (Cited by 430)
R. Carmi, L. Itti, Attention deployment in intermittently predictable environments - from amnesia to memory and back, In: Proc. ninth annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC9), Pasadena, CA, Jun 2005. (Cited by 36)
L. Itti, M. A. Arbib, Visual Salience Facilitates Entry into Counscious Scene Representation, In: Proc. ninth annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC9), Pasadena, CA, Jun 2005. (Cited by 40)
J. Bonaiuto, L. Itti, Combining attention and recognition for rapid scene analysis, In: Proc. IEEE-CVPR Workshop on Attention and Performance in Computer Vision (WAPCV'05), San Diego, California, pp. 1-6, Jun 2005. (Cited by 41)
C. Siagian, L. Itti, Gist: A Mobile Robotics Application of Context-Based Vision in Outdoor Environment, In: Proc. IEEE-CVPR Workshop on Attention and Performance in Computer Vision (WAPCV'05), San Diego, California, pp. 1-7, Jun 2005. (Cited by 46)
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, A Principled Approach to Detecting Surprising Events in Video, In: Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. 631-637, Jun 2005. [2005 acceptance rate: 28%] (Cited by 538)
R. Carmi, L. Itti, Attention deployment in novel environments - from amnesia to memory and back, In: Proc. 12th Joint Symposium on Neural Computation (JSNC'05), Los Angeles, California, May 2005. (Cited by 36)
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, A surprise theory of attention, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS05), May 2005. (Cited by 791)
R. Carmi, L. Itti, Why do we fail to perceive jump-cuts in motion pictures?, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS05), May 2005. (Cited by 1)
R. J. Peters, A. Iyer, C. Koch, L. Itti, Components of Bottom-Up Gaze Allocation in Natural Scenes, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS05), May 2005. (Cited by 28)
J. Lu, R. Yakupov, C. Lozar, L. Chang, T. Ernst, L. Itti, Feature-based Attention Is Also Object-based, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS05), May 2005. (Cited by 3)
V. Navalpakkam, L. Itti, Attention can be guided to the relevant feature category, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS05), May 2005. (Cited by 3)
C. Ackerman, L. Itti, Robot Steering With Spectral Image Information, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 247-251, Apr 2005. [2003 impact factor: 2.103] (Cited by 44)
Neurobiology of Attention, (L. Itti, G. Rees, J. K. Tsotsos Ed.), pp. 1-744, San Diego, CA:Elsevier, Jan 2005. (Cited by 422)
V. Navalpakkam, M. A. Arbib, L. Itti, Attention and Scene Understanding, In: Neurobiology of Attention, (L. Itti, G. Rees, J. K. Tsotsos Ed.), pp. 197-203, San Diego, CA:Elsevier, Jan 2005. (Cited by 34)
L. Itti, Models of Bottom-Up Attention and Saliency, In: Neurobiology of Attention, (L. Itti, G. Rees, J. K. Tsotsos Ed.), pp. 576-582, San Diego, CA:Elsevier, Jan 2005. (Cited by 238)
J. K. Tsotsos, L. Itti, G. Rees, A Brief and Selective History of Attention, In: Neurobiology of Attention, (L. Itti, G. Rees, J. K. Tsotsos Ed.), pp. xxiii-xxxii, San Diego, CA:Elsevier, Jan 2005. (Cited by 55)
V. Navalpakkam, L. Itti, Modeling the influence of task on attention, Vision Research, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 205-231, Jan 2005. [2003 impact factor: 1.958] (Cited by 903)
D. R. Edgington, I. Kerkez, D. Oliver, L. Kuhnz, D. Cline, D. Walther, L. Itti, Detecting Benthic Megafauna in Underwater Video, In: Proc. 2004 AGU Fall Meeting (AVED), Vol. 85, No. 47, p. OS43B/0551, Dec 2004. (Cited by 3)
T. N. Mundhenk, C. Landauer, K. Bellman, M. A. Arbib, L. Itti, Teaching the computer subjective notions of feature connectedness in a visual scene for real time vision, In: Proc. SPIE Conference on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXII: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision, (D. P. Casasent, E. L. Hall, J. Roning Ed.), Vol. 5608, pp. 136-147, Bellingham, WA:SPIE Press, Oct 2004. (Cited by 3)
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, A Surprising Theory of Attention, In: Proc. IEEE Workshop on Applied Imagery and Pattern Recognition (AIPR), Oct 2004. (Cited by 15)
P. Natarajan, T. N. Mundhenk, K. Bellman, L. Itti, M. A. Arbib, Camera localization methods for intelligent room systems using RF techniques, In: Proc. SPIE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXII: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision, (D. P. Casasent, E. L. Hall, J. Roning Ed.), Vol. 5608, pp. 177-187, Bellingham, WA:SPIE Press, Oct 2004. (Cited by 5)
V. Navalpakkam, L. Itti, Modeling the influence of target and distractor knowledge on visual search, In: Proc. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (SFN'04), Oct 2004. (Cited by 7)
C. Siagian, L. Itti, Biologically-Inspired Face Detection: Non-Brute-Force-Search Approach, In: First IEEE-CVPR International Workshop on Face Processing in Video, pp. 62-69, Jun 2004. (Cited by 30)
L. Itti, Automatic Foveation for Video Compression Using a Neurobiological Model of Visual Attention, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 13, No. 10, pp. 1304-1318, Oct 2004. [2003 impact factor: 2.642] (Cited by 992)
V. Navalpakkam, L. Itti, A mathematical framework for the design and analysis of feature biasing strategies, In: Proc. 11th Joint Symposium on Neural Computation (JSNC'04), Los Angeles, California, May 2004. (Cited by 35)
R. Carmi, L. Itti, Disentangling topdown from bottom up influences on attentional allocation in dynamic scenes, In: Proc. 11th Joint Symposium on Neural Computation (JSNC'04), Los Angeles, California, May 2004. (Cited by 4)
R. Carmi, L. Itti, Bottom-up and top-down influences on attentional allocation in natural dynamic scenes, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS04), p. 20, May 2004. (Cited by 1)
V. Navalpakkam, J. Rebesco, L. Itti, Modeling the influence of knowledge of the target and distractors on visual search, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS04), p. 178, May 2004. (Cited by 7)
J. Lu, L. Itti, Perceptual consequences of feature-based attention, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS04), p. 20, May 2004. (Cited by 37)
L. Itti, The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit: Free tools for the next generation of vision algorithms, The Neuromorphic Engineer, Vol. 1, No. 1, p. 10, Mar 2004. (Cited by 35)
T. N. Mundhenk, V. Navalpakkam, H. Makaliwe, S. Vasudevan, L. Itti, Biologically inspired feature based categorization of objects, In: Proc. SPIE Human Vision and Electronic Imaging IX (HVEI04), San Jose, CA, (B. Rogowitz, T. N. Pappas Ed.), Vol. 5292, Bellingham, WA:SPIE Press, Jan 2004. (Cited by 7)
L. Itti, Automatic Attention-Based Prioritization of Unconstrained Video for Compression, In: Proc. SPIE Human Vision and Electronic Imaging IX (HVEI04), San Jose, CA, (B. Rogowitz, T. N. Pappas Ed.), Vol. 5292, pp. 272-283, Bellingham, WA:SPIE Press, Jan 2004. (Cited by 17)
E. Itti, I. T. Gaw Gonzalo, K. B. Boone, D. H. Geschwind, N. Berman, A. Pawlikowska-Haddal, L. Itti, F. S. Mishkin, R. S. Swerdloff, Functional neuroimaging provides evidence of anomalous cerebral laterality in adults with Klinefelter's syndrome, Annals of Neurology, Vol. 54, No. 5, pp. 669-673, Nov 2003. [2002 impact factor: 8.603] (Cited by 54)
V. Navalpakkam, L. Itti, Towards a Unified Model for Attention and Recognition, In: Proc. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (SFN'03), Nov 2003. (Cited by 49)
V. J. Chen, S. G. Erberich, L. Itti, M. A. Arbib, Perception of Consequences of Actions: An fMRI Study, In: Proc. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (SFN'03), Nov 2003. (Cited by 1)
R. J. Peters, T. N. Mundhenk, L. Itti, C. Koch, Contour-facilitation in a model of bottom-up attention, In: Proc. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (SFN'03), Nov 2003. (Cited by 2)
V. J. Chen, J. F. Barraza, L. Itti, Perception of contours defined by integrative motion mechanisms, In: Proc. Fall Vision Meeting, Oct 2003. (Cited by 1)
T. N. Mundhenk, C. Ackerman, D. Chung, N. Dhavale, B. Hudson, R. Hirata, E. Pichon, Z. Shi, A. Tsui, L. Itti, Low-cost high-performance mobile robot design utilizing off-the-shelf parts and the Beowulf concept: the Beobot project, In: Proc. SPIE Conference on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXI: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision, pp. 293-303, Bellingham, WA:SPIE Press, Oct 2003. (Cited by 11)
T. N. Mundhenk, N. Dhavale, S. Marmol, E. Calleja, V. Navalpakkam, K. Bellman, C. Landauer, M. A. Arbib, L. Itti, Utilization and viability of biologically-inspired algorithms in a dynamic multi-agent camera surveillance system, In: Proc. SPIE Conference on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXI: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision, pp. 281-292, Bellingham, WA:SPIE Press, Oct 2003. (Cited by 5)
L. Itti, N. Dhavale, F. Pighin, Realistic Avatar Eye and Head Animation Using a Neurobiological Model of Visual Attention, In: Proc. SPIE 48th Annual International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, (B. Bosacchi, D. B. Fogel, J. C. Bezdek Ed.), Vol. 5200, pp. 64-78, Bellingham, WA:SPIE Press, Aug 2003. (Cited by 395)
J. Lu, L. Itti, Feature-based Attention is Task-Dependent, In: Proc. 10th Joint Symposium on Neural Computation (JSNC'03), Irvine, California, May 2003. (Cited by 99)
N. Dhavale, L. Itti, Saliency-Based Multi-Foveated MPEG Compression, In: Proc. IEEE Seventh International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications, Paris, France, pp. 229-232, Jul 2003. (Cited by 56)
V. Navalpakkam, L. Itti, Sharing Resources: Buy Attention, Get Recognition, In: Proc. International Workshop on Attention and Performance in Computer Vision (WAPCV'03), Graz, Austria, Jul 2003. (Cited by 50)
T. N. Mundhenk, L. Itti, CINNIC, a new computational algorithm for the modeling of early visual contour integration in humans, Neurocomputing, Vol. 52-54, pp. 599-604, Jun 2003. [2001 impact factor: 0.534] (Cited by 10)
L. Itti, Modeling Primate Visual Attention, In: Computational Neuroscience: A Comprehensive Approach, (J. Feng Ed.), pp. 635-655, Boca Raton:CRC Press, 2003. (Cited by 40)
L. Itti, The Beobot Platform for Embedded Real-Time Neuromorphic Vision, In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Vol. 15, Hardware Demo Track, (T. G. Dietterich, S. Becker, Z. Ghahramani Ed.), Cambridge, MA:MIT Press, 2003. (Cited by 791)
S. Vijayakumar, A. D'Souza, J. Peters, J. Conradt, T. Rutkowski, A. Ijspeert, J. Nakanishi, M. Inoue, T. Shibata, A. Wiryo, L. Itti, S. Amari, S. Schaal, Real-Time Statistical Learning for Oculomotor Control and Visuomotor Coordination, In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Vol. 15, Hardware Demo Track, (T. G. Dietterich, S. Becker, Z. Ghahramani Ed.), Cambridge, MA:MIT Press, 2003.
L. Itti, Visual Attention, In: The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, (M. A. Arbib Ed.), pp. 1196-1201, MIT Press, Jan 2003. (Cited by 99)
R. J. Peters, L. Itti, C. Koch, Eye Movements Are Influenced by Short-Range Interactions Among Orientation Channels, In: Proc. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (SFN'02), p. 715.12, Nov 2002. (Cited by 33)
V. Navalpakkam, L. Itti, A Goal Oriented Attention Guidance Model, In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2525, pp. 453-461, Nov 2002. (Cited by 139)
T. N. Mundhenk, L. Itti, A Model of Contour Integration in Early Visual Cortex, In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2525, pp. 80-89, Nov 2002. (Cited by 13)
D. Walther, L. Itti, M. Riesenhuber, T. Poggio, C. Koch, Attentional Selection for Object Recognition - a Gentle Way, In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2525, pp. 472-479, Nov 2002. (Cited by 352)
D. Chung, R. Hirata, T. N. Mundhenk, J. Ng, R. J. Peters, E. Pichon, A. Tsui, T. Ventrice, D. Walther, P. Williams, L. Itti, A New Robotics Platform for Neuromorphic Vision: Beobots, In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2525, pp. 558-566, Nov 2002. (Cited by 23)
L. Itti, Toward highly capable neuromorphic autonomous robots: beobots, In: Proc. SPIE 47 Annual International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, (B. Bosacchi, D. B. Fogel, J. C. Bezdek Ed.), Vol. 4787, pp. 37-45, Bellingham, WA:SPIE Press, Dec 2002. (Cited by 3)
E. Itti, I. T. G. Gonzalo, L. Itti, F. S. Mishkin, R. S. Swerdloff, Brain perfusion mapping shows ``inverse'' hemispheric dominance in men with Klinefelter syndrome, In: Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Vol. 43, No. 5, p. S1026, May 2002. (Cited by 54)
V. Navalpakkam, L. Itti, A Biologically-Inspired Scene-based Question Answering Agent, In: Proc. 9th Joint Symposium on Neural Computation (JSNC'02), Pasadena, California, May 2002. (Cited by 138)
D. Chung, L. Itti, Object recognition in the early visual system, In: Proc. 9th Joint Symposium on Neural Computation (JSNC'02), Pasadena, California, May 2002. (Cited by 13)
J. Ng, R. Hirata, T. N. Mundhenk, E. Pichon, A. Tsui, T. Ventrice, P. Williams, L. Itti, Towards Visually-Guided Neuromorphic Robots: Beobots, In: Proc. 9th Joint Symposium on Neural Computation (JSNC'02), Pasadena, California, May 2002. (Cited by 3)
T. N. Mundhenk, L. Itti, Towards a simpler model of contour integration in early visual processing using a composite of methods, In: Proc. 9th Joint Symposium on Neural Computation (JSNC'02), Pasadena, California, May 2002. (Cited by 13)
E. Itti, K. Huff, M. E. Cornford, L. Itti, K. Poruri, F. S. Mishkin, Postinfectious encephalitis: A coregistered SPECT and magnetic resonance imaging study, Clinical Nuclear Medicine, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 129-130, Feb 2002. [2000 impact factor: 0.399] (Cited by 8)
D. Walther, M. Riesenhuber, T. Poggio, L. Itti, C. Koch, Towards an integrated model of saliency-based attention and object recognition in the primate's visual system, In: Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Vol. B14, No. S, pp. 46-47, Apr 2002. (Cited by 11)
E. Pichon, L. Itti, Real-Time High-Performance Attention Focusing for Outdoors Mobile Beobots, In: Proc. AAAI Spring Symposium, Stanford, CA (AAAI-TR-SS-02-04), p. 63, Mar 2002. (Cited by 9)
L. Itti, Neuromorphic Attentional Selection for Efficient Allocation of Computing Resources, In: Proc. Virtual Worlds and Simulation Conference, San Antonio, Texas, Jan 2002. (Cited by 17)
L. Itti, Real-Time High-Performance Attention Focusing in Outdoors Color Video Streams, In: Proc. SPIE Human Vision and Electronic Imaging VII (HVEI'02), San Jose, CA, (B. Rogowitz, T. N. Pappas Ed.), pp. 235-243, Bellingham, WA:SPIE Press, Jan 2002. (Cited by 49)
L. Itti, J. Braun, C. Koch, Modeling the Modulatory Effect of Attention on Human Spatial Vision, In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS*2001), Vol. 14, (T. G. Dietterich, S. Becker, Z. Ghahramani Ed.), pp. 1247-1254, Cambridge, MA:MIT Press, Aug 2002. [2001 acceptance rate: 30%] (Cited by 21)
F. Miau, C. Papageorgiou, L. Itti, Neuromorphic algorithms for computer vision and attention, In: Proc. SPIE 46 Annual International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, (B. Bosacchi, D. B. Fogel, J. C. Bezdek Ed.), Vol. 4479, pp. 12-23, Bellingham, WA:SPIE Press, Nov 2001. (Cited by 68)
F. Miau, L. Itti, A Neural Model Combining Attentional Orienting to Object Recognition: Preliminary Explorations on the Interplay Between Where and What, In: Proc. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 789-792, Oct 2001. (Cited by 41)
L. Itti, L. Chang, T. Ernst, Segmentation of Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy Lesions in Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Journal of Neuroimaging, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 412-417, Oct 2001. [2000 impact factor: 0.942] (Cited by 26)
L. Itti, C. Gold, C. Koch, Visual Attention and Target Detection in Cluttered Natural Scenes, Optical Engineering, Vol. 40, No. 9, pp. 1784-1793, Sep 2001. [1999 impact factor: 1.171] (Cited by 161)
L. Chang, O. Speck, E. N. Miller, J. Braun, J. Jovicich, C. Koch, L. Itti, T. Ernst, Neural Correlates of Attention and Working Memory Deficits in HIV Patients, Neurology, Vol. 57, No. 6, pp. 1001-1007, Sep 2001. [1999 impact factor: 5.232] (Cited by 241)
E. Niebur, L. Itti, C. Koch, Controlling the Focus of Visual Selective Attention, In: Models of Neural Networks IV, (L. Van Hemmen, E. Domany, J. Cowan Ed.), Springer Verlag, Aug 2001. (Cited by 33)
C. Koch, L. Itti, Computation of Intrinsic Perceptual Saliency in Visual Environments, and Applications, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, Jul 2001. [Patent/Copyright]
J. Braun, C. Koch, D. K. Lee, L. Itti, Perceptual Consequences of Multilevel Selection, In: Visual Attention and Cortical Circuits, (J. Braun, C. Koch, J. Davis Ed.), pp. 215-242, Cambridge, MA:MIT Press, Apr 2001. (Cited by 21)
L. Itti, C. Koch, Computational Modelling of Visual Attention, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 194-203, Mar 2001. [2002 impact factor: 24.047] (Cited by 6120)
L. Itti, L. Chang, T. Ernst, Automatic scan prescription for brain MRI, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 486-494, Mar 2001. [1999 impact factor: 3.757] (Cited by 65)
L. Itti, C. Koch, Feature Combination Strategies for Saliency-Based Visual Attention Systems, Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 161-169, Jan 2001. [1999 impact factor: 0.667] (Cited by 617)
T. Ernst, E. Itti, L. Itti, L. Chang, Changes in cerebral metabolism are detected prior to perfusion changes in early HIV-CMC: A coregistered (1)H MRS and SPECT study, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 859-865, Dec 2000. [1999 impact factor: 2.106] (Cited by 54)
L. Itti, C. Koch, J. Braun, Revisiting Spatial Vision: Toward a Unifying Model, Journal of the Optical Society of America, JOSA-A, Vol. 17, No. 11, pp. 1899-1917, Nov 2000. [1999 impact factor: 1.864] (Cited by 118)
L. Itti, J. Braun, C. Koch, Single-Filter Gain Changes and Attentional Threshold Modulation, In: Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Proc. ARVO 2000), Vol. 41, No. 4, p. S39, Mar 2000. (Cited by 1)
F. Tehrani, L. Itti, C. Koch, Visual Search Asymmetries Reproduced by Simple Model, In: Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Proc. ARVO 2000), Vol. 41, No. 4, p. S423, Mar 2000. (Cited by 1)
S. Egner, L. Itti, C. R. Scheier, Comparing attention models with different types of behavior data, In: Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Proc. ARVO 2000), Vol. 41, No. 4, p. S39, Mar 2000. (Cited by 16)
L. Itti, C. Koch, A saliency-based search mechanism for overt and covert shifts of visual attention, Vision Research, Vol. 40, No. 10-12, pp. 1489-1506, May 2000. [1998 impact factor: 1.809] (Cited by 4193)
T. Ernst, L. Itti, L. Chang, Automatic Scan Prescription for Brain MRI, In: Proceedings of the 8th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM'2000), p. 1385, Apr 2000. (Cited by 65)
L. Chang, C. S. Grob, T. Ernst, L. Itti, F. S. Mishkin, R. Jose-Melchor, R. E. Poland, Effect of ecstasy [3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)] on cerebral blood flow: a co-registered SPECT and MRI study, Psychiatry Research, Vol. 98, No. 1, pp. 15-28, Feb 2000. [1998 impact factor: 1.424] (Cited by 167)
L. Itti, Models of Bottom-Up and Top-Down Visual Attention, California Institute of Technology, Jan 2000. [Ph.D. Thesis] (Cited by 418)
L. Itti, A saliency-based search mechanism for overt and covert shifts of visual attention, In: Workshop on Attention. Reisensburg Castle, Guenzburg, Germany, Nov 1999. (Cited by 4193)
T. Ernst, O. Speck, L. Itti, L. Chang, Simultaneous correction for interscan patient motion and geometric distortions in echoplanar imaging, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 201-5, Jul 1999. [2000 impact factor: 3.121] (Cited by 40)
E. Niebur, C. Koch, L. Itti, P. N. Steinmetz, A. Roy, P. Fitzgerald, K. O. Johnson, S. S. Hsiao, Modeling Selective Attention, In: From Molecular Neurobiology to Clinical Neuroscience, Proceedings of the 1st Goettingen conference of the German Neuroscience Society, (N. Elsner, U. Eysel Ed.), p. 151, Jun 1999.
O. Speck, L. Chang, L. Itti, E. Itti, T. Ernst, Comparison of static and dynamic MRI techniques for the measurement of regional cerebral blood volume, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 41, No. 6, pp. 1264-8, Jun 1999. [2000 impact factor: 3.121] (Cited by 27)
L. Itti, C. Koch, Target Detection using Saliency-Based Attention, In: Proc. RTO/SCI-12 Workshop on Search and Target Acquisition (NATO Unclassified), Utrecht, The Netherlands, RTO-MP-45 AC/323(SCI)TP/19, pp. 3.1-3.10, Jun 1999. (Cited by 44)
L. Itti, C. Koch, J. Braun, A Quantitative Model Relating Visual Neuronal Activity to Psychophysical Thresholds, Neurocomputing, No. 26-27, pp. 743-748, Jun 1999. [1998 impact factor: 0.453] (Cited by 10)
T. Ernst, O. Speck, L. Itti, L. Chang, Simultaneous Correction for Interscan Patient Motion and Geometric Distortions in Echo Planar Imaging, In: Proc. 7th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM'1999), p. 2208, May 1999. (Cited by 40)
O. Speck, L. Chang, L. Itti, T. Ernst, Comparison of Static and Dynamic MRI Techniques for the Measurment of Regional Cerebral Blood Volume, In: Proc. 7th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM'1999), p. 603, May 1999. (Cited by 27)
L. Chang, O. Speck, E. N. Miller, J. Braun, L. Itti, T. Ernst, Increased Usage of Brain Reserve Capacity in Patients with HIV, In: Proc. 7th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM'1999), p. 822, May 1999. (Cited by 3)
L. Itti, C. R. Scheier, B. Khurana, C. Koch, A Simple Model of Long-Range Interactions for the Computation of Salience, In: Proc. 3rd Annual Vision Research Conference, Fort Lauderdale, FL, May 1999. (Cited by 1)
C. R. Scheier, B. Khurana, L. Itti, C. Koch, Visual Search Amnesic or Memory Driven?, In: Proc. 3rd Annual Vision Research Conference, Fort Lauderdale, FL, May 1999. (Cited by 1)
L. Itti, J. Braun, C. Koch, Contrast Discrimination can Explain Orientation Discrimination, In: Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Proc. ARVO 1999), Vol. 40, No. 4, p. 3016, Mar 1999. (Cited by 1)
D. K. Lee, L. Itti, C. Koch, J. Braun, Attention activates winner-take-all competition among visual filters, Nature Neuroscience, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 375-81, Apr 1999. [2000 impact factor: 12.636] (Cited by 576)
T. Ernst, L. Chang, L. Itti, O. Speck, Correlation of regional cerebral blood flow from perfusion MRI and spect in normal subjects, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 349-54, Apr 1999. [1998 impact factor: 1.208] (Cited by 58)
L. Itti, J. Braun, D. K. Lee, C. Koch, Attentional Modulation of Human Pattern Discrimination Psychophysics Reproduced by a Quantitative Model, In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS*1998), Vol. 11, (M. S. Kearns, S. A. Solla, D. A. Cohn Ed.), pp. 789-795, Cambridge, MA:MIT Press, Aug 1999. [1998 acceptance rate: 31%] (Cited by 33)
L. Itti, J. Braun, D. K. Lee, C. Koch, Attentional Modulation of Human Pattern Discrimination Psychophysics Reproduced by a Quantitative Model, In: Proc. Joint Symposium on Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, Eilat, Israel, p. 41, Mar 1999. (Cited by 33)
L. Itti, C. Koch, Comparison of Feature Combination Strategies for Saliency-Based Visual Attention Systems, In: Proc. SPIE Human Vision and Electronic Imaging IV (HVEI'99), San Jose, CA, Vol. 3644, pp. 473-82, Bellingham, WA:SPIE Press, Jan 1999. (Cited by 308)
L. Itti, C. Koch, E. Niebur, A Model of Saliency-Based Visual Attention for Rapid Scene Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 20, No. 11, pp. 1254-1259, Nov 1998. [1998 impact factor: 1.417] (Cited by 14313)
J. Braun, D. K. Lee, L. Itti, C. Koch, Parallels Between Psychophysical and Neuronal Models of Orientation Tuning, In: Proc.Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (SFN'98), p. 767, Nov 1998. (Cited by 44)
L. Itti, J. Braun, D. K. Lee, C. Koch, A Model of Early Visual Processing, In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS*1997), Vol. 10, (M. I. Jordan, M. J. Kearns, S. A. Solla Ed.), pp. 173-179, Cambridge, MA:MIT Press, Aug 1998. [1997 oral acceptance rate: 4%] (Cited by 35)
T. Ernst, L. Chang, L. Itti, An Automated Scanning Apparatus for Tomographic Images, Harbor-UCLA Research and Education Institute, Torrance, CA, USA, 1998. [Patent/Copyright]
L. Itti, L. Chang, T. Ernst, Coregistration for Neuroimaging Systems (C.N.S.), Harbor-UCLA Research and Education Institute, 1998. [Patent/Copyright]
L. Itti, T. Ernst, J. Braun, L. Chang, Fusion of fMRI Time-Series Across Sessions, In: Proc. 6th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM'1998), Sydney, Australia, p. 1489, Apr 1998. (Cited by 3)
L. Itti, L. Chang, T. Ernst, Manual and Automatic Extraction of White-Matter Lesions in FLAIR Images, In: Proc. 6th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM'1998), Sydney, Australia, p. 2073, Apr 1998. (Cited by 3)
L. Itti, C. Koch, J. Braun, A Model for the Attentional Modulation of Spatial Vision, Continued, In: Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Proc. ARVO 1998), Vol. 39, No. 4, p. 2934, Mar 1998. (Cited by 3)
D. K. Lee, C. Koch, L. Itti, J. Braun, Attentional Modulation of Contrast Masking, Continued, In: Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Proc. ARVO 1998), Vol. 39, No. 4, p. 2938, Mar 1998. (Cited by 3)
J. Braun, T. Ernst, R. Wang, L. Chang, L. Itti, P. Ledden, C. Koch, A fMRI Study of Cortical Activity During Visual Segmentation, In: Proc. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (SFN'97), p. 755.12, Oct 1997. (Cited by 35)
L. Itti, L. Chang, T. Ernst, F. S. Mishkin, Improved 3D correction for partial volume effects in brain SPECT, Human Brain Mapping, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 379-388, 1997. [1998 impact factor: 4.738] (Cited by 22)
L. Itti, L. Chang, D. Osborn, T. Ernst, Automated Extraction of White Matter Lesions in FLAIR Images, In: Proc. 5th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM'1997), Vancouver, Canada, p. 418, Apr 1997. (Cited by 3)
T. Ernst, L. Chang, L. Itti, Elimination of Large Vessels Improves Reproducibility of Perfusion MRI, In: Proc. 5th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM'1997), Vancouver, Canada, p. 1791, Apr 1997. (Cited by 3)
L. Itti, C. Koch, J. Braun, A Model for the Attentional Modulation of Spatial Vision, In: Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Proc. ARVO 1997), Vol. 38, No. 4, p. 5461, Mar 1997. (Cited by 3)
D. I. Kaufer, B. L. Miller, L. Itti, L. A. Fairbanks, J. Li, J. Fishman, J. Kushi, J. L. Cummings, Midline cerebral morphometry distinguishes frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer's disease, Neurology, Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 978-85, Apr 1997. [1998 impact factor: 4.972] (Cited by 71)
D. K. Lee, L. Itti, C. Koch, J. Braun, Attentional Modulation of Spatial Vision, In: Proc. Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 4th Annual Meeting (CNS'97), p. 125, Mar 1997. (Cited by 3)
L. Itti, L. Chang, J. F. Mangin, J. Darcourt, T. Ernst, Robust multimodality registration for brain mapping, Human Brain Mapping, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 3-17, 1997. [1998 impact factor: 4.738] (Cited by 66)
A. H. Craig, J. L. Cummings, L. A. Fairbanks, L. Itti, B. L. Miller, J. Li, I. Mena, Cerebral blood flow correlates of apathy in Alzheimer disease, Archives of Neurology, Vol. 53, No. 11, pp. 1116-20, Nov 1996. [1998 impact factor: 3.375] (Cited by 290)
L. Itti, E. Niebur, J. Braun, C. Koch, A Trainable Model of Visual Attention, In: Proc. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (SFN'96), p. 270, Nov 1996. (Cited by 35)
J. Braun, J. J. Wen, L. Itti, C. Koch, Concurrent-Task Studies of Attention, In: Proc. Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Program, Workshop on Visual Attention: Focus on Modeling, Toronto, Canada, 1996. (Cited by 35)
E. Niebur, L. Itti, C. Koch, A Neural Model for the ''Where'' Pathway, In: Proc. Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Program, Workshop on Visual Attention: Focus on Modeling, Toronto, Canada, 1996. (Cited by 35)
A. Goldberg, L. Chang, L. Itti, I. Mena, B. L. Miller, Visual Agnosia in Alzheimer Disease, In: Neurology Annual Meeting, Vol. 46, p. A358, 1996. (Cited by 290)
D. I. Kaufer, L. Itti, B. L. Miller, L. A. Fairbanks, J. Li, J. Fishman, J. L. Cummings, Midline Cerebral Morphometry Discriminates Frontotemporal Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease, In: Neurology Annual Meeting, Vol. 46, p. 2061, 1996. (Cited by 71)
D. F. Benson, A. Djenderedjian, B. L. Miller, N. A. Pachana, L. Chang, L. Itti, I. Mena, Neural basis of confabulation, Neurology, Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 1239-43, May 1996. [1998 impact factor: 4.972] (Cited by 162)
L. Itti, L. Chang, T. Ernst, Robust Multimodality Registration for Neuroimaging, In: Proc. 4th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM'1996), New York, NY, p. 35, Apr 1996. (Cited by 3)
T. Ernst, L. Chang, L. Itti, Correlation of Perfusion MRI and SPECT in Normal Subjects, In: Proc. 4th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM'1996), New York, NY, p. 1304, Apr 1996. (Cited by 3)
B. L. Miller, L. Itti, J. Li, A. L. Darby, R. Booth, L. Chang, I. Mena, Atrophy-Corrected Cerebral Blood Flow in Fronto-Temporal Dementia, Facts and Research in Gerontology, No. S, pp. 93-103, 1995. (Cited by 8)
D. F. Benson, B. L. Miller, L. Chang, N. A. Pachana, I. Mena, A. Djenderedjian, L. Itti, The Anatomical Substrate of Confabulation, In: Neurology Annual Meeting, Vol. 45, p. A389, 1995. (Cited by 162)
L. Itti, L. Chang, T. Ernst, B. L. Miller, I. Mena, High-Resolution Atrophy Correction in Brain SPECT, In: Human Brain Mapping (Proc. First International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, Paris, France, Vol. S1, p. 132, Jun 1995. (Cited by 20)
L. Itti, L. Chang, T. Ernst, B. L. Miller, I. Mena, High-Resolution Atrophy Correction in Brain SPECT, In: Proc. Neuroimaging in Dementia, Nice, France, Mar 1995. (Cited by 20)
A. Goldberg, L. Chang, L. Itti, B. L. Miller, I. Mena, Visual Agnosia in Alzheimer Disease, In: Proc. Neuroimaging in Dementia, Nice, France, Mar 1995. (Cited by 290)
L. Itti, L. Chang, P. Morales, B. L. Miller, New computer methods in neurological image processing, In: Proc. Annual NIH-GCRC Meeting, San Diego, CA, Mar 1995. (Cited by 35)
L. Chang, P. Lutchmansingh, R. E. Poland, B. Palmer, K. B. Boone, R. Melchor, T. Ernst, L. Itti, I. Mena, Cerebral Blood Flow, Biochemical Changes, Cognitive Deficits and Sleep Apnea in Myotonic Dystrophy, In: Proc. Annual NIH-GCRC Meeting, San Diego, CA, Mar 1995.
P. G. Anderson, N. Ortego, L. Chang, B. L. Miller, R. Melchor, L. Itti, E. Singer, H. Myers, P. Satz, I. Mena, B. Palmer, Co-registration of Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in HIV-1-associated Dementia Complex, In: Proc. 119th Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association, San Francisco, CA, Oct 1994.
L. Itti, Mise en Correspondance d'Atlas et d'Images Anatomiques 3D pour la Cartographie Fonctionnelle Cerebrale, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications, Paris, Jun 1994. [Master Thesis]
J. Darcourt, L. Itti, L. Chang, J. C. Cauvin, B. L. Miller, I. Mena, Tl-201 and Tc-99-MIBI SPECT for Brain Tumor Detection: Comparison using MRI Coregistration, In: Journal of Nuclear Medicine (Proc. Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine), Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. P43-P44, Jun 1994.
J. Damien, L. Itti, P. Egroizard, R. Itti, Left Ventricle Detection in Radionuclide Ventriculography by a Model of Neural Network, In: Proc. 14th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE-EMBS), Paris, France, pp. 994-995, Oct 1992.
L. Itti, R. Itti, J. Damien, Development of a Micro-Computer Based System for Scintigraphic Image Display and Processing, In: Proc. 2nd International Symposium on Computer Applications in nuclear Medicine and Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Mar 1991.
L. Itti, R. Itti, Traitement d'Images Radioisotopiques Cardiaques sur Micro-Ordinateur, In: Proc. SYNBIO Techniques Avancees pour les Sciences de la Vie, Lyon, France, Oct 1990.
L. Itti, A. Dougangi, D. Casset-Senon, R. Itti, Scintigraphic Display and Processing Software Developed on a Personal Computer, In: Journal of Nuclear Medicine (Proc. 36th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, Saint Louis, MS), Vol. 30, No. 5, p. 1046, May 1989.
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